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Some I know are so obsessed with Facebook and Farmville its beyond hilarious. I mean, having to go milk your cow and collect eggs from the chickens. What will they come up with next?

:bagoverhead: I gave farming up for Lent

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The only people I have friended on my Facebook are people I went to school with -- either grammar, high school or college. That's a strict rule.

Those are the very assholes that suddenly want to be "friends" that were never my "friends" back then either. With very few exceptions I don't know any of those folks anymore.

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Those are the very assholes that suddenly want to be "friends" that were never my "friends" back then either. With very few exceptions I don't know any of those folks anymore.

In some cases, I've become better friends with them now than I was back then. I learned they were going through some of the same things I was, just handled it differently, as well as how many similar interests we have. But I won't befriend anyone I don't know.

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Those are the very assholes that suddenly want to be "friends" that were never my "friends" back then either. With very few exceptions I don't know any of those folks anymore.

Fortunately I don't have that problem, I guess. I didn't go to school with any "assholes". Sure there were kids I didn't like, but I wouldn't categorize them that way. Also, it's been 10 years since I left high school and 14 since I left grammar school -- a lot can happen to a person to change their disposition in that time. I'm certainly not the same person I was in 8th grade or 12th grade.

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I graduated in 1975. Catholic school, all boys. Had to wear a suit and tie every day. If you crossed the line you got your butt kicked. Literally. Thirty five years and of course some of them are gone. I am only in touch with one, not through facebook, he is my realtor also. And one from facebook that I found. I cant believe its him. I had to look at his friends list to confirm it. Because there is no resemblance at all to how he used to look. But he added me to his friends list and was very receptive. Another I found did not answer. I think there are some that are willing and eager to search out their past and others that try to pretend it did not happen. I never had any problems with him and used to play football and sports with him very often. Oh well. As for girls, its tougher to find them as they obviously change their name. Classmates is pretty good as they try and get the maiden names. But to get in touch with someone you must pay. I have looked over the list from time to time but the one person I am most interested in is not on it. I lost a co worker last week. He died at 55. I have lost many this year. I find myself checking the Obits more often these days.

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Haven't been on facebook in quite a while! I joined that site because I got as many as 50 requests from my high school buddies to join! I find it quite a bore to be honest! And I do sometimes think that old high school friends befriend you on facebook on the notion of the "who's doing what with whom and where, when and how?!" policy! :rolleyes: Its all about "keeping tabs" and not genuine friendship! :rolleyes:

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Haven't been on facebook in quite a while! I joined that site because I got as many as 50 requests from my high school buddies to join! I find it quite a bore to be honest! And I do sometimes think that old high school friends befriend you on facebook on the notion of the "who's doing what with whom and where, when and how?!" policy! :rolleyes: Its all about "keeping tabs" and not genuine friendship! :rolleyes:

It has become very big. And it has links to anything you can think of. Even Led Zeppelin and your sports teams. I have Robert Plant and Band of Joy on my wall, links for chances to win tickets and you tube video's. It has its good and bad points. My wife has a habit of humiliating me on there with farmville. Has built two farms. Sent me a billy goat today to go with my sheep, chickens, cows, horses and crops. ha. Ny ssiter removed me from her friends list the little brat. She got pissed at me once and did not even go to my damn wedding. What does that tell you? I know what some of those that cant stand me are thinking, but reallly, there is no excuse. I have gone out of my way for her kids who I dont blame of course for her nonsense.

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Prior to social network sites like Facebook we went through life never seeing people from our past again. Now, it's easier than ever. That is, if someone wants to be found. I have not remained friends with the majority of people I went to high school with. After graduation all of us went our separate ways. I've been to one high school reunion and that's it. With FB I've been able to catch up with some of these people but for the most part the befriending has been just that. The ones I was truly friends with, I have corresponded with but after catching up on what we've been doing since high school there's been very little to no correspondence. I guess that's cool since it's something that wasn't possible before but after a year or so of no contact after "re-friending" on FB, I've deleted most of those people because that's all we have in common.

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For me, Facebook is about interacting with people I'd probably never see again seeing as I live out of state. I went to grammar and high school in Chicago and now I live a good 10-hour drive away. I won't even be able to attend my high school reunion next month. So being able to keep tabs with them and see how everyone is doing and what's going on in their lives is great for. I'm not a big phone talker, so if I had all of their phone numbers, I probably wouldn't call them. This way I can talk to them dozens of times a day sometimes about this that or the other and I love it.

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I love Facebook; I have current friends, colleagues, close family, more distant family, some treasured old friends and even my favorite former teacher :)

I have a few lists set up so some of the more professional/distant friends won't see all my silly stuff, but even still I keep it really clean.

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I got Facebook because the whole office was on.

I ended up de-friending some superiors/supervisors when, incredibly, a very civil political discussion I was having with a guy there I kick politics with all the time ended up being fodder for some supervisors who had nothing to do with it sticking their nose in.

And believe it or not, I don't kick politics very much at all on Facebook.

I keep FB pretty low-key, nothing too edgy, offensive, lowbrow or use rough language - I save that for forums! lulz

All 3 of my kids have FB pages so that's a big reason.

It allows me to loosely monitor them socially.

What I DON'T do is get very personal.

I don't complain about bad day at work, problems at home, bad mood, etc.

It amazes me what some people are willing to reveal on Facebook.

I also don't do apps. ANY of them.

I have caught up with a lot of old school friends and acquaintances, which is kinda neat.

Also found a memorial page for my High School which was pretty surprising, finding out about people I went to school with who had passed.

I do like to post pictures or videos when we vacation or do things - I usually post when I go to my yearly Photoshop World Conference.

What I hate is people who use FB (and a girl who used to be in my office was the worst) to make nasty comments without using actual names - where you knew EXACTLY who she was talking about, but wouldn't actually use names.

Funniest part was one of her own friends actually called her on it because she did it so often - when she made one of her anonymous-target posts, her friend asked what/who etc., and when she wouldn't say who she was talking about, her friend said "then quit posting about it, you big coward!"

Needless to say, I LOL'd.

Another thing that trips me out is how co-workers use FB to "set-up" sick days.

All weekend posts about partying and whatnot, then suddenly Sunday evening posting about a sore throat that's been bugging them seems to be getting worse.

Big surprise, Monday morning they call in sick.

A rather insignificant thing that bugs me for some reason, and I have a wife's cousin who's the worst - LIKING your own post.

Pretty much every post she makes, she turns around and "likes" it.


The same cousin also has a habit of doing another FB thing I find annoying - posting what I assume are perhaps self-esteem remarks about "all the haters" and whatnot.

"I got me, and I'm gonna shine no matter what, so all you haters can just fuck off" or some such bullshit.

The only people who can read such posts are those you have "friended" - are they not actually friends but really haters?

Again, WTF?

Oh yeah, since I'm on a roll...

I used to get a kick out of some of the random pages people "liked", especially my 16 year-old son.

One that cracked me up was something to the effect of "Out of my way kids... I've been waiting 13 years to see Toy Story 3!!!"

But now there are these sites of nothing but lists of pages, and people just sit and scan them, "liking" as they go along, and you get "So and so liked "(some page)" and 19 others" - wtf?

Most of them don't even appear to be actual pages, just titles someone thought up.

I've almost completely stopped "liking" pages at all because of it.

Anyway, FB is OK, not a huge deal, but I get a kick out of it.

Pretty much like the forums I go to.

Edited by TypeO
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What I hate is people who use FB (and a girl who used to be in my office was the worst) to make nasty comments without using actual names - where you knew EXACTLY who she was talking about, but wouldn't actually use names.

Funniest part was one of her own friends actually called her on it because she did it so often - when she made one of her anonymous-target posts, her friend asked what/who etc., and when she wouldn't say who she was talking about, her friend said "then quit posting about it, you big coward!"

Needless to say, I LOL'd.

I hate that too, that passive-aggressive thing. I have a couple of FB friends who do that. <_<

I finally figured out how to make groups of people that I can omit from seeing certain things I post (like my coworkers seeing my request for more paint buckets in Frontierville :lol: ); now only the Frontierville neighbors see that (at least, I hope!) :unsure:

I will hide friends (or put their feeds on a temporary "time out") if they use profanity, because I'm never totally sure that work related people can't see that.

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