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Jimmy Page and Soundgarden yesterday


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If you had to look up Kim Thayil to find out who he is it would seem to me that you don't know very much about Soundgarden.

I agree. I don't know very much about Soundgarden. I bought some of there stuff when I was a teenager and I can sing the words to a bunch of their songs. I still enjoy quite a bit of that stuff today. But I don't know the band members at all.

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That's understandable but surely you must be familiar enough with their work to know they have been pretty heavily influenced by Led Zeppelin. However, I'm still unclear as to whether you thought Page sitting in with them would be a poor fit or if an actual collaboration with them on record wouldn't work.

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I can hear the influence at bit especially on the vocals. I think a song or two on stage could work as long as it's not Led Zeppelin stuff. An album or tour would not be a good fit imo.

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I can hear the influence at bit especially on the vocals. I think a song or two on stage could work as long as it's not Led Zeppelin stuff. An album or tour would not be a good fit imo.

An album or tour with Page sitting in with Soundgarden or an album or tour featuring Cornell, Page, Jones and Jason Bonham? Page sitting in with the Black Crowes doing Zep material and blues covers worked. I'm not sure why a similar project with Soundgarden wouldn't work, if indeed that's what you have in mind. Myself, I'd prefer to see Page come up with new material, no matter the line up.

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^ Of course any Page is better than no Page. And the Black Crowes thing worked amazing because of Robinson imo. Page is always Page and makes the music sound great and I believe Robinson did as good as was realistically possible singing Plant material and that's why it worked so good.

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^ Of course any Page is better than no Page. And the Black Crowes thing worked amazing because of Robinson imo. Page is always Page and makes the music sound great and I believe Robinson did as good as was realistically possible singing Plant material and that's why it worked so good.

I would say Steve Gorman also played a huge role in how well that particular project worked as he is heavily influenced by John Bonham. However, you're still dancing around the question I asked in my previous posts. It's really not that difficult to answer so I'm not sure why you continue to avoid it. Maybe because you realize just how ludicrous it sounds to say that a Page/Soundgarden collaboration would be a poor fit.

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Soon this will have it's own thread claiming they are buds again so a reunion tour is inevitable. :hysterical:

Let's hope not.

Look, they grew up together, now let them grow old together...as friends, not bandmates. Those days are over, If everyone could just take a deep breath and accept that, it would make everyone's life a hell-uva lot easier. I'm not a follower of Plant's solo career, but I'd much rather him be a beacon of light to those in the future with a messages that says "I can still progress and be true to myself."

Edited by betteremily
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I can hear the influence at bit especially on the vocals. I think a song or two on stage could work as long as it's not Led Zeppelin stuff. An album or tour would not be a good fit imo.

This is my answer. A collaborative album/tour wouldn't be a great fit imo. PLaying a couple songs on stage or so could work as long as they are not playing Zeppelin tunes.

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I wonder what Jimmy sees in Ross. He sounds like such a tool.

:wave: Welcome to the forum, Zimba. This is not exactly directed at you...just want to get this out there..

How could it possibly matter to anyone on these forums why Page picks the friends he does? Haven't any of you got questionable friends of your own? Aside from that, as far as I know, no member here has openly expressed a personal relationship with Halfin, so his character is being assinated by those (i don't mean just forum members, but those who have worked with him etc) whose own character may or may not be questionable themselves?

With all due respect to everyone here, those who complain about Halfin come off like a gaggle of high school girls. :bubble: It's really no concern of ours.

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This is the question (which you've still failed to answer):

I over looked this one. Page and Soundgarden no. Cornell as the replacement for Plant also NO! I've heard him sing a couple Zeppelin tunes and while he didn't do horrible it would not make for a good set and certainly if Page, Jones and Bonham recruited a singer they would play mostly Zeppelin tunes.

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:wave: Welcome to the forum, Zimba. This is not exactly directed at you...just want to get this out there..

How could it possibly matter to anyone on these forums why Page picks the friends he does? Haven't any of you got questionable friends of your own? Aside from that, as far as I know, no member here has openly expressed a personal relationship with Halfin, so his character is being assinated by those (i don't mean just forum members, but those who have worked with him etc) whose own character may or may not be questionable themselves?

With all due respect to everyone here, those who complain about Halfin come off like a gaggle of high school girls. :bubble: It's really no concern of ours.

Considering you quoted him/her, it seems like you did intend for it to be directed at Zimba.

Also: I think the majority of these people aren't just randomly sniping - they're reading his blog posts and basing their opinions on that.

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:wave: Welcome to the forum, Zimba. This is not exactly directed at you...just want to get this out there..

How could it possibly matter to anyone on these forums why Page picks the friends he does? Haven't any of you got questionable friends of your own? Aside from that, as far as I know, no member here has openly expressed a personal relationship with Halfin, so his character is being assinated by those (i don't mean just forum members, but those who have worked with him etc) whose own character may or may not be questionable themselves?

With all due respect to everyone here, those who complain about Halfin come off like a gaggle of high school girls. :bubble: It's really no concern of ours.

First of all no-one has questioned Jimmy's choice of friends nor did they assassinate Ross's character (he doesn't need any help in that area as he does a good job himself). That was your assumption. If you have ever read any of Halfin's diary entries you would see how conceited he is, dropping names and so on. He maybe a good photographer but that's where it ends. IMO he is a tosser. You also mentioned somewhere that Robert and Jimmy grew up together. Wrong. Plant grew up with Bonzo. Get your facts straight before you criticise others for daring to express an opinion. Cheers.

Edited by Reggie29
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Considering you quoted him/her, it seems like you did intend for it to be directed at Zimba.

Also: I think the majority of these people aren't just randomly sniping - they're reading his blog posts and basing their opinions on that.

If I intended for it to be directed at Zimba do you think I would have prefaced it the way I did? Why stomp on a new-comer?

That nut has been cracked here before more than once and it always ends badly with a dumped thread, K? It was an attempt to hold the peace through food for thought. But clearly it didn't work, so, my apologies.

You also mentioned somewhere that Robert and Jimmy grew up together. Wrong. Plant grew up with Bonzo. Get your facts straight before you criticise others for daring to express an opinion. Cheers.

They grew into men together. I suppose I should have clarified that. My apologies.

Edited by betteremily
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