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Fool In The Rain 60

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Hi Fool

Remember the situation was even worse before Blair's Labour government when there was no minimum wage, which the Conservatives were opposed to. I remember my mum was earning £2.00 an hour in the early '90s.

But I agree that is it VERY unfair that people on the minimum wage and young people in particular get paid so little. I don't know how they manage. No one in the Tory government has ever lived in the real world.

We should keep in mind that a lot of complaints from people posting on this thread are about the governments in their countries. If we want to change things we need to change the government. It's just a shame there's so much voter apathy in the UK, that is something that annoys me and worries me. :unsure:


Nothing can touch the voter apathy in the US, sadly. I was reading some article about the voter turnout in most Western nations, and we're at the bottom of the barrel. We don't have compulsory voting (although I think we should), so if you're over the age of 18 and aren't a convicted felon.....you can vote if you bother to get off your ass and do so. I think in the last election we had 63% turnout which isn't bad, and better than it has been, but that's still quite low given the number of people in this country who are citizens and over the age of 18.

Too many people just don't give a shit. Which is depressing because it breeds an environment of ignorance and apathy, which doesn't help anyone.

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Hi Fool

Remember the situation was even worse before Blair's Labour government when there was no minimum wage, which the Conservatives were opposed to. I remember my mum was earning £2.00 an hour in the early '90s.

But I agree that is it VERY unfair that people on the minimum wage and young people in particular get paid so little. I don't know how they manage. No one in the Tory government has ever lived in the real world.

We should keep in mind that a lot of complaints from people posting on this thread are about the governments in their countries. If we want to change things we need to change the government. It's just a shame there's so much voter apathy in the UK, that is something that annoys me and worries me. :unsure:


Hi Magic,

You are right there was no minimum wage prior to Blair's Labour Government, £2.00 ph what could a person have done with that, apart from struggle to make ends meet.

I think people have wised up to the total rot that gets banded about by the different parties, instead of giving a straight answer to a question they give some clap trap about the other parties.

Which when you want an answer to a question is not much use when trying to make an important decision.

When you think about it all parties were ripping off the electorate with their expenses. So why bother getting out of your armchair.

I think it is about time we got rid of parties as such, and have people who are good at the posts that are available.

After all most of the parties have got something that we like the sound of, why not just take the best ideas and work from that. :)

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Why would anyone SANE and knowing where he or she is at would actually WANT 'dual nationality? What kind of a schizophrenic would want to be a citizen of more than one country?

Yep. I would do that. Cowards and wimps. Bye. Fuck off and don't let the door hit your arse on the way out. Don't come back.

These people aren't leaving because bombs are going off and the country is about to be invaded by the Third Reich. These people are leaving because they have an "ickle bit of discomfort" and can't get the hordes of cash or permananent sunshine that they want. Awwwwwwwwwww diddums. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! :rolleyes:

Please call me by the name Mangani, if you please. That's my username. :)

And no I don't care for Orwell. Booooooooooooooooring.

It's got nothing to do with being totalitarian at all. It's got everything to do with being narked at weeds, weaklings and crybabies who run away when the going gets an "ickle" bit discomforting. I'm glad they do bugger off. This country can do without crybabies and little weeds who run away at the first sign of a bit of discomfort (and I use that term very loosely). It's best to weed out the wimps, the whingers and the crybabies.

As I said in another post, thanks cripes this country didn't have such cowards, weaklings and crybaby whingebags in WW2. Where the fuck would we have been THEN? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

I'm not your brother so please refrain from calling me 'brother'.

Good for you.

The way you carry on here with your anger management issues, if you acted like that in 'real life' I doubt if anyone outside your neck of the woods would ever touch you with a bargepole, nevermind invite you to live in their country...........madam. :angry:

You are almost permananetly pissed off.

Maybe you could move to Pissedoffstantinople in Pissedoffistan? I guess.

The names Mangani. James Mangani. You shouldn't copy the post before you. That's a bit pathetic.

So you are insulting all those who read the Daily Mail by questioning their intelligence?

Yeah and I bet you aren't struggling in life and are on the breadline. You can even afford to be on the internet.


I have no problem with people who>

1) Want to travel.

2) Want to get a temp position overseas for a limited about of time and then eventually come back.

I'm talking about the usual crybabies and wimps who complain "this country is going to the dogs"..."the crime rate is scaring me away"......"this country is in a mess".............."I can't get a job"...........and then want to fuck off and NEVER come back.

Yeah so it can't be that bad then.

Depends on if they are doing it as part of their career as a temporary move but with the intention of eventually going back to the country of their birth or if they are doing it because they are complaining and whinging about their country, slagging it off in the process and are doing it becuase they want to leave and never go back.

I'll say it for the THIRD time. It all depends on the context.

Why do I fucking bother? Nobody is understanding what I am saying, even though I have spelled it out clearly enough.


What part of that don't you people understand????????????????


Damn! Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed! What's bitten you? Yes, Magic and Electro don't agree with you! And as a matter of fact, neither do I! But my question is "So Fuckin' What???!". This is a forum and people tend to disagree with each other. That's part and parcel of the game! Being an intelligent and rational man, I'm sure you already knew that! There is no need to get so worked up! CALM DOWN MATE! I really think you ought to just relax, step away from the computer for a couple of hours (atleast! :wacko:) and perhaps have some whiskey or something! You seriously need a "time out". Damn! You certainly scared me with your posts, that's for sure! :unsure:

Anyway, all shit aside, have you noticed my signature? It has a rather humourous and extremely philosophical side to it and to be honest, we can all learn something from it! ;) Here it is! I'm not a Saint even by a long shot. I have a horrid temper but this little siggie sure helped me calm down when I get all hot under the collar! I hope you get my point and JUST RELAX FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!


Have a Nice Day, Mangani or should I say "Cheerio" James (:lol:)! :D

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Damn! Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed! What's bitten you? Yes, Magic and Electro don't agree with you! And as a matter of fact, neither do I! But my question is "So Fuckin' What???!". There is no need to get so worked up! CALM DOWN MATE! I really think you ought to just relax, step away from the computer for a couple of hours (atleast! :wacko:) and perhaps have some whiskey or something! You seriously need a "time out". Damn! You certainly scared me with your posts, that's for sure! :unsure:

Anyway, have you noticed my signature? It has a rather humourous and extremely philosophical side to it and to be honest, we can all learn something from it! Here it is! I'm not a Saint even by a long shot and as you know, I have a horrid temper and this little siggie sure helped me calm down when I get all hot under the collar! I hope you get my point and JUST RELAX FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!


Have a Nice Day, Mangani or should I say James (:lol:)! :D

In the 1980's Frankie said Relax too <_<

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In the 1980's Frankie said Relax too dry.gif

Yes, I know he did but I find this "version" even better! :P Everyone knows about the version you mentioned but even you have to admit that the version I posted is rather unique! ;) I don't think many folks out there have a t-shirt with this version of that famous slogan, now do they? :P

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Hi Fool

Remember the situation was even worse before Blair's Labour government when there was no minimum wage, which the Conservatives were opposed to. I remember my mum was earning £2.00 an hour in the early '90s.

But I agree that is it VERY unfair that people on the minimum wage and young people in particular get paid so little. I don't know how they manage. No one in the Tory government has ever lived in the real world.

We should keep in mind that a lot of complaints from people posting on this thread are about the governments in their countries. If we want to change things we need to change the government. It's just a shame there's so much voter apathy in the UK, that is something that annoys me and worries me. :unsure:


Hi Magic, Voter Apathy, my opinion,

People in England, myself for one, have discovered over the years that ALL Major Political Parties have an agenda, to look after their Paymasters, Big Business, Commerce and Industry, to that end the Ordinary People of our once Great Country will never be represented in Parliament again.

My Solution.

We need the top 750 earners of this country, the likes of RP, JP, JPJ, Eric Crapton, Phil Collins, David Gilmore, Pete Townsend, Keith Richards, Robbie Williams, Paul McCartney and All Rock and Pop Stars, Actors, Socialists, anyone with over £40 Million Plus in the bank to either get up off of their lazy fat arse's and either stand for Parliament or bankroll someone to do their bidding, take over Parliament at the next General Election and oust these Political Maggots forever and set up a TRUE SOCIALIST DEMOCRACY the likes this world has never seen. :bravo:

Easy hey? so fcuking easy a Bored Old Led Zeppelin Fanatic with so much time on his hands that HE could be their Manifesto Writer/Designer without breaking a sweat, and I know he's just waiting for the call. :yesnod:

If that ever happened it would cause such an uproar amongst the Elite that I and many others would have an SAS death squad climbing down the chimney dressed as Santa's because there is no way the Ruling Elite would EVER give up POWER in a Democratic General Election, the Army would be on the streets to back up the Police to enforce Martial Law to suppress the Good Working Class people of this once Great Country from ever Grabbing Power from them, even in a perfectly Legal and Moral way. Excuse me, I have just heard rustling sounds coming from my chimney, see ya. :run:

Kind Regards, (see you when the coast is clear) Danny the Red :run:

PS, The major political parties of this once Great Country are all the same, they are Wolves, the Tories are Wolves dressed in Wolves Clothing, Labour are Wolves dresses in Sheep' s Clothing and the Liberal Democrats are Wolves dressed in Goats Clothing, or are they just Goats? Old Goats at that? and the House of Lords are all Fat Wolves dressed in Women's Underwear under their Coats of Suppression. Now I really am off. :run:

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Hmmm...somehow, I have ALWAYS wanted to use this and now, I got the chance! :lol:


And there is ALWAYS the Mexican version


And here's a lovely little gift for all the kill joys out there, who can't fuckin' take a joke!



Yep! I know I'm off topic but I don't care! :P And don't blame me entirely! Jahfin (the self-proclaimed King of the forum and Mr. Know It All) made me do it! :lol::P No hard feelings, Jaffy, old boy! Just stating the obvious and what you wanna hear! :P

Kind regards,

Your humble disciple for life :hysterical:

Kiwi ;)

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Damn! Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed! What's bitten you? Yes, Magic and Electro don't agree with you! And as a matter of fact, neither do I! But my question is "So Fuckin' What???!". This is a forum and people tend to disagree with each other. That's part and parcel of the game! Being an intelligent and rational man, I'm sure you already knew that! There is no need to get so worked up! CALM DOWN MATE! I really think you ought to just relax, step away from the computer for a couple of hours (atleast! :wacko:) and perhaps have some whiskey or something! You seriously need a "time out". Damn! You certainly scared me with your posts, that's for sure! :unsure:

So speaks the woman who got uppity and threw her chairs out of the pram about a funny tongue in cheek picture??


This forum is funny. So many crazy nutty hypocritical people.

It's funny how I can be accused of being akin to a NAZI and yet you tell me to calm down....yet I post just a funny humourous picture and YOU have a temper tantrem. :rolleyes:

Why don't you wait and see until YOU are accussed of being akin to a NAZI and then come back to me. Until then, button it kid.

Edited by Mangani
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I'm not calling you a Nazi at all. I didn't give your German girlfriend a second thought.


Your jibes and Nazi connotations came almost immediately after I mentioned I like Germany and I am with a German woman.

Deny it all you want.

The facts say otherwise.

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Damn, I knew this thread would stir up some steaming piles of manuer. I could find all kinds of things to complain about that is wrong with my country, but others seem to have the same complaints about theirs. So I will just say I am glad to be living where I am, and any problems will hopefully be worked out eventually. Probably after I am dead and gone and my children and grandchildren will be left to deal with growing problems that could be the downfall of a great country. But then I won't be able to give a shit about it cuz I'll be watching the grass grow from the bottom. :P

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Damn, I knew this thread would stir up some steaming piles of manuer. I could find all kinds of things to complain about that is wrong with my country, but others seem to have the same complaints about theirs. So I will just say I am glad to be living where I am, and any problems will hopefully be worked out eventually. Probably after I am dead and gone and my children and grandchildren will be left to deal with growing problems that could be the downfall of a great country. But then I won't be able to give a shit about it cuz I'll be watching the grass grow from the bottom. :P

Well said, some people do seem to be getting a little irate :)

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and by "maneur" i assume you mean manure

so yes

file it simply under.................


manure happens

There is some thrust in that lot,think the rhino had moved a foot or two forward :) , but yes they do get a bit over the top with certain topics, not sure why they don't spend more time up above in the real mansthreads about Zeppelin themselves lol.

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Your jibes and Nazi connotations came almost immediately after I mentioned I like Germany and I am with a German woman.

Deny it all you want.

The facts say otherwise.

Germany has nothing to do with the comments I made about your idea on emigration. I happen to think that Germany is the greatest social democratic country in Europe and I sincerely wish the UK was more like Germany in some respects.

Your idea is that everyone should have such a strong national attachment to the country they were born in, that should they ever wish to emigrate they should automatically have their passports revoked and never be allowed to return. The point I was making is that this idea is based on nationalism which is a very dangerous ideology. I'll tell you what the facts are: nationalism was responsible for such atrocites as:

The Nazi Holocaust

The Armenian Genocide

Stalin's Great Purge and the establishment of the Gulag labour camps

The ethnic cleansing during the Yugolsav Wars during the 1990s

The philosopher AC Grayling has stated that 'nationalism is a false and wicked ideology, fertile in causing war and fostering hatred'. I happen to agree with him.

I like intelligent debate, but most of my posts are met by members such as yourself with vulgarity and swearing.

P.S. Please don't ever offend my dear friend Kiwi ever again. She's been really hurt by that picture you posted depicting her as a drunken slut and your most recent comments about her. You're meant to be a grown man! I hope you're proud of yourself.

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So speaks the woman who got uppity and threw her chairs out of the pram about a funny tongue in cheek picture??


This forum is funny. So many crazy nutty hypocritical people.

It's funny how I can be accused of being akin to a NAZI and yet you tell me to calm down....yet I post just a funny humourous picture and YOU have a temper tantrem. :rolleyes:

Why don't you wait and see until YOU are accussed of being akin to a NAZI and then come back to me. Until then, button it kid.

Why don't you shut the fuck up and take a hike? Do you some good, that's for sure!:P Oh by the way, I've "revoked" our so called friendship, pin head! :P

Edited by Emma Jane
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Hi All I would just like to apologise for starting this Topic.

As usual certain people have taken a Topic too far, and using it as an excuse for personal attack.

As for "magic" &" Kiwi" I hope that they do stick around as I find them both enlightening & entertaining.:wave:

As for" Mangani" nobody accused him of being a NAZI.

He took a simple Topic and has turned it into a Topic just about Emigration, which is not what is was about!!!

Edited by Fool In The Rain 60
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Hi All I would just like to apologise for starting this Topic.

As usual certain people have taken a Topic too far, and using it as an excuse for personal attack.

As for "magic" &" Kiwi" I hope that they do stick around as I find them both enlightening & entertaining.:wave:

As for" Mangani" nobody accused him of being a NAZI.

He took a simple Topic and has turned it into a Topic just about Emigration, which is not what is was about!!!

Hi Fool

You shouldn't have to apologise for starting what could have been a potentially interesting topic.

I only wish there were more members like yourself and your other half that make this forum come alive with lively debate without resorting to personal insults.

Kiwi and I may be absent for a short time while things 'cool down'.

All the best to you (and your husband :rolleyes: )


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Hi Fool

You shouldn't have to apologise for starting what could have been a potentially interesting topic.

I only wish there were more members like yourself and your other half that make this forum come alive with lively debate without resorting to personal insults.

Kiwi and I may be absent for a short time while things 'cool down'.

All the best to you (and your husband :rolleyes: )


Thank-you Magic

as usual something as you say could have been quite interesting, has been spoilt.

The trouble is some posters dig their heels in over one thing and will not budge, so if you disagree with them they have to result to insults.:( But true.

I sent Kiwi a PM, and just noticed that she has posted on make me laugh.

The way to deal with an " ignoramus" is to ignore then and not to give them the pleasure of a response, it only boosts their ego into believing themselves right :)

Keep on posting.

Fool (&Mr Fool) I'm :offtopic:

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