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Crimes & Punishment

Brad Hamilton

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(I copied this post from another thread)

Great question Bouillon!

Depending on the state or county, jurors are usually compensated for their time. Where I live in California I believe jurors get paid $15 dollars per day starting on the 2nd day of service. Not much, and usually doesn't cover your lunch.

In addition, many companies will continue to pay employees for the time they are on jury duty up to a certain number of days. My company pays for up to 10 days but after that you would need to use vacation time or you are out of luck. This is especially hard on small business owners as time away from their business for even a few days can have a profound impact on their bottom line.

In the United States the current system seems to favor the defense in my opinion. The less informed a juror is, the more likely they will believe the crazy theories of the defense. The defense can just about make any claim they want without any proof. A much different standard than is applied to the prosecution.



I served jury duty 2 times in Riverside County, California, and yes, daily payment starts on the 2nd day (15.00) when it is presumed you are seated on a jury but I once when through the selection process for 4 days and did not get seated. Got paid though. Plus jurors are also paid milage for one way. In my case it was about 40 miles for me and I was paid .34 per mile getting to the courthouse. Not all employers pay their employees while on jury duty, which my employer policy does not, However, my immediate superior did pay me both times. The first time, as long as I was able to clock in each day he would adjust and pay me for the whole day. I was going in extra early or coming in at the end of the day to squeeze in a bit of necessary work. The second time, we split it. I applied for some vacation time and he threw in to pay me for half of the time I had to take of. Last time my check from the court was around 85.00 for the week. Chump change compared to the pay I lost, by hey, better than nothing.

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Casey Anthony going free, If she was black, fat, gay, etc she would be in jail by now. But because she's part of the majority she's free to go. No wonder a lot of people hate USA. I'm not hating on the Americans, but the country system seems a bit fucked up. Who handle the trial one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?!

Just because she was deemed innocent doesn't MAKE her innocent. Plenty of innocent people have gone to jail the say way that many people are guilty and walk away 'innocent'. She neglected her child. Telling me she didn't notice that the kid was dead and or missing after a few hours?! She lied, only guilty people lie. If you were innocent you would have told the truth because you have NOTHING to hide. You have got to be fucking kidding me. You can't spank a child but you can kill one?!

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One of my biggest peeves about our criminal justice system here in the United States is how we continue to prosecute people for minor drug offenses and then take up prison resources with these people. I understand that addiction may lead to other crime, but I draw a line between crimes against people and crimes against property.

In my view if you harm a PERSON in the commission of your crime then I want the maximum punishment. However drug addicts who steal my car should be dealt with another way. If they don't use a gun or other violence, then why not try and find a better way to rehabilitated them?

But rapists, child molesters, murderers and the like...

let 'em burn I say.

Well said Brad. :goodpost:

I have always have had a problem with that "Three Strikes Your Out" punishment too. I mean you could be sent to prison for many years, even if your third offense was being caught with a joint. Your other two offenses might not even be that severe either. Seems ridiculous. It's things like these that make the whole system a joke at times.

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Well said Brad. :goodpost:

I have always have had a problem with that "Three Strikes Your Out" punishment too. I mean you could be sent to prison for many years, even if your third offense was being caught with a joint. Your other two offenses might not even be that severe either. Seems ridiculous. It's things like these that make the whole system a joke at times.

I agree whole heartily with you and Brad. What is sad and frustrating is the fact that drug addicts have a problem that needs fixing: their drug addiction. Going to jail or prison might dry them out while they are behind bars but what about when they get out? Someone with an addiction should get help, not jail/prison time. And the 3 Strikes law is so blind and so mind numbingly stupid, that it needs to be thrown out. Drug addicts relapse for a reason, because they need to change their brain chemistry and environment. Why not spend the same amount of money that is spent on drug related jail time and spend that on rehab. I understand that some drug related crimes are often violent and can lead to death but how many are just related to the drug addict trying to get their next fix, i.e. small time robbery. I watched a program called "Scared Straight, ??" I forgot the rest of the title. blush.gif But anyway, it was an updated "Scared Straight". A group of teens, who have committed petty crimes and have the potential for being future inmates, are taken on a tour of a major Prison. They are introduced to prisoners who try to get across to them that being in prison should not be their future. One prisoner in particular, was in prison for the next 40 years because of the 3 Strikes law. He is an addict who had two prior convictions, both drug related. He was trying to go straight but he needed money so he robbed a liquor store. He was sent to prison for stealing $40. He didn't even use a weapon at the time of the robbery. His wife left him and she will not let him see their children. How is spending 40 years helping him or society? Can't we use the money that will cost the tax payers for his 40 year incarceration, on rehab for addicts so that they can function in society and not lock them up to be better criminals?

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Wikipedia states that of 2007 there are 264 privately run prisions in the United States housing 99,000 inmates. Several religious organizations have called for their outright abolishment and for very good reasons I think.


It's just another corporate endevour that's profitable. Those recreational drug users aren't going to be set free anytime soon.

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I agree whole heartily with you and Brad. What is sad and frustrating is the fact that drug addicts have a problem that needs fixing: their drug addiction. Going to jail or prison might dry them out while they are behind bars but what about when they get out? Someone with an addiction should get help, not jail/prison time. And the 3 Strikes law is so blind and so mind numbingly stupid, that it needs to be thrown out. Drug addicts relapse for a reason, because they need to change their brain chemistry and environment. Why not spend the same amount of money that is spent on drug related jail time and spend that on rehab. I understand that some drug related crimes are often violent and can lead to death but how many are just related to the drug addict trying to get their next fix, i.e. small time robbery. I watched a program called "Scared Straight, ??" I forgot the rest of the title. blush.gif But anyway, it was an updated "Scared Straight". A group of teens, who have committed petty crimes and have the potential for being future inmates, are taken on a tour of a major Prison. They are introduced to prisoners who try to get across to them that being in prison should not be their future. One prisoner in particular, was in prison for the next 40 years because of the 3 Strikes law. He is an addict who had two prior convictions, both drug related. He was trying to go straight but he needed money so he robbed a liquor store. He was sent to prison for stealing $40. He didn't even use a weapon at the time of the robbery. His wife left him and she will not let him see their children. How is spending 40 years helping him or society? Can't we use the money that will cost the tax payers for his 40 year incarceration, on rehab for addicts so that they can function in society and not lock them up to be better criminals?


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Hi all,

One of my biggest peeves about our criminal justice system here in the United States is how we continue to prosecute people for minor drug offenses and then take up prison resources with these people.

Brad,I ask this sincerely,what do consider a minor drug offense?


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Hi all,

Being from the Boston area, I gotta ask, yes, sarcastically.....How's Cardinal Law liking the Vatican? :angry:

Ah,Crime and punishment,this will make you sick,....

Good old Bernie was archbishop of Boston,he shuffled pedophile priest from one parish to another,......


John Paul II appointed Law to a post in Rome, putting him in charge of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, with the title of Archpriest. He is also a member of the Congregations for the Oriental Churches, the Clergy, Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, Evangelisation of Peoples, Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Catholic Education, Bishops as well as the Pontifical Council for the Family.

In other words someone who should be hanged!


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Hi Brad,all,

To me a minor drug offense would be one where it is clear that the person is a user and not necessarily a dealer.

How do we or anyone tell the difference?

I believe most people might agree that having a small amount of marijuana is not going to destroy our society.

Well said.Now when I lived in the San Jose/Campbell area the stuff came from the home state.Of course,Neil Young had not wrote 'Home grown' at the time.Where is pot coming from now?

But unfortunately there are many laws that have severe penalties for people caught with harder drugs like meth or heroin; even just for having it in possession without the intent to sell.

Are you serious? :blink: I'd would look that up.Some addicted to meth& heroin would would never,ever commit a crime. :rolleyes:

I'm not saying that these drugs (the harder ones at least) should be legal. But what I am saying is that a person who is addicted to a drug is not necessarily a dangerous person who needs to be in prison.

Go to east LA,ask them,.....wow!

KB(love ya Brad,you is a good guy!)

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Well if OJ was payback for Rodney King, what about that poor white truck driver who was dragged out of his vehicle and literally beaten to death by a black mob? The only thing the poor guy did was be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Times have changed in Los Angeles now. What's happened to the black rage though?

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I served on one jury in the late 70's where two dumbasses tried to rob a porn theater in broad daylight on Market St. in San Francisco. They even tried to pull the old trick of simulating a gun in their pockets to the ticket taker. He chased them out with a club and they were then caught and we convicted them even though they had two defense lawyers and the prosecutor was a pregnant lawyer. I have no idea what their sentence was. And this all happened at the same time that Dan White was on trial for killing Harvey Milk and Mayor Moscone. What a fuckin' media zoo that was to wade through. <_<

I personally believe in capital punishment and have always thought that the whole Manson family should have been executed en masse. <_<

About 10 years ago up here this murderer pled against being hanged because he said he was too fat. They actually believed him and gave him life instead.

Nothing like some good home cooking and lots ice cream to get out of that one. <_<

I was 'excused' from another criminal trial and I believe the reason was that I told them that I owned firearms.

They only want bleeding hearts for the defense. <_<

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I served on one jury in the late 70's where two dumbasses tried to rob a porn theater in broad daylight on Market St. in San Francisco. They even tried to pull the old trick of simulating a gun in their pockets to the ticket taker. He chased them out with a club and they were then caught and we convicted them even though they had two defense lawyers and the prosecutor was a pregnant lawyer. I have no idea what their sentence was. And this all happened at the same time that Dan White was on trial for killing Harvey Milk and Mayor Moscone. What a fuckin' media zoo that was to wade through. <_<

I personally believe in capital punishment and have always thought that the whole Manson family should have been executed en masse. <_<

About 10 years ago up here this murderer pled against being hanged because he said he was too fat. They actually believed him and gave him life instead.

Nothing like some good home cooking and lots ice cream to get out of that one. <_<

I would agree with you Redrum if when a Policeman is found to have given false evidence or fitted up some innocent victim who got the Death Sentence that Policeman got that Death Sentence as well. There have been too many innocent people executed for me and 1 would be too many in my book.

To be locked up for life many not be justice in many peoples eyes but better to lock up a Guilty Person than to Execute an Innocent one hey?

Regards, Danny

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I would agree with you Redrum if when a Policeman is found to have given false evidence or fitted up some innocent victim who got the Death Sentence that Policeman got that Death Sentence as well. There have been too many innocent people executed for me and 1 would be too many in my book.

To be locked up for life many not be justice in many peoples eyes but better to lock up a Guilty Person than to Execute an Innocent one hey?

Regards, Danny

I should have stated 'with overwhelming evidence' on executions, and I do realize the value of DNA testing.

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I should have stated 'with overwhelming evidence' on executions, and I do realize the value of DNA testing.

Even so, with overwhelming evidence from a bent cop you can be put you away or executed for something you never did, untill they do the bent cop double he will always risk fitting you up.

Regards, Danny

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Even so, with overwhelming evidence from a bent cop you can be put you away or executed for something you never did, untill they do the bent cop double he will always risk fitting you up.

Regards, Danny

Bad cops are another story. They'll get their just due in time though. I've met a few that I would have had no qualms about punching their fuckin' lights out. When they pull you over they should just get to the business at hand instead of throwing their weight around and using the uniform for a power trip by trying to egg you on. I just keep my mouth shut because THEY have the upper hand, unfortunately. <_<

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Hi all,

Bad cops are another story. They'll get their just due in time though. I've met a few that I would have had no qualms about punching their fuckin' lights out. When they pull you over they should just get to the business at hand instead of throwing their weight around and using the uniform for a power trip by trying to egg you on. I just keep my mouth shut because THEY have the upper hand, unfortunately. <_<

Reminds me of story,....... ;)


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