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"Good times bad times" of ours


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As I read Joe's proposal on another thread in Ramble on, I had this idea: I'd like to start this thread to talk about our past memories; we all had our best/worst day/s of our life, so I'd love you to write here your personal experiences about it.

Please notice: this is going to be a positive thread, even if we also write about our bad moments; so please I'd like the people who'll write something sad to be consoled and the people who'll write something happy to be appreciated, if possible.

And at last, I do know that there are already two topics about things that ruin or colour our life ("What made you happy today?" and "What made you unhappy today?"), but again, this is gonna be about the past.

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Joe, what is your problem, the only negativity I see is you...

I get the distinct impression that he wants everyone to agree with him (particularly in the legalization of marijuana thread). Nothing short of that is satisfactory. Just my take on it.

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Quite a few people actually. One might be you. One might even be me.

To the contrary, I don't have a problem at all with folks that may disagree with me. You, on the other hand will shut up (wish we could see more of that) when people call you out on your bullshit.

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I have never knowingly shut up, noticed myself being called out, or bullshat.

When called on your bullshit that photography isn't artistic you sure shut the fuck up then because your accusation showed that you are most definitely full of shit.

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I didn't say photography isn't or can never be artistic, I opined that photography per se isn't art. There is difference. And I stand by my opinion, regardless of what anyone else might have said.

Kind of like you finally confessed that rock n' roll isn't really dead, it's only because you can't be bothered with actually taking the time to listen to new music.

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Back on topic:

BEST DAY Of MY LIFE: The day my son was born and they put this beautiful creature that came from me in my arms and I realized that this was the most beautiful love I had ever felt.

WORST DAY OF MY LIFE: Losing my Mom, but I was so very fortunate to have had her, and her love and influence is with me daily.

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Back on topic:

BEST DAY Of MY LIFE: The day my son was born and they put this beautiful creature that came from me in my arms and I realized that this was the most beautiful love I had ever felt.

WORST DAY OF MY LIFE: Losing my Mom, but I was so very fortunate to have had her, and her love and influence is with me daily.

Awesome reply, Ms. Deb!

My best day: becoming a grandparent! 5 years ago I would have said becoming a parent.

But now have to say, becoming a grandparent (I now have 3 granddaughters) is so amazing! It brings back to mind my children's being little, yet it is all wonderfully new! Best of all, I had all boys, now I have all girls!

My worst day: the day my dad died. He was my rock!

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a positive thread... hmm, okay, I'll try. Mosty of these are good news/bad news type things anyway...

Oct. 2010, my ex died, but we had been on good terms, he asked me to be his executor, and he even left me a little bit of money, some of which I used to pay his medical bills.

I had to visit his apt. to clean it out, etc. several times, and sometimes it was horribly painful... but, my daughter recently took over that apt. and it is now hers. When I visit, I'm visiting her in her apt. No more ghosts... (and... the process, and mere fact, that my daughter moved into his apt. is a great triumph in itself... definitely a great day for both of us).

In March and April of this year I lost my brother and one of my best friends, both to cancer. It seemed almost as if they were in a heartbreaking race to see who would die first. There are some definite shining moments and positive things I noticed in all of this...

... the strength of the human spirit amidst the frailty of the human body... stuff like that. They were both much loved and are much missed.

The day my friend died... at the time that I was kinda dumbstruck and couldn't yet cry... I had errands I needed to get done, and for the first time in quite awhile, I wanted to be high...I really, really did... but I didn't follow up on it, and after awhile it passed... and that's a true triumph of a different sort...

I still cry... and miss them... and have regrets over lost opportunities... and I can still smile... and laugh... and remember the good times... and that's another triumph of sorts...

Anyway, that's my contribution to the thread... now y'all can return to whatever that was...

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Wost two days of my life were both in 2009 when my parents died, my Mum died just before my Dads birthday and my Dad died in November just before my Mums birthday. They were both 84, and had been together since they were 16, married for 64 years, only sperated for three years (my Dad was in the Royal Navy in the 2nd world war). I watched both of them die, the feeling of complete hopelessness will live with me for the rest of my life. Unfortunately these occasions make the good time fade into insignificance for me. I still think of them each day, yet when I visit the grave I just stand there and can't think of anything to say.

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