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If video killed the radio star..................


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.....who's gonna kill the video star??.....NAMELY that crap that has been going on with the name of TELEVISION???!

Remember the Buggles tune? IT DID happen in reality.......I won't live to see it, but I REALLY hope that the Internet will one day KILL T.V. as we know it today...what with all those stupid reality shows and fake news and silly ads and everything...it's SO BORING:):):)


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John Prine wrote a song about it a long time ago, it's called "Spanish Pipedream":

As for video killing the radio star, I don't buy that for a second. Radio still continues to produce a lot of good music (and "stars"). Music video as an artform disappeared from the airwaves long ago, if ever even existed to start with. So many talk about how good MTV was in it's early days but as I recall it never really had a whole lot to offer. The only redeeming qualities to ever come out of MTV and VH1 were 120 Minutes, Postmodern MTV, Behind the Music (even that's a stretch), Legends, Rocumentaries, Storytellers and Unplugged.

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You have the choice of just totally doing away with TV but that's up to you. I recently moved and when I did I didn't sign up for cable except for my internet connection. If I want to watch TV shows I can use Hulu or watch most of them via their respective websites. There's really no need in paying $70+ a month for cable. How we access music is changing, the same way as TV. Before long, the traditional structures that previously supported them will completely collapse. If you have a black box on top of your television set, it's there by your own choosing.

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I listen to Radio more than I watch TV. If you want intelligent or informative programmes now, in the UK you're better off listening to a station like BBC Radio 4 or the BBC's World Service. I probably watch a handful of programmes on the TV each week. If they have adverts, the mute button on the remote goes on. I don't like being told what to buy. I despise reality TV. I watch mainly DVDs.

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.....who's gonna kill the video star??.....NAMELY that crap that has been going on with the name of TELEVISION???!

Remember the Buggles tune? IT DID happen in reality.......I won't live to see it, but I REALLY hope that the Internet will one day KILL T.V. as we know it today...what with all those stupid reality shows and fake news and silly ads and everything...it's SO BORING:):):)


Have to say there are more Radio stations now than anytime before, The BBC has lots for different tastes. TV is boring usually, but every now and then its nice to unwind and not have to think to much and watch something funny. Also global events like the news on TV is very graphic although the radio goes more in depth with stories.

Long live the radio :) although I tend to listen to it through my laptop :slapface:

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Many blind people "see" with their minds...they don't need eyes. The experts say the first thing a newborn baby does is SEE things....LISTENING comes later:):)

Not true - newborns' eye sight is not acute at all. That is why they should be given patterns to look at in their first few months of life - so they develop the ability to focus their eyes. Sounds, on the other hand, are their first sense that is used - even in utero. :P


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Video killed the radio star because we are living in a visual world...like it or not!!:)

I'll take YouTube and similar video channels over the likes of MTV any day of the week. Video as an artform is not completely dead as some artists are still putting money into conceptual videos knowing that their primary exposure will be through outlets like YouTube. Probably my favorite from last year was this one from the Arcade Fire.

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Not true - newborns' eye sight is not acute at all. That is why they should be given patterns to look at in their first few months of life - so they develop the ability to focus their eyes. Sounds, on the other hand, are their first sense that is used - even in utero. :P


True, but a baby starts to SEE things in irreglualr patterns BEFORE hearing sounds....I suppose it's like what comes first, the chickem or the egg:):)

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Advertising on the internet? What's that? I use Noscript and Adblock Plus, so advertisements of any kind on websites are no longer an issue/problem. Same with viruses/spyware. If you have a firewall, an anti-malware program, and an antivirus/spyware program (and if you don't, why the hell not?), you don't have those problems either.

The only people for whom viruses and advertising has killed the Internet, are people too lazy to properly protect their systems.....and it would cost them $0.00 to do it, too.

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Advertising on the internet? What's that? I use Noscript and Adblock Plus, so advertisements of any kind on websites are no longer an issue/problem. Same with viruses/spyware. If you have a firewall, an anti-malware program, and an antivirus/spyware program (and if you don't, why the hell not?), you don't have those problems either.

The only people for whom viruses and advertising has killed the Internet, are people too lazy to properly protect their systems.....and it would cost them $0.00 to do it, too.

So what about web searching? You got a smart ass answer for that? Until we all (including the add agencies) agree to give up our OS there will never be a way to block all of the junk and attacks on/from the web.

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So what about web searching? You got a smart ass answer for that?

Actually, as a matter of fact, I do. The anti-virus program I use actually will show you in a Google search, if the site is safe (green checkmark), questionable (two yellow exclamation points), or totally unsafe (red x). They'll appear next to the site's name, and if you hover over that little mark, a tool-tip will pop up telling you the last time the site was checked, if Google has flagged it before, yada yada yada. Basically what it does is tell if the site is safe for you to click on or not.

Common sense is what will protect your system. Set up your search preferences to strict filtering, which will eliminate about 99% of any porn site links that will appear in a search, don't go to dodgy looking links, don't click on any links in an email unless you know the sender, set up your browser preferences to where you have to physically allow it to download something, rather than just doing it automatically, run antivirus/spyware/malware checks once a week.....none of this shit is hard, time-consuming, or expensive.

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I don't watch that much T.V anymore. I just watch a couple of comedy shows and some documentaries during the week.

I find myself watching more youtube videos and online streaming. I do like a couple of things about the internet. One is that you can watch what you want to watch and determine when exactly you want to watch it! Two is that there aren't any annoying ads and stuff like that (believe it or not, on T.V, there have been times when the channel concerned has shown so many ads at once that they actually ran out of time and hence couldn't air the full episode of a particular show! :blink: ). And last but not the least, there aren't any technical gliches where sometimes the picture begins to break or when you get these annoying messages from your local cable T.V provider such as : NO SIGNAL / POOR QUALITY SIGNAL DUE TO RAINY WEATHER dry.gif

So, who knows? Perhaps, one day, the internet might replace the telly completely! :)

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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So, who knows? Perhaps, one day, the internet might replace the telly completely! :)

I don't think broadcast or cable TV will ever go away completely (same for AM/FM radio) but with things like streaming video via outlets such as Netflix, people simply aren't going to pay through the nose for 500 channels anymore.

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