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2012 the end of the Mayan calender


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Good luck to ya, slave! We're fine. I do hope it is just hype - imagine what people would act like in that scenario?!? We have to be prepared where I am, hurricanes could come at any time and in any strength where I live, this time of the year. I do still think it is just some form of funding hype, they have been severly cut these past few years.


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Good luck to ya, slave! We're fine. I do hope it is just hype - imagine what people would act like in that scenario?!? We have to be prepared where I am, hurricanes could come at any time and in any strength where I live, this time of the year. I do still think it is just some form of funding hype, they have been severly cut these past few years.


well, if it is that, i just don't know how people that do that kind of stuff can sleep at night :angry:

hope you dodge the hurricanes! we are lucky here, don't get them.

we just have venomous spiders and snakes ......... ;)

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Well, we have those as well - both on this forum and in my locale. ;)

Believe it - that type of misinformation, or slanted information, happens all the time over here. That's partially why I am a skeptic. There is a pile of money to be grabbed for those who are willing to do what it takes to get their hands on it! One of the reasons why we are in the predicament we are in over here.

Again, peace my fellow Zep Head.

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Well, we have those as well - both on this forum and in my locale. ;)

Believe it - that type of misinformation, or slanted information, happens all the time over here. That's partially why I am a skeptic. There is a pile of money to be grabbed for those who are willing to do what it takes to get their hands on it! One of the reasons why we are in the predicament we are in over here.

Again, peace my fellow Zep Head.

cheers mate :) have a great day!

btw and off topic ... did you have a look at that thread i started about good charlotte? tell me the intro doesn't sound like a rip - off of dancing days!

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Sorry but Michio Kaku isn't just some Fox news contributor "trying to sell a book". The man co-authored the String Field Theory for God sakes.

Yeah, so? There are a few people on FOX now who previously had reputable careers, before hooking their wagon to them.

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Doesn't matter whether it's FOX, MSNBC, CNN or another news agency. It's like a five day weather forecast...yes a forecast! Nothing can be substantiated until it happens or doesn't happen. That's the bottom line!

that's a good way of looking at it. i hope the forecast is wrong .... :(

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Sorry but Michio Kaku isn't just some Fox news contributor "trying to sell a book". The man co-authored the String Field Theory for God sakes.

It's on Fox news though so, nothing to see here, move along.


ive seen michio kaku speaking on a few different docos lately.

he explains things really well for the laymen ( and women! :) )

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A friend asked me what I thought about Dec 21, 2012. Solar flares? Mayan calendar? End of the world? Let's look at the popular theories:

1. Mayan Long Count Calendar. An astronomical calendar based on the alignment of Earth and our Solar system with the Galactic center in Sagittarius, which occurs every 5000 +/- years and will occur on "the date".

2. Leaving the Piscean age and entering the age of Aquarius, also on about "the date". A time of great spiritual awakening.

3. The aliens will return.

4. Armageddon.

So what will happen? Global upheaval? Tidal waves? Earthquakes? Aliens? Or maybe the age of global interaction via the internet will trigger the Biblical Armageddon. Will all be "revealed"? Antichrist? Nuclear annihilation? World War lll? Will the world economy collapse? Plague? Asteroid? Or maybe a new age of spiritual enlightenment will come about.

Stuff happens every day. Will that particular day deliver something extra special? Maybe we should treat every day like it could be that day. Maybe we should endeavor to look outward instead of inward. Do we really need to wait for a special occasion? Perhaps that's the point of all prophecy; to remind us to look outward. Some people react with hope. Some are motivated by fear. Fear of suffering. Fear of death. I guess if that's what gets us off our asses, maybe that's best. I don't know. I'm no prophet. I've read many things. More than some. Not nearly as much as others. Stuff about pyramids. Gods and monsters. Common themes in seemingly disconnected theologies. Maps of Antarcitica without ice from before our technology could show us what lies beneath. Yes, I enjoy the subject and I enjoy entertaining possibilities. I've seen a lot of strange things. What I believe is my own. I'm not here to witness. My personal experience is that when you get too many people following the same path, things get rapidly distorted. Human nature somehow always causes someone to want to tell the rest how it is and why they've got it right and you've got it wrong. Maybe we're all wrong. Maybe there is no right. And so it goes.

All I know (or rather feel) is that things are accelerating exponentially. Some would call it the "quickening". Every time something is created to make things easier, things become more complex. Some call that entropy. Order from chaos. Chaos from order.

Will anything happen on 12/21/2012? Well, if enough people are certain it must, someone will make something happen. Sometimes we create out own destiny. Sometimes if someone thinks something is imminent, he/she will make something happen. Is it because it was written in the book? Or did someone simply manifest something because they were convinced it was unavoidable? Paging Marshall Applewhite! Get yer Nikes on! Time to ride that comet!

Maybe I'll finally balance my checkbook. Now that would be an honest to god miracle!

Here's an idea. On 12/21/2012, everybody commit a selfless act of kindness somehow, some way. Who knows? Maybe the aliens will decide their intervention is no longer required ;)

Peace, Evster(2012)

P.S. There's a reason I've been away from forums for the last two years. Reading the venom people sling at each other in threads like this one reminds me why. See you in two more years. I'll show myself the door.

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i was chatting to ev on facebook, and i told him we missed him, and i asked if he would contribute again. i mentioned this thread as his username is evster 2012. he said he wouldn't, as he thought it too negative around here. :(

but he dropped by anyway, though very briefly! :)

maybe we could all do what he said about being nice to one another, that would be a nice way to bring in 2012 ..... :):unsure:

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i was chatting to ev on facebook, and i told him we missed him, and i asked if he would contribute again. i mentioned this thread as his username is evster 2012. he said he wouldn't, as he thought it too negative around here. :(

but he dropped by anyway, though very briefly! :)

maybe we could all do what he said about being nice to one another, that would be a nice way to bring in 2012 ..... :):unsure:

Hi Slave,

I would love to see Evster back posting as well, this forum has not been the same since he left thats for sure.

But lets get one thing straight? he didnt leave this forum because of all the venom on here, he left to find work and where he went there was no internet, the venom was here long before he left and he was part of it on occation. Many members from the old board have left or have been banned and thats probably the real reason he doesnt want to come back, lack of former friends.

If Evster cant give a definitive as to what is going to happen on 21/12/2012 then nothing bad will probably happen naturaly, but mankind might change all that. ;)

The Age of Aquarius presumably will start on or after 2012, we get a new age every 2150 years or so (Earth's 25,800 year gyroscopic precession divided by the twelve Zodiac points) so a New Age may bring in a New Beginning, and to have a New Beginning we need an End, and how that End and Beginning will entwine who knows? all i know is that i will be doing the same as always, looking forward to a New Year and a New Beginning.

Kind Regards, Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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i was chatting to ev on facebook, and i told him we missed him, and i asked if he would contribute again. i mentioned this thread as his username is evster 2012. he said he wouldn't, as he thought it too negative around here. :(

Compared to many different boards, with this many people contributing, I don't believe it is that negative or "venomous" as he put it. Do we disagree, yes, is it spirited at times, yes. But compared to other sites, it is much better controlled and people can freely post their thoughts and ideas without being cursed out - unlike the early days of this very forum, at times.

I wish Ev good luck and good health.

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Hi Slave,

I would love to see Evster back posting as well, this forum has not been the same since he left thats for sure.

But lets get one thing straight? he didnt leave this forum because of all the venom on here, he left to find work and where he went there was no internet, the venom was here long before he left and he was part of it on occation. Many members from the old board have left or have been banned and thats probably the real reason he doesnt want to come back, lack of former friends.

If Evster cant give a definitive as to what is going to happen on 21/12/2012 then nothing bad will probably happen naturaly, but mankind might change all that. ;)

The Age of Aquarius presumably will start on or after 2012, we get a new age every 2150 years or so (Earth's 25,800 year gyroscopic precession divided by the twelve Zodiac points) so a New Age may bring in a New Beginning, and to have a New Beginning we need an End, and how that End and Beginning will entwine who knows? all i know is that i will be doing the same as always, looking forward to a New Year and a New Beginning.

Kind Regards, Danny

hi bigdan

yes, he left because he moved, and also he has been VERY ill. btw he says he is MUCH better now

but i do think he left because he felt it wasn't a pleasant experience for him at that time.

and he remarked the other day that he saw " venom " in this thread, or maybe he read some other threads too :unsure: so i guess he wont be back.

it is a shame, he is so good at explaining things, and i hoped he would go into a bit more detail than he did, but oh well.

i have no idea what 2012 will bring, but as you and he say, maybe a new beginning. that would be kinda nice!

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Compared to many different boards, with this many people contributing, I don't believe it is that negative or "venomous" as he put it. Do we disagree, yes, is it spirited at times, yes. But compared to other sites, it is much better controlled and people can freely post their thoughts and ideas without being cursed out - unlike the early days of this very forum, at times.

I wish Ev good luck and good health.

yes, i don't think it's that bad.

but then again, i am quite thick - skinned when it comes to stuff like that. i just let it past. pffft. :rolleyes:

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Ha! That's fantastic. Probably close to what happened too. The Mayans were such meticulous, even obsessive, time keepers - projecting way into the future with their calculations. Maybe one day after many years of hard work, the astronomers just said "Ah fuck this, let's go to the beach." And so their calendars just stopped at 21 Dec 2012.

LOL! Maybe we only have Volume one of the Mayan calendar. Volume two of the calendar was likely lost or broken... B)

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  • 6 months later...

Well it's only a little more than nine months until the magic date. I thought a bump of this thread might be in order.

hi dazedcat

i just re-read this thread, and also the conspiracy theory one.....

i think about this quite a bit. what will happen? anything? something? nothing?..... who knows.

but i am still worried about the solar storms.

what do i hope will happen? i hope the ancient astronauts that have helped us in the past will return and help us again.

we sure need it.

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