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2012 the end of the Mayan calender


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Considering the Mayan Calendar outlived the Mayans themselves, I'd say it's pretty pointless to worry about some arbitrary date. Didn't anybody learn anything from the 2000 hoax/debacle...let alone every "end of days" huckster that's come down the pike?

Nobody gave a rat's ass about the Mayan Calendar since the demise of the Mayans and NOW we're supposed to get all worked up about it? Fuck the Mayans and fuck their stupid calendar.

Edited by Strider
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What fascinates me is the construction of pyramids around the world by vastly different ancient cultures. They couldn't have know about eachother, yet they all built pyramids in a similar fashion.


By the way, the federal government of the United States has been studying the Mayan timeline since the early 1950's so while it's fairly "new" in pop culture, it's been known about for quite some time. Other cultures using totally different methods of time telling (the ancient Chinese for one) all arrive roughly at the same time "end" as the Mayans did.

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Considering the Mayan Calendar outlived the Mayans themselves, I'd say it's pretty pointless to worry about some arbitrary date. Didn't anybody learn anything from the 2000 hoax/debacle...let alone every "end of days" huckster that's come down the pike?

Nobody gave a rat's ass about the Mayan Calendar since the demise of the Mayans and NOW we're supposed to get all worked up about it? Fuck the Mayans and fuck their stupid calendar.

that's a pretty closed minded attitude there strider. bit rude, too, imo. if you're not interested in a subject, why post there? not saying you can't, but seems a bit silly to me.

not everyone is saying it's the end of the world mate. it could be a change, a new beginning, the return, or something else. the 2000 thing was nothing like this, it was all based on whether or not our computers would crash, totally different.

and did the calender outlive the mayans? or did they just leave ? .........

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What fascinates me is the construction of pyramids around the world by vastly different ancient cultures. They couldn't have know about eachother, yet they all built pyramids in a similar fashion.


By the way, the federal government of the United States has been studying the Mayan timeline since the early 1950's so while it's fairly "new" in pop culture, it's been known about for quite some time. Other cultures using totally different methods of time telling (the ancient Chinese for one) all arrive roughly at the same time "end" as the Mayans did.

and they all have similar writings and depictions of " gods ", and creation stories.

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Bro,stop sugar coating it!Tell us how you really feel.


If anything happens on this supposed date, I'll eat my shorts.

Allow me to clarify...I wasn't trying to be rude, just pragmatic. If Mayan culture is your field of study or you find it interesting to read about the history of pyramids or the possibility of alien life-forms, that's fine. I find a lot of that of interest on some level, too.

My remarks were more directed at the "world is ending on 12-12-12" crowd and their enablers in the media that allow them to shout about it, drowning out more relevant news stories in the process.

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If anything happens on this supposed date, I'll eat my shorts.

Allow me to clarify...I wasn't trying to be rude, just pragmatic. If Mayan culture is your field of study or you find it interesting to read about the history of pyramids or the possibility of alien life-forms, that's fine. I find a lot of that of interest on some level, too.

My remarks were more directed at the "world is ending on 12-12-12" crowd and their enablers in the media that allow them to shout about it, drowning out more relevant news stories in the process.

no worries. i'm just sick of the rude attitude i always get when these types of subjects are spoken about. which is why i said why come into this thread if all you (anyone ) want to do is belittle?

i don't think that these kind of stories stop any others from being aired, actually probably the opposite. whitney houston, anyone?

and anyway, i think these stories are very important anyway. if the solar storms do the damage that has been predicted COULD happen, then we are in for a rough time. i'm not saying this WILL happen, just that we need to think about it.

i think it was knebby who said on here somewhere that an open mind is a healthy one.

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Hi all,

If anything happens on this supposed date, I'll eat my shorts.

Post it YouTube mate,please? :D

Allow me to clarify...I wasn't trying to be rude, just pragmatic. If Mayan culture is your field of study or you find it interesting to read about the history of pyramids or the possibility of alien life-forms, that's fine. I find a lot of that of interest on some level, too.

I think anyone who reads this forum,knows,you are not rude.Even, if you are Raiders fan. :P


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Hi all,

Post it YouTube mate,please? :D

I think anyone who reads this forum,knows,you are not rude.Even, if you are Raiders fan. :P


which is why i was a bit taken back by the profanities he used. people seem to really get into a mess with these subjects. maybe out of fear? i do agree strider is usually a most pleasant and highly regarded poster here, and i have no problem with him at all.

all good here.

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Hi aLL,

which is why i was a bit taken back by the profanities he used. people seem to really get into a mess with these subjects. maybe out of fear? i do agree strider is usually a most pleasant and highly regarded poster here, and i have no problem with him at all.all good here.

Maybe sister. :) Brother Strider has a lifetime pass on this end.Too many lattes? :wave:


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Scientists aren't laughing any longer and actively take part in this series. There's too many dots being connected to ignore what's being said.

a lot of people haven't heard about the ancient alien astronaut theory. i only heard about it in the last few years, and it rang true to me straight away.

there is so much evidence right here on the earth, hard evidence, drawings, models, writings etc all saying the same thing.

not one "God ", but many " visitors " mistaken for " gods ".

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