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That's true, we live in New York, I think you figured it out

Well, I am going to live near the city, and he MIGHT go upstate or farther. I really don't know.

If he does go upstate, it's very far


See the funny thing sort of Island hanging on the lower right corner, that's where we currently live, and in a little dot in it too. He might move to anywhere that's above it.

It's far.

But, you served a model for me.

Like Peter and you, if we don't form a relationships, a substantial one, I know that we can still be good friends.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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It doesn't show up, but they can be hard. It's hard to be friends with people over a distance, so dating must be terrible.

It is definitely true, right.

But, I am not worrying.

Map of New York

obviously we live here


So, we live in the funny island thing in the right corner, Long Island, in a small dot.

He might move to any of the above.

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I can't say much a bout long distance relationships, except that they are hard, I"m reading Sarah's story too, so that why it takes some tie.

And does anyone have an interesting articale about stem cell research?

Google it, and you will find hundreds I am sure.


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I think it's okay, to an extent. It comes from aborted babies, so if the body is just oing to get burned, why not try and help someone else? I don't agree with abortion, but if it's gonna happen they might as well do something with it.

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