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Isnt it funny when Led Zeppelin...


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Is'nt it funny when your cruising in your car with your friends, your buddy is scanning the radio stations, runs across a Zep song and passes it up??? I dont know bout you guys, but back in the day, if you did that, there would be an automatic, in car beat down! like you can possibly find anything else better on another station. This happened to me the other day and even now (im 38) im like WHAT THE HELLYA DOIN??? I explained the rules (bout the beat downs) and proceeded to bruise him up a bit. I said "I dont make the rules... I jus enforce them" He agreed and said he'd abide by "the rules" and would do the same if it ever happened in his car. and we all lived happily ever after!

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Is'nt it funny when your cruising in your car with your friends, your buddy is scanning the radio stations, runs across a Zep song and passes it up??? I dont know bout you guys, but back in the day, if you did that, there would be an automatic, in car beat down! like you can possibly find anything else better on another station. This happened to me the other day and even now (im 38) im like WHAT THE HELLYA DOIN??? I explained the rules (bout the beat downs) and proceeded to bruise him up a bit. I said "I dont make the rules... I jus enforce them" He agreed and said he'd abide by "the rules" and would do the same if it ever happened in his car. and we all lived happily ever after!

I am laughing so hard....how anybody can pass on LZ song is beyond me. Like you, if you are in my car...I will enforce the rules. If I am in someone else car I will wear them down before I let them skip a LZ song....just can't let it happen. Most of the time in my car there will be at least 4 LZ out of CD's so my friends (if they want to ride with me) have no choice...My Car, my rules!! Some of my friends think I am trying to be young again and that I am overly obsessed with LZ---I don't see them that often...then I have the friends who get it...all I'm gonna say:-)

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I am laughing so hard....how anybody can pass on LZ song is beyond me. Like you, if you are in my car...I will enforce the rules. If I am in someone else car I will wear them down before I let them skip a LZ song....just can't let it happen. Most of the time in my car there will be at least 4 LZ out of CD's so my friends (if they want to ride with me) have no choice...My Car, my rules!! Some of my friends think I am trying to be young again and that I am overly obsessed with LZ---I don't see them that often...then I have the friends who get it...all I'm gonna say:-)


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Is'nt it funny when your cruising in your car with your friends, your buddy is scanning the radio stations, runs across a Zep song and passes it up??? I dont know bout you guys, but back in the day, if you did that, there would be an automatic, in car beat down! like you can possibly find anything else better on another station. This happened to me the other day and even now (im 38) im like WHAT THE HELLYA DOIN??? I explained the rules (bout the beat downs) and proceeded to bruise him up a bit. I said "I dont make the rules... I jus enforce them" He agreed and said he'd abide by "the rules" and would do the same if it ever happened in his car. and we all lived happily ever after!

thats soooo funny, most of my friends lisson two the crap thats out thare 2 day, iv actuly kiked one of my frends out of the car when he started messing with the radeo durring d'yer maker (dont mess with zep)

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I can only too vividly imagine how it would turn out if it happened to me. I'm in the backseat, and somebody is trying to tune in some good music. I notice among the many miserable options passed up the sound of a much loved riff - and hopefully something less typical than Stairway to heaven, or Going to California; and a realize that my friend has not taken particular notice and is still searching.

I can only do one thing. I call out "STOP" as soon as I am able, and the driver slams the brakes, probably rattling us all, and possibly causing an accident.

I could do something that stupid.

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LOL I have this problem w/ my husband sometimes- in fact just the other day Candy Store Rock came on & he was reaching to turn the dial. I said- WAIT- that's Zeppelin! He didn't know that it was, not being too much of a fan (but he loves the first 4 albums) & not being too familiar w/ Presence.

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my kids often say " oh not led zeppelin again" when in my car. but i just reply " well, when you get a car, you can play your own music. till then, suck it up! " :D

Its the same with me and my auntie. I ask if i can put a cd on (led zep, yes, floyd, free etc), and she just says: "i want the radio on, you can listen to your own music when your old enough to get your own car"


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my kids often say " oh not led zeppelin again" when in my car. but i just reply " well, when you get a car, you can play your own music. till then, suck it up! " :D

Hi S2Z,

And you call yourself a mother. :lol:

There is only one CD in my Van that is ever played, thats side 3 and 4 of Phsyical Graffiti, and my kids always ask if it can be played instead of LBC or Talk Radio, which i only ever listen too for traffic reports.

And i thought you Aussies were more "Neanderthal" than us English, seems i was wrong, your kids need this, :buttsmack: at least once a day just to remind them who's in charge, and what this about "your own music"? and since when do kids get to decide what they like anyway, they should be asking you what they are supposed to like, no wonder the Western World is in Decline and Chaos. :slapface:

Kind Regards, Danny

PS. Just remember what we English told you when you were Transported all those years ago, how to keep your children in check, "A Thrashing a Day Keeps the Anger at Bay", (yours that is) so now you know, in future i dont want to here anymore about your inadequate parenting skills, OK? :D

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Hi S2Z,

And you call yourself a mother. :lol:

There is only one CD in my Van that is ever played, thats side 3 and 4 of Phsyical Graffiti, and my kids always ask if it can be played instead of LBC or Talk Radio, which i only ever listen too for traffic reports.

And i thought you Aussies were more "Neanderthal" than us English, seems i was wrong, your kids need this, :buttsmack: at least once a day just to remind them who's in charge, and what this about "your own music"? and since when do kids get to decide what they like anyway, they should be asking you what they are supposed to like, no wonder the Western World is in Decline and Chaos. :slapface:

Kind Regards, Danny

PS. Just remember what we English told you when you were Transported all those years ago, how to keep your children in check, "A Thrashing a Day Keeps the Anger at Bay", (yours that is) so now you know, in future i dont want to here anymore about your inadequate parenting skills, OK? :D

only side 3 and 4??? WTF, and you call yourself a led zeppelin fan?? :unsure:

you need some custard pie, my friend!

btw, i have tried and tried and tried to get my kids to like zep. they don't get it ( yet ). i haven't given up. i took my 22 yo daughter to see a zep tribute band, and she had to admit it sounded great, and so much better than in my car ( i only have tape player and the speakers are shot ) so if ( sorry, when :D ) there is another reunion concert/tour, i will take her and she will love it!! my 20 yo son is into rap, :o so he is virtually a lost cause, but i do still crank the zep up when he is in earshot, as i am hoping it will just seep into his subconciousness. ( is that a word? ) my littlest is my best bet, he is only 8, and he can name all the band, and quite likes them.

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PS. Just remember what we English told you when you were Transported all those years ago, how to keep your children in check, "A Thrashing a Day Keeps the Anger at Bay", (yours that is) so now you know, in future i dont want to here anymore about your inadequate parenting skills, OK? :D

D'ya know the definition of a (white) Australian?:

An Irishman who got caught (by the British)


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D'ya know the definition of a (white) Australian?:

An Irishman who got caught (by the British)


And many Cockneys too my friend, but the Irish have a knack for lifting, especially when it aint their's, :lol:

and i'm half Irish and half Cockney, i must be the one that got away, aye cobber? :lol:

Regards, Danny

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only side 3 and 4??? WTF, and you call yourself a led zeppelin fan?? :unsure:

you need some custard pie, my friend!

Last time i played that track i spilit it all down me trackies. :lol:

I've only go a single deck player in the Van, and thats all i need, i never go anywhere more than 45 minutes away. ;)

btw, i have tried and tried and tried to get my kids to like zep. they don't get it ( yet ). i haven't given up. i took my 22 yo daughter to see a zep tribute band, and she had to admit it sounded great, and so much better than in my car ( i only have tape player and the speakers are shot ) so if ( sorry, when :D ) there is another reunion concert/tour, i will take her and she will love it!! my 20 yo son is into rap, :o so he is virtually a lost cause, but i do still crank the zep up when he is in earshot, as i am hoping it will just seep into his subconciousness. ( is that a word? ) my littlest is my best bet, he is only 8, and he can name all the band, and quite likes them.

Send your two oldest back to us for re-education, there is hope for the wee un, keep the therapy to two albums, four times a day and report back to me in 12 months for a review. :D

Regards, Danny

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And many Cockneys too my friend, but the Irish have a knack for lifting, especially when it aint their's, :lol:

and i'm half Irish and half Cockney, i must be the one that got away, aye cobber? :lol:

Regards, Danny

I'm 100% Irish, but not born there. That may be the first Irish joke I've come across, not involving drinking in some form!

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my kids often say " oh not led zeppelin again" when in my car. but i just reply " well, when you get a car, you can play your own music. till then, suck it up! " :D


That's a good one, but it didn't happen with me when my son was young. He is (and always was) a big Zeppelin fan!

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I'm 100% Irish, but not born there. That may be the first Irish joke I've come across, not involving drinking in some form!

"We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English."

-- Winston Churchill

"This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever."

-- Sigmund Freud on the Irish

Okay, enough. Back to Zep!!

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I was once on some birthday party and I decided to pick some song for dancing, I think it was Rock and Roll. After a few: Oooh nooooo!, a friend of mine ordered me to turn it off. No way. I turned the volume so high, it hurt everybody's ears-except mine.

Sweet revenge. :D

They said everyone has one music wish. It's their fault. :P

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"We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English."

-- Winston Churchill

"This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever."

-- Sigmund Freud on the Irish

Okay, enough. Back to Zep!!

Great quotes, from pretty notable people.

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