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War Stories


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You certainly cannot compare the 2 eras.....the American Rev era and the 2 WW eras!! In any case, are you presuming that King George was similar to Winston Churchill??!...NO WAY...Winston would have surely fought against that LOONY were he in KG's time!! Sure I respect the British in both WWs ....we might well be speaking German or Prussian if both the British and the Americans didn't intervene...JUSTLY i add!!:). As far back as the American Revolution...because REVOLUTION it WAS!!....yes, because many people seem to have a short memory when it come to just revolutions....what I am referring to is that the Vietnam War was a DIRTY war and should never have been started....why the U.S. took part in that DIRTY war is still a mystery ) I mean, America was in no danger of being invaded or struck some coolie - wearing guerrilla...was it??!! Let's don't mix things up here:)....and the American Revolution was a JUsT war because it gave TRUE DIGNITY to a neo nation and its democratic values!!<ahttp://forums.ledzeppelin.com/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png' alt=':)'>

I totally agree, but what has this to do with "War Stories" the Title of this Topic?

Why don't you start a Topic of your own and stop sodomising someone else's?

Why hasn't Admin done something about YOU? the "Clone of ATLAS"?

"I want answers"

"You want answers?"

"I think I'm entitled"

"You want answers"

"I want the TRUTH"

"You cant handle the TRUTH"

And that's the REAL TRUTH.

Regards, Danny

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I totally agree, but what has this to do with "War Stories" the Title of this Topic?

Why don't you start a Topic of your own and stop sodomising someone else's?

Why hasn't Admin done something about YOU? the "Clone of ATLAS"?

"I want answers"

"You want answers?"

"I think I'm entitled"

"You want answers"

"I want the TRUTH"

"You cant handle the TRUTH"

And that's the REAL TRUTH.

Regards, Danny

I will turn to just reading the posts here which are rather interesting when all the others do not change the topic themselves......I'm NOT one to back down from a hot debate...never was :):)


Edited by spidersandsnakes
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You certainly cannot compare the 2 eras.....the American Rev era and the 2 WW eras!! In any case, are you presuming that King George was similar to Winston Churchill??!...NO WAY...Winston would have surely fought against that LOONY were he in KG's time!! Sure I respect the British in both WWs ....we might well be speaking German or Prussian if both the British and the Americans didn't intervene...JUSTLY i add!!:). As far back as the American Revolution...because REVOLUTION it WAS!!....yes, because many people seem to have a short memory when it come to just revolutions....what I am referring to is that the Vietnam War was a DIRTY war and should never have been started....why the U.S. took part in that DIRTY war is still a mystery ) I mean, America was in no danger of being invaded or struck some coolie - wearing guerrilla...was it??!! Let's don't mix things up here:)....and the American Revolution was a JUsT war because it gave TRUE DIGNITY to a neo nation and its democratic values!!:)

Where did I say George III was similar to Churchill? :blink:

All I can say is that you must be using a very loose definition of the term 'democracy' if you think post-War of Independence America was democratic.

Edited to add: Please can we have our thread back. This is about war stories rather than war!

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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I will turn to just reading the posts here which are rather interesting when all the others do not change the topic themselves......I'm NOT one to back down from a hot debate...never was :):)


Thank you and Rock On, have you any stories? interesting or not you are welcome to tell.

Regards, Danny

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I'm not like Chamberlain with Hitler at all just because I don't believe in gun ownership. I don't and have never believed in appeasement policy. I always believe we should fight tyranny especially when it threatens our individual freedom. I just don't believe, like most Americans seem to believe, that I or anybody else needs to own a gun to protect ourselves. We should leave gun ownership to the police and military. I never want to see the day when gun ownership becomes commonplace in Britain.

The statements I made were completely different arguements. I was pointing out the irony in spidersandsnakes post that he claims to be a pacifist, yet he's quite happy to own a gun and use it to protect himself.

People have the RIGHT to protect themselves. The cops always show up after the fact.


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People have the RIGHT to protect themselves. The cops always show up after the fact.


Well I would never want to live in a country where I needed to have that 'RIGHT' to protect myself. Maybe America should be addressing the question of why there is so much violence is society, rather than letting people take the law into their own hands.

Sorry for going off topic!

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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Where did I say George III was similar to Churchill? :blink:

All I can say is that you must be using a very loose definition of the term 'democracy' if you think post-War of Independence America was democratic.

Edited to add: Please can we have our thread back. This is about war stories rather than war!

I was only asking if you PRESUMED WC to be like KG...of course you didn't explicitely state it :):)

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People have the RIGHT to protect themselves. The cops always show up after the fact.


Oh boy! Here we go again! :slapface: So, you are essentially saying that since the United States happens to be one of the most powerful democracies in the world with the right to free speech, right to practice any religion, etc, there should be a right to carry a gun to protect yourself?! Wow, mate! How about the right to safety??! :blink: I mean tomorrow, if I happen to visit the States and if some random bloke chooses to shoot me point blank, stating that I looked like a "suspicious looking character" and that he was only trying to "protect" himself, does that even sound acceptable to you?! I think not! Democracy or not, why do we even have such a thing known as the police force? Don't tell me that they are so untrustworthy in the States that there is a need for the general public to take matters into their own hands? Sounds a bit drastic to me! :unsure: And that's the end of my second two cents for this topic! And again my apologies for all the controversy and for being off topic! I just couldn't help myself! Sheesh! :rolleyes:

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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At last we have someone talking some sense on this thread!! :D I agree with everything you say Kiwi. By nature I'm a very peaceful person too, I don't eat meat because I believe animals should have the right to life just as much as us, and I'd go out of my way to help anyone in need.

I certainly don't believe that all wars are legitimate, for example the Vietnam War that you mentioned, and more recently the Iraq War. However, we had no other choice than to fight in the Second World War, and the current war in Afghanistan is inevitable if we are going to attempt to win the war on terrorism. I'm afraid that it's not going to end in Afghanistan though, and in the future we'll see other countries drawn into the war.

Gun ownership, though, is a completely different matter to war. Claiming to be a pacifist whilst at the same time bragging about how you can shoot a gun as one member here has is completely illogical. Kiwi you're right, gun ownership and the issues surrounding it has been responsible for so many massacres in the US. I know Michael Moore's flims are controversial and flawed, but can anyone really tell me that gun ownership is not a problem for the US after watching Bowling for Columbine?

Kiwi, I think you and I are pragmatists and realists when it comes to war. Maybe we should be in charge of the UN! :D

Magic, looks like you and I will make a very good team! :friends: We can teach those U.N policy makers a thing or two! ;) And I don't know about you but I sure don't trust those U.N Peace Keeping Forces! :rolleyes:

I am a strict vegetarian myself and it's not because of my cultural background or anything but it's because of the fact that I feel really strongly that we as humans have absolutely no right what so ever to take the life of another living creature for the sake of meeting our own needs! It's just wrong!

And I am totally against the war in Iraq too. Me thinks, it's all about that freakin' scarce natural resource "oil"! :o:angel: True, Iraq was once ruled by a tyrant (have you seen that horrid documentary-movie "Saddam's Tribe" on the History Channel? :unsure: ) but it was a functioning country where people had basic necessities like food, water and electricity and had proper houses to live in and now, that has essentially been wipped out, just ripped apart from under them for no fault of theirs what's so ever! :angry:

Again, I know I am off-topic! I have no idea why! :unsure:

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Oh boy! Here we go again! :slapface: So, you are essentially saying that since the United States happens to be one of the most powerful democracies in the world with the right to free speech, right to practice any religion, etc, there should be a right to carry a gun to protect yourself?! Wow, mate! How about the right to safety??! :blink: I mean tomorrow, if I happen to visit the States and if some random bloke chooses to shoot me point blank, stating that I looked like a "suspicious looking character" and that he was only trying to "protect" himself, does that even sound acceptable to you?! I think not! Democracy or not, why do we even have such a thing known as the police force? Don't tell me that they are so untrustworthy in the States that there is a need for the general public to take matters into their own hands? Sounds a bit drastic to me! :unsure: And that's the end of my second two cents for this topic! And again my apologies for all the controversy and for being off topic! I just couldn't help myself! Sheesh! :rolleyes:

Round and round we go. Haven't you seen 'Gran Torino?'


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Round and round we go. Haven't you seen 'Gran Torino?'


Haven't you seen Bowling for Columbine?

You have to understand that Kiwi and I aren't American, we come from countries that don't have a 'gun culture' like America does so it's very difficult for us to accept gun ownership as legitimate.

I have only been to America once. The night I arrived someone a few doors down from where I was staying was shot dead, I was shocked. No offence to any Americans here, and I know there are plenty who are against gun ownership, but I won't be going back again anytime soon.

Sorry to go off topic yet again! This is last comment I'm making about the gun debate.

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Hi all,

Can wePLEASE keep on topic? :rolleyes:


Hi Kev,

Yea, gobby females, :o I just cant get enough of them. ;)

Back on Topic, I had a friend back in the day, he got himself killed in the battle for Mount Longdon on the Falklands, he was taking a wounded comrade back to a first aid post when both were hit by a mortar round and both died instantly. He would have be awarded the VC but for the fact that he was found to be wearing a string of Argentinian Ears as Trophies around his neck, if the silly sod had kept them in his Bergen he would have been remembered as a War Hero and not as a War Butcher. :slapface:

God rest his sole, he died with his boots on you know? a worthy way to go for any Warrior. Here's to you Friend :beer:

Very Kind Regards, Danny

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How about some TRUE Americans here posting some cool war stories from one of the few war eras I truly respect....The American Revolution when the Sons & Daughters of America had the guts to kick out King George's ugly EMPIRE from the New World..now that's what I call TRUE bravery......hhhmmmmmm???!

Hehe I wasn't aware the American Revolutionaries 'kicked King George's ugly EMPIRE' out of Canada. In fact as I recal from history the Americans were themselves sent packing from Canada during the War of 1812 when they tried (and failed) to invade it.

I also recal from history that the 'ugly Empire' ended the trans Altantic slave trade decades before the American revolutionaries did. In fact didn't the American revolutionaries have to fight a bloody civil war to try and end slavery? Then they went and stole all the land off the Indians.

Joking :P

Edited by Mangani
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Hehe I wasn't aware the American Revolutionaries 'kicked King George's ugly EMPIRE' out of Canada. In fact as I recal from history the Americans were themselves sent packing from Canada during the War of 1812 when they tried (and failed) to invade it.

I also recal from history that the 'ugly Empire' ended the trans Altantic slave trade decades before the American revolutionaries did. In fact didn't the American revolutionaries have to fight a bloody civil war to try and end slavery?:P

Bravo Mangani, Bravo, told like a TRUE BRIT, I would like to hear some TRUE AMERICAN WAR STORIES as well, maybe from a Dakota, an Apache, or even a Blackfoot would do, just to Avoid any Racist Innuendos. ;)

Regards, Danny

PS, That's if the Yanks left any alive. :o

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Bravo Mangani, Bravo, told like a TRUE BRIT, I would like to hear some TRUE AMERICAN WAR STORIES as well, maybe from a Dakota, an Apache, or even a Blackfoot would do, just to Avoid any Racist Innuendos. ;)

Native American war stories from the likes of the Battle of Little Bighorn would certainly be interesting to hear. Likewise Zulus at Isandlwana or Rorke's Drift etc. Unfortunately they didn't keep written records as, er, they couldn't write. :slapface:

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