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the lever as true stairway to heaven


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identifying the world's current state as PEAK OF TALENT CLEANSING BY THE BEAST'S SMART POWER

ethnic cleansing is a crime but this cleansing (title) was not even identified till now so it keeps on slipping away from the claws of justice. swallow the A from S.M.A.R.T. and you get the word SMRT which from Macedonian in American means DEATH... so be SMART or else be DEAD.

comment ???

THE PEAK OF TALENT CLEANSING BY THE BEAST'S SMART POWER = anti brain cancer therapy done by the beast to the beast's ill brain cells. and watt for ??? because the beast is having troubles to win the survival fight with some Being of Infinite & Annihilatory Powers... simply put, it's a smart power regrouping and consolidation in the troupes of the beast.

always one level above the situation

Excellency Dedanoe Unlishnidaos -- Brutalata

the brain of whole mankind is network of human brains where every human brain is network of brain cells so the mankind's brain is network of networks of brain cells. some of them are meant for deletion and only few of them are meant to survive. the anti brain tumor therapy on personal level is well described by German methodology: give the patient Bohr's negative that is absorbed by all cells; expose that brain on neutron beams; because the healthy cells are less permissive than the ill the ill permit more of that neutron beam; that neutron beam in contact with the Bohr's negative triggers local nuclear explosion and the ill cell is destroyed. on a grand scale, applied on whole of mankind: every human is expected to by him self a TV and hook on Cable Operator; the cable operator sends him Spanish Opera that is the neutron beam; the ill cells are those that keep demanding more of the Spanish shit and soon or later they will be detonated because of the bullshit nature of the Spanish Shit.

NO, NO, Mister Hugo Chavez, America has no cancer implanting technology. first of all this technology is German then the media is its distributor only then the shit that entered your brain becomes Spanish.

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Macedonia in NATO is more likely about dedanoe in marriage with Natasha

dedanoe is problematic (he would not give his kiddy life to no other kid via sinful sex until pregnancy | the name issue of F.Y.R.O.M. is about recognition of dedanoe's talent -- i mean plenty about financial recognition -- that was suppressed down to lunatic-murderer all the way up to God-wonder-maker) just the same as Natasha is obstinate (неа инато и е занато how can a perfection like dedanoe hook upon her | i better don't let that happen it ought to come to me at high price | Добрила Кобила А Ристо Теле) but you can do it America, if not independently then in a leverian marriage fashion https://sites.google...led_gold_fusion . don't full your self otherwise, N/A = not_applicable = 8/0 | multiply the whole equation with A0 you get that | 8A N0e | after you screw it all up the previous dragon year 2000 came the 2001 the year of the snake (Natasha is snake and dedanoe is dragon) in which the whole world was shaking 911 and war on terror globally and the gently wrapped Domestic Conflict inside MKD. so yes, you solve dedanoe and Natasha and a lot of side-wise problems fail to persist as problems. DNA = dedanoe NATO Andreevi | DNK = Dobri Natasha Karagorgovi | we are the prime gen the origin gen-ot everything in life is made in our image | how you deal with us that kind a world you gonna have.

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intelligence is ability of the cyclic levers to manage their own imbalance as suggested by their survival urge;

survival urge is tendency of the lever to maintain its own universal (both inner outer and limit) balance;

universal balance is a state of equilibrium in which the lever functions properly as a whole.

there is no threat big enough that you can cast on my existence. A G BV 1 means i have been the one and how many times do you wanna be eternal | once eternal is eternal enough. yes, you have the right to perceive me as a threat on your existence | the bear fears me and so i fear the bear | i am the first of the fools with VaseDOOM27 ΩMegaton Magnet Bomb weaponry | but my purpose here is not to fight for survival. your concern for your own survival can only make that much mass of the world but i can always turn on my daddy power of EDEN O' Ahme T where daddy is infinity at infinity at infinity at infinity... and so on at infinity until eternity. i can always make more order than the mass you do. now released from that troubles i can dedicate to my true purpose: make sure that all the weights are in union of one and that one weight can rock naturally and roll the flow uninterruptedly (nobody wants the sewage pipes stacked with shit right so block all the blockades to ensure the free flow). then some may ask who the fuck do i think i am ??? i am a lunatic that believes to be the key role in its own performance for the universe (мојата лична претстава за универзумот). it doesn't come to me as a burden it's something i am born with and is integral part of my existence. fuck it it's pointless although each of you would unreservedly admit all this in their private chambers none of you would admit it in public. and then you put me on hold and so i must hold you back and the shit must stack in the sewage and Australia is over flooded.

it is not only my mother's life now on the line but if you remember on January the 1st 2012 i signed up for my execution as well: i told you because i am the true 308 (Триста Осум | info twist | Christo Sum | Christ i am) you have 308 days to kill me as well in all the humanly possible ways... kill me not i said and on 4th of November 2012 i will shut The Virgina Sun down; otherwise November in Macedonian is Ноември where Noe is Muslim Nuke or Christian dedanoe me while www.mvr.gov.mk is The Macedonian Ministry of Internal Affairs... yes, i am Inspector Noe too, it all fits well in The Infinite Power of EDEN O' Ahme T.

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Could someone PLEASE shut down this USELESS thread and ban this troll (like he has been banned on several other forums too).

This geezer contributes totally nothing to this board.

This endless crap contributes nothing to this board.

some jokes are fine, but at a certain point just turn .................dull!

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You are one of my few "trusted members". Peace be with you. Lake, you have to earn my trust. It i worth earning. But then, again, so does Snooky, AKA Sam. What's that dog know about Nortel?

I am not Lake, and she not me.

But trust comes in time when we see how one plays in the sand box. Play well and one gets to stay. Throw sand in our faces and one gets booted unceremoniously. Time will tell.

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Other than spending my money like it's going out of style and telling me about panning weddings, she's doing fine.

That's good to know. I don't particularly enjoy hearing about other's personal struggles, but when it comes to relationships with the oppisite sex, I'm all ears in a Jerry Springer kind of way. Can't live with 'em, and can't live without 'em....but Lord how I've tried. If there's one subject math can't conquer, it's relationships.

Back on topic....The Devil's staircase or God's....isn't that the true question here ?

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every canceled citizenship = step closer to A really FREE world


you're not imagining: the true freedom of the world has never been so cheap. https://sites.google...kings_noproblem just cancel every citizenship you think you own (but in fact it owns you times 10^10^10^10... times more). you all have the power from above to say NO to any beasty subpower in this divided world from American to Chinese from African to Scandinavian. how would the beast measure its wealth in hills and valleys if all earth from tonight on levels down to this much PLANE & SIMPLE: WHEN ALL THE CITIZENS ABANDON THE STATE KINGS ARE DOOMED TO RULE IN VAIN THE KINGS DRAIN THEIR POWER FROM YOU JUST TO LIVE IN A FAR MORE LUXURY WAY THAN YOU MAY IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE YOU GIVE THE KING THE POWER TO RULE YOU HE GIVES YOU A CITIZENSHIP-SLAVE-CERTIFICATE AND IF YOU ARE NOT CITIZEN TO NO KING THEN YOU ARE FREE MAN IN A FREE WORLD | WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS AND BOUNDARIES CAUSE THERE AIN'T NO KINGS IN IT WITH POWER TO DIVIDE IT JUST OT OVERRULE. the borders have never been the condition for maintaining peaceful neighboring politics for as long as you border your self only on what's inside you you are lessening your self from the whole of the world for the entire outer rest of it and less is never holy what's not holly may not be hippie and only the hippie is the true happy. KINGS GIVE YOU THE YOU FOR A MUCH HIGHER PRICE |V| I GIVE YOU THE WORLD FOR EDEN TO BE ALL AND ALL TO BE WON.

i unselfishly put all my existence in my word so that word may contain all the necessary ingredients to put me back to life in the very same completeness as before after the long journey in the darkness of the death... religiously in a mixed up American Macedonian way it is said to be "НОЕВИОТ ЗАВЕТ НА ЕДЕН ДЕДА СТАР". for as long as my king is out of the chess-game and sleeps safely between my legs "i don't give a sinful fuxx until pregnancy cause i have no interest in profit up to the sealing and so i may keep my life for my self eternally" the game of chess is defeated in its very point of playing. no fisher kasparov or karpov is as deep-blue ball-less to play the game of chess with such A superconductive brain power.

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  • 5 weeks later...

ama Vie ne ste bile obichna Makarona: via ste abeeeee, ШMAK_E_ROMI, vashiot najsh*t strav e da ne ve napravat i proglasat za budala od tamu i najgolem brand se vash*te SCHMUCK sh*t ШMAK_E_ROMI_SKI BUDALI. nema chovek koj ne doshol vo vashata ШMAK_E_ROMI_A a da ne si zaminal kako vrvna budala. vie ste abeeee institut, akademija (prosti mi belasi svetska tutke) factory za budali. shirum svetskiot strav na lugjeto deka kolektivot kje gi proglasi za budali e vashe sh*t delo od tuka toa doagja od ova prokleto podnebje (i se shiri ko krasta). ESMA E SMAK A FYROM E ШMAK_E_ROMI_A, ESMA ZA PRESEDNIK molim (dupe ti posolim).


ako ne ti e jasno epa ova sho go govoram pobaraj statistichki podatok "KOLKU BUDALI IMA SCHMAKAROMIA PO GLAVA NA ZHITEL" vis-A-vis sho "AMERIKA IMA PROFESIONALCI I GENIJALCI PO GLAVA NA ZHITEL". TI schmakaromio sama si go desetkuvash svojot potencijal shevron i katar veliu "nema pogolemo bogatstvo na svetot od chovechniot intelekt resusr". jas bev na dobar dobrin tao pat da postanam matematichki shampion sveta (toa bev na nivo na cela makaronia mi nemashe ramen vo mojata generacija) a sho napravi ti od mene budala nali, pa morav od matematichar da se prekvalifikuvam vo TRIPLE_DOUBLE_MAD_MATICIAN chisto za da nadomestam za shtetata sho mi ja nanese.

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LEVEuREKA, LEVEuREKA... The Major The Brittany -- The Major The Errorism...


i think we'll be more than just friends from NOW ON... you mean from NEW T ON and on and on... ???

yes once Newton's Mechanics kicks in in The Royal Academy we'll be kicking each other eternally...

till the dawn of next ARGE_E_DON, may all the use of force be rape-fully Newton blessed and applied.

Cum on Eva... byte it... otherwise you won't qualify for the time travel absurdities in Einstein's General Relativity...

not to mention the Kaku holograms, quantum computers and carbon nano tubes

(ten years ago it was all considered impossible but for the time being we sold too many wormy apples

made a lot of profit and the rest is... money talks bullshit walks)

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