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Conan O'Brien tell NBC to stick it.


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What a class act. Much respect. :)

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Seconded. And apparently NBC is in breach of its contract with Conan by changing the time slot of his show, so now that he has walked away, he's in line for tens of millions. He was smart in that statement to note publicly that he has no other offers on the table, for if he did, any money made would offset what NBC owes him for said breach. That and he's represented by WME's Rick Rosen (also one of the company's board members), a company who reps 60% of tv talent. Oh, that and Conan has shark lawyer Patty Glaser (one of the most feared lawyers in L.A.) in his corner. Woe to NBC exec's in those meetings. Go team Conan!

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Jay Leno was a decent stand up comic but that's about it. As a talk show host his middle of the road suckiness appealed to those with little to zero sense of humor, mostly senior citizens who harken back to the days of Milton Berle & Dean Martin Roasts. Leno sucks & I can't wait for this whole thing to blow up further in NBC's face.

Conan O'Brien is great. In a weird way I'm glad this happend. His show had to tone down somewhat for 11:30 on NBC & California is simply not as great a source of funny material than New York is, even though there's obviously more celebrities there. I hope O'Brien gets a show on Fox because he probably could return more to his original 12:30 format on Fox even if it was at 11:00 & I know it's wishful thinking on my part but he really does belong in New York as much as Lettermen does.

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So apparently Conan did not have a guaranteed time slot written into his contract, though he is arguing that since the show has historically been slated for 11:35pm, that the time slot would continue was implied. I think he has a case given there's precedent, but it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Conan's still smelling like a rose in this fiasco. His statement has to be one of the best "a big FU to you NBC now pay me my money, bitches!" I've read in a while.

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I liked Conan more than anyone else on late night. With that said, I don't think he is a good fit for the Tonight show. Even with good prime-time ratings. I believe his humor goes over alot of people's head. The Led zeppelin skit is really funny, but only 20% of the population gets that joke and thats not the part of the population that watches The tonight show after the news. Most likely those people who get his humor will be watching the Simpson reruns on fox at 1030. Than maybe after that, they will search for conan.

There is alot of shows on the same time slot that will gather the same audience. M

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So Jimmy Kimmel was on Leno's 10 at 10. He pretty much burned Leno every chance he got. Leno just kept a good face as much as he could. Aawkwaaard.


Conan is offered a porno so he comes up with a list of possible titles:



Edited by Patrycja
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Kiss Of Fire, that Youtube of Conan, Andy and Max doing Zeppelin was hilarious! Thanks for posting it. Frankly, I agree with others in that Conan had to tone down his act alot to host "The Tonight Show". He was the greatest on Late Nite. I miss the days when he would show a "Walker, Texas Ranger" clip everytime he pulled the lever by his desk! :lol:

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The best part of this whole debackle is Leno has been exposed as being a giant tool. He can have the Tonight Show, he's lost all respect from nearly everyone. And for the rest, who gives a fuck about those sheepish, chin-loving bastards!

Thank you, I agree 100 percent. He's always been a suck ass company boy who likes to keep a good guy image while in reality he's a cut throat snake in the grass who will throw anyone under the bus if they get in the way of his ambitions. Not a nice a guy & ambition is not a bad thing but it can be depending on how it's applied. I'm glad his fellow comedians have turned against him publicly because there has been a relatively quiet backlash against his ethics & tactics since his stand up days.

As far as NBC, now I have yet another reason not to watch the network after the cancellation of "My Name Is Earl" which was still doing well in the ratings but was cancelled due to scheduling cheaper costing programming, ie "The Jay Leno Show".

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I watched Kimmel on Leno's 10 @ 10. It was funny. Go Jimmy!

I am honestly appalled by NBC's choice to do this. Leno stepped down from the Tonight Show, so why should you fanangle your schedules to give him another talk show that frankly sucks? I haven't been watching it becuase it's pretty much Jay Leno: I Wish I Was Still the Tonight Show Host show.

There's nothing original. Nothing new.

For fuck's sake, he still does Headlines, and Kevin Eubanks' band is now called Kevin Eubanks and the Prime Time Band instead of the former name, Kevin Eubanks and the Tonight Show Band. Sheesh.

Leno, some advice: get an imagination! Change it up so people will WATCH it. :rolleyes:

I personally was sad to see Leno leave The Tonight Show, but I am now on Team Conan because this whole thing is just stupidity.

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I don't know the exact date that NBC fully realized that they had made a grave mistake in pulling Leno from the Tonight Show and putting Conan in.

But regardless of the "offers" to move Conan to a 12:05am start time, I think that it was NBC's true intention to eventually expand Leno at 11:35 to one hour, in effect giving The Tonight Show back to Leno, if not in name.

The reason I felt that this was the underlying case, is that why was not an option to move Leno for a half hour to 12:35am ? ? ? ? Leaving Conan where he was at 11:35pm ????

After all the studio's stated reason for moving Leno was the affiliates displeasure of what preceded the evening News.....

So if the studio really had a desire to keep both Leno and Conan, then that option to move Leno after Conan would surely have been tendered.

But, in reality, I believe the studio wanted Conan gone and Leno in at 11:35pm.

NBC is cutting it's losses. And the results of what you see is how they did it, imo.

Ken Burns presents The Late Night War :D

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I watched Kimmel on Leno's 10 @ 10. It was funny. Go Jimmy!

I am honestly appalled by NBC's choice to do this. Leno stepped down from the Tonight Show, so why should you fanangle your schedules to give him another talk show that frankly sucks? I haven't been watching it becuase it's pretty much Jay Leno: I Wish I Was Still the Tonight Show Host show.

There's nothing original. Nothing new.

For fuck's sake, he still does Headlines, and Kevin Eubanks' band is now called Kevin Eubanks and the Prime Time Band instead of the former name, Kevin Eubanks and the Tonight Show Band. Sheesh.

Leno, some advice: get an imagination! Change it up so people will WATCH it. :rolleyes:

I personally was sad to see Leno leave The Tonight Show, but I am now on Team Coco because this whole thing is just stupidity.

fixed that for you

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Before ending the show with a song, O'Brien said the following from his desk:

"Before we end this rodeo, a few things need to be said. There has been a lot of speculation in the press about what I legally can and can't say about NBC. To set the record straight, tonight I am allowed to say anything I want. And what I want to say is this: between my time at Saturday Night Live, The Late Night Show, and my brief run here on The Tonight Show, I have worked with NBC for over 20 years. Yes, we have our differences right now and yes, we're going to go our separate ways. But this company has been my home for most of my adult life. I am enormously proud of the work we have done together, and I want to thank NBC for making it all possible. ...

Walking away from The Tonight Show is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Making this choice has been enormously difficult. This is the best job in the world. I absolutely love doing it. And I have the best staff and crew in the history of the medium. ... But despite this sense of loss, I really feel this should be a happy moment.

Every comedian dreams of hosting The Tonight Show and, for seven months, I got to do it! I did it my way, with people I love. I do not regret one second. ... I've had more good fortune than anyone I know and if our next gig is doing a show in a 7-11 parking lot, we'll find a way to make it fun.

And finally, I have to say something to our fans. The massive outpouring of support and passion from so many people has been overwhelming. The rallies, the signs. All this goofy, outrageous creativity on the Internet, and the fact that people have traveled long distances and camped out all night in the pouring rain ... to be in our audience - you made a sad situation joyous and inspirational.

To all the people watching, I can never thank you enough for your kindness to me and I'll think about it for the rest of my life. All I ask of you is one thing: Please do not be cynical. I hate cynicism- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere.

Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen. As proof, let's make an amazing thing happen right now. Here to close out our show, are a few good friends, [billy Gibbons, Beck, and Robert Randolph] led by Mr. Will Ferrell singing "Freebird"."

Edited by The Rover
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It was a great way to end the show. Jimmy Fallon's opening tribute on his own show was a nice touch as well.

I love the fact that Letterman is brutalizing Leno on his show. He's been waiting quietly for 17 years to call Leno out for what he already knew all along but at the time it would have come across as sour grapes. Letterman is just pounding away at Leno's lack of business ethics & it's really affected Leno because he can't fire back that way at Letterman so he resorts to dragging Letterman's wife into it. True desperation on Leno's part.

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