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You're given your own radio show.


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Which is also known as "trolling" or "baiting", a bannable offense which for some reason isn't always enforced here. The board is over run with such members at present which is a cryin' shame.

I just hope you're joking. I see him as a colorful character who, from time to time, feel the compulsive need to cut the up-noses. There are others, more harmful than him.

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He's a troll plain and simple and should be banned from this site.

BIGDAN is a funny, intelligent, witty and sarcastic kind of guy. His posts are very colorful amongst a forum with many members that display alot of droll black and white mundane postings. He's enlightening with his words of wisdom and cracks me up with his offbeat humor that borders on the edge, but that's what you need to do to PUSH the boundaries and make people think. I don't always agree with him, but he's entertaining all the same.

Oh wait, I know why you don't like him and think he's a troll...he doesn't like country music or Americana and speaks out about it.

That must really hurt, huh ?

I've never seen Dan speak as harshly to members here as I've seen in some of your posts. Your sense of humor registers very low and your stiff personality has been noted by other's here too. Maybe the ban you talk about should be aimed at you.

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Oh wait, I know why you don't like him and think he's a troll...he doesn't like country music or Americana and speaks out about it.

That must really hurt, huh ?

It doesn't hurt at all. I'm accepting of all types of music. When a member purposely baits other forum members it's called "trolling". I disagree with folks all the time over music, politics, etc. but I don't patrol the board looking to stir shit up just for the sake of getting a cheap thrill as Dan and so many others here do. It downgrades the quality of the board to have to sift through yet another tirade against Plant and this board is littered with such discussions. It doesn't bother me that folks are critical of him, what gets me is how uninformed most of these people are about Zeppelin and the fact their stock in trade was being wide open to a huge diversity of styles. You would never guess that from some of the so-called "fans" here that have spoken out on that very subject. Like or dislike whatever type of music you chose to, that isn't the issue. It's bringing an informed opinion to the table that's crucial. For instance, how many here went on and on about Plant ruining the future of any Zeppelin tours by joining forces with Alison Krauss when it's been spelled out again and again that plans were put into motion for the Raising Sand project long before the concert at the 02 was even an idea. I'm not sure where these folks got their misinformation from but they've spewed it over and over again since day one even though there's not even a hint of truth to it.

I've never seen Dan speak as harshly to members here as I've seen in some of your posts. Your sense of humor registers very low and your stiff personality has been noted by other's here too. Maybe the ban you talk about should be aimed at you.

Yep, I should be banned. Get right on that.

Edited by Jahfin
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I had my own radio show and for years my opening song was a live version of Jimi Hendrix playing Johnny B. Goode. On my first show I played the entire side three of Physical Graffiti.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Gosh! Your radio show sounds so awesome! You certainly gave listeners a big treat by playing the entire side three of Physical Graffiti! :D What was your show called? When did it air? And which radio station? Sorry about all these questions but please give me some details! :D Cheers! :D

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Jahfin is a quality poster. He's up there with Knebby, Aquamarine and (as much as I dislike him) Steve A Jones. If any one of them were to get the boot, this place would suffer. A lot.

It is not proper to call for someone to be banned in public like Jahfin just did. It goes against board etiquette. If you think someone has done something that out of line then pm the admin with the post number. You are the most confrontational person I have ever seen on here. You think you are always right Liz. I have bent over backwards to be nice to you and even tried to pm you to ask you something, only to find out you have me blocked. Knebby Is a very good poster and person,. But to say you dislike someone publicly is not exactly tactfull either. Ok, I did it in the case of that recent trouble maker that was banned for calling everyone here a sheep and a nimrod. But you need to lighten up a bit. Big Dan, maybe he gets a bit crazy. He must realize if he pushes the envelope too far, he will pay the price. Its too bad we cant just all try and get along. But that isnt happening is it? If we all try, it might actually work.

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It is not proper to call for someone to be banned in public like Jahfin just did. It goes against board etiquette. If you think someone has done something that out of line then pm the admin with the post number. You are the most confrontational person I have ever seen on here. You think you are always right Liz. I have bent over backwards to be nice to you and even tried to pm you to ask you something, only to find out you have me blocked. Knebby Is a very good poster and person,. But to say you dislike someone publicly is not exactly tactfull either. Ok, I did it in the case of that recent trouble maker that was banned for calling everyone here a sheep and a nimrod. But you need to lighten up a bit. Big Dan, maybe he gets a bit crazy. He must realize if he pushes the envelope too far, he will pay the price. Its too bad we cant just all try and get along. But that isnt happening is it? If we all try, it might actually work.

So when did you become the voice of reason?

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Wow! Wow! Wow! Gosh! Your radio show sounds so awesome! You certainly gave listeners a big treat by playing the entire side three of Physical Graffiti! :D What was your show called? When did it air? And which radio station? Sorry about all these questions but please give me some details! :D Cheers! :D

:D :D :D I feel my leg being pulled, but I'll answer just the same!

In the mid 70's in Italy there were no radio stations except for the government Radio1 and Radio2. Mostly news and little music.

Then a law came out where all you had to do was register a radio frequency to a journalist/newspaper and you can have your own radio. Me and some friends paid a guy for it (like everyone else) and gout our own frequency.

So we built an FM transmitter from a kit, bought two turntables, a small mixer, two mics and an autoreverse cassette player that was on all night. The transmitters power was very low so we manged to cover only a local area.

Radio station complete.

To keep the American tradition, the station was called WESO, Europe Station One and all we played was rock, folk and jazz. My show was Night Flight and all I played was classic rock and aired my show entirely in English. I often played entire sides of records simply because ... that's how you would listen to them.


Edited by DMachine
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:D :D :D I feel my leg being pulled, but I'll answer just the same!

In the mid 70's in Italy there were no radio stations except for the government Radio1 and Radio2. Mostly news and little music.

Then a law came out where all you had to do was register a radio frequency to a journalist/newspaper and you can have your own radio. Me and some friends paid a guy for it (like everyone else) and gout our own frequency.

So we built an FM transmitter from a kit, bought two turntables, a small mixer, two mics and an autoreverse cassette player that was on all night. The transmitters power was very low so we manged to cover only a local area.

Radio station complete.

To keep the American tradition, the station was called WESO, Europe Station One and all we played was rock, folk and jazz. My show was Night Flight and all I played was classic rock and aired my show entirely in English. I often played entire sides of records simply because ... that's how you would listen to them.


Thanks for that DM! And I wasn't pulling your leg! :) I really wanted to know! I am really Led Zep obsessed you see and I just can't imagine any decent radio station ever being so kind as to play an entire side of a Led Zep album! I have been tuning into stations here in NZ quite recently just because of my curiosity and the only decent station is "The Rock" which does play some Classic rock but not all the time...they pretty much stick to the death metal, gothic rock sort of thing which is pretty disappointing! :( And then there are the pop stations with the Gagas, Beyonces and the rappers! :rolleyes: Anyway, your post was an interesting read so thanks again! :D If only the radio stations in NZ were like your show "Night Flight", I would be tuning in way more often! :)

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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It is not proper to call for someone to be banned in public like Jahfin just did. It goes against board etiquette.

You somehow managed to miss this I'm guessing.

Maybe the ban you talk about should be aimed at you.

I also called for my own banning since I'm apparently out of line for pointing out trolls (as if we need any help since the board is crawling with them these days).

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I've never seen Dan speak as harshly to members here as I've seen in some of your posts. Your sense of humor registers very low and your stiff personality has been noted by other's here too. Maybe the ban you talk about should be aimed at you.

Considering you joined the board in March of this year and I only recently became active on the board again recently you seem to think you have some sort of knowledge of my history here (misinformed as it may be). So, just how many times have you been banned from the board since you're obviously not a new member?

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