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Roman Polanski FINALLY arrested....


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I like the way I told her better.


I'm sorry sir, but the staff is very busy tonight and there are already customers ahead of you. Thank you for your patience. Help yourself to the hors d'oevres over there if you would like, and a server will get to you shortly.


Edited by eternal light
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I'm sorry sir, but the staff is very busy tonight and there are already customers ahead of you. Thank you for your patience. Help yourself to the hors d'oevres over there if you would like, and a server will get to you shortly.


Look At The


On That?



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She probably seemed to be old enough. If only he had checked her ID. But no, I would never advocate any mistreatment of him. Mainly I feel sorry for him because Susan Atkins so brutally murdered his wife, Sharon Tate. I would imagine he was in a quite stunned state of mind in those days as a result, and just wasn't thinking clearly, that is of course if the incident occurred after the murder. He may have been driven to seek solace with the nearest warm and willing, seemingly grown-up young lady. He probably did not consider it to be rape, rather a romantic interlude with an attractive young woman and champagne, shelter from the storm as it were. I wonder what the timeline was. I honestly doubt that he was trying to harm her, rather just wasn't thinking.

That's the problem with men, they just don't think sometimes.

I agree with you that the murder of his wife and unborn child (along with the rest of the Manson horrors) was sad and devastating. I don't however, see why you think there is a link between that and what he did to that very young, unconsenting girl.

I just saw the first story on this (have heard what's going on but didn't seek to find it on the news). CNN had an interview with him from years ago where he says "I like young girls". I also saw the girl he raped in an interview. She told her story and the way it goes is. She was taking "topless" pics with him (why would a grown man be taking pics like that of a 13 year old) and she became uncomfortable. She told him she felt an asthma attack coming on and was feeling sick. She asked him to take her home but he told her to go lay down in a dark room. She felt afraid and then the alcohol made her feel more intoxicated. She told him no but didn't fight him physically, she was scared and felt helpless... and he raped her. He then drove her home and she cried. He told her she shouldn't tell her parents what had happened. There is no excuse for what he did. I don't know what stretch of the imagination would make him think a thirteen year old girl seems "old enough". What he did was calculated, and even if she was 25, it was still rape the way it occurred. He is still a scumbag and a criminal. He was thinking of exactly what he was doing and i have no doubt he knew it was WRONG.

I personally don't care what happens now. The victim has moved on and he is an old man now. I just don't see why you are defending him. Men don't get to use the "i didn't think" defense when they violate another persons body.

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I read today a statement taken from Angelica Huston at the time of the trial, and she said the girl "fit the age of anyone up to 25..and in no way appeared frightened of the situation." I think what rightfully disgusts people is the fact he drugged her and then raped her, as opposed to having consensual sex. That being said, I'm in no way advocating or defending Polanski. But, this could be argued as a semi-common, very underground thing during the 1970s (celebrities having sex with underage girls). I think the girl, (now woman's) testimony today has merit, but the courts will do what they want..like always.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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I agree with you that the murder of his wife and unborn child (along with the rest of the Manson horrors) was sad and devastating. I don't however, see why you think there is a link between that and what he did to that very young, unconsenting girl.

I just saw the first story on this (have heard what's going on but didn't seek to find it on the news). CNN had an interview with him from years ago where he says "I like young girls". I also saw the girl he raped in an interview. She told her story and the way it goes is. She was taking "topless" pics with him (why would a grown man be taking pics like that of a 13 year old) and she became uncomfortable. She told him she felt an asthma attack coming on and was feeling sick. She asked him to take her home but he told her to go lay down in a dark room. She felt afraid and then the alcohol made her feel more intoxicated. She told him no but didn't fight him physically, she was scared and felt helpless... and he raped her. He then drove her home and she cried. He told her she shouldn't tell her parents what had happened. There is no excuse for what he did. I don't know what stretch of the imagination would make him think a thirteen year old girl seems "old enough". What he did was calculated, and even if she was 25, it was still rape the way it occurred. He is still a scumbag and a criminal. He was thinking of exactly what he was doing and i have no doubt he knew it was WRONG.

I personally don't care what happens now. The victim has moved on and he is an old man now. I just don't see why you are defending him. Men don't get to use the "i didn't think" defense when they violate another persons body.

I don't know whether there is a link or not, and I don't know what his psychological state was. I don't know if he knew that she was thirteen. I believe that he deserves a fair trial, but this case has received so much publicity and there are issues about whether the court acted in good faith.

I guess that everyone deserves a fair trial, not summary judgement from the internet. I try to understand all the facts. He did not murder her. This was not a violent crime. I try to weigh everything. I guess everyone has a right to a defense when they are accused of something, and there are two sides to every story. That's not so hard to understand.

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I don't know whether there is a link or not, and I don't know what his psychological state was. I don't know if he knew that she was thirteen. I believe that he deserves a fair trial, but this case has received so much publicity and there are issues about whether the court acted in good faith.

I guess that everyone deserves a fair trial, not summary judgement from the internet. I try to understand all the facts. He did not murder her. This was not a violent crime. I try to weigh everything. I guess everyone has a right to a defense when they are accused of something, and there are two sides to every story. That's not so hard to understand.

Hi ET,

You are right, is not so hard to understand, so what is it that you're not understanding then?

The Fact that he has already admitted he "Raped Her" I say this because he knew how old she was when he was taking pictures of her, he knew having Consensual Intercourse with a Minor "IS" Statutory Rape, so he knew that having UnConsensual Intercourse would be much the same if not worse.

"This was not a violent crime"

Are you Fcuking kidding me, a Thirteen Year Old Child gets "Raped Anally" and you say its not Violent, NOT VIOLENT, i dont know how Slack You are but i can assure you she was "Violently Anally Raped" now stop all this Bull Shit about there being two sides to this story, "He" Raped "Her" Anally, he deserves to "Die" just for that in my book, or at the very least serve the rest of his life getting "Butt Fcuked" in Prison.

That Concludes the Case for the Defence, AMEN.

Regards, Danny

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I don't know whether there is a link or not, and I don't know what his psychological state was. I don't know if he knew that she was thirteen. I believe that he deserves a fair trial, but this case has received so much publicity and there are issues about whether the court acted in good faith.

I guess that everyone deserves a fair trial, not summary judgement from the internet. I try to understand all the facts. He did not murder her. This was not a violent crime. I try to weigh everything. I guess everyone has a right to a defense when they are accused of something, and there are two sides to every story. That's not so hard to understand.

My post was taken from an interview i saw (was watching it at my sister's house two hours ago) pretty sure Samantha was on CNN. It was a present time interview. She clearly said she became frightened during him taking topless pics, she pretended to be sick by saying she was having an asthma attack... she felt the alcohol affecting her more, and when it was clear what he was going to do she said "no"... at thirteen, it's hard for a girl to say no and be convincing to a "man" who is ready to violate you. I know this to be true. She was in no shape physically or mentally to fight him, so she just let him rape her. If you watch CNN you might catch a rebroadcast. I'm sure it will be played a few more times in the next day.

His psychological state doesn't change the facts. It's of no consequence to his actions. This wasn't a romantic, consensual interlude. This wasn't a warm body wanting his. This girl was taken advantage of due to her vulnerable age and inexperience with "men". As i said before, i don't care what happens or doesn't happen to him now. But he doesn't deserve to be defended for what he did. If Samantha felt the desire to forgive him, she did it for herself. So she could move on. I'm glad she was able to heal, or at least put it behind her. I don't think that others (as in the public) need to forgive him.

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I read today a statement taken from Angelica Huston at the time of the trial, and she said the girl "fit the age of anyone up to 25..and in no way appeared frightened of the situation." I think what rightfully disgusts people is the fact he drugged her and then raped her, as opposed to having consensual sex. That being said, I'm in no way advocating or defending Polanski. But, this could be argued as a semi-common, very underground thing during the 1970s (celebrities having sex with underage girls). I think the girl, (now woman's) testimony today has merit, but the courts will do what they want..like always.

You be the judge. Does she look 25? I don't think so. Maybe she could pass for 15. Who cares what Angelica Huston says. Was she there the night of the rape? Doesn't change the fact that Samantha asked Roman to take her home she was feeling sick. Is that code for, i want you to rape me first? How about charges for giving a minor alcohol? How about charges for possession of drugs (which i'm sure were illegal). If it was underground for young girls to have sex with celebs in the 70's, do you mean consensual sex or rape? This case of Polanski and Samantha was rape. I'm sure she would love to get on with her life now since she has put it in the distant past. I don't blame her there. I just can't figure out why anyone would try to defend or minimize what he did.


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I just can't figure out why anyone would try to defend or minimize what he did.

Hi Tangerine,

Because Just Maybe , given the same circumstance's they would have behaved in exactly the same way.

Kind Regards, Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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You be the judge. Does she look 25? I don't think so. Maybe she could pass for 15. Who cares what Angelica Huston says. Was she there the night of the rape? Doesn't change the fact that Samantha asked Roman to take her home she was feeling sick. Is that code for, i want you to rape me first? How about charges for giving a minor alcohol? How about charges for possession of drugs (which i'm sure were illegal). If it was underground for young girls to have sex with celebs in the 70's, do you mean consensual sex or rape? This case of Polanski and Samantha was rape. I'm sure she would love to get on with her life now since she has put it in the distant past. I don't blame her there. I just can't figure out why anyone would try to defend or minimize what he did.


Agreed with everything you said, Tangerine. The only thing we aren't privy to is all the facts of the case (I think that's the context of Huston's comments - part of testimony). What there is no question of is that an egregious crime was committed.

You know what's bizarre, though? In that pic you posted, she is standing in front of a background ad for the documentary on Polanski, the one in which much of the evidence against the original judge came to light. Is it me or does anyone else think it very weird for her to be attending a red carpet screening (from the looks of things - the backdrop, the dress, etc.) of that??

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My post was taken from an interview i saw (was watching it at my sister's house two hours ago) pretty sure Samantha was on CNN. It was a present time interview. She clearly said she became frightened during him taking topless pics, she pretended to be sick by saying she was having an asthma attack... she felt the alcohol affecting her more, and when it was clear what he was going to do she said "no"... at thirteen, it's hard for a girl to say no and be convincing to a "man" who is ready to violate you. I know this to be true. She was in no shape physically or mentally to fight him, so she just let him rape her. If you watch CNN you might catch a rebroadcast. I'm sure it will be played a few more times in the next day.

His psychological state doesn't change the facts. It's of no consequence to his actions. This wasn't a romantic, consensual interlude. This wasn't a warm body wanting his. This girl was taken advantage of due to her vulnerable age and inexperience with "men". As i said before, i don't care what happens or doesn't happen to him now. But he doesn't deserve to be defended for what he did. If Samantha felt the desire to forgive him, she did it for herself. So she could move on. I'm glad she was able to heal, or at least put it behind her. I don't think that others (as in the public) need to forgive him.

I believe that Anjelica Huston was on the property at the time of the incident.

Also, his mental state does matter in relation to his actions, because it helps to explain the level of intent when he committed the crime. For instance, if he was trying to kill her also, that would make a difference. What exactly was he thinking when he acted criminally? So, I think that you are wrong about whether thinking or not is an element, because in most crimes, intent is an element, or at least somewhat, because it points to the mental state. That's how it is. So, if he wasn't thinking and he was just drinking champagne and being carelessly aggressive, or if he was thinking about killing her, that could make a difference, if this were a simple case of rape, not statutory.

Everyone deserves a defense when they are accused in a court of law. I prefer to look at both sides of the story before I draw a conclusion and carefully weigh all the facts.

Having said all that, statutory rape requires no mental state, so in this case his mental state is probably irrelevant for the most part.

Edited by eternal light
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Agreed with everything you said, Tangerine. The only thing we aren't privy to is all the facts of the case (I think that's the context of Huston's comments - part of testimony). What there is no question of is that an egregious crime was committed.

You know what's bizarre, though? In that pic you posted, she is standing in front of a background ad for the documentary on Polanski, the one in which much of the evidence against the original judge came to light. Is it me or does anyone else think it very weird for her to be attending a red carpet screening (from the looks of things - the backdrop, the dress, etc.) of that??

Hi Patrycja, i wondered about that pic myself. After seeing her on tv tonight, i knew it was her. I don't understand the context of her being there. Does seem odd.

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Hi Patrycja, i wondered about that pic myself. After seeing her on tv tonight, i knew it was her. I don't understand the context of her being there. Does seem odd.

Hi "~tangerine~!" How's it going with you? So whats the scoop on this thread? Did you read my reply in the WHAT MADE YOU HAPPY TODAY Thread? If not, read it and tell me what you think about it. In the mean time, take care and ROCK ON!

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I believe that Anjelica Huston was on the property at the time of the incident.

Also, his mental state does matter in relation to his actions, because it helps to explain the level of intent when he committed the crime. For instance, if he was trying to kill her also, that would make a difference. What exactly was he thinking when he acted criminally? So, I think that you are wrong about whether thinking or not is an element, because in most crimes, intent is an element, or at least somewhat, because it points to the mental state. That's how it is. So, if he wasn't thinking and he was just drinking champagne and being carelessly aggressive, or if he was thinking about killing her, that would make a difference.

Everyone deserves a defense when they are accused in a court of law. I prefer to look at both sides of the story before I draw a conclusion and carefully weigh all the facts.

Having said all that, statutory rape requires no mental state, so in this case his mental state is probably irrelevant for the most part.

Here is my take on his mental state. He was horny, he had a vulnerable young girl who was partially dressed with him, he wanted to have sex with her, she wasn't willing, he ignored her plead to take her home, she was afraid so she let him do what he would, and he raped her. Pretty cut and dry. As i said, his mental state was of no consequence. I'm speaking about him, what transpired, and not about any other crime. As for her age, i have no doubt he knew how old she was. He admitted to it, and i don't see where that was in question.

One thing that does bother me. Why wasn't a parent or guardian with her at this photo shoot?

oh and just be glad BigDan isn't the judge and jury, lol. :) good posts, Danny!

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Hi "~tangerine~!" How's it going with you? So whats the scoop on this thread? Did you read my reply in the WHAT MADE YOU HAPPY TODAY Thread? If not, read it and tell me what you think about it. In the mean time, take care and ROCK ON!

Is that you my friend ZeppFanForever :) Hi Patrycja, i'm good, and hope you are, too!

I will read the thread as soon as i can. I will let you know what i think!

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