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Mel Gibson


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Yep, it's a hit.


Hi 'redrum'

Mel and his wife are scanning the menu in a Fish Restaurant when the waiter asks Mel,

Waiter. "Would you like to order Sir"

Mel. "Eh, Yes I'll have a Dolphin Steak please"

Waiter. "Very good Sir, Dolphin Steak for you Sir, and the lovely Lady Sir"

Mel. "Eh, just Flipper, with a side order of Mash-faced Potato"

Waiter. "Flipper, very good Sir, and ah Salt"

Mel. "And battery, don't forget the Battery"

Regards, Danny

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Hi Kev,

What you getting me in to now? another arguement or do you want my opinion?

I'm waiting.:whistling:

OK, my opinion then?

Kilts came from Ireland, as did the Bagpipes, and all that is "Nice" about the Scotch can be traced back to some other Peoples. For in fact the "RoSB" (Race of Scotch Bastards) can be traced back directly to the Pict's and Caledonia's, a breed of Murderous, Thieving, Raping Border Ruffians that inhabited the area beyond Hadrian's Wall, and its funny but the Scotch in those desolate areas of Britain, especially like Glasgow, still exhibit those same qualities to this day. :o

William Wallace (he is no Sir, that's reserved for someone with Honour which he didn't possess) was not even Scotch in the first place, his family can be traced back to Shropshire as followers of Walter Fitz Alan which would make him either an Englishman or an Anglo Norman perish the thought. The same can be said of their future King Robert the Bruce, who's family came from Bruce Castle situated on the A10 in Tottenham, so he was in fact a Cockney. ;)

The trouble with the Scotch is that they have very little real history of their own so they make it up or steal it from another culture, but what can you expect from Bearded Ginger Shit and Piss Stained (they didn't wear underpants you know? :rolleyes: ) Drunkard God Botherers, and that's just the Women and Children, I'll get to the men later. :lol:

Very Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Sorry Ally, i hope i didn't go too far? :yesnod:

:D This gets my vote for Post Of The Year :D

If we were building Hadrian's Wall right now, we'd make damn sure it was built to fucking last.

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Hi 'redrum'

Mel and his wife are scanning the menu in a Fish Restaurant when the waiter asks Mel,

Waiter. "Would you like to order Sir"

Mel. "Eh, Yes I'll have a Dolphin Steak please"

Waiter. "Very good Sir, Dolphin Steak for you Sir, and the lovely Lady Sir"

Mel. "Eh, just Flipper, with a side order of Mash-faced Potato"

Waiter. "Flipper, very good Sir, and ah Salt"

Mel. "And battery, don't forget the Battery"

Regards, Danny

And for dessert?


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I never liked the guy and most of his movies are overblown hollywood crap. I like some of the old 80's stuff, but that was when his influence on the production weren't as great.

My faves by him:

The Road Warrior


Hated the cop movies he did with Danny Glover. Oh no, he worked with Danny Glover? :lol:

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Hi 'redrum'

Waiter. "Would you like to order Drinks now Sir?"

Mel. "Yes, I'll have a Lager and Lump It"

Waiter. "And something for the Lady"

Mel. "She'll have the Punch, shes used to it"

Regards, Danny

PS, Jokes aside, what Mel did is no Joke, but if it were a Bloke who had been beaten up by his Wife i would give him the same shrift.

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My faves by him:

The Road Warrior


Hated the cop movies he did with Danny Glover. Oh no, he worked with Danny Glover? :lol:

Gallipoli was great, so was Road Warrior. Both were early in his career before he became an overpaid ego maniac.

I thought the first Lethal Weapon was okay

and he did a pretty good job as Fletcher Christian in The Bounty.

Of course, that version of the movie wouldn't have been shit without Sir Anthony Hopkins imo.

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I liked the movies he's directed quite a bit -- Passion & Apocalypto. That said, Mel's gone batshit crazy. Regardless of whether he's accusing his former lover of extortion, there's just no way you can let yourself pop off like that.

And while I am not taking anything away from the lady's pain, I don't get why she didn't file charges when the violent incident(s) occurred. And why for the love of God is she living in the guy's house, too??? Just seems like a recipe for disaster. But who knows what kind of child custody agreement they worked out.

Anyway, Mel's lost his agent, the WME agency has dumped him, and his credibility is at an all time low. Mel best take some anger management. He'll likely be forced to from the looks of things anyway, but the guy just sounds like he's on the verge of either dying of a stroke or killing someone.

Edited by Patrycja
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I know he told that cop off. Called him a f ing jew. And now I guess there is a domestic dispute? I dont read the tabloids or believe them. Someone posted a link but I think it was a tabloid.

Minor, it'll blow over.

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biggrin.gif This gets my vote for Post Of The Year biggrin.gif

If we were building Hadrian's Wall right now, we'd make damn sure it was built to fucking last.

Roman in the gloamin' whistling.gif

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Hi Trip,

Yeah I know what kilts are, Anjin. Like I said: men in skirts.

I also know what it was based on. It's a bit of a sob story - tears of laughter, that is.

Anyway, the Jocks didn't end up doing so badly for themselves. Sure, most of 'em ended up in jail, but they were then transported en masse to help create a classier version of the USA, i.e. Australia. Those who stayed have been getting their revenge ever since, by slowly but surely infiltrating & undermining our political system, and swamping the BBC with their frankly unintelligible accents.

Wonderful BS,thanks.


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I liked the movies he's directed quite a bit -- Passion & Apocalypto. That said, Mel's gone batshit crazy. Regardless of whether he's accusing his former lover of extortion, there's just no way you can let yourself pop off like that.

And while I am not taking anything away from the lady's pain, I don't get why she didn't file charges when the violent incident(s) occurred. And why for the love of God is she living in the guy's house, too??? Just seems like a recipe for disaster. But who knows what kind of child custody agreement they worked out.

Anyway, Mel's lost his agent, the WME agency has dumped him, and his credibility is at an all time low. Mel best take some anger management. He'll likely be forced to from the looks of things anyway, but the guy just sounds like he's on the verge of either dying of a stroke or killing someone.

Yeah, Apocalypto is pretty intense - I think it's a great movie.

I, too, liked the original Lethal Weapon, but hell, I like Waterworld and Timecop.

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Gallipoli was great, so was Road Warrior. Both were early in his career before he became an overpaid ego maniac.

I thought the first Lethal Weapon was okay

and he did a pretty good job as Fletcher Christian in The Bounty.

Of course, that version of the movie wouldn't have been shit without Sir Anthony Hopkins imo.

Yeah, Mel should go live in Broken Rock with the remains of the gas horders.

Or maybe he could buy Pitcairn Island and kick all the natives off. :lol:

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Yeah, Apocalypto is pretty intense - I think it's a great movie.

I, too, liked the original Lethal Weapon, but hell, I like Waterworld and Timecop.

How about Battlefield Earth? :P

It'll be interesting to see how many fans turn away from Mel's movies for good. Tom Cruise is still hurting from his series of fiasco interviews and comments, and this makes TC sound reasonable by comparison.

p.s. Mods, fyi when I click on any of the icons above the text (ie/ smilies, bold, etc.) nothing comes up. Not sure if this is a problem at my end or yours...

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I've spent the past 30 years or so assuming Mel was an Aussie, probably on the basis of the Mad Max movies (which, incidentally, are his crowning achievements). Now I discover he's a yank!! HOLY SHIT!! So I guess all the homophobia & DV makes perfect sense now - although the anti-semitism's a little off-message in the land of AIPAC and general Palestinian holocaust facilitation.

"YOU! You can RUN! But you can't HIDE!"

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