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Led Zepagain upcoming shows

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To each their own, I don't care for tribute bands. I'd rather pay my good money to see an artist doing something original than a band trying to take the easy way out by doing an imitation of their heroes. It's a huge market but doesn't interest me in the least. Some bands even imitate currently existing artists such as Dave Matthews, Widespread Panic and Phish. I really don't see the point in that but whatever blows your skirt up.

So how do you feel about Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Experience?

I happen to like tribute band's and a number of them do it quite well and offer their own unique signature to this.

Edited by SuperDave
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So how do you feel about Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Experience?

I haven't seen them and, with all due respect to Jason, I really have no desire to.

I happen to like tribute band's and a number of them do it quite well and offer their own unique signature to this.

Like I said, to each their own. They're just not my thing. I'd rather see an artist performing their own original music.

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I haven't seen them and, with all due respect to Jason, I really have no desire to.

Like I said, to each their own. They're just not my thing. I'd rather see an artist performing their own original music.

But it's still okay if Steve Earle records a song originally written and recorded by Hank Williams.

Edited by Silver Rider
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^ Good points well made, Brad, but shit, don't encourage him. Just keep your head down, walk on by, and whatever you do, don't make the online equivalent of eye-contact.

To be fair, based on his criterion of originality, he would at least presumably agree with me that Bobbie Plant really shouldn't be wasting his talents with his current medicine show shtick.

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You two would be a match made in heaven, or more accurately, Hell.

How come you capitilize "Hell" and not "heaven"?

Are you that bitter and so one-sided that when other members do not agree with you that you seem to get so frustrated and more hot-headed (and in the process more sarcastic and ignorant)?

Like I said before, I am not the only one who thinks so. Please refer to posts #25 and #27 of this same topic.

By the way, I do not believe you when you say that about Jason Bonham and his Led Zeppelin Experience, "I haven't seen them and, with all due respect to Jason, I really have no desire".

I personally think that you are trying to save face because of your comments about "tribute" bands. Jason Bonham is the son of John Bonham. Why would you not want to see the son of John Bonham play his drums to the Music his Father helped create? I guess you would rather see lesser musicians and bands such as r.e.m. and the drive-by truckers. (I realize I may get some flack about saying that, however, I have never liked r.e.m. ever, even when John Paul Jones was invloved with them. Just my true feelings).

Sorry to stray off topic, but if anyone is to blame, blame that moron jahfin. I would personally love to see and hear Led Zepagain. Maybe not again, but for the first time. (Get it? I have never seen You/Them). Come to Plano or Dallas, Texas and I will be right there up front with a Budweiser in my hand. Play "In the Light", "Since I've Been Loving You" and "the Rover" and I will buy beers for everyone on stage.

Edited by lzzoso
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Come on guys, Jahfin has and opinion and he has expressed it regarding tribute bands. Just cuz it doesn't go along with those that like them doesn't mean it's ok to be verbally abusive. It may be his loss of experience but that is his choice. I don't agree either, but I am willing to investigate the validity of his point this summer by attending a Led Zepagain show. Even at that I still can't have a true comparision having never seeing LZ. I would have to see some other tribute bands of those I did see.

In the meantime, shouldn't any furthur discussion of the pro/con merrits of tribute bands be taken to the thread of that very name, and leave the Led Zepagain thread to posts that actually have to do with news regarding them.

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I'm not referring to artists doing the occasional cover song or rock stars rising from the dead (WTF?), I'm referring to tribute bands. If that sort of thing trips your trigger, fine but I prefer originality. I have seen a couple of tribute bands over the years, the Blushing Brides who did/do a Rolling Stones tribute and Dark Star Orchestra who take a specific date from the Grateful Dead's tour history and perform the set just as the Grateful Dead did. They both did an outstanding job but when it comes to spending my money on live entertainment I would rather see an an artist performing their own material rather than a re-creation.

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To be fair, based on his criterion of originality, he would at least presumably agree with me that Bobbie Plant really shouldn't be wasting his talents with his current medicine show shtick.

I would be careful of what I say about the What Is And What Should Never Be Tour. If I don't like what I'm hearing, I find something else to listen to.

I'm not referring to artists doing the occasional cover song or rock stars rising from the dead (WTF?), I'm referring to tribute bands. If that sort of thing trips your trigger, fine but I prefer originality. I have seen a couple of tribute bands over the years, the Blushing Brides who did/do a Rolling Stones tribute and Dark Star Orchestra who take a specific date from the Grateful Dead's tour history and perform the set just as the Grateful Dead did. They both did an outstanding job but when it comes to spending my money on live entertainment I would rather see an an artist performing their own material rather than a re-creation.

I know what you mean. I can't force myself to listen to a lot of it. It can get to the point where it's a little too regurgitated. I don't mind if they do a really nice, fresh version of something. But too much of the other stuff, and I need a break.

Edited by Silver Rider
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It too would prefer the originals, but you don't always have that option, so a tribute band who really does it well is a good alternative.

Fortunately, I do have plenty of other options here as the Triangle area of NC is a hotbed of local talent.

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Fortunately, I do have plenty of other options here as the Triangle area of NC is a hotbed of local talent.

What I mean is if a band you love doesn't exist any longer or won't be touring anytime soon, then a tribute band that covers a particular band's music well is a good second option. Especially since you may have been too young or less when a certain band was together.

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What I mean is if a band you love doesn't exist any longer or won't be touring anytime soon, then a tribute band that covers a particular band's music well is a good second option. Especially since you may have been too young or less when a certain band was together.

I'll pass.

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So Jahfink doesn't like tribute bands. I think we got that two pages ago.


Apologies to you, Steve Z(oso), on behalf of the vast majority of board members. This fool does not speak for us. I hope your tour's going really well, and I look forward to seeing you in England if you ever make it over here.

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So Jahfink doesn't like tribute bands. I think we got that two pages ago.


Apologies to you, Steve Z(oso), on behalf of the vast majority of board members. This fool does not speak for us. I hope your tour's going really well, and I look forward to seeing you in England if you ever make it over here.

I agree.

One of the definitions of "tribute" is: "a gift, testimonial, compliment, or the like, given as due or in acknowledgment of gratitude or esteem".

I wonder if jahfin really understands what this definition means. I don't think he does. Tribute bands of any band play that music because they want to and enjoy playing the Music of whatever band they happen to be paying tribute to and some people are willing to pay their hard earned money to hear that music. In our case Led Zeppelin. We all get, jahfin, that you would never see a Led Zeppelin Tribute band, even if that tribute band includes the son of John Bonham (as you would catergorize Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Experience).

jahfin says he would never pay to see a tribute band, however, from what I have read about his love of r.e.m., I bet he would pay dearly to see a lame tribute band of a lame band named after a nocturnal activity called rapid eye movement.

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Me too, but I knew someone who was really original and he told me to go see everything, and I still do as much as I can.

As I've mentioned, I've seen a couple of tribute bands. It wasn't my thing. I'd rather see an artist performing their own original material than a re-creation of another band.

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Mhmm and with a picture of Johnny Cash with his middle finger out what more can you expect?

One can be a Led Zeppelin fan and not be a fan of bands that mimic Led Zeppelin. As I've stated countless times at this point, I'm not a fan of tribute bands in general.

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