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Secret Service Investigating Ted Nugent Comments on Obama


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Well I don't think much of your Secret Service. They're not very good at keeping things secret, are they? If they were, we'd never have heard about any of this.

Lucky Ted's not a Muslim, otherwise he'd probably be hanging upside down by his pee-pee in Guantanamo by now.

you don't understand much of anything...thats why we're glad you're over there..and we're over here

and thank God ted isn't muslim for sure......in Pomville he'd have his own court set up just so he could stone a wife or two to death on occasion

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I would like to go out of my way here to repeat I have no side in politics in America. Both parties suck and we will never have a competent government again until we eliminate the two party system. The only reason they are harassing Nugent is because he is in the minority party in America today. Soon the Republicans will be back in power and Uncle Ted will be able to say whatever he wants. This is what always happens. It's like we trade one corporate dictatorship (Democrats or Republicans) for another in every election.

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>Well I don't think much of your Secret Service. They're not very good at keeping things secret, are they? If they were, we'd never have heard about any of this.<

We are not to happy about either.Prime directive of the SS is to keep POTUS,the first family and members of Congress, safe at all times.

>Lucky Ted's not a Muslim, otherwise he'd probably be hanging upside down by his pee-pee in Guantanamo by now.<

Now that is some BS!Have another dish!

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Pele Massa wasn't a prostitute nor from Columbia and their relationship lasted a decade.

Right. It was the underage part that I meant to emphasize.

And on the other hand, none of the SS agents were acting guardians for any of the prostitiutes.

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First off, let me just say that I'm NOT a supporter of Barack Obama. I voted for him in 2008 as the lesser of two evils, but his presidency has been such a total disappointment to me that I can't bring myself to vote for him again, even if he is probably just a bit better than Romney. I am a supporter of Ron Paul and I registered as a Republican to vote for him in my state primary, although I'd hardly call myself a Republican. I've always been an independent with some libertarian-liberal views on things.

I actually am a supporter of the 2nd Amendment like Ted, but unlike him I'm not a loud mouthed chicken hawk conservatard who buys into the left/right paradigm. Sure, The Nuge is a good guitar player, but most of his music sucks, just like his politics. More libertarian-liberal minded artists like Jimmy Page blow literal loud mouths like him out of the water with their creativity and artistry. Fuck Ted Nugent, he sucks.

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The tea party people (who are no fans of G W Bush either, by the way) represent a view of our government and the Constitution that frightens the segment of the US media who lean left (i. e. most of the media!) because it's completely contrary to the big spending, nanny state vision that Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and company have been pursuing.

While the Tea Party did start out advocating small government and had a lot of Ron Paul people in it, it's TOTALLY been co-opted by the neocons now. Tea Party politicians are always voting for Big Government laws like The Patriot Act and SIPPA. Ron Paul, Mr. Small Government himself, got booed at a Tea Party Republican debate while advocating an actual small government policy position which goes against their big government conservatism. The right isn't any less big government than the left, they just advocate Big Government for different things. If you want actual small government, look to libertarians. ;)

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Sure, The Nuge is a good guitar player, but most of his music sucks, just like his politics. More libertarian-liberal minded artists like Jimmy Page blow literal loud mouths like him out of the water with their creativity and artistry. Fuck Ted Nugent, he sucks.

While maybe not of the same caliber of musicianship as someone like Page or Hendrix, Nugent is a great rock guitar player (Stranglehold, Motor City Madhouse, Hibernation, Great White Buffalo, Journey to the Center of the Mind, etc.) I disagree with the politics of a lot of musicians and performers, Bono and Springsteen for example, but that does not make me not enjoy their music any less.

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While maybe not of the same caliber of musicianship as someone like Page or Hendrix, Nugent is a great rock guitar player (Stranglehold, Motor City Madhouse, Hibernation, Great White Buffalo, Journey to the Center of the Mind, etc.) I disagree with the politics of a lot of musicians and performers, Bono and Springsteen for example, but that does not make me not enjoy their music any less.

I did acknowledge that The Nuge was a good guitar player. I like a few of his songs too, but overall as an artist, he's not very good. I'm not saying I don't enjoy his work because of his politics, but it does occur to me that there may be some correlation there between his music and his politics, both of which seem to appeal to people's base instincts rather than a higher level of philosophy, artistry, etc. like the greats like Jimmy Page, etc.

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I did acknowledge that The Nuge was a good guitar player. I like a few of his songs too, but overall as an artist, he's not very good. I'm not saying I don't enjoy his work because of his politics, but it does occur to me that there may be some correlation there between his music and his politics, both of which seem to appeal to people's base instincts rather than a higher level of philosophy, artistry, etc. like the greats like Jimmy Page, etc.

I've certainly had this discussion before, but I've always said it's a given Nugent isn't in the same class as Page, Hendrix, et al.

But what separates him from other, lesser guitarists he might be more on par with talent-wise, is he's an exceptional showman.

He's pretty damn smart to have developed a style to propel him beyond what his talent alone could do.

If you've ever seen him live, you know he was one of the pioneers of high-intensity hard-rock shows.

Double-Live Gonzo is a killer live album exploding with energy.

David Lee Roth practically cloned Ted's basic persona pattern.

So, it's not technical ability alone that puts Nugent ahead of a lot of guitarists.

But no, he's far from the elite class of guitarists.

Also, I think there's a lot to be said for appealing to base instincts.

There's something powerful about when you hear something that just makes you feel it in the gut, you almost can't resist liking it.

I've also mentioned before that I've long-since divorced myself (as much as possible) from my feelings towards most musical artists and actors politically.

Otherwise, if I only watched or listened to those I agreed with politically, I wouldn't have a lot to watch or listen to.

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I believe Uncle Ted is one of the all time greats on the guitar. If we ask who is THE best of all time there are quite a few who should be mentioned and I don't think he is one of them but he is definitely one of the elites. And I have seen Nugent live and he is the best showman I've ever seen and intense beyond human levels. He is one of the all time greatest rockers and I think it's pathetic that people are always complaining about him. Look at all the liberal retards out there who are constantly singing about politics and demanding that Republicans be impeached or murdered, or complaining about how evil America is and how all us normal people need to give all our money away to the poor while they eat caviar and tear down our houses for global warming while they live super mansions and ride bikes while they ride their private jets. I'm glad we have Ted Nugent. Even if you don't agree with him, and I personally believe he has some questionable ideas, I'm glad someone is ballsy enough to stand against the Hollywood/media status quo. And nobody here can seriously hate him since he is in the same party, holds the same political views and supports the same candidates as Jimmy Page. Jimmy isn't outspoken which is a great thing since I don't care what anyone else thinks about politics and neither should you. I HATE POLITICS! :blahblah:

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While the Tea Party did start out advocating small government and had a lot of Ron Paul people in it, it's TOTALLY been co-opted by the neocons now. Tea Party politicians are always voting for Big Government laws like The Patriot Act and SIPPA. Ron Paul, Mr. Small Government himself, got booed at a Tea Party Republican debate while advocating an actual small government policy position which goes against their big government conservatism. The right isn't any less big government than the left, they just advocate Big Government for different things. If you want actual small government, look to libertarians. ;)

Great post, it's good to see somebody who really understands how it is.

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While the Tea Party did start out advocating small government and had a lot of Ron Paul people in it, it's TOTALLY been co-opted by the neocons now. Tea Party politicians are always voting for Big Government laws like The Patriot Act and SIPPA. Ron Paul, Mr. Small Government himself, got booed at a Tea Party Republican debate while advocating an actual small government policy position which goes against their big government conservatism. The right isn't any less big government than the left, they just advocate Big Government for different things. If you want actual small government, look to libertarians. ;)

Well, I know that you only posted part of my quote. To put it in context, I was explaining why certain segments of the left call them "teabaggers", which is really inappropriate at best and childish at worst.

As for Libertarianism, a lot of Ron Paul's ideas appeal to me. I am bothered by what I view as his naive worldview vis a vis American isolationism however. Nonetheless, I think he brings something valuable to the debate and I think we would do well to incorporate more libertarian ideals domestically.

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Well, I know that you only posted part of my quote. To put it in context, I was explaining why certain segments of the left call them "teabaggers", which is really inappropriate at best and childish at worst.


You were also trying to explain your version of what you think the Tea Party represents.

"Teabaggers" is used to describe one who puts their scrotum on another's face or, as I stated, "Tea Baggers" is used to describe some lunatic people walk around like they are part of the original Revolution and trying to claim they are liberating America like the Colonists did in Boston, with tea bags hanging off them. Different spellings, different meanings...... Stop trying to pass your interpretation of what was originally said.

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You were also trying to explain your version of what you think the Tea Party represents.

"Teabaggers" is used to describe one who puts their scrotum on another's face or, as I stated, "Tea Baggers" is used to describe some lunatic people walk around like they are part of the original Revolution and trying to claim they are liberating America like the Colonists did in Boston, with tea bags hanging off them. Different spellings, different meanings...... Stop trying to pass your interpretation of what was originally said.

Not sure what you're trying to say.

Because you put a space between the 2 words it has a different meaning?

There's no difference when the words are spoken, so that's a pretty weak distinction.

It's common knowledge that from the very beginning of the Tea Party gaining media attention, they were disparagingly branded "teabaggers" by Bill Maher and others, disingenuously citing the tea bags a few supporters were seen wearing on their hats as the origin of the phrase.

And it follows a common tendency of the left to make homosexual references towards conservatives, fueling the stereotype that conservatives are severely homophobic.

Which is most curious of all in that liberals are supposed to be the ones who are open-minded and tolerant, yet are so quick to feed stereotypes and use homosexual innuendo to ridicule others.

So which is it, libs? (And I'm not addressing you specifically, Walter, this is to liberals as a whole.)

If there's nothing wrong with being homosexual, why do libs use homosexual innuendo to disparage others so often?

In doing so, they both cast aspersions on the homosexual lifestyle as well as promote and subscribe to negative stereotypes, both of which directly conflict with fundamental liberal ideology, and even the very definition of the word liberal.

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I was under the impression that the practice was more invasive than that...oh, and it's not an exclusively homosexual practice either, FWIW.

Yeah, that is true.

Good point.

But most of the initial comments from Maher, et al, were consistently made with photos/videos of men displayed.

It's a combination of subtlety and being disingenuous, but the implication is clear.

Also, I believe the practice can involve placing/lowering said body part into the mouth, so yes, it can be more invasive.

But I don't claim subject matter expertise.

And isn't this starting to feel like it should be in "another" thread? lulz

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I was under the impression that the practice was more invasive than that...oh, and it's not an exclusively homosexual practice either, FWIW.

That is exactly true! That is why I asked a few pages ago why it was a homosexual reference....that question was never answered. You have made my point, MM.

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Not sure what you're trying to say.

Because you put a space between the 2 words it has a different meaning?

There's no difference when the words are spoken, so that's a pretty weak distinction.

I have researched this, since you asked, and the terms are not clearly defined by various dictionaries. Some differntiate based on spacing, while others just give multiple meanings of the same spelling. However, I have made my intented meaning of the use of the word I chose clearly a number of times to the person who keeps bringing this up (not you Type O), but it seems to be falling on deaf ears or eyes in the case of this forum. I was referring to a person, not an act by a person. It's kinda funny to me that it brings out such outrage, as MM said the other use of the word is not based on homosexuality at all. But sometimes people choose to look at things from only one viewpoint, even though evidence is there for other views as well. Whatever, not my problem.

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Maybe the reason it's mistaken for a homosexual practice is the possibility that the meat-and-2-veg, 'lights out' types are so unadventurous that they assume it must be a homosexual act?


Edited by Walter
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It's a vulgar comment, either as a homosexual or heterosexual reference imo.

So which is it, libs? (And I'm not addressing you specifically, Walter, this is to liberals as a whole.)

If there's nothing wrong with being homosexual, why do libs use homosexual innuendo to disparage others so often?

In doing so, they both cast aspersions on the homosexual lifestyle as well as promote and subscribe to negative stereotypes, both of which directly conflict with fundamental liberal ideology, and even the very definition of the word liberal.

The person around here who said liberalism is a mental disorder nailed it.

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