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Does the universe manifest our thoughts and feelings?


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I guess what I'm really asking is, "What are we and how are we connected?" According to Buddhist teachings the question is absurd because we're no-thing and every-thing at once making the question nonsense (i.e. "...with the first distinction then the 10,000 things..."). Also like the so-called, "Mind-Body Problem" of western philosophy just posing the question is perhaps an error since it implies that the mind and body are separate entities (an assumption? ) requiring a connection (job security for philosophy departments?). :wacko:

I have been headed down the sidewalk thinking about someone I hadn't seen for a blue moon and then rounding the corner I almost run right into that person?!?!

I will admit to not being a very Philosophical person, and 90% unreligious B). I consider myself to be a bit spiritual in a very internal way. I feel my mind and body are very connected and maybe this would explain why i don't believe in reincarnation or any kind of life after death. I believe when you die, that is the end.

I would love to be able to think of someone i long to see, and then run into them. Hasn't happened to me in a very long time.

I don't give the question of why do we exist much thought. The universe is too vast and there are too many living forms to believe we are so special. As intelligent beings (or so we think we are) we are capable of pondering such questions as to why are we here. But if you look at the infinite number of living forms, we are just a very microscopic group. Without us, the planet we live on will continue on.

Great topic, karuna... i think the right people on this board could make this very interesting :)

Edited by ~tangerine~
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Hi Tangerine,

Hope your tongue in cheek about becoming a millionaire, that's a trip to the "Dark Side", and that leads straight to Hell.

Wealth seems to always go to those that know least how to handle it, so it makes their lives complex and miserable, whereas the poor lead a simple life full of joy and happiness.

Well thats how it's portrayed in "Star Wars" and it works for me, being poor and happy I mean. Still I wouldnt mind giving "Being Rich" a go, it might work for me as I dont have craveings of any sort, and I could just sit back and live off the interest, and thats what I mean about "Hell"

Regards, Danny

Hi Danny! Seems like karuna has brought us together again :)

I believe with all my heart i could handle being rich. I have thought about it enough, lol. When i was married, i bought "Unique Homes" magazine each month on our frequent trips to Barnes and Nobles (one of the things we enjoyed doing together on a weekly basis). My husband would always tell me he wishes he could buy me a house like one of those i dreamed about. Anyway, i know some people can't handle money, and i know i would not be one of them. If nothing else, even though i am not a religious person, it's kind of in my blood.

Aside from a gorgeous Mediterranian house on a beach, i would love to be able to raise my child without ever stepping foot into work again. That would be a dream come true.

So i did a quick calculation. Without counting all the leaves on that beautiful purple/red tree out front on my lawn, i figure i could pick off at least 20, 000, 000 dollars! Hey, if i wake up rich, i will send you a few grand :)

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I'm like you Tangerine I don't feel we're more special than other life forms (just more destructive than others on earth) and when we expire everything goes with-nothing supernatural. Consider this: my eyes point away from me and I am seemingly more aware of another than myself-do I exist more so in the other then behind my own eyes? Consider this: when I position myself somewhere beautiful don't I become that beauty? Can't I fill my consciousness or better yet lose my consciousness in that beautiful place, lose the awareness of myself....have an epiphany so to speak...and in that moment where am I? If I am not to be found than what is my connection to everything else (or is that question poorly stated?).

Heavy Man :rolleyes::D

I firmly believe all of it is up for debate-what else is really all that interesting or relevant? If we found out we were the other wouldn't we want to be nicer!

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I'm like you Tangerine I don't feel we're more special than other life forms (just more destructive than others on earth) and when we expire everything goes with-nothing supernatural. Can't I fill my consciousness or better yet lose my consciousness in that beautiful place, lose the awareness of myself....have an epiphany so to speak...and in that moment where am I? If I am not to be found than what is my connection to everything else (or is that question poorly stated?).

Heavy Man :rolleyes::D

I firmly believe all of it is up for debate-what else is really all that interesting or relevant? If we found out we were the other wouldn't we want to be nicer!

Reminds me of how i feel when i am swimming. Being in a body of water makes me lose myself and feel like i'm transported to the most peaceful state. Especially, when i am back floating. It's just total relaxation for me and i can just forget all else for a few minutes. My mind and body are simultaneously at peace :)

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Reminds me of how i feel when i am swimming. Being in a body of water makes me lose myself and feel like i'm transported to the most peaceful state. Especially, when i am back floating. It's just total relaxation for me and i can just forget all else for a few minutes. My mind and body are simultaneously at peace :)

exactly- no body of water, no body, no mind, no distinctions. Just peace :D

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Hi Danny! Seems like karuna has brought us together again :)

I believe with all my heart i could handle being rich. I have thought about it enough, lol. When i was married, i bought "Unique Homes" magazine each month on our frequent trips to Barnes and Nobles (one of the things we enjoyed doing together on a weekly basis). My husband would always tell me he wishes he could buy me a house like one of those i dreamed about. Anyway, i know some people can't handle money, and i know i would not be one of them. If nothing else, even though i am not a religious person, it's kind of in my blood.

Aside from a gorgeous Mediterranian house on a beach, i would love to be able to raise my child without ever stepping foot into work again. That would be a dream come true.

So i did a quick calculation. Without counting all the leaves on that beautiful purple/red tree out front on my lawn, i figure i could pick off at least 20, 000, 000 dollars! Hey, if i wake up rich, i will send you a few grand :)

Oh Tangerine, you and me both, what i could do with £125,000,000, ( A Big Euro Lottery Win) ;) but I would never want a life of luxury without ever working again, you need to be busy or life will become boreing and that leads to mental health issues, just look at the rich, how many can say that they are really happy and contented.

They are always looking for ways to make even more money without spending what they have already got, you know one of the best, most inteligent, warm and friendly person I have ever met was a "Canadian Tramp" that I sat next to on a bench in Chelsea.

I just wanted to eat my lunch in a quiet area when I came upon this bench, I sat down and started to eat when this guy starts to talk to me, I could see that he was unkept so I offered him some of my food, he said "No thanks" so I went to give him some money for a tea or something and he became quite upset with me, anyway we had this really long inteligent, indepth chat about life, food, how he thought that what I was eating was very good and so on, then he's gone on his way, never saw him again.

I dont even know if what happened was real anymore, and he gave his name as "Duran Duran" taken from the film "Barbarella" he said, I would love to know what happened to him and wish him all the best, a truly happy go lucky guy that wanted nothing from me but just to have a chat, now I wish I could live like that, a bit like "Seasick Steve" if you dont know him he's the most unpretentious person you could ever meet, he's on utube and plays a 3 stringed guitar.

Sorry for that, got carried away with myself, keep you head out of the clouds and you feet on the ground and you wont go far wrong, as for the "few grand" thanks, but a few "Mill" would be better. :D

Kind Regards, Danny

PS Why the Med, if I had the choice i'de live with the Lakota, if they would have me. :lol:

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Oh Tangerine, you and me both, what i could do with £125,000,000, ( A Big Euro Lottery Win) ;) but I would never want a life of luxury without ever working again, you need to be busy or life will become boreing and that leads to mental health issues, just look at the rich, how many can say that they are really happy and contented.

They are always looking for ways to make even more money without spending what they have already got, you know one of the best, most inteligent, warm and friendly person I have ever met was a "Canadian Tramp" that I sat next to on a bench in Chelsea.

I just wanted to eat my lunch in a quiet area when I came upon this bench, I sat down and started to eat when this guy starts to talk to me, I could see that he was unkept so I offered him some of my food, he said "No thanks" so I went to give him some money for a tea or something and he became quite upset with me, anyway we had this really long inteligent, indepth chat about life, food, how he thought that what I was eating was very good and so on, then he's gone on his way, never saw him again.

I dont even know if what happened was real anymore, and he gave his name as "Duran Duran" taken from the film "Barbarella" he said, I would love to know what happened to him and wish him all the best, a truly happy go lucky guy that wanted nothing from me but just to have a chat, now I wish I could live like that, a bit like "Seasick Steve" if you dont know him he's the most unpretentious person you could ever meet, he's on utube and plays a 3 stringed guitar.

Sorry for that, got carried away with myself, keep you head out of the clouds and you feet on the ground and you wont go far wrong, as for the "few grand" thanks, but a few "Mill" would be better. :D

Kind Regards, Danny

PS Why the Med, if I had the choice i'de live with the Lakota, if they would have me. :lol:

Hi Danny, nice story! Sometimes we meet people who leave a lasting impression! Duran Duran, lol.

I didn't mean i don't ever want to work again, exactly. I didn't elaborate. My plan would be to involve myself in all the activities my daughter loves. I know some parents try to push their kids into too many things, but my daughter (so far) actually wants to do too many things, lol. Dance, music, swimming, sports, drama, all of it! I would also like to do some charity work. My passion is animals, so if i could contribute in some way to working with animals who are injured or need shelter, that would be nice. Not hands on so much as sponsoring events to raise money for projects benefitting what i love. But knowing i never have to go to work again would be so sweet B) Oh, it's just a dream that will never come true :) If i find money on that Maple tree, and it's as much as i suspect, i'll try to spare an extra million for ya!

I don't want to live in the Mediterranian, i would like a Mediterranian style house! My favorite type of architecture. Since i live in the states, my first choices would be Jupiter Island, FL or somewhere in Southern California...

keep dreaming... 571_1.jpg

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Hi Danny, nice story! Sometimes we meet people who leave a lasting impression! Duran Duran, lol.

Hi Tangerine, And the thing i remember the most about him was his insistance that you pronounced his name "Dur-ran Dur-ran" hope that comes across OK.

I didn't mean i don't ever want to work again, exactly. I didn't elaborate. My plan would be to involve myself in all the activities my daughter loves. I know some parents try to push their kids into too many things, but my daughter (so far) actually wants to do too many things, lol. Dance, music, swimming, sports, drama, all of it! I would also like to do some charity work. My passion is animals, so if i could contribute in some way to working with animals who are injured or need shelter, that would be nice. Not hands on so much as sponsoring events to raise money for projects benefitting what i love. But knowing i never have to go to work again would be so sweet B) Oh, it's just a dream that will never come true :) If i find money on that Maple tree, and it's as much as i suspect, i'll try to spare an extra million for ya!

That would be very nice, thank you. :kiss:

I aint one for putting my two pennath in :soapbox: (2 cents to you) but dont try and live your life through your daughters or anyone elses for that matter, not saying you are by the way, but i do the same thing with my three sons, and i'm always getting told that, and i dont think i do either, you cant really help it if you do, i'm just giving some unwanted advice where it isnt wanted as usual. ;)

I don't want to live in the Mediterranian, i would like a Mediterranian style house! My favorite type of architecture. Since i live in the states, my first choices would be Jupiter Island, FL or somewhere in Southern California...

You have very good taste, i've been to the Med and i must say i like the architecture too, the White Painted Walls and Red Tiles are very minimalistic which i love, but my dream would be to live in a Castle, built of Stone rather than Brick, where i could live the life of a 12th Century Lord of the Manor, have a pack of English Bull Terriers, my favourite Dog, play Zepp as loud as i could without any complaint from the guy next door, a bit like the Castle (Raglan Castle) in Roberts fantasy in the film TSRTS where he is fighting over the blonde tart, who is she by the way? You know England must have been such a beautiful Land before the Normans came over and took it all for themselves, its gone downhill eversince.

keep dreaming... 571_1.jpg

"Many dreams come true, and some have silver linings" I hope yours does one day.

Now that little Parasole on the left would do me just right, plenty of loft space, open plan living room, ground up rock floor, fantastic air conditioning, and just look at the view from the "Bay" window, priceless at $2 a night.

I'm off to my little retreat in the Kent Country side in 2 hours, just for the weekend, i'll post some snaps soon, till then have a great day.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Loose the Glasses Miss, they are far too big and cover up your to much of your beautiful face and gorgeous eyes, if you wanna keep the sun outta you eyes, my advice is to go inside where we can all see you better.

PPS, Who is the Broad anyway? I'm asuming its not a photo of you because the beauty within you would radiate out and make it impossibly hard to capture you on film anyhow. ;) TTFN.

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I do believe the Universe manifests our thoughts. I saw the Secret(and have the book) I really get inspired to live a better life with things like that. I take it as a guideline to live by.... Think good thoughts! And think about what you do want in life. I think in the movie, the real message was overshadowed by the idea of material happiness.

I also read A New Earth... Loved it. Absolutely loved it.

and on another note... many Drs., counselers and behavior therapists use techniques to change the way people think as the therapy...

Cognitive Behavior Therapy(CBT) NueroLinguistic Programing(NLP)

It's not the only thing that affects our lives but it's a big one if you ask me.

Edited by allthekingshorses
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Everyone probably has heard the story of " Aladdin's Lamp". He rubs the lamp and the genii shows up and tells Aladdin that his wish is his command.

Is Aladdin's lamp a metaphor for our thoughts and feelings?

Is the genii a metaphor for the universe?

Do our thoughts and feelings really manifest as our experienced reality?

Difficult question to answer because it comes back to what the symbolism means to you as an individual. If you see the lamp as a cosmic metaphor, then that's how it will be to you, but I guess in a way you've answered your own question.

Our experienced reality is an interpretation by our thoughts and feelings, but it can also be a manifestation. If you don't perceive something, then in your conscious reality it doesn't exist, although it exists regardless of your perception. But your perception determines how something or anything exists, usually within an interpretive analytical mental framework inherited through human genetics. For example, you can automatically perceive objects through touch that are composed of different textures, however the concepts of 'hard' and 'soft' or 'rough' and 'smooth' are taught to you, and then of course your response to that stimuli is then filtered through your own reflective perception. Everything we experience as human being has to be interpreted, and then the meaning and conceptual existence of that experience is created. Then, as we move through our chain of experiences, Humans are geared to chart a course somewhere between avoiding physical pain and seeking emotional comfort (which can include moving towards physical or emotional pain). As we embark on this course, our future realities are greatly influenced by this system of navigation.

As for the Aladdin story, I think its original intetion, apart from being an entertaining fable, was to be a religious metaphor.

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Hi Danny, The red post didn't translate in the quote :)

Parenting advice is always welcome. Sometimes advice can be of great value. I hear what you are saying about living through your child. I don't think i want to do that so much as i just want to expose her to all the different activities she wants to discover. I don't have the energy to live through her, lol. I will keep this in mind because as she gets older, i may just sway in that direction. :) Three sons, that sounds like a busy time!

I have expensive taste when it comes to dreaming, lol. Funny, my exhusband was like you. I would point out Contemporary houses i loved and he would point out very old world classics, and a Castle was his dream home. Too dark and cold for my taste B) Back when i was a teenager, some friends said i looked a bit like that girl in Robert's TSRTS sequence. Her name was (source Wikipedia so maybe you need confirmation from another source) Virginia Parker.

Have a wonderful weekend, and i would love to see pics!

The girl in my avatar and sig is an actress i like (click on the properties and her name and her boyfriends name will appear). :)

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i'm with big dan on the castle thing, that would be so amazing! ( as long as it wasn't too cold! ). also agree that a lot of people with money ( i mean lots of it ) don't handle it that well. i guess it's theirs, they can do with it what they want, but if i had big money, there seriously isn't enough "things" in this world that i could spend it on for myself. having had very little all my life, well, i'm just used to it, and i can't stand people who waste vast amounts on "things"... hundreds of shoes, clothes, meals and drinks that cost a weeks pay ...... sure, i would love to buy a house and a nice car, tv etc, and i'd love to see the world. but after that , gee i think i'd have to help out someone else, i couldn't just sit on it without giving back.

hey, maybe this subject could be a new thread? "what would you do if you had BIG money?"

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a lot of people with money ( i mean lots of it ) don't handle it that well.

Perhaps money or income should be understood in terms of optimums such as oxygen or sodium or any other biological variable is. Too much or too little can and most likely will be deleterious. But darn if it isn't hard to determine what the right amount should be! :lol:

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Perhaps money or income should be understood in terms of optimums such as oxygen or sodium or any other biological variable is. Too much or too little can and most likely will be deleterious. But darn if it isn't hard to determine what the right amount should be! :lol:

I would say at least 10 million but less than a billion would suffice B)

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I notice when these philosophical/existential threads pop up, and I always put my two cents in, because I guess that's the kind of person I am, but I notice in these sorts of threads my posts usually go completely ignored. So I guess that means no one's interested.

I don't think they are ignoring you, they just don't understand how to relate to what you said and just try and relate to what they found in the thread that they could understand. Like you (and I) stated it's there way of perceiving there own ideals, nothing really wrong with it, maybe they didn't want to answer your post with something that they thought may not make sense to you. No one want's to be misunderstood ether.

I have got a horsey wrote

For example, you can automatically perceive objects through touch that are composed of different textures, however the concepts of 'hard' and 'soft' or 'rough' and 'smooth' are taught to you, and then of course your response to that stimuli is then filtered through your own reflective perception.

We are a species of thinker's/learner's and that's what I believe "horsey" is saying here, the truth is that we can often find it hard just excepting a, "one size fit's all" escape. We crave information! That's why (IMHO) we build machines that think, some even better than us! I can say that I would be stoked if I knew that I was getting a personal robot/cyborg that can do everything that I can do and then some!

Think of how much more I could get done in my pitiful little life if I don't have to do some of the thing's that I must do every day! Granted some thing's I need to do but, if I had more time to do just a few thing's extra it would be great!

I have got a horsey wrote

Everything we experience as human being has to be interpreted, and then the meaning and conceptual existence of that experience is created. Then, as we move through our chain of experiences, Humans are geared to chart a course somewhere between avoiding physical pain and seeking emotional comfort (which can include moving towards physical or emotional pain). As we embark on this course, our future realities are greatly influenced by this system of navigation.

Some like it hot! Some like it cold! Half empty Half full..... Just depends on you own idea.

I have got a horsey wrote

As for the Aladdin story, I think its original intetion, apart from being an entertaining fable, was to be a religious metaphor.

Here we go back to passing the information and making sure it is understandable to the next person. The Aladdin story was passed down from place to place and from time to time so it changes and grows as it moves and, also, with the passage of time (as time goes by thing's change) it will manifest with in that particular time frame in history or even the future.

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I don't know jack about quantum physics, got my first lesson tonight with those YouTube vids, thanks Patrycja! :D I've always used the term "manifest" in ways other people might say is "coincidence". Like getting a phone call from someone you hadn't heard from in years right after thinking about them. Or having some random, obscure type of question in my head and then getting an answer to it without searching. Or a validation of some thought or feeling I'd been having. Works with material manifestations too, like getting an unexpected check in the mail after worrying about having to pay extra bills, for example. Those kind of things happen to me all the time.

I know very little about it too, Angel, but the more I learn about it the more fascinating it gets! One has to be careful about making leaps from one discipline to another, though they inevitably influence one another ie/ Darwinism to social Darwinism. It's very easy to misappropriate through misunderstanding or plain convenience. But anyway, I really understand what you're saying about coincidences. Jung referred to something that sounds like what you're describing as synchronicity, or 'meaningful coincidences'. I have had more than my fair share of them, though there's a difference between these events, and say, thinking your way to being rich and just sitting there...

which bring me to...

Nope ;) What irked me most was their belief that all you need to do is visualise something and poof, it will happen. Example - losing weight. They claim well just post pictures of how you want to look, see yourself as thin and it will happen. Well if that was the case - we could all be skinny! Same with looking for a job etc. They don't mention that while having a can do attitude is key, you also have to actually WORK at making changes in a concrete way. To me it's a bit of a slippery slope to make the claims they make because sadly, there are people out there who will buy it hook, line and sinker.

Yep, the unfortunate thing about certain invisible principles or ties that bind is that they can be misused or abused. On the one hand I think, well for those who are really struggling, any port in the storm. If it helps get you through a rough patch, well so be it for a time. But what I have a hard time with, in addition to what you rightly point out - the magic is in focusing on what you want and going after it, not in thinking about it and ... thinking about it and ... - is that if you criticize something you're being negative, so you're not ready to receive the truth. Oh really? Isn't that a convenient way to sidestep scrutiny? That's not synonymous with negativity. And if it's legitimate, it should stand up to scrutiny. Again, I know there's something to all of this that Karuna has introduced, but there are also people who use it in less than scrupulous ways. Then again, if that's what they attract ... ;)

I notice when these philosophical/existential threads pop up, and I always put my two cents in, because I guess that's the kind of person I am, but I notice in these sorts of threads my posts usually go completely ignored. So I guess that means no one's interested.

Oh not at all, Horsey. Sometimes people can't get to things right away. Sometimes they don't want to show how often they're on here :bagoverhead::whistling::blush::D I thought your post below was really insightful, actually. Watch:

Difficult question to answer because it comes back to what the symbolism means to you as an individual. If you see the lamp as a cosmic metaphor, then that's how it will be to you, but I guess in a way you've answered your own question.

Our experienced reality is an interpretation by our thoughts and feelings, but it can also be a manifestation. If you don't perceive something, then in your conscious reality it doesn't exist, although it exists regardless of your perception. But your perception determines how something or anything exists, usually within an interpretive analytical mental framework inherited through human genetics. For example, you can automatically perceive objects through touch that are composed of different textures, however the concepts of 'hard' and 'soft' or 'rough' and 'smooth' are taught to you, and then of course your response to that stimuli is then filtered through your own reflective perception. Everything we experience as human being has to be interpreted, and then the meaning and conceptual existence of that experience is created. Then, as we move through our chain of experiences, Humans are geared to chart a course somewhere between avoiding physical pain and seeking emotional comfort (which can include moving towards physical or emotional pain). As we embark on this course, our future realities are greatly influenced by this system of navigation.

As for the Aladdin story, I think its original intetion, apart from being an entertaining fable, was to be a religious metaphor.


What's interesting is that there do seem to be universal symbols, and where the individual interpretations touch upon those I suspect we get a sense of being part of something beyond ourselves, having that sense of the numinous gracing us.

Stories, folk tales, fables and the like are interesting entry points into interpretation and reinterpretation, so that when one culture gets dominated by another over time, the dominant culture appropriates stories and changes details (ie/ female protagonist to male, whitewashing randy features or branding them immoral through the insertion of religious codes). You'd likely get as many themes as you'd get variations of Aladdin if tracing it back to its origins.

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I notice when these philosophical/existential threads pop up, and I always put my two cents in, because I guess that's the kind of person I am, but I notice in these sorts of threads my posts usually go completely ignored. So I guess that means no one's interested.

Hi hon,

I like reading other people's thoughts although I don't always comment.

I do like your comments specifically because I myself don't believe the universe manifests our thought and feelings but I believe we interpret the universe through them.

I guess that's the question here:

Are we talking to an indifferent universe?

Are we shouting at an ocean?

Edited by rainydaywoman
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Difficult question to answer because it comes back to what the symbolism means to you as an individual. If you see the lamp as a cosmic metaphor, then that's how it will be to you, but I guess in a way you've answered your own question.

Our experienced reality is an interpretation by our thoughts and feelings, but it can also be a manifestation. If you don't perceive something, then in your conscious reality it doesn't exist, although it exists regardless of your perception. But your perception determines how something or anything exists, usually within an interpretive analytical mental framework inherited through human genetics. For example, you can automatically perceive objects through touch that are composed of different textures, however the concepts of 'hard' and 'soft' or 'rough' and 'smooth' are taught to you, and then of course your response to that stimuli is then filtered through your own reflective perception. Everything we experience as human being has to be interpreted, and then the meaning and conceptual existence of that experience is created. Then, as we move through our chain of experiences, Humans are geared to chart a course somewhere between avoiding physical pain and seeking emotional comfort (which can include moving towards physical or emotional pain). As we embark on this course, our future realities are greatly influenced by this system of navigation.

As for the Aladdin story, I think its original intetion, apart from being an entertaining fable, was to be a religious metaphor.

Just wanted to say first that your thoughtful reply is greatly appreciated. As stated in "information theory" only the difference that makes a difference becomes information. This applies to many differing levels of interpretation. For example at the level of the neuron only a certain minimal stimuli will activate an action potential and fire the individual neural cell. Likewise at the level of awareness only items we attend to become relevant to consciousness (attention being a major subject of inquire itself) and have consequences. Though we have certain biological filters "pre-wired" (I dislike computer metaphors for the brain!) everything most definitely is further filtered through cultural conditioning (the Inuit have 100's of names for snow and its subtle differences-skiers have a few-but for most it's just snow).

I think you and I are saying the same thing which perhaps boils down to this-we are forever barred from knowledge of the thing itself (Emanuel Kant's "ding an sich") do to the nature of perception. Given that state of affairs how could one ever know the universe "itself" or whether or not our thoughts manifest in it. Our realities as we experience them are products(their meanings conditioned by learning) arising from within ourselves where the goal is to survive our mostly rock and fire world and pass on our genes. I wonder if stories such as Aladdin's lamp as well as all poetry and literature serve to attempt to reconcile the unknowable with the knowable. But like the zen finger that can point to but does not stand for the goal one needs caution not to confuse the "map for the territory". A trap I forever entangled in.

With that said the "idea" that we could influence outcomes demands much consideration and intrigues me no end. How does one lift the veil of perception? Will its lifting result in our living better lives? And what exactly constitutes a better life? What should be the criteria? Aladdin for me is a springboard, a symbol in two dimensions suggesting something perhaps multi-dimensional.

"I have got a horsey", my question remains unanswered and forever open so please continue to post your thoughts. :D

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