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2012 NFL Thread


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So, can we pencil in the Broncos as AFC West Champions. I think so; Super Bowl contenders, not so much. Not while the Steelers and Pats are still breathing...


You underestimated the Donkeys amazing ability to fail.

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^DAS, about Tebow and pro-life...(which guided my comment here) _ That's a little too deep for football talk....do you think Tebow will really care about that if he's making MILLIONS? If that winds up as the only lucrative deal (Jacksonville) or promising future, do you think he would rather quit playing football than play for them, because of what you stated...? I don't think so.

As for Manning, maybe it's just me (because Im not in his shoes) But at some point, when does a millionare need more money? I know the guy lives, breathes and sleeps football to a certain degree and he is into the routine of the lifestyle, but is it really worth risking permanant injury? I think there is a bit or greed/proving at point that has this guy moving forward. I think his best days are behind him...And I don't see The Broncos getting into a Superbowl while he is there either.

Edited by Rock Historian
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I didn't delete anything. The mods must have not liked it or something. Did I break a rule?

Anyways, I'm always hearing about what a super amazing guy Tebow is suppose to be and if that's true he would refuse to play for them because they are morally oppsed to what he believes. But I think at the end of the day he'll let the money do the talking. You never know though since he did pretty much tell Playboy to shove it but I don't know if any money was involved in that deal or how much. And this may be a little too deep or political for football talk but that's the kind of drama that people like Tebow, Vick and the talking heads on ESPN bring to sports unfortantely.

I hope this isn't deleted too. If it is I'll have to reread the rules so I don't get banned or anything.

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DAS, how many times will you quote Strider's post and respond to it, seriously??? Plus Manning could not even begin to mentor him to become an HOF'er. He does not have the mechanics to be a great qb in this league. That's been proven over and over again.

I think Miami might be timmy's destination, however I read a compelling argument that Philly might pick him up. Lefty, running qb who needs some assistance in his skills and game management. I'd take him over Young, that's for sure! Plus Vick is always getting banged up for a few games a season.

I love my 'boys FA pick-ups, filling a number of holes before the draft is fantastic!

I think Tebow has the natural ability. He just lacks the mental ability. I persoanlly can't stand Tebow and HATE the Broncos so I'm not trying to throw him a bone or anything here. Do I think Tebow will ever see the inside of the HOF? Yes, if he buys tickets to tour the museum. But he has potential.

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Yeah but they're going to sign him to a five year mega money deal. Elway must be confident enough about his neck to be doing this, but Manning has to pass a yearly physical starting in 2013 in order to get paid.

So were the Colts last spring when they signed him to a mega deal. Elway's opinion doesn't mean squat once Manning gets hit blind-side by Harrison on a play. I know every player is one snap away from ending their career, but Manning may not even have to be hit very hard to end his. I wouldn't empty the qb cart just yet in Denver.

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I think Tebow has the natural ability. He just lacks the mental ability. I personally can't stand Tebow and HATE the Broncos so I'm not trying to throw him a bone or anything here. Do I think Tebow will ever see the inside of the HOF? Yes, if he buys tickets to tour the museum. But he has potential.

Are you contradicting yourself to start something or what? First you think Manning can make him into an HOF'er, then you say the only way he'll get in is if he buys a ticket.... If anything his mental ability to never give up is what got him the notority that he has, a strong finisher. His physical ability is what is lacking, mechanics. He has tried to change his technique but still has too much body movement when trying to get rid of the ball.

I don't hate Tebow, he is a really good guy and role model for young kids coming up - what I do despise is this thinking that God is watching over him to win football games....I mean WTF, why isn't God watching over starving enslaved kids in Africa instead. Oh yeah, I forgot, to punish them for not being Christian! ;)

Denver should win the AFC West by default, the Chargers are getting weaker as are the Chiefs and the Raiders are, well, the Raiders. If they could stay healthy, the Raiders could make some noise - especially with Palmer being there for an off season and getting his speedy receivers back, along with McFadden. Man, it's only March and I'm ready to kick-off the season!!!!!!

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I heard this morning the Jets are interested in Tebow. Why?? That makes no sense at all. He ought to go to Jacksonville, he would be the second coming for real there.

It was just announced Saints coach Sean Peyton has been suspended for a year, that defensive co-ordinator suspended indefinately from the league and the Saints franchise fined 500K and two second round draft picks for the next two seasons. Ouch.

Another news flash, the Broncos just traded Tebow to the Jets. LOL, good luck Jet fan.

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I heard this morning the Jets are interested in Tebow. Why?? That makes no sense at all. He ought to go to Jacksonville, he would be the second coming for real there.

It was just announced Saints coach Sean Peyton has been suspended for a year, that defensive co-ordinator suspended indefinately from the league and the Saints franchise fined 500K and two second round draft picks for the next two seasons. Ouch.

Another news flash, the Broncos just traded Tebow to the Jets. LOL, good luck Jet fan.

Good stuff! Thanks for the updates!!

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Are you contradicting yourself to start something or what? First you think Manning can make him into an HOF'er, then you say the only way he'll get in is if he buys a ticket.... If anything his mental ability to never give up is what got him the notority that he has, a strong finisher. His physical ability is what is lacking, mechanics. He has tried to change his technique but still has too much body movement when trying to get rid of the ball.

I'll clarify. I believe that Tebow has the ability and potential to be a truely great player. I just don't think he'll ever reach his potential. He needs a guy like Manning to help him. I'm saying he CAN but he WON'T. That's my opinion.

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I didn't delete anything. The mods must have not liked it or something. Did I break a rule?


I hope this isn't deleted too. If it is I'll have to reread the rules so I don't get banned or anything.

What are you going on about? Because your post WAS NOT deleted, nor did anyone mention it being deleted. And can someone please clarify this whole "Jaguars funds abortion providers" thing? How exactly do they do that? For one thing, Jacksonville perennially loses money, so there aren't much profits to go anywhere other than to paying player and coaching salaries and to the owners.

I heard this morning the Jets are interested in Tebow. Why?? That makes no sense at all. He ought to go to Jacksonville, he would be the second coming for real there.

It was just announced Saints coach Sean Peyton has been suspended for a year, that defensive co-ordinator suspended indefinately from the league and the Saints franchise fined 500K and two second round draft picks for the next two seasons. Ouch.

Another news flash, the Broncos just traded Tebow to the Jets. LOL, good luck Jet fan.

The Jets are panicking. Yes, Sanchez didn't look great last season but I still think he's better than Tebow. If this Tebow thing blows up in the Jets' faces, Rex Ryan will be a goner.

The League HAD to come down hard on the Saints, so I was expecting harsh penalties. Once you start dealing with money in the locker room and enticements to players, you are entering the realm of a type of gambling and circumventing the salary cap, and the NFL has always been very sensitive when it comes to that. Not to mention purposely injuring players, which antagonizes the Players Union.

Whether Payton knew about it or not, as head coach he, and the Saints, were going to get hit.

Edited by Strider
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Meting out unprecedented punishment for a crush-for-cash bounty system that targeted key opposing players, the NFL suspended New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton without pay for next season and indefinitely banned the team’s former defensive coordinator, Gregg Williams.

Payton is the first head coach suspended by the league for any reason, accused of trying to cover up a system of extra cash payouts that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on Wednesday called "particularly unusual and egregious" and "totally unacceptable."

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Meting out unprecedented punishment for a crush-for-cash bounty system that targeted key opposing players, the NFL suspended New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton without pay for next season and indefinitely banned the team’s former defensive coordinator, Gregg Williams.

Payton is the first head coach suspended by the league for any reason, accused of trying to cover up a system of extra cash payouts that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on Wednesday called "particularly unusual and egregious" and "totally unacceptable."

Ummm, if you are quoting this from a news report, you should cite the source. It's considered bad form not to attribute quoted material.

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What are you going on about? Because your post WAS NOT deleted, nor did anyone mention it being deleted. And can someone please clarify this whole "Jaguars funds abortion providers" thing? How exactly do they do that? For one thing, Jacksonville perennially loses money, so there aren't much profits to go anywhere other than to paying player and coaching salaries and to the owners.

Something is funny here. Someone commented about it being deleted (said comment has been edited) and I looked and couldn't find it. Maybe we both just missed it. I could've swore it was gone though.

The funding abortion thing is a league policy or some noise like that. I believe the rule is (or was) that teams have to give so much money to the communities as a part of some NFL outreach program and one of the "charities" the Jaguars selected was an abortion clinic. This was a few years ago so who knows what the NFL says now. I don't follow it at all though since I believe in the seperation of sports and politics.

If anyone has a probably with the charities being in in paranthesis since according to the IRS it is a charity let me say this, I think it's a good idea to give to charity but I don't believe abortion clinics, churches, schools and several other widely (and legally) accepted origanazations that take donations are valid charities. That's just my opinion.

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Hi all,

DAS,let's not get into this,Please? :mellow: It's about football(US style)


Bro, it's not even worth addressing. He doesn't know if he's coming or going. Look at the posts, they are ALL about starting something and saying nothing....

The question is for you, KB, who will the Pats find to run the ball now that your #1 back has flown the coup? I'm sure the "Hoodie" will find someone, or three, to carry the workload!

Glad the league took a tough stance on what Williams was doing in NO (and elsewhere allegedly). Word is Goodell is coming after some of the players next.....

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Hey Bro!

>Bro, it's not even worth addressing. He doesn't know if he's coming or going. Look at the posts, they are ALL about starting something and saying nothing.... <


>The question is for you, KB, who will the Pats find to run the ball now that your #1 back has flown the coup? I'm sure the "Hoodie" will find someone, or three, to carry the workload! <

Bill hasn't called me! :D I am sure Bill Vader will come up with someone.

>Glad the league took a tough stance on what Williams was doing in NO (and elsewhere allegedly). Word is Goodell is coming after some of the players next.....<



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Wow! I just had a flashback moment this morning watching ESPN. On the early morning Sportscenter, they showed a clip from a 1989 CBS NFL Today pregame show, with Brent Musberger and Irv Cross. The topic of discussion was a Cowboys-Eagles game where Head Coach Jimmy Johnson had accused Eagles coach Buddy Ryan of having a bounty on Cowboys Aikman and Zendejas. ESPN let the clip run a good couple of minutes uninterrupted, which was a miracle itself.

But watching it, all of a sudden the memories came flooding back...I REMEMBER THIS HAPPENING!!! My brothers being Cowboys fans, they harped on this bigtime back then...Buddy Ryan was evil.

So why didn't I remember this when the New Orleans story broke? Not being a Cowboy fan is probably one reason. You tend to remember things that happen to your team the most.

I'll have to call my Cowboy-loving brothers to find out if they still remember the Eagles-Cowboys Bounty Bowl of 1989.

One other memory came flooding back watching that old clip: nostalgia for the old NFL pregame shows, especially CBS NFL Today.

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