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Celebs you are sick of!


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What about the bitch that dropped eight kids?

She's a piece of work imo.

or the one who had like size FFF boobs and wanted to increase to triple M or something outrageous.

Yea, anyone who does dumbass stuff for headlines gets on my last nerve. It's like, join the real world and become a contributor instead of a distraction.

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Being openly homosexual/bisexual never seemed to hurt the careers of David Bowie, Elton John, Michael Stipe or tons of other that have never made a secret of their sexuality.

true. but you cannot compare adam lambert to these incredibly gifted song writers and performers. they are truly rock n roll royalty. adam is a put on, he is not authentic...he's not even original (although everyone seems to think he is).

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true. but you cannot compare adam lambert to these incredibly gifted song writers and performers. they are truly rock n roll royalty. adam is a put on, he is not authentic...he's not even original (although everyone seems to think he is).

I wasn't comparing them talent-wise, just making the point that their sexuality hasn't stood in the way of their success.

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Would somebody please tell 60 Minutes and David Letterman (to name a few) that the election's over and their guy won, so they can stop campaigning for him.

Letterman's campaigning for Obama? Last I checked he made fun of all politicians regardless of their affiliation. It's just that Shrub made himself such an easy target for comedy.

That reminded me of something else. I'm sick of those late night host, like Letterman and Leno, etc. They piss the first half of the show away and then first start bringing on the guests during the second half. It's as if their budget can only afford a half hour show.

Nearly all of the late night talk shows start with a monologue that takes up a good portion of the first half hour of the program, it's not something that started with either Letterman or Leno. It dates back to Jack Paar and Carson.

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Stars don't make me feel threatened.

No of us are threatened by Celebrities. Many are just annoying. That's all.

You better not miss because I shoot back. :D

Wait... you do?


*hires never-miss sniper*



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First off, I don't remember mentioning any plants in my post.

Shrub=Bush, t'ain't that hard to figure out.

Now for the second part. I didn't say it started with either of those two. Does it matter who started it? I guess who ever started it wasn't as quite as stupid as the rest who followed. What kind of moron sees someone do something stupid and then copies it?

Considering Steve Allen and Paar were the early pioneers of late night television (talk shows in particular), they set the precedent that others (including Carson, Letterman, Leno, etc.) followed. Those that have veered from that formula haven't been nearly as successful. My guess is, those that have been successful following that format have stuck to the "if ain't broke, don't fix it" philosphy.

Jack Paar and Johnny Carson had a monologue, but they did not piss away the first half of their shows before getting to the quests.

I guess it depends on how you define "piss away". I mention Letterman, Leno and others opening their programs with a monologue because it's also what Carson and Paar did. How is that "pissing away the first half of their shows"? Carson's monologue was usually followed by a skit (just as Letterman usually does his Top Ten list in that slot), is that also considered "pissing away" the first half hour of the program? Letterman's show has also always been rather unconventional (moreso prior to moving to CBS) in that it isn't just a "talk show" that revolves around the guests. Carson's version of the Tonight Show also employed a number of running skits and characters he developed over the years. Do you also consider that "pissing away" his airtime that you think should have been devoted to him interviewing his guests?

Carson had the musical guests perform a song, then interviewed them and then had them do another song.

I'm not sure what that has to do with anything but of course he did but that was more during the time period when his show was live and ran for 90 minutes. Even then, the performers didn't always do a second song, nor did he always interview them. When the show was reduced to one hour the same thing occurred. The musical guest might get one song but he didn't always interview them. Same thing for the comedians he had on the show. If he invited them over to his desk following their routine it was because he genuinely liked their standup and it was considered a huge career boost to interview them afterwards but it didn't always happen.

You obviously did not see very many Carson shows. You probably only know what you have heard or read about as far as "the legend of", but then that's what your arguments typically seem to incorporate.

I have no idea what you're talking about. For the record, I saw my fair share of episodes of the Tonight Show with Carson. I still fail to see what any of this has to do with 60 Minutes and Letterman "campaigning for Obama" which seems to have been the original crux of your argument. I'm an avid viewer of both 60 Minutes and the Late Show with David Letterman and I can say without question I haven't seen incidents of "campaigning for Obama" on either program. To the best of my recollection Letterman had both McCain and Obama on his program in the days prior to the election. Hell, McCain even chickened out and didn't even make his first scheduled appearance.

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I see you couldn't figure it out. My comment had nothing to do with the jokes about other politicians. It was about Letterman's comments about Obama himself. Hence no mention of plants.

Yep, you did lose me there. Not sure how I was supposed to figure that out since I had no idea what in the hell you were talking about and still don't since I don't know what Letterman's comments about Obama have to do with plants or no mention of them. Since you were replying to to this statement made by me I thought it had something to do with the common reference to George Bush, Jr. as "Shrub" since that does have something to do with plants.:

Letterman's campaigning for Obama? Last I checked he made fun of all politicians regardless of their affiliation. It's just that Shrub made himself such an easy target for comedy.

Nearly all of the late night talk shows start with a monologue that takes up a good portion of the first half hour of the program, it's not something that started with either Letterman or Leno. It dates back to Jack Paar and Carson.

You see, there you go, right into the early pioneers....bla,bla,bla.... hence 'the legend of" stuff.

I still have no idea at all what you mean by "You probably only know what you have heard or read about as far as 'the legend of', but then that's what your arguments typically seem to incorporate." Your arguments tend to make little or no sense, particularly this one. And for some reason you seem to believe I didn't see many episodes of The Tonight Show when Carson was host. I'm not sure what you've based that assumption on (which is exactly what it is, an "assumption" since you have no idea whatsoever how many episodes I've seen of The Tonight Show) while I in fact, I have seen many episodes of The Tonight Show since I was an avid viewer until Carson's retirement in '92. Since you seem to think Letterman, Leno and other late night talk show hosts "piss away" half their shows before interviewing guests I get the distinct impression that you must not have seen very many episodes of The Tonight Show since Carson also devoted a great deal of his program to other things besides interviewing guests. This would have included the first half hour which was his monologue, usually followed by a sketch of some sort. As with Letterman it was usually midnight (eastern time) before he even got around to interviewing his first guest.

Maybe it's time for you wind down the campaign also.

Campaign for what? Your severely misinformed notion that 60 Minutes and Letterman are somehow "campaigning for Obama"? Or the other completely misinformed statement you've made about how much time current late night talk show hosts such as Leno and Letterman set aside for interviewing guests as opposed to the amount of time Carson allotted for doing the exact same thing? Perhaps you'd be best to actually do some research on the subject before making assumptions.

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Did you ever notice that Barbara Walters looks like Johnny Cash? Everytime I see her I wanna say; "Hello, my name is Johnny Cash". In fact I was in a Best Buy store once, talking to a Johnny Cash fan. When I told him about this abservation, he said; "You know, I never really noticed but, you're right!"

Don't even ask, just write your piece about these two ledgendary pioneers. It should be right up your ally. :D

I'm not sure what an "abservation" or an "ally" are but what does any of this have to do with the accusations you were leveling at Letterman, Leno, etc. Or did you just come to the foregone conclusion as I did that you're just full of shit, particularly regarding your assumption that I hadn't seen very many episodes of The Tonight Show?

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What does any of this have to do with the accusations I was leveling at Letterman, Leno, etc. you ask? That's just it, I knew you would ask. ;)

I guess you don't have anything then because you keep coming up empty, not to even mention completely clueless on that front.

If you haven't noticed any big differance between the Johnny Carson version of the Tonight Show and Leno and Lettermans shows, other than Carson's was 90 minutes long while their's are 60 minutes, there is a strong indication that you may not have seen any of these shows.

I don't know where you ever got the highly mistaken impression that I haven't seen any of those shows (especially The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson) but from the total misinformation you've spewed in this thread it sounds like you've never seen a single episode of any of them yourself.

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You most likely googled some info on the subject and now you're trying to pass yourself off as an expert. You've failed to notice an obvious difference in the shows. Carson did a nice tight monologue that did not drag on as if he was trying to kill time. He got his guests on, early in the show. He didn't wait and have the musical guest on just at the last moment, like most of the late night shows do now.

My guess is. this is info that google isn't going to tell you, but if you saw the Carson shows and compared them with the shows of today, you would know what I was talking about when I said; "pissing away the first half of the show".

Maybe you're getting sentimental about all this because of the change from Leno to Conan, comming up soon. :D

As I've said, I was an avid viewer of The Tonight Show during Carson's tenure. He didn't have his first guest on until at least 30 minutes into the show. Same for Dave. Since you aren't even the least bit aware of that indicates you must have never seen a single episode of The Tonight Show when Carson was hosting.

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You are wrong. I watched Carson on a regular basis for as long as he was on the air. Johnny came out, did his monologue (which ended with his trademark golf swing) and then introduced his first guest after the commercial.

It's obvious at this point that you've never even seen a single episode of The Tonight Show as even the most casual of viewers could tell you Carson's monologue was immediately followed by sketches and skits involving his various personas Carnac the Magnificent., Floyd R. Turbo, Art Fern and others prior to the first guests of the evening appearing.

My original post, on this subject, made no mention of Carson. What he did proves nothing, as far Leno or Letterman pissing away the first half of their shows. If you would like to believe Carson pissed away too, I can't stop you. If you enjoy that format, you are much more easily entertained than I am.

My point in mentioning Carson was to illustrate that Letterman has followed the same pattern in that his monologue is immediately followed by a segment (sometimes the Top Ten, sometimes a bit) prior to the first guest being brought out. In some instances Letterman has been known to introduce the first guest directly after his monologue, whereas Carson always worked in a segment between his monologue and the first guest.

You have still neglected to mention how either 60 Minutes or Letterman have continued to "campaign for Obama".

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You are helping me build a good case for my theory that you are getting your info on the Johnny Carson version of the tonight show from Wikipedia. Here's part of what they say:

Most of the later shows began with music and the announcement "Heeeeeere's Johnny!", followed by a brief monologue by Carson. This was often followed by comedy sketches, interviews, and music.

I believe that you may be assuming that things happened in that order. This was not the case. The comedy sketches were placed in between the guests. Wikipedia is just giving a general description of what was on the show.

You are a very poor debater. You have no ethics when it comes to that task. You simply stick to what you said and build on that. When you do that, you may often be building on a weak foundation. This time you've constructed a pyramid on quick sand. Part of knowing any subject well is to swallow your pride and be open to the idea that things may not be the way you thought they were.

I've lost count how many shows 60 minutes have done that were largely devoted to the guy, granted some may have been repeated. All the more to my point. ("Tell us again, how did he win the Presidency?". :rolleyes: And Dave voices his approval on a regular basis, saying something like; "he's getting things done". Just to give you a rough idea.

I'm sure you are looking for some swamp land, as we speak, on which to construct another one of your sinking pyramids. I can see why you would go for a band called Led Zeppelin. (No offense to anyone else on the sight, I'm a fan also!)

I haven't gotten any info from Google or Wiki. Unlike you I actually watched the program.

So 60 Minutes doing segments about Obama and Dave saying "he's getting things done" amount to them "campaigning" for him?

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You've gotten your info from some sorce other than watching the show.

Actually, that would be you. I've seen the show. Like I've said, I was an avid viewer of The Tonight Show until Carson's retirement. You're the one citing sources such as Wiki.

If you had seen the show, you would know how different Carson's show was from Leno's and Letterman's. Yes all these shows had monlogues, comedy sketches, guests, etc. But the arrangement and the amount of these ingredients made the shows quite different.

I know they were different. It was you that has said Leno, Letterman, etc. piss away the first half of their shows before getting to their first guest. Well, if a monologue followed by a "bit" is your definition of "pissing away" then Carson did the exact same thing.

You can't hold your own on Johnny Carson. Why throw good money after bad by getting into politics?

Looks like you found youself some prime swamp land and you can't wait to go down.

In your very post on this topic you mentioned that 60 Minutes and Letterman are "campaigning for Obama" so if anyone is "getting into politics" it's you. Besides, just like you're completely off the mark about The Tonight Show, the same is true of this accusation. You might want to try actually watching the programs you're talking about so you can get your foot out of your mouth.

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Were you even born yet then?

You came into this conversation by immediately accusing me of having never even seen The Tonight Show without having a single fact to base that on. I have repeatedly stated I was an avid viewer beginning in the 70s when it was still a live 90 minute broadcast up until Carson's retirement in '92. You formed an opinion that I'd never seen the program prior to even entering the conversation. So, since you seem to feel you know everything about me (including what television programs I have and haven't seen), do you think I was born then? You're the one citing sources such as Wiki for information while accusing me of doing the same thing when I've done nothing of the sort. How about trying to wrap your head around the fact that I actually have seen the program and really was an avid viewer of it until Carson retired instead of falsely accusing me of having never seen it.

I've explained the difference between Carson and Letterman/Leno. Go back and read it.

I know the difference between the programs. Since you seem to need to be reminded yet again, you said some of the late night show hosts piss away the first half their programs by not getting to the guests fast enough for you. I mentioned Carson to prove the point that he did the same thing Letterman does. His monologue was followed by a sketch or comedy bit prior to bringing out his first guest. I'm not sure what it is you don't seem to understand about that other than you must not have really watched The Tonight Show. If you had actually seen it you would know that he didn't usually bring out the first guest until a good half hour into the program.

I see no evidence that you have ever seen the Johnny Carson show, other than maybe clips taken out of context. In fact the evidence suggests otherwise. Your vision of it seems to be based on current shows such as Letterman/Leno.

It appears you lack the ability to comprehend even the simplest of facts. Once again, what are you basing this so-called "evidence" on? You entered the conversation accusing me of never having seen The Tonight Show. On what exactly are you basing that assumption? You don't even know me so how would you know whether I've seen it or not? You keep harping on the Letterman/Leno thing when I have repeatedly explained my reasoning for mentioning Carson. As for clips, I haven't referenced or even posted any clips. My comments are based on facts, not assumptions. Oh, and one of those facts is that I have actually watched The Tonight Show.

You have given me plenty of evidence that a discussion with you on any subject would not be a discussion based on truth and honesty.

And this is yet another one of your assumptions. What have I said that isn't truthful and honest? This coming from a person who is accusing me of having never seen The Tonight Show when you have no idea whether I've have or not. You also continue to evade answering a very simple question, exactly when and how have 60 Minutes and Letterman "campaigned for Obama"? Your inability to answer tells me one thing, you have no answer. One ability you do have is the ability to assume things. Just as you continue to assume I've never seen The Tonight Show without having a single fact to base that on, I can only guess you're also making another huge assumption with your accusation that 60 Minutes and Letterman are "campaigning for Obama".

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You came into this coversation making statements that indicate your lack of knowledge on the subject. I cited one source (Wiki) to make a piont about where you may be getting your info.

I'm getting my "info" from having actually watched the show.

If you want me to believe you were an "avid viewer beginning in the 70s when it was still a live 90 minute broadcast up until Carson's retirement in '92", may I suggest that you start making statements to back it up, instead of these rediculous statements to the contrary.

I haven't made any "rediculous (sic) statements to the contrary". I've pointed out that like the first 30 minutes of Letterman's show, Johnny Carson also did a monologue followed by a comedy sketch or one of his trademark bits before bringing out the first guest of the evening. You want to keep turning that around into a discussion about the differences between the shows which I'm well aware of. I even pointed out the unconventionality of Letterman's show and how it has never revolved around the traditional talk show elements.

You just made some more statements indicating your lack of knowedge on the subject. We've gone over this already. Go back and check.

I suggest you "go back and check". For one, how about trying to actually speak knowledgeably about the subject at hand instead of making false accusations directed at me about how I've never even seen the program in question. Believe me, I have. How would you even know whether I have or not? You entered this discussion by making the very dangerous assumption that I'd never seen the program based purely on the fact that I disagreed with you about how Carson spent the first half hour of his show.

Facts, give me a break, you're just making this stuff up.

Please tell me what it is I'm "making up". Aren't you the one that is evidently so knowledgeable about my activities that you have the ability to somehow know what television programs I have seen (and have not seen) throughout the course of my lifetime?

What have you "said that isn't truthful and honest", you ask? Give me another break. The basic framework of your argument is false and you know it. I'd say that constitutes dishonesty.

And you know that what I have stated time and time again is "false" how? My knowledge comes from having actually watched The Tonight Show. If anyone is being dishonest, it's you, the person that apparently has the uncanny ability to know what shows I have and haven't seen. You have nothing else to base your argument on so rather than accepting the fact that you're wrong, you accuse me of having never seen the show.

Have you ever considered the possibility that someone may not want to discuss a subject with you because you are obviously a very obsessive person and that that may be the issue they are evading. I know I'm not the first on this web-site to experience this with you.

Have you ever considered the reality that you are still evading the question?

As for your latest accusation (another based solely on another of your assumptions), just take a look at the discussions I've taken part in on this board and show me where people are not having a discourse with me. To the contrary, you'll very quickly see where they indeed are discussing subjects with me. How about the next time you want to accuse someone of something, you base it on actual facts rather than continuing to make assumptions. Since you seem to be all seeing and all knowing (to quote Carnac the Magnificent) how about informing all of us as to the program I'm not watching right now.

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