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2012 the end of the Mayan calender


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San Francisco 1989,.... :)

Hospitals,do have their own power plants and many back up generators.


yes, i guess you're right, but don't they usually only supply emergency power/? i imagine a large hospital would need a lot of electricity to run properly.

wonder what would happen to air travel if the internet and gps systems broke down? scary thought!

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At the end of the day nothing worries me. There are always hundreds of theories about how and when the world will end. If it's not aliens then it's global warming. If it's not global warming it's the rapture. If it's not the rapture it's an astriod. If it's not an astriod it's nuclear war. And on and on. Whatever will happen will happen and I don't care because I can't do anything except stress myself worrying about it. I heard a good quote (see below) that's about astrology but can be applied to end of the world theories.

Behold the wisdom of Jim Morrison:


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yes, i guess you're right, but don't they usually only supply emergency power/? i imagine a large hospital would need a lot of electricity to run properly.

One would think.

what would happen to air travel if the internet and gps systems broke down? scary thought!

What did they do before all that?

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what did we do before that

we rode horses or took a boat

anyways.....the end of the world is happening on my birthday this year........so you better be nice

i have the power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by beetleron
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Mercury Program was the first manned U.S. space program. And when we say "manned," we of course mean "There was a guy sitting in there while the fully automated spacecraft took care of everything." As NASA was still finding their groove with manned spaceflights, they wanted to make sure that as little as possible could go wrong by human error. So they made everything so automated that the astronauts had little to do with anything other than, well, staying put and shutting up. Hence the less-than-flattering nickname of the astronauts involved: "Spam in a can."Astronaut Cooper was the Spam du jour on Mercury-Atlas 9. It was the program's final mission, and everyone was feeling pretty relaxed, seeing as all the other ones had gone off without a hitch.NASA launched Cooper into orbit on May 15, 1963, and everything was indeed going nicely ... for the first 19 orbits, anyway. When the 20th came along, Cooper suddenly lost all altitude, orientation and attitude readings. This was bad, but still somewhat manageable. An automated vessel can still operate even if its pilot doesn't quite know what's going on, right?His accomplishment single-handedly revolutionized the way astronauts were viewed in spacecraft design. And no one ever dared call an astronaut "Spam in a can" again in fear that Cooper would steer a meteorite at them using nothing but a paper clip and a broken yo-yo.

Too bad that was only the first part of the problem. During the very next orbit, Cooper lost his entire automatic stabilization and control systems, without which a safe, non-flambeed return to Earth's atmosphere would be, in scientific terms, balls-out impossible.

So Cooper, whose mission briefing had presumably been a mom-at-the-mall-style "Just sit there and don't touch anything," realized he was going to have to calculate the reentry and land the craft without any help from NASA's sophisticated tech. To further make the situation seem like some warped game show, he also noticed that the air inside his capsule wasgetting full of carbon dioxide.

Instead of throwing his hands up and demanding to see where the candid camera is because no way can the cards be this stacked, Cooper put on his MacGyverin' hat. Improvising, he made like a 17th century sailor and approximated his position from the star formations. Then, using nothing but his wristwatch, he calculated the time he needed to fire the retro-rockets for reentry. Yes, the fate of an entire spacecraft relied on a wristwatch. And he had to hope that his watch was one of those types that still keeps perfect time in space.

Upon entering Earth's atmosphere, Cooper found out that his desperation move was just as impossible as it seemed, and promptly burned to a crisp.

Ha, no! He wound up making the most accurate splashdown in the history of the program. He landed only 4.4 miles away from the ship that was picking him up -- microsurgical precision in the "landing screaming from outer space" business.

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  • 8 months later...

A friend asked me what I thought about Dec 21, 2012. Solar flares? Mayan calendar? End of the world? Let's look at the popular theories:

1. Mayan Long Count Calendar. An astronomical calendar based on the alignment of Earth and our Solar system with the Galactic center in Sagittarius, which occurs every 5000 +/- years and will occur on "the date".

2. Leaving the Piscean age and entering the age of Aquarius, also on about "the date". A time of great spiritual awakening.

3. The aliens will return.

4. Armageddon.

So what will happen? Global upheaval? Tidal waves? Earthquakes? Aliens? Or maybe the age of global interaction via the internet will trigger the Biblical Armageddon. Will all be "revealed"? Antichrist? Nuclear annihilation? World War lll? Will the world economy collapse? Plague? Asteroid? Or maybe a new age of spiritual enlightenment will come about.

Stuff happens every day. Will that particular day deliver something extra special? Maybe we should treat every day like it could be that day. Maybe we should endeavor to look outward instead of inward. Do we really need to wait for a special occasion? Perhaps that's the point of all prophecy; to remind us to look outward. Some people react with hope. Some are motivated by fear. Fear of suffering. Fear of death. I guess if that's what gets us off our asses, maybe that's best. I don't know. I'm no prophet. I've read many things. More than some. Not nearly as much as others. Stuff about pyramids. Gods and monsters. Common themes in seemingly disconnected theologies. Maps of Antarcitica without ice from before our technology could show us what lies beneath. Yes, I enjoy the subject and I enjoy entertaining possibilities. I've seen a lot of strange things. What I believe is my own. I'm not here to witness. My personal experience is that when you get too many people following the same path, things get rapidly distorted. Human nature somehow always causes someone to want to tell the rest how it is and why they've got it right and you've got it wrong. Maybe we're all wrong. Maybe there is no right. And so it goes.

All I know (or rather feel) is that things are accelerating exponentially. Some would call it the "quickening". Every time something is created to make things easier, things become more complex. Some call that entropy. Order from chaos. Chaos from order.

Will anything happen on 12/21/2012? Well, if enough people are certain it must, someone will make something happen. Sometimes we create out own destiny. Sometimes if someone thinks something is imminent, he/she will make something happen. Is it because it was written in the book? Or did someone simply manifest something because they were convinced it was unavoidable? Paging Marshall Applewhite! Get yer Nikes on! Time to ride that comet!

Maybe I'll finally balance my checkbook. Now that would be an honest to god miracle!

Here's an idea. On 12/21/2012, everybody commit a selfless act of kindness somehow, some way. Who knows? Maybe the aliens will decide their intervention is no longer required wink.gif

Peace, Evster(2012)

P.S. There's a reason I've been away from forums for the last two years. Reading the venom people sling at each other in threads like this one reminds me why. See you in two more years. I'll show myself the door.

bumped this one, too :)

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420,000 years ago, astronauts from a rogue planet called Nibiru came to Earth. They sought gold. They took the dna from the upright walking monkey and mixed it with that of their women. This created a hybrid laborer they called Adama. The first human. Later they gave the female the ability to procreate. The one who did this was Enki, whose symbol was the serpent. This was written on clay cylinder seals in Sumer (ancient Mesopotamia) over 6000 years ago. It eventually distilled into the Eden story from Genesis. In 2012, the planet Nibiru, on its 2600 year elliptical orbit will pass by Earth and be rediscovered. This will usher in the next Earth age. Have your towels ready hitchhikers! wink.gif

- evster2012

evster is a very intelligent guy who has studied this stuff in depth. i wish he still posted here. :(

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I have never believed in this as no-one has ever predicted "the end of the world" with any great accuracy and many have tried and they never will. If it does "end" on 20/12/12 (that would be the 21st in Oz), so what?

No-one will be around to say, "I told you so....!"

I'll be interested to see if there are any crackpots out there who commit suicide before the "event", as if that'll help!?

So for all those who do believe, you've got less than three weeks to enjoy the world the way it is before it becomes the way it was.

I hope you're not too disappointed if it doesn't happen.

Edited by Reggie29
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I have never believed in this as no-one has ever predicted "the end of the world" with any great accuracy and many have tried and they ever will. If it does "end" on 20/12/12 (that would be the 21st in Oz), so what?

No-one will be around to say, "I told you so....!"

I'll be interested to see if there are any crackpots out there who commit suicide before the "event", as if that'll help!?

So for all those who do believe, you've got less than three weeks to enjoy the world the way it is before it becomes the way it was.

I hope you're not too disappointed if it doesn't happen.

reggie, i don't believe in anything like that either, but that's not what it's all about.

maybe nothing will happen.

maybe just a new era beginning .

i'm hoping for something positive :)

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reggie, i don't believe in anything like that either, but that's not what it's all about.

maybe nothing will happen.

maybe just a new era beginning .

i'm hoping for something positive :)

Everyday is a new beginning and the end of an era for me and I suppose everyone else in some way or another.

My take on this is, most people are expecting "something" to happen. Whether it is good or bad is subjective depending on one's point of view and beliefs.

The radicals and alarmists go with the doom and gloom climactic or destructive theory, while some people tend to think it'll be a good thing where the planet will be saved by some kind of "Divine or Extraterrestial Intervention", whereas sceptics and / or rationalists believe nothing will happen at all.

All will be revealed very soon.

Edited by Reggie29
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i'm ever the optimist! :)

what do i THINK will happen? probably nothing.

what do i HOPE will happen? E.T. will return to help us fix our problems and set us on a more productive path :)

ET went home and after the reception he got the first time, I doubt he would ever want to return!?

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As typical it turns out the Mayan calendar we have been referring to was unfinished. An archeological team recently found a complete, intact Mayan calendar showing 17 cycles instead of the 14 we are used to. What this means is we have another 3,000 years before the calendar ends. December 21st, 2012 is simply the end of the 14th cycle which signify's a change...whether it is positive or negative is up to us.

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what reception do you refer to?

In the movie!

I have an open mind about other life in the many galaxies out there..

We exist so it is feasible that given the expanse of the Universe other lifeforms do too.

Whether we have been "visited" at any time I am not totally convinced, apart from some dodgy sightings and ancient wall paintings there is no concrete evidence to completely back it up.

Some think those crop circles were made by aliens because they have no signs or tracks of arrival or departure?

I don't know who made them or how, however, I would not discount the theory they were made by "other worldly beings".

An explanation for them being man made is simple, they all have one thing in common in that they are always in remote and usually agricultural regions, at night.

Machinery and labour can be airlifted and removed by helicopter.

You never see them in cities or populated areas and never in your local parks!?

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In the movie!

I have an open mind about other life in the many galaxies out there..

We exist so it is feasible that given the expanse of the Universe other lifeforms do too.

Whether we have been "visited" at any time I am not totally convinced, apart from some dodgy sightings and ancient wall paintings there is no concrete evidence to completely back it up.

Some think those crop circles were made by aliens because they have no signs or tracks of arrival or departure?

I don't know who made them or how, however, I would not discount the theory they were made by "other worldly beings".

An explanation for them being man made is simple, they all have one thing in common in that they are always in remote and usually agricultural regions, at night.

Machinery and labour can be airlifted and removed by helicopter.

You never see them in cities or populated areas and never in your local parks!?

yeah, crop circles are really weird. some are fakes and obviously so. sometimes people admit to making them.

and then there are some that are really a mystery.

there was one last week in country n.s.w., the town of boorowa, just near where i am from. a pretty basic looking one, compared to some. maybe a year 12 prank?

maybe .....


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