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Without Whole Lotta Love would Led Zeppelin have been as successful?

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Many of "today's" artists have already toppled off their "thrones" while others like Chuck Berry for example have passed the test of time umpteen times over....I don't think the artists of "today" will even dream of coming close to true UNwimpy acts as LZ or Chuck :):):)

Edited by spidersandsnakes
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^No need to get into THAT again, needless to say it was a rekindled situation that didn't need to be carried into here. The powers that be are aware of everything. All is calm....;)

As has been said by others, Zep was way too talented not to reach the heights they did. WLL was definitely a song that was perfect for the time period it came out though.

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Hello LedZep fans,

Hate to butt in, just found the topic, and found it interesting. v(^_^


It's really hard to say. There would still be a good sized group that would be hardcore Ledzeppelin fans. The only thing that would set the listening group apart from the rest of the people; is understanding, of the emotion behind the music. They wouldn't have been THAT famous, as they were; but, they would have still changed quite a few people. I guess what I'm trying to say is: The music is still effecting people today. I think it is more than just a Whole Lotta Love that get's people thinkin. It's one hell of a motivator though. I'll give yah that.

Maybe I'm just playin devil's advocate, it really just depends on perspective. On what you're taking into account and what you're not taking into account.


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YOU hav been reported again:):):;)

"Whole Lotta Love" did not make Led Zeppelin. Led Zeppelin made "Whole Lotta Love" and, I would have to say that it did help tremendously with the sales of Led Zeppelin II (then and now). Even though Led Zeppelin was still a very young and (semi) un-tested band at the time of LZII, I think that Led Zeppelin would still have gone on to dominate the whole Music business as they did throughout the entire decade of the 1970's. With or without "Whole Lotta Love". I do think that the World is a better place with a great song and anthem as "Whole Lotta Love". As far as I can think, "Whole Lotta Love" was the first song credited to "Page/Plant/Jones/Bonham". Later revised to "Page/Plant/Jones/Bonham/Dixon".

By the way, snakesandspiders, how come you seem to get so defensive and always seem to resort to reporting people because of any differences that someone has with you? What do you report? That someone has a different opinion than you do. That your feelings may have been hurt? I have had many differences with some people on this forum (you included), and have been called all kinds of bad names and whatnot, however, I would never go so low as to "report" these to any kind of authority.

IF I CAN DISH IT OUT, I CAN DEFINATELY TAKE IT. GOOD OR BAD. I do not feel the need to report or ignore others just because they may not agree with me.

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"Whole Lotta Love" did not make Led Zeppelin. Led Zeppelin made "Whole Lotta Love" and, I would have to say that it did help tremendously with the sales of Led Zeppelin II (then and now). Even though Led Zeppelin was still a very young and (semi) un-tested band at the time of LZII, I think that Led Zeppelin would still have gone on to dominate the whole Music business as they did throughout the entire decade of the 1970's. With or without "Whole Lotta Love". I do think that the World is a better place with a great song and anthem as "Whole Lotta Love". As far as I can think, "Whole Lotta Love" was the first song credited to "Page/Plant/Jones/Bonham". Later revised to "Page/Plant/Jones/Bonham/Dixon".

By the way, snakesandspiders, how come you seem to get so defensive and always seem to resort to reporting people because of any differences that someone has with you? What do you report? That someone has a different opinion than you do. That your feelings may have been hurt? I have had many differences with some people on this forum (you included), and have been called all kinds of bad names and whatnot, however, I would never go so low as to "report" these to any kind of authority.

IF I CAN DISH IT OUT, I CAN DEFINATELY TAKE IT. GOOD OR BAD. I do not feel the need to report or ignore others just because they may not agree with me.

I do not like to talk about these things publically, but since you brought the matter up, I'll reply. Some people here have criticized me for my ideas and NORMAL debating and even with HARSH words.....I have always lived by the motto "live and let live", but when I see that the negative critics continue to use certain kind of language, then I start to report things...so that is what I report.....silly BIASED language and not frivolous things. I can take anyone's idea and ponder it UNlike many other posters here...remember, I'M NO YESMAN, be sure about that :):):)!!!!

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To the original question: I do believe that Zeppelin would have been just as successful without WLL. It helped their album sales but they were gaining widespread notice by touring at such a frenetic pace which put them in front of lots of people which in turn, helped introduce the fans to their albums. Touring was their key to their success.

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To the original question: I do believe that Zeppelin would have been just as successful without WLL. It helped their album sales but they were gaining widespread notice by touring at such a frenetic pace which put them in front of lots of people which in turn, helped introduce the fans to their albums. Touring was their key to their success.

This seems like the general main conclusion then! :gotmail:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think Zeppelin touring the way they did clearly did have a big influence on their success early, but a lot of bands did the same thing with varying degress of success. I'm also not sure where the idea that Zeppelin was never a "singles" band came from either. They didn't record a tune with the top 40 in mind but over their recording career they did have five single releases that made the American Top 20.

Fans went to the shows and bought the LP's, but casual record buyers had to find out about the band through their singles that were played on the radio a lot back in the day.

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I believe the first album didn't really set Led Zeppelin on the map like the second did and the play of Whole Lotta Love got the second album to be as popular because think of it like this LZ II would never have reached the charts like it did without it. Therefore not making Led Zeppelin have so a big name after 1969 so my question is do you think this is the song that actually got Led Zeppelin to the heights they reached?

hell yeah! does dolly parton sleep on her back?

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