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Judging from your clip, I think you were a bit further to the side--but yeah, you could have been a few feet away and I'd never have known! :lol:

The best pics of the night for me--other than those of the band, of course--are the ones I'll probably never see: two young white Italian guys with dreadlocks who wanted their pics taken on the floor of the arena with Celia and me, amid all the beer cups etc., just because we were all happy people who'd enjoyed a great show; and the guy (first language not English, otherwise nationality unknown) who wanted me to take a pic of him with the big shot of Ahmet on the screen behind him, also after the show. His digital camera was so fancy it took me five tries before we were satisfied, but when I got it right we were both all smiles. Two more happy people. :)

Great stories...and memories!

The Ahmet Screen: great shot for the, 'I WAS here pic.'

I was to your left. Grateful for the position and entirely due to the kindness of my 'husband' of convenience for the show! 'Oh, Steve, honey...!' :lol:

Now that you mention cameras: Paging Jay Griffiths and LedZeppelinRocks ??? :wave: What were you all shooting with? Very nice! :cheer:

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Judging from your clip, I think you were a bit further to the side--but yeah, you could have been a few feet away and I'd never have known! :lol:

The best pics of the night for me--other than those of the band, of course--are the ones I'll probably never see: two young white Italian guys with dreadlocks who wanted their pics taken on the floor of the arena with Celia and me, amid all the beer cups etc., just because we were all happy people who'd enjoyed a great show; and the guy (first language not English, otherwise nationality unknown) who wanted me to take a pic of him with the big shot of Ahmet on the screen behind him, also after the show. His digital camera was so fancy it took me five tries before we were satisfied, but when I got it right we were both all smiles. Two more happy people. :)

Oh, that was really great, wasn't it?

We WERE really so happy....I'll never forget this day.

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Judging from your clip, I think you were a bit further to the side--but yeah, you could have been a few feet away and I'd never have known! :lol:

The best pics of the night for me--other than those of the band, of course--are the ones I'll probably never see: two young white Italian guys with dreadlocks who wanted their pics taken on the floor of the arena with Celia and me, amid all the beer cups etc., just because we were all happy people who'd enjoyed a great show; and the guy (first language not English, otherwise nationality unknown) who wanted me to take a pic of him with the big shot of Ahmet on the screen behind him, also after the show. His digital camera was so fancy it took me five tries before we were satisfied, but when I got it right we were both all smiles. Two more happy people. :)

That's too bad you'll likely never see them. They were probably priceless. Your faces must have been absolutely beaming with joy :D

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That's too bad you'll likely never see them. They were probably priceless. Your faces must have been absolutely beaming with joy :D

We were like this:

Aqua > :cheer::drunk::cheer: < Celia

without the jumping, of course (but I felt like jumping, I really did!)


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We were like this:

Aqua > :cheer::drunk::cheer: < Celia

without the jumping, of course (but I felt like jumping, I really did!)


I would have been EXACTLY like that and I might have jumped too although I'm not sure there'd have been much room on the floor. Maybe mini jumps :D

I can imagine everyone's faces when it was over. Must have been just stunned like you couldn't believe you just saw what you did.

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I would have been EXACTLY like that and I might have jumped too although I'm not sure there'd have been much room on the floor. Maybe mini jumps :D

I can imagine everyone's faces when it was over. Must have been just stunned like you couldn't believe you just saw what you did.

I was so stunned I didn't even take a picture of that HUGE Led Zeppelin in black and white, written on the back of the stage :angry: .....I stood there looking at the stage, completely stunned :blink: ....I couldn't believe it was real.


And the more I think about it, the more amazed I am. ^_^

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We were like this:

Aqua > :cheer::drunk::cheer: < Celia

without the jumping, of course (but I felt like jumping, I really did!)


I did a lot of jumping at the beginning, trying to see. :angry: But after that, I just did a lot of jumping inside and was just :yay:

I don't think I was :drunk: , you know, but I was definitely :cheer:


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Never too late for such wonderful pics, whyalla--they're great, and fabulous quality! :thumbsup: Where were you taking them from??

Thanks everybody. I was left of stage, lower tier about a third back from the stage. I'd bought a new camera for the occasion with a 10x zoom. I didn't realise at the time I'd taken so many. But I'm glad I did now. :)

Did you notice the mugs of tea? Very rock and roll. :D


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He has a mug of something brought on stage each night. :)

Horlicks or cocoa :D

He had one mug in Berlin too. But I don't remember any mug during his solo concerts here in Brazil. :huh:

And I had to google Horlicks, Paul. Never heard of it before. :blink:

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