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Prince William and Kate Middleton To Marry


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Their main job is to promote British interests around the world, while also raising money for charities that they either have started or are the patrons/patronesses of. The Duke of Cambridge is the President of BAFTA, so it would make sense that he should represent them around the world, and that includes the United States. Earlier in the day, there was a charity polo match to raise funds for William and Harry's (and now also Catherine's) charity.

I suppose you'd have to want to take an interest in the royals to really know what it is they do, aside from sit in a palace and order tea, but they do a surprising amount of work compared to say......Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian. If you have no interest in royals, even the BRF, then yeah....it might seem a bit "So what?", but I'd rather read about what they're doing, than Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber or whatever musical/entertainment fluff is in the news right now.

Last week I heard one was paying @ $80,000 to play polo with Wills...on CTV (Canadian) I heard different...$60,000 to be part of the team...Will's team won...

I see Catherine wore a print dress...at one event...I have one that I was going to discard....not any more.....thanks, Kate...

Juliet.. :chickeddance: .

PS They visited a place called Skid Row....dance students put on a recital...Gaga employs alot of dancers...I must have counted @ 10 when she was at the Much Music Video Awards in Toronto recently...I'm practising my dance steps....

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So sort of like Mickey Mouse is to Disney World? :P

Oh we know about freeloaders over here in the USA. Fact is that 50% Americans pay zero income tax yet receive 90% of all entitlements. And those are not people who used to work and are now retired.

I can respect your sensitivity for nostalgia, but shouldn't the concept of monarchy in a constitutional democracy have faded away long ago, along with such archaic institutions as plantations/slavery, supremacy of church over state and trial by ordeal?

I believe the question many people have about the royals continues to be why? Without any real power, authority or reason (other than sentimental reasons and the tourism argument), doesn't that open them up for deserved ridicule?

In my opinion they are very rich and if they wanted to they could renounce their titles and become common citizens, and still support charities in the name of the British people around the world. So I wonder why they continue to hold on the way the do? Couldn't be ego could it? Because they are intelligent people and they must realize that they have no divine right to their position any longer. If it's a matter of the British people continuing to chose to be represented this way then that is fine; live and let live I say. But again, can you see where the feeling for ridicule for this archaic institution might come from? Not only within the UK, but also outside of it?



Sorry but I really find these arguments pointless. I'm not trying to personally offend you but we are so far apart in opinion that we'll never find middle ground - and the monarchy will not be abolished in our lifetime, so what is the point?

I love them, millions love them, I don't come anywhere near seeing your perspective, have a nice weekend. Saved a lot of bother didn't it? ;)

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Sorry but I really find these arguments pointless. I'm not trying to personally offend you but we are so far apart in opinion that we'll never find middle ground - and the monarchy will not be abolished in our lifetime, so what is the point?

I love them, millions love them, I don't come anywhere near seeing your perspective, have a nice weekend. Saved a lot of bother didn't it? ;)

Knebby I totally agree with you, it is pointless to keep debating with people whos only function on here is to ridicule and trivialize every thing you say, i'm thinking of retiring from commenting on anything anymore on here, can you point me to somewhere where my talents would be more appreciated?

Kind Regards, Danny

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We bought the wrong bridge? Sorry got no money, California is broke. But I hear Texas is doing good, maybe they have the money?

Sorry Brad, Texas is broke, too...they're $27 billion in the hole, I believe.

Meanwhile, I planned my whole weekend around avoiding Will & Kate. It's not that I have anything against the Royal Couple...they're a cute pair and seem nice and pleasant people.

It's more that I don't like the crowd of looky-loos they attract and the traffic that entails.

I hope they had fun in the sun while they were here, and I hope they weren't stuck eating at touristy places...someone should treat them to a real Carnitas taco, or an honest-to-goodness LA Danger-dog. Or a Langer's hot pastrami sandwich...I recommend the #12.

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Sorry Brad, Texas is broke, too...they're $27 billion in the hole, I believe.

Meanwhile, I planned my whole weekend around avoiding Will & Kate. It's not that I have anything against the Royal Couple...they're a cute pair and seem nice and pleasant people.

Yes, yes we are and the law makers are taking money from the public school system to compensate. I say we kick the governor out of the Governor's Mansion rent it out to tourists, and make him pay for his own damn place to live. He is a multi-millionaire so he owns a comfy pad already. That would be a good start.

And Strider, Will and Kate didn't invite you to any of the functions? Not even lunch? The Royals are so rude! angry.gif We have been to the Queen's house twice now and neither time did she invite us in. That bitch!! Okay, the first time she was not at home and her staff let us wander around the house a bit but she was home the second visit. I thought the Brits were know for their manners. slapface.gif

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Just watching the happy faces of the thousands who waited for them in Canada reminds me of why they are still valuable today.

Hi Knebby:

I agree .....there were thousands...especially on Canada Day in Ottawa....unfortunately I chose not to watch the Canada Day celebrations from Ottawa as the current Prime Minister was also in the mix..on stage...part of the hoopla...no thanks....he was unable to save the FORD plant in Talbotville...may the ghosts of Sir John A. Macdonald, Henry Ford and Colonel Talbot come back to haunt him...but I digress....

I had to work on CD but prior to that I chose instead to watch the TODAY show's SUMMER CONCERT SERIES....Pitbull was the artist..it was three concerts in one as he sang not only with Ne-Yo but also did a tune with Marc Anthony and another tune with T-Pain....now that's my kind of CANADA DAY celebration... :party:

Juliet :coffee:

I wonder if any of those artists were part of the dj's selection at W&K's wedding reception....I hope so.....PITBULL IS HOT..... :wub:

Edited by Juliet
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Not that I give a good god damn, but I just saw this story on a front page at Tesco and thought of you:

Kate too thin

5'10" and size 6? That's verging on the freakish.

For the benefit of American readers, bouillon, you probably should have added the qualifier that it is a UK size 6, which equals a US size 2. An American reading that and assuming it's a US size 6 would think it's no big deal.

What's really alarming is that, according to the article, Kate has shrunk from a US size 8 to a size 2 in six months! That can't be healthy.

Just looking at that photo that accompanies the article, one can see she's getting the dreaded "lollipop look"...where she looks like a giant head on a stick.

So sad, as William's mother, Princess Diana, went thru periods of anorexia and bulimia. Someone needs to have a talk with Kate and nip this in the bud, before it spirals out of control.

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I have a question about "Royal" fashion; just what does the queen carry around in those giant handbags?

So what could she possibly need those huge handbags for?

Prince Charles' "manhood".

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