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ROCK ON fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics!


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You make it sound like ZFF was banned. He wasn't. He just decided for whatever reason not to post here anymore. It would be nice if he came back and explained himself since apparently he has a lot of friends here who have been in the dark the whole time.

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So Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Raise Your Glasses to Our Dear Departed Friend, and if you cant then you were no Friend in the First Place so get Lost. :o

I Give You ZeppFanForever. :beer:

I, too, will miss ZeppFanForever. He did make it lively around here.

ROF :toast:

Edited by ledzepfvr
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You make it sound like ZFF was banned. He wasn't. He just decided for whatever reason not to post here anymore. It would be nice if he came back and explained himself since apparently he has a lot of friends here who have been in the dark the whole time.

Him Being Banned was only a Heart Beat Away, still you knew that didnt you? Thats what i'm hearing anyway, tell me it aint True if i've been told wrongly?

Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA

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You're damn straight you've been lied to. PM the admin if you think otherwise. If persons unknown have been going around saying that I was behind ZFF leaving, they can kiss my fat ass.

OK Liz thats fine, i was just asking, i'm not going to accuse anybody for being behind ZFF leaving, least of all You, I have No Hard Feelings towards YOU at all, Whatever you may Feel about ME.

It was his choice to Leave, but i'm led to believe that Certain People were going to Admin to complain about his Posting Style and Admin then deciede to Change the Rules so as to Stop ZFF and other Likeminded Posters from Posting Like He did. He Believed he couldnt continue in his usual Posting Style, and did the only thing open to him, he Left.

Whether you put the Blame on ZFF, or the People who Complained or Blame Admin it is up too You/Me/Anyone, it doesnt really matter, the Deed has been Done, we move on and Try to stay within the Rules, whatever your interpretation may be, i for one havent a clue.

Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA

Edited by BIGDAN
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  • Administrators

He wasn't banned, nor was he threatened with banning. The majority of his posts were only for the sake of raising post count and he even complained repeatedly that the "today's top 20 posters" list wasn't updating fast enough for him. Whether you call it "spam" or "forum etiquette", he was asked to stop the excessive nonsensical posts.

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He wasn't banned, nor was he threatened with banning. The majority of his posts were only for the sake of raising post count and he even complained repeatedly that the "today's top 20 posters" list wasn't updating fast enough for him. Whether you call it "spam" or "forum etiquette", he was asked to stop the excessive nonsensical posts.

Bravo Sam, Well Said,

"forum etiquette" for me,

Very Kind Regards, Danny and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend ROF ROF ROF HA HA HA

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Hum, I've been gone how long and Spats being gone and this thread are the most exciting things to have happened here?! How bored am I to have read all 14 pages of this blink.gif

Just so no one forgets me tongue.gif I'll add my 2 cents.

  • No one had to read this thread if they didn't want to.
  • ZFF brought this on himself by soliciting opinions and then being offended by (it seems) one of them (Kats')
  • Kat was within her rights to respond as she did after his passive/aggrssive post to her (calling someone 'my friend' when you are obviiously in disagreement is condescending. Kats' observations of social decorum were spot on.)
A quote from one of his first posts:

"Someone, I will not say who it is, sent me a PM saying that my ROCK ON offended many people here on the forum and I would love to know who they are."

  • That 'someone' is the one responsible for him leaving. What was 'someone's' motive? There is nothing to be gained fro PMing someone such a message. If friends of 'someone' complained to him/her then their trust was broken by 'someone' repeating it to ZFF
  • There was no possible positive outcome so it would seem logical that 'someone' was goading ZFF on in order to stir up trouble.

I never had a prob with ZFF but admit I did find his posting style a bit redundant and fakey friendly....yes, almost Spats/Bot like but I never gave it a second thought until this thread. In my opinion he carried this way too far. I have had a lot worse shit happen to me on these boards and you deal with it or you leave. Seems ZFF tried to deal with it, in a manner that only hightened his irritability factor and then he chose to leave.

His job - Government, HA! Now I understand the form letters.

"Dear "Medhb" my friend, we are so delighted that you took the time out of your day to bullet point all of your perceived shortcomings of your federal government. It's people like you "Medhb" that help make our country the great place it is. "Medhb", my friend, may I take this opportunity to solicit money from you to contribute to the 'coverup and extortion money' fund as the taxpayers dollars just aren't covering all the costs these days. I'm sure "Medhb" that you will find this cause as imporant as we do.

Rock on "Medhb" Keep voting!

Your Federal Government

delete/next form letter.

So, anyway...."Hi everyone!" Do we still have all of our usual suspects here?

Rock On! laugh.gif

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There are better things to do with this day Ally.

We still disagree here and there...I feel that the poster that ZFF was for the majority of his time here would not have warranted any rule changes. A few people asked him to knock off the form letter, and he responded in a passive agressive manner and covered the forum with what he knew was bothering a few members. This is the point where he lost people on the fence, like myself. You think he needs defending, i say he made a choice, or mistake as you accurately pointed out. Even with all of this, ZFF is still able to post here in the same manner he did for the majority of his time here....just not in "mistake" mode. There's lots of talk coming from yourself about being standup....I see that ZFF screwed himself into this position, and I don't feel sorry for him. All this talk about witch hunts, and gangland slaying is hyperbole, lets hold ZFF to your philosophy, and see if he will cop to his mistake. After all he has not been banned.

Hell, go to the mods and say whatever you like because if it has now become a crime to defend a friend around here then I want no part of this place.-Ally

Ahhh... nice!! A little bit of realization is hitting you!

The sentence for defending a friend around here is much lighter than it used to be...I will also go on record as saying that I have never contacted the mods about any poster....my only contact with them has been when someone has dropped my name to them. A rare occurence for the Hickory Man. B)

Have a good day, and hope the olives are tasty.

Too much inuendo was attatched to too many responces. The final straw for me being BSB claim that ZfF was a stalker. Add to that the snide remark about ZFF crying on the way out the door. You chose to focus on my reaction to those statements but you did not choose to call out BSB for his vile comment. You know as well as I do that a statement like that is the kiss of death for any guy yet, you almost seem to condone it by questioning my remark.

I would call out anybody for making a statement like that without proof. Your position seems to be that it just depends on who say's it. BSB statement was wrong and I must say that I'm disappointed that nobody else found fit to take issue with it. Jeez, all ZFF was guilty of was bad judgement. Something that happens and will continue to happen on this site by many. Is this the fate that awaits SOME of us if we make that mistake ?

Babs, somewhere in the above you should find the answer to your question

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