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London Riots


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Believe me I have heard not a single soul in the UK worrying about the Olympics. Like I said earlier in the thread if there is still rioting in a fecking YEARS time, no-one here will give a stuff about the Olympics. Nice to know where your concerns lie though :rolleyes:

*three people DIED yesterday in the riots here. Racial issues and Olympic "concerns" are small potatoes next to that.

Not nice to know the Brits are not thinking ahead of such matters. Are you kidding me? The entire world will decend on your country and you seem to think it a trivial matter. Ridiculous. Now I see why people get so pissed at you. How can it not be a concern? I know it must be stopped asap. I do not know why this is all happening or who all the victims are. But rest assured it will be far bigger a story if this breaks out next summer and tourists are sorry they came there.

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Not nice to know the Brits are not thinking ahead of such matters. Are you kidding me? The entire world will decend on your country and you seem to think it a trivial matter. Ridiculous. Now I see why people get so pissed at you. How can it not be a concern? I know it must be stopped asap. I do not know why this is all happening or who all the victims are. But rest assured it will be far bigger a story if this breaks out next summer and tourists are sorry they came there.

Pathetic, sorry.
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I don't recall seeing BIGDAN posting the last couple of days. Wondering if he joined the ranks of the vigilantes helping the police to hopefully snuff out these hoodlum thugs.

Or he is on the other end, wreaking havoc. Just kidding Big Dan whenever you get to read this. Hey, you gotta try and make the best of these things. Hope you are ok.

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Oh, and I'm not taking sides here, but I will say that I've read a LOT of articles and news stories about the riots and their impact on the Olympics, so it's definitely something that's in the news and is being talked about.

London can be forgiven for not thinking too much at the moment about the 2012 Olympics – or the more imminent beginning of the English Premier League season, which may or may not begin as scheduled this weekend. It’s the most severe of understatements to say that the riot-beset city has other problems at present, and they’re problems with deep roots and unclear solutions. But, far off though the 2012 Games may seem, the troubles in London have raised some disturbing questions about how well the city will be prepared for the serious security demands of hosting the Olympics.


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Fair comment Matt - I said it earlier in the thread - the media will have concerns. But the media don't represent the people, we're more concerned with the immediate and long term impact on our society and how to prevent this happening again than we are with any sporting event.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I suspect many of the articles you have read are from overseas sources. Here are the 3 most popular UK newspapers - they are a slightly better representation of UK feelings, which is what we were talking about.




Cheers Matt :beer:

Edited by Knebby
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Zep fans in affected areas:

Stay safe...there's news coverage here in Canada on the CTV.,CBC etc...I also receive the BBC WORLD NEWS station..The other day I heard your PM's live news conference very early in the morning over here but it was @ 11 am in London


Edited by Juliet
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Answer a question with a question, that's nice. So, if you don't see value in something then it should just be banned?!? :blink:

I am sure the people in Iran were happy they could transmit imagines and information, on Twitter, about what was being done to them by their gov't when the Internet was shut down on them.

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What purpose does Twitter serve?

The same purpose 99% of the websites on the Internet serve - to entertain people. I happen to like Twitter, and I occasionally get comments back from celebrities I follow, which is fun. If you don't like Twitter, don't use it. There's things I don't like, but that doesn't mean I think they shouldn't exist.

Edited by Electrophile
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They're on about banning individuals from social networking sites who use them to incite violence, not to ban the sites completely. We all know that won't work though.

What they need to do is make an example of the scumbags they catch by treating them the same as they would a terrorist.

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The same purpose 99% of the websites on the Internet serve - to entertain people. I happen to like Twitter, and I occasionally get comments back from celebrities I follow, which is fun. If you don't like Twitter, don't use it. There's things I don't like, but that doesn't mean I think they shouldn't exist.

I don't use it. My problem with Twitter is several websites that I do visit frequently just have to incorporate Twitter into their web board responses. Usually the most inane comments come from Twitter users, it's mindless.

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Twitter also has a 140 character limit, so there's not a lot of deep and insightful conversation that can happen in such a short amount of space. You can find inane comments from people anywhere, it's not just restricted to social media sites. I get that Twitter isn't for everyone, and that's cool.....but it's not nearly as bad as you're making it out to be.

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Hi all,

I hope all our Brothers&Sisters in Britain are safe and also the rains in Scotland have not caused too much trouble.

Now,we can look at Tweeter,YouTube and other 'instant' media.A blessing and also a curse,no?

When any kind of madness happens in this crazy world,we can see and more importantly, disseminate these events.So, they do have a value,if one can put the pieces together.


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