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Sorry but I find that really hard to believe, it would be so big, how could you have "casual interest" in it as a Led Zeppelin fan

I'd have a passing casual interest because without new music they'd be little more than an oldies act. Why would I want to see the surviving members, all in the mid 60's now try to recreate what they did forty years ago? Could they improve on what they did back then today? I highly doubt it.

So unless they radically re-arranged everything played for a reunion tour, like I said, it wouldn't be anywhere near the top of my personal list. I realize you can't fathom such a thing but it's true.

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I'd have a passing casual interest because without new music they'd be little more than an oldies act. Why would I want to see the surviving members, all in the mid 60's now try to recreate what they did forty years ago? Could they improve on what they did back then today? I highly doubt it.

So unless they radically re-arranged everything played for a reunion tour, like I said, it wouldn't be anywhere near the top of my personal list. I realize you can't fathom such a thing but it's true.

Your putting in a way where it obviously will sound like something not as big as it would be. You may say this now but if it happened I highly doubt your feelings would be the same. This is Led Zeppelin by the way.

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I dont care what they would call it, and IMO I think an "oldies" act is just as valid as someone who only plays new material. In fact I wish some artist would ONLY play older stuff because a lot of the new stuff they do mostly sucks, Im sure we could think of many examples of this.

To me all this new vs old is just someones opinion no more or less valid as any other.

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But just think about that for a minute. Even if they decided to not call themselves Led Zeppelin, wouldn't everyone else still call them that anyway?

That remains to be seen, even though the Page/Plant line up didn't include John Paul Jones or Jason Bonham, the bulk of their material came from the Led Zeppelin canon but I don't recall anyone ever referring to them as "Led Zeppelin".

I dont care what they would call it, and IMO I think an "oldies" act is just as valid as someone who only plays new material. In fact I wish some artist would ONLY play older stuff because a lot of the new stuff they do mostly sucks, Im sure we could think of many examples of this.

To me all this new vs old is just someones opinion no more or less valid as any other.

Speaking just for myself, I know I have no desire to see an artist just perform their hits and no new music. Plant has also gone on record on more than one occasion to say he would have no interest whatsoever in working with Page, Jones and Jason Bonham if it only involved Led Zeppelin music and I don't blame him.

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Yep, agreed there, I would expect them to do new material, in fact it would almost be a must. And Plant would be totally justified in thinking that way as well, but Jimmy's stated the same to.

I remember back in 2004 or abouts, some scuttle butt going around about a Zeppelin reunion (baseless of course) with Dave Grohl on drums no less. Page called it "shameful" actually, saying that he had a hard enough time just getting Plant and Jones on board much less Grohl. He also added that even if they did do something they would have to have new music to go along with it...period. His comment was something along the lines of "We cant hit the stage just playing songs that are 30 years old!" or something to that effect.

Honestly I really cant figure out why these 4 men cant hit the stage and studeo, it just doesnt make any sense to me. Even if they are heavly focused into their own stuff (Plant's BOJ, JPJ's TCV, Jimmys Solo stuff ect ect.) thats no real barrier to them doing both, many musicians have done so and do right up to this very day, hell the more the merrier right? It for sure would get them more exposure that would no doubt bleed over and shed more light on their other projects as well. I dont know, theres got to be something more to this story than whats publicly known IMO.

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That was a little different because it was without Jonesy who is a surviving member. But with Jones and John Bonham's DNA on drums, you can't get more Zeppelin than that.

He may be Bonham's son but he's no John Bonham.

So you wouldn't buy a ticket to see them play just Zep songs?

No, I wouldn't. I don't go in for artists that bank solely on nostalgia.

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I applaud Robert Plant for wanting to achieve success based on what he can bring to the table, not because he was front man for one of the biggest bands of all time. He easily could have spent the last 30 years doing nothing but Led Zeppelin retreads, not growing artistically, and basically playing a caricature of himself for the rest of his life. He chose not to do that, and that's a great, great thing. We wouldn't have gotten Raising Sand otherwise, for example.

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With all due respect to all posters concerned, I think the age of a person has a lot to do with whether a Zeppelin reunion is earth shattering or not. At 56, I lived through it, I got to experience their LP's as they were first issued and saw them on stage in their prime. Having done that, a reunion tour now would be..............well as i said before, interesting but not in my list of "must do".

Another poster also said his musical interest go far beyond just Zeppelin. So do mine and I get the feeling the same holds true for more than a few regulars who post here.

It doesn't mean myself or these other nice folk aren't "fans".

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As much as everyone loves Zeppelin, do we really think another reunion would be a good idea? I don't think so. Robert clearly wants to move on from that now as should everyone else.Why risk performing another reunion and coming across as old men trying to recapture a lost past and face it, where theres no John Bonham theres no Zeppelin.

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Some people feel differently, and everytime Robert does a Led Zeppelin song in a less than traditional form with his new band, he only makes people want to hear the real thing again.

If Robert has really moved on, why does he continue to tease us with this stuff?

I don't think his performance of a Zeppelin song in another fashion is "teasing" you. He does not want to reform Led Zeppelin but that doesn't rule out him playing songs he enjoys, with whatever twist he wants to put on them. Led Zeppelin as a physical group no longer exist, but the music does. How about this...if you were to go to a Robert Plant show, and he didn't do a single Zeppelin song-however he decided to rearrange it, you'd be questioning why he didn't play any Zeppelin. I don't see what's the problem.

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He is the one always reminding us that he and his fans should move on from Led Zeppelin. So yes it is a tease when he plays watered down versions of Rock & Roll that aren't even as good as Heart's version (which wasn't good).

If he really wants to do justice to those songs, they need to be done right.

Whilst he may have said he is not "that guy in Led Zeppelin anymore", he has never said the fans should move on.

I'll fall off my chair if you ever write anything positive about the bloke.

I suppose it was ok to do "watered down" versions when he and Page were involved in the Unledded project?

Let me guess you didn't like that either, right?

IMHO, any versions he or they did were done what was right for them and for me at the time.

If they don't move you fine but if you think you'll change anyone's opinion on their liking those arrangements, well mate that'd be akin to pushing shit uphill.

The greatest thing about Led Zeppelin was their ability to play all genres of music outside the box in their own inimitable way.

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He is the one always reminding us that he and his fans should move on from Led Zeppelin. So yes it is a tease when he plays watered down versions of Rock & Roll that aren't even as good as Heart's version (which wasn't good).

If he really wants to do justice to those songs, they need to be done right.

There are members on here (including myself) that hold Zeppelin and the individual members in the highest esteem. I do understand that you wanna hear Zeppelin done the old fashioned way, but ask yourself this question and you won't need to respond and also save yourself from looking more detached from what it's all about.

PLant has never said that he wants fans to move on from Zeppelin. He, himself has moved on. But that doesn't mean the guy can't do songs that he likes, regardless if they are done how YOU want them to be done. If Robert Plant did an entire concert of nothing but Zeppelin the old fashioned way, then I'd question his willingness to depart. But even still-Led Zeppelin is no more. That doesn't prohibit him from doing any songs he enjoys doing. And once again-i'll repeat myself. If Plant did a show with NO Zeppelin tunes-would you be more satisfied then??? I didn't think so. You'd walk away saying " I can't believe he didn't do one Zeppelin tune". When I saw Plant at Jazz Fest in New Orleans earlier this year-he was fucking great! He came on right after Jeff Beck. Anyway, there were a few people right in the beginning that walked out. It was probably because they didn't wanna hear Black Dog done in the tradition that he did it. That's the people who can't move on and accept the guy for what he is and what he's doing NOW. The band he was with at the time (Band of Joy) were full of top notch musicians, as he always surrounds himself with. If they went out there and did Zeppelin like 1972, it wouldn't have fit in with anything they were trying to accomplish. The music was middle eastern folk with some blue grass roots-not exactly 1972.

It sounds like you are a fan who cannot move on from what it was - to what it is. And frankly, you will never be satisfied. But hopefully, you will understand that wheather or not you think Robert is "teasing" you, the guy does what he does-not for you, but for himself-that's exactly why a Zeppelin reunion tour may never happen-

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I think I do hold Led Zeppelin in very high esteem. However, I don't believe in the overall scheme of things it always helps to encourage them to continue down a road that isn't satisfying to the fans. In order to stay on top you have to earn that every album, and every performance, and every day. And these guys already know that. In my opinion, I don't see it as any worse to be a classic reunion band playing stuff people like, than being something watered down and duping people to by a ticket just because of who they used to be.

They could have at least done a limited renion tour after the O2 and that would have put all of this to rest. They had to know that just doing one concert where most people would not be able to even have a chance to attend was going to be a "tease" for all the other fans, especially their largest fan base here in the USA.

Robert always does what "he wants", and it seems like he even disapoints his bandmates with that. Is it so hard to accept that many of us can't be just as disapointed? That does not mean I don't hold him high regard. That just means I want more of the good stuff he can do.

Yep, like I said. You'll never accept him moving on. Or the direction he's taken, or the way he wants to enjoy performing Zeppelin- and guess what else? There are plenty of people that do enjoy the way he projects the Zep tunes. You can't accept these facts of life because you want a Zeppelin reunion. Being disappointed in what he's doing is fine. Just go back and listen to whatever song or album floats your boat then. Complaining about him not doing songs like the original record-isn't gonna change the present state or the future. Realize what your saying sounds like nothing but wah,wah,wah. I don't mean any disrepect to you at all sir by saying that. But you can't seem to get it through your head that for the last 10 years or more-he has done his own thing-since the Page/Plant collaboration ended. And prior to that, he did the same thing. He doesn't owe you anything, but you are one of the old school fans-like the guy who stood next to me at the Page/Plant tour in 98' who got pissed off because they didn't play Stairway to Heaven. He's probably still mad about that. It looks like you can't accept him for what he is now- everything you just said proves that.

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Even if we all have to accept his decision, it doesn't mean we have to like it does it? It's not like he decided to retire from performing music and go live on a farm someplace and raise sheep, and tell everyone that all that stuff is behind him. I think people would naturally accept that. But when he keeps playing Led Zeppelin songs, he is the one creating the controversy. He is the one who is only half moving on, not us.

I feel sorry for you.

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I actually did like many of the things done with Unledded, but the reason for that was probably obvious. However, having some old geezer on on accoustic guitar playing Page's part on a version of Rock & Roll that people at the old folks home might enjoy, isn't doing justice to that song.

I never said I wasn't a fan of Robert Plant. I'm just not a fan of the direction he has taken. Maybe Neil Young was right. Maybe it's better to burn out than fade away?

Interesting you should quote Neil Young as he has copped a lot of flak over the years for not rehashing the tried and true same old thing.

Even his own record company sued him.

They are friends too.

Plant fade away?

Hardly and this thread plus all the others proves it.

People conveniently forget he co-wrote most of the songs and is entitled to perform them any way he or the others see fit.

As for America being their biggest fan base, what a lot cods wallop!

Per capita they were just as big everywhere else on the planet in terms of popularity and album sales.

Someone wrote that they weren't popular in England!

What a crock of shit, it was the music press who didn't like them for whatever reason and who cares?

Most of those who have a problem with Plant are those who were either too young, weren't born or never got the opportunity to experience them live.

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I feel sorry for lots of fans who have been waiting to see Zep play again. Is that what you meant?

No, I meant for YOU. (and people with the same hang-up) You obviously cant accept the present, and will go to your grave with this. Get over it dude, it's 2011, not 1975 nor is a Page/Plant reunion in sight. RP is very content doing what he does now, regardless how well you accept his new renditions of Zeppelin songs that you call "teasing". You never did respond to what I asked you earlier. Would you be more satisfied if you went to a show and he did NO Zeppelin tunes at all? If you answer yes or no, doesn't matter. Just don't go see him and save yourself the heartache and disappointment, cause it'll never be good enough for some fans.

No disrespect to you as a person, but your comments sound like nothing more than , wah,wah,wah. No matter how you want to phrase your complaints, they come out the same way everytime. There is NO more Led Zeppelin in 2011 or in the future for obvious reasons, nor is Robert Plant gonna sing Led Zeppelin songs exactly like you want him to. It's over-done..understand? The 2007 show is the last time you will probably hear Zeppelin done like Led Zeppelin. It was a one off show for the sole reason of being asked to pay tribute to Ahmet Ertegun. Again, no disrespect to you as a person-I have no right to judge you in that way. Im just going off of your post in regards to RP "teasing" you. Take Care

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I'm curious as to what the "right" versions of Led Zeppelin songs are, especially since Zeppelin themselves were always tinkering with the arrangements of them in concert. And, as for "old geezers", I'm not sure if Led Tiki is referring to Buddy Miller or Darrell Scott as they both play guitar in the Band of Joy but they're younger than Jimmy Page.

I'm curious to know what the response would be if Page were to cut a record largely based on his love of early rock n' roll and rockabilly. Would he be the recipient of the same amount of scorn that is so often directed at Plant? It also makes me curious as to why no one has hung John Paul Jones out to dry for his very frequent forays into bluegrass and folk? All the members of Led Zeppelin loved and embraced a very diverse array of music, not just Robert Plant. Just because he prefers to push forward rather than retread the past, he's the subject of a whole lot of hate on this board. Strange, especially given that Led Zeppelin's modus operandi was based on the very same beliefs.

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I'm curious as to what the "right" versions of Led Zeppelin songs are, especially since Zeppelin themselves was always tinkering with the arrangements of them in concert. And, as for "old geezers", I'm not sure if TheStairwayRemainsTheSame is referring to Buddy Miller or Darrell Scott as they both play guitar in the Band of Joy but they're younger than Jimmy Page.

I'm curious to know what the response would be if Page were to cut a record largely based on his love of early rock n' roll and rockabilly. Would he be the recipient of the same amount of scorn that is so often directed at Plant? It also makes me curious as to why no one has hung John Paul Jones out to dry for his very frequent forays into bluegrass and folk? All the members of Led Zeppelin loved and embraced a very diverse array of music, not just Robert Plant. Just because he prefers to push forward rather than retread the past, he's the subject of a whole lot of hate on this board. Strange, especially given that Led Zeppelin's modus operandi was based on the very same beliefs.

I agree. I'm totally fine with what Plant does and do not take his new renditions personal nor do I get upset because they dont sound like Led Zeppelin. I think I can sum up from reading on here that the hang up is only with Robert because he is the one denouncing Led Zeppelin as a future project. And I agree with your other statement, Zeppelin always changed it up a bit- I think their (fans) problem is the certain style Plant performs the songs now. That's all I gather- crazy isn't it? If you know anything about Zeppelin-they were always changing-Roberts just doing that on his own now. Some people just don't get it. Some fans are just selfish.

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