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World War III on the brink?



41 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think the world is on the brink of WWIII?

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Zemun, thanks for digging up and posting all those references.

The fact is, that region of the world has been in turmoil and bringing chaos to the rest of the world for decades if not centuries.


It's nothing new..and guess what else? If it happens, can we do anything about it? Im with a few here that say "If it happens, it happens" If something ever escalates to the point of total destruction for mankind, we won't be spending time here talking about it anyhow -

If you care to look at this link below, you'll see we have been on the verge of WWIII for a long time. (with the middle east) So you can either worry about it and/or build an underground shelter or just live your life-it's each one's choice.

There is a movie called The Late Great Planet Earth: It's a great documentary, with Biblical scriptures being translated into 20th Century terms/language which enables the viewer to understand the prophecies better, while also capturing the problems of the world at the time of this film (Late 70's) It also speaks of Cloning, manipulating genes, etc (which is what is happening today) Watch it in it's entirety, (although it's very depressing) or find clips on youtube, etc and you will see this is nothing new to what has been building for decades.




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Talk about a fuckin' Gloom and Doom thread......

And then there is the Mayan calender. The date being 21/21/2012. My wife's daughter's 21st birthday is supposed to be a huge worldy transformation or to some the end.

Of course I do not believe any of this, and someone told me Nostradamus may have mentioned this year also? But I am not sure of that? I will say I do now believe in Global warming and that the Earth is changing right in front of us. I paid my plowman for a whole season and he had to barley plow once. I have never seen such a snowless winter up here. Wildlife is confused in areas of the Earth and ocean.

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Much has changed, don't believe me? Watch Chinese or Russian news sometime. I try to avoid US news as they are great at twisting a story.

I'd watch rt.com more often was it not for the fact that there's hardly any Russian reading the news there. While it's a mighty organisation with a powerful (costly) news infrastructure, it seems to me that everything has been scripted by Putin himself to be read by British journalists on the screen. I find interesting stuff not found anywhere else, but I don't trust it much, I believe the chain is state-run, who other than the state would come up with the money to run such a mammoth enterprise?

As for CNN I admire the professionalism, as a teenager when I watched the reports of the Gulf War, at a time when there was no Internet available as it is today, we would watch the "surgical" bombing of targets (this later turned out to be a myth) but my point is, at that precise point in time we didn't have much live information sources to choose from.

Journalists like Brent Sadler and Christiane Amanpour, for all their faults, had a decisive influence in my person and in my professional behaviour, I still have beta and VHS tapes of Brent Sadler reporting from across Bosnia and Serbia.

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Saw The Late, Great Planet Earth back in the 70's and read the book as well.

Never had a chance to read the book ...yet, I saw the movie for the first time (and many many times since then -have the DVD) when I was about 12 or 13 at 3 am on some random station like PBS. It scared the shit out of me, (being a young kid) but it also heavily intrigued me at the same time. The music to the movie is something to hear...really dark. I had that fear of the world ending for a long time after I originally saw it.

That's why I say, if it happens, it happens. In my own case, I can't worry and it- "been there, done that" (as they say) To me, it's just a depressing subject and one that will never go away as long as there is life on earth. Those people (in the middle east ) have been fighting since the beginning of time......

Edited by Rock Historian
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I'm surprised there aren't more "this doesn't affect me" votes as that seems to be the general concensus in this thread.

It's true, there is nothing we can do about it because we've lost our rights and control of our governments. Let's just leave it to the criminals to push us into the worst conflict Mother Earth may ever see because we're indifferent.

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Those people (in the middle east ) have been fighting since the beginning of time......

If we were talking about african americans you'd come off sounding like a KKK guy. Just sayin'.

And the western world has been imperializing the world since the beginning of time.

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I'm surprised there aren't more "this doesn't affect me" votes as that seems to be the general concensus in this thread.

I won't comment for anyone else here, but for me I never said "It doesn't affect me".

Obviously, It affects everyone and everything on this planet, but some of us, including myself-cannot and will not waste a great deal of time to "worry" about it.

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If we were talking about african americans you'd come off sounding like a KKK guy. Just sayin'.

And the western world has been imperializing the world since the beginning of time.

KKK??? WTF are you talking about Mrs? I'm talking about the Arab nations. Anyone in that region, really. They have been fighting for centuries....Don't try and pull what your trying too....Don't even go there-thank you.

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KKK??? WTF are you talking about Mrs? I'm talking about the Arab nations. Anyone in that region, really. They have been fighting for centuries....Don't try and pull what your trying too....Don't even go there-thank you.

Come on now. That one slips far too often in this forum. Would you like to be referred to as "those people"? I'm not calling you a racist, I'm just saying we ought to be careful with the words we choose. I'm sure we have middle eastern members here on this forum, we wouldn't want to offend someone would we?

Edited by betteremily
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Sheesh, why so serious? Have a beer...or two. :beer:

It's funny this thread popped up on the eve of me seeing "Dr. Strangelove" at the American Cinematheque.

I've been reading the newspaper since I was a wee lad, and the front page has always been full of war, struggle and strife. Madmen bombers, bloody tyrants, violent revolutionaries, corrupt governments...there isn't anything new under the sun. Go back and read the news of the 90s, 80s, 70s. People feared we were on the brink of WWIII back then, too.

Sure, there's a few more belligerent countries with nuclear weapons...but having a nuclear weapon isn't the same as having a delivery system accurate and reliable enough to hit your target. I haven't seen any reliable reports yet that North Korea or Iran could launch a successful nuclear strike against the U.S.

One might even ask, would the US be able to recover from a foreign ground invasion?

You might ask, but the resounding answer would be "YES!!!" Hell, forget asking if the U.S. will "recover" from a foreign invasion, for it won't even happen. It would be repelled before it even got started.

Forget all the talk Russia and China do...that's stereotypical "Cold War" blunderbuss; it's meant more for home consumption than signaling any intent. Every politician in the Commie countries and the Middle East knows that talking tough against the U.S. scores brownie points with their constituents...if you want to get elected, you can't be seen as being a puppet of the U.S.

China and Russia like to rattle their sabres, but they're not stupid. They know there are two things that we have that the rest of the world doesn't that makes trying a ground invasion a suicide mission.

1. A superior military-industrial complex. We may not be able to make decent TVs and toys anymore, but in a crisis, the U.S. is still capable of pumping out an endless array of weaponry and military vehicles and gear at a much faster rate than other countries. And our Navy and Air Force are tops and provide one huge obstacle to anyone trying to cross the ocean and approach our shores.

2. The 2nd Ammendment. Yep, that's right. Even with the recent Colorado shooting and the Travon Martin case, this liberal still supports the 2nd Ammendment and I would vote against any politician who tried to abolish it. Now, maybe they might want to see about making it harder for a nutjob to buy 6,000 rounds of ammunition without raising a red flag. Guns don't kill people...bullets kill people.

"Red Dawn" is just a movie, but it's not as far from the truth as you might think...and the Russians know that. Hell, just about everybody does...to most of the world we're gun-happy, blood-thirsty cowboys. They know any attempt at a U.S. invasion would be met not just with the full military might of our armed forces, but every Tom, Dick and Jane with a gun, pistol, rifle, shotgun would be out in force as well...rabid and armed to the teeth.

For as divided and backwards as we may appear to the sophisticated Europeans, nothing would unite us quicker than some Commies or Camel Jockeys trying to touch foot on our soil. You'd have 18th St. Crips with AK-47s and 9mm Glocks fighting alongside KKKers with shotguns and Desert War Eagles.

There isn't another country whose citizenry is as armed to the teeth as the U.S. Yeah, some of those Third World hell-holes have lots of people running around with guns, but upon closer inspection they lack a couple things we have: a good supply of ammunition and it's only the guys who have the guns. In the U.S., a fair share of women are packing heat.

Clearly, a country would have to be insane to invade the U.S. That leaves North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and maybe a few others ruled by religious or cult wackos that would be stupid enough to try.

Now comes the other problem with invading the U.S. Even if you had enough ground troops to properly invade and hold onto any land you gained(and only China comes close), you would need a sufficient Navy to transport your troops across either the Atlantic and/or Pacific oceans and get past our own Navy/Air Force without suffering significant losses to their own forces.

Name one Third World or Middle Eastern Jihad wacko country with a naval force that could do that task? There are NONE. And I don't believe Putin or whomever is in charge of Russia would lend the use of their navy for some Towelhead.

That's not to say the U.S. shouldn't remain vigilant and aware of any potential threat of invasion. But to ask if the U.S. had any chance of recovering from an invasion is to severely misjudge this country's backbone and resolve when confronted with a concrete threat to our own shores.

It's one thing fighting in the rice paddies of Vietnam or the desert sands of Iraq, but quite another when you are defending your own neighborhood. As Rick(Humphrey Bogart) tells the Nazi General in "Casablanca", "there's certain neighborhoods in New York I'd advise you not to try to invade".

There is evidence out there that the '72 Olympics was a Mossad operation.

Would this be the same evidence that's out there supposedly proving the existence of Bigfoot? :rolleyes:

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^^^I'm doing my best. :suntan:

And so you should :thumbsup: . Back in the early 80's when the anti nuclear movement was making big news, I remember my dad, a WW2 veteran, asking me if I feared a nuclear attack. My answer to him was if someone dropped the big one on Vancouver, I hoped that it landed right on my head. I still feel the same and I'm sure most sane people do too

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Come on now. That one slips far too often in this forum. Would you like to be referred to as "those people"? I'm not calling you a racist, I'm just saying we ought to be careful with the words we choose. I'm sure we have middle eastern members here on this forum, we wouldn't want to offend someone would we?

It's already happened before. A few years ago, there was a young poster, she was Middle Eastern, and a bunch of posters (who I believe are no longer here), went on one of their many anti-Islam rants, fully cognizant of the fact there was a poster here who was Middle Eastern and Muslim (since there are Christians over there as well, you have to make the distinction), but just didn't give a shit.

So it wouldn't be the first time people here haven't given two fucks if they're offensive or not.

Edited by Electrophile
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However, nukes are not cheap or easy get. So no one is going to waste a nuke that could be dropped on NYC or DC on a place like Nebraska or Kansas (sure, they could hit KC or Lincoln but nothing very important is there and the rest of the state would be unaffected). A lot of people would die and the governments would collapse (due to being vaporized). Out of the ruins of society whoever has the greatest resources or most force could rule the world. That is assuming that no one has a missile defense system like Reagan used to talk about installing in America.

The trick would be to live off the land. Head out to all the open space in the middle of America (or wherever the endless miles of open space over there are) and learn to live off nature. If you can build a shelter near fresh water and learn to hunt and fish you could live forever. There is a beautiful Indian reservation in Oklahoma that goes on forever that would be a great place to hide from the apocalypse. Or you could become a mountain man.

Sorry to spoil your dream, DAS, but actually there are quite a few targets in Kansas, Nebraska and other States in the Heartland. Granted, the Strategic Air Command has been disbanded since 1992, but there are still all those missile silos. And a nucear blast is more effective and has a wider range of destruction in flatlands like Kansas than in hilly and oceanside terrain like California.

Plus, any warlord worth a damn knows that to bring the U.S. to its knees, it needs to wipe out our capacity for growing food and our water supply. Bombing America's Breadbasket will be just as strategically important as bombing Wall St. or the Port of Los Angeles.

You'll be no more safer in Nebraska or Kansas than in NY, LA or DC.

I'm surprised there aren't more "this doesn't affect me" votes as that seems to be the general concensus in this thread.

It's true, there is nothing we can do about it because we've lost our rights and control of our governments. Let's just leave it to the criminals to push us into the worst conflict Mother Earth may ever see because we're indifferent.

First of all, it's because you're misreading your poll. If you look at the poll results, the "No"s far outnumber the other responses. Those of us who refuse to be cowed by fear and worry about something that 1) we don't think we're on the brink of; and 2) wouldn't stand much chance of surviving if it did happen, most likely chose "no" for our answer.

It is possible to think we're not on the brink and not care either way at the same time.

As for the second part of your post, I'm sorry you feel you've lost control of your government; I don't feel I've lost control of mine. I have a vote and I exercise that right. If I feel strongly enough about some issue, I will write or call my local representative or newspaper.

I refuse to give in to the fearmongers. That's the one difference from today and yesteryear. The hotspots of the world are pretty much the same as they were 30, 40 years ago.

The difference is the news media. When I was a kid growing up in the 70s, there was all kinds of shit happening in the world. But it wasn't in your face 24 hours a day on a constant endless loop of carnage. You might see a bit of news over breakfast before school. If you were on summer vacation, the next news show wouldn't be until 12 noon. The rest of the tv day was cartoons, game shows, soap operas, reruns of The Addams Family, Get Smart, The Munsters, My Favorite Martian, etc. Then at dinnertime, you would get the evening news in the calm reassuring manner of Walter Cronkite or John Chancellor and David Brinkley.

And that was it...as a kid, you'd be in bed before the 11pm newscasts, so your expoaure to the horrors of the world was limited to a couple times a day.

Now with the rise of cable news, it's around the clock. And instead of the reassuring father/uncle figures of Walter Cronkite et al, we get guys like Keith Olbermann and Glenn Beck foaming at the mouth or breaking down in tears.

No wonder some people's nerves are jittery.

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Sorry to spoil your dream, DAS, but actually there are quite a few targets in Kansas, Nebraska and other States in the Heartland. Granted, the Strategic Air Command has been disbanded since 1992, but there are still all those missile silos. And a nucear blast is more effective and has a wider range of destruction in flatlands like Kansas than in hilly and oceanside terrain like California.

I still find it very unlikely for this to happen. We have an unrealistic amount of empty space out here. You could never bomb it all. If we had an actual nuclear war I don't think any dictator would be pleased that he bombed a bunch of corn in Nebraska. Every state in the heartland has enough open land to feed the entire nation without a bunch of nukes wiping out most of the population. The way to take out a country imo would be to bomb NYC, DC, LA and huge areas like that. It would cause massive death tolls and complete chaos. I grant you that there are a few targets here though most of the silos are closed I guess they could reopen for a nuclear war. I just don't see it being a priority. Kansas City is a relevant target and I would bombed away if that happened because I'm less than half an hour away from the city but most of the state would be fine imo.

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