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Oh Dear - No Led Zep Tour 2008!

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Really I think it is simple, get everyone to boycott the Plant / Krauss tour. Then he'll realize that Zep is where its at. C'mon Plant!

Now that's a poor attitude. :thumbdown:

I'm not going- but that's because I do not care for the musical direction Robert has taken. But it's not personal. If he were out on the road with Strange Sensation or his band from Fate Of Nations, I'd be right there.

Oh yes...Priory Of Brion too. ;)

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Helluva point brother!!

One big show on each continent would have been a cool idea, but hey, it was awesome to witness the fact that they got back together on stage at all, and gave us one great show.

Don't let these trolly types turn you into an orc my peaceful hobbit friend!! :beer:

Thanks Brother, nah...I'm a peaceful cat, but for a little guy, I have a nasty bite :D
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Oh, I'm sure it's a non-issue. Especially considering that Zep may or may not play again. But all I'm saying is, Jason is not an "outsider". He is part of the Zep family.

Stay with me on this one. What I'm asking is how do THEY feel about it? I know, we

really don't know yet. But:

I'll give you another example. Clearly, Peter Criss was replaced in Kiss. Returned and

was replaced again. In this case, John Bonham will never return, so the issue becomes

did Jason fill in for him on this gig or has he replaced him as a member of Led Zeppelin?

Essentially, for them to acknowledge Jason Bonham as a member of Led Zeppelin is to rewrite the history of the group. I'm interested to see if they've come to terms with a decision of that magnitude or if in fact insofar as they are concerned it was a one off and he merely filled in.

Should they tour, and I doubt very much they will, it becomes even more perplexing.

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Waaah, Plant just put out what is on pace to be the biggest selling post Zep album of any member, has charted higher than any of his previous albums, waaah..... and is on all the internet shopping top 5 seller lists as we speak! Waaah, I want him to toss all that aside to do a nostalgia tour, waaah! Get real!

If any of you are real fans, you'd be rooting for the guy with the current success, not wishing bad things just for the sake of your own greed. That's bullshit IMO! And it's not like they have been rehearsing for 5 friggin months. They got together 5 months ago to test the waters before even deciding to definitely do the 02 gig. The rest of the rehearsals have been spuratic while Plant has been stateside promoting Raising Sand regularly. I'd be surprised if they put a total of a month into it. And to wipe the dust and cobwebs off of 27 years a month is required....even for a one off show!

Personally, I'm hoping Page finally gets cracking on that mystery solo project while Plant is on the road.....and while everyone is still gleeming, let JPJ in on the project!!! Let Page prove to me he still has something left in his well..because until then, I'm forced to believe that well dried up around 78. Not that he has'nt put out some cool stuff, but for someone that takes credit for some of rock history's most timeless music.....time sure passed by on his post Zep material. I've been dying for him to prove me wrong for too long, and am truly rooting for him, but the more he reverts to his past, the more I lose faith. :(

Edited by Honeydripper
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I don't think I'm alone here, I'm sick of hearing about commercial success and dollar signs, if that is what they were after they would have put on a "Rolling Stones" type circus where they prance around on stage from coast to coast and watch the money flood in long ago, with out a care to the fans or ticket prices.

The Stones have become a joke only because they tour every year. If it had been nearly 30 years since they toured nobody would be laughing at the Stones.

I know what you're saying but I don't think anyone here is suggesting that Zeppelin make this an annual event. One final tour wouldn't raise any eyebrows, tarnish the legacy, or make Zeppelin comparable to the farce that Jagger and Co have become.

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Stay with me on this one. What I'm asking is how do THEY feel about it? I know, we

really don't know yet. But:

I'll give you another example. Clearly, Peter Criss was replaced in Kiss. Returned and

was replaced again. In this case, John Bonham will never return, so the issue becomes

did Jason fill in for him on this gig or has he replaced him as a member of Led Zeppelin?

Essentially, for them to acknowledge Jason Bonham as a member of Led Zeppelin is to rewrite the history of the group. I'm interested to see if they've come to terms with a decision of that magnitude or if in fact insofar as they are concerned it was a one off and he merely filled in.

Should they tour, and I doubt very much they will, it becomes even more perplexing.

Points taken. And yes, that is a rather tough question. Especially considering that the band may not perform again. I sure can't answer that.

I don't know about the other three, but somehow I think Robert would vehemently disagree about Jason being a full fledged member. Again, just a guess on my part.

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I don't know about the other three, but somehow I think Robert would vehemently disagree about Jason being a full fledged member. Again, just a guess on my part.

And I agree. It must have been hardest on him to make peace with the past. A decision

such as this could not possibly be made without considerable reflection on that past. On

the other hand, he may be completely at peace with any eventuality. We'll have to see.

Edited by SteveAJones
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I also believe his well ran dry, but even further back to November 1975 in Munich.

Hero? Absolutely.

Brilliant live performer? An all time great.

Still writing memorable riffs? Not so much.

I'm actually totally with you there Steve, but did'nt want to come right out and say that and have to answer to kids saying what about ITTOD....and some will probably say what about Presence! :huh::P Overall, I've always contended that Page had a creative peak that lasted about 5 years.......and on the grand sceme of popular music, that's still pretty damn commendable. Page has been going back to that peak period to pull riffs ever since. Like the main theme to Deathwish.....listen to CB from 24/6/69......there it is.

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Are you going to post that every time anyone mentions Alison Krauss anywhere but where you seem to have decided is appropriate? It's relevant to what's being discussed.

Did Alison Krauss participate in the Led Zeppelin concert at the O2 Arena on Monday, 12.10.07? If not I think this thread belongs elsewhere.

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The Stones have become a joke only because they tour every year. If it had been nearly 30 years since they toured nobody would be laughing at the Stones.

I know what you're saying but I don't think anyone here is suggesting that Zeppelin make this an annual event. One final tour wouldn't raise any eyebrows, tarnish the legacy, or make Zeppelin comparable to the farce that Jagger and Co have become.

The Stones have been a joke for a long time now, and not just because they roll out that tired act every year. You're a joke when a big corporation backs your tour, you're a joke when your album debuts at Wal Mart, despite the idelas you claim to have (Eagles). The Stones sold their souls to the Money Machine, any itegrity they once had is gone. The "30 year" point you're trying to make is irrelevant. I'm not suggesting Zeppelin tour yearly, but in my eyes, they did their farewell at O2...if they tour it's their choice, but they don't owe us a tour.
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The "30 year" point you're trying to make is irrelevant. I'm not suggesting Zeppelin tour yearly, but in my eyes, they did their farewell at O2...if they tour it's their choice, but they don't owe us a tour.

I don't think I said anywhere in my post that "They Owe Us A Tour". My point is that I wouldn't think of it as a cash grab if they decided to tour one last time. Big difference between Zep and the Stones.

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As I stated from the beginning, No Zep Tour in 2008! Robert isn't going to do both, he's almost 60, and he can't keep up that pace like he did 30 years ago. He wanted one great last show with Zep, from the other bad one's they had. Period!

I really really really want them to tour, I hope with all my heart that they will...but we have no power in the making of that decision...and as much as I hate it, I kinda agree with ludwigking... :mellow:

I have the feeling that the O2 gig was the last chance to see Zeppelin and that I unfortunately didn't make it...makes me sad, feels like there's a hole in me that will never be filled, seeing Zeppelin my favourite band ever, even more so since I heard the bootlegs (listen to them all the time...). I guess Led Zeppelin will forever be, for me, cds and dvds...and seeing Robert solo. :( (sorry...had a rough day and I'm kinda depressed...came home and listened to the bootlegs and depressed me even more...I know pathetic... :unsure: )

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Having seen the Stones on their last tour I didn't think it was a "joke" at all. I thoroughly enjoyed their performance as well as the A Bigger Bang album. In regards to "selling out", they were singing for cereal commercials as far back as the 60s. Have folks already forgotten about Zep licensing Rock n' Roll to Cadillac?

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Like the main theme to Deathwish.....listen to CB from 24/6/69......there it is.

You make it sound like everything he wrote in Zep happened at the spur of the moment in the recording booth. Listen to some of the Yardbirds stuff that got turned into Led Zeppelin. Or to Achilles which kind of grew out of the San Francisco part of the live Dazed and Confused. Or the songs that were kicking around for years until being put onto Physical Graffiti. He's got a right to work that way.

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You make it sound like everything he wrote in Zep happened at the spur of the moment in the recording booth. Listen to some of the Yardbirds stuff that got turned into Led Zeppelin. Or to Achilles which kind of grew out of the San Francisco part of the live Dazed and Confused. Or the songs that were kicking around for years until being put onto Physical Graffiti. He's got a right to work that way.
No shit. And if you notice what you quoted from me it's an example of Page taking from a jam in a performance and making something out of it.....my point was he's taking from a jam from almost 15 yrs prior. As in....dry well syndrome.
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I'm actually totally with you there Steve, but did'nt want to come right out and say that and have to answer to kids saying what about ITTOD....and some will probably say what about Presence! :huh::P Overall, I've always contended that Page had a creative peak that lasted about 5 years.......and on the grand sceme of popular music, that's still pretty damn commendable. Page has been going back to that peak period to pull riffs ever since. Like the main theme to Deathwish.....listen to CB from 24/6/69......there it is.

I'll go so far as to qualify my point of view. Presence was recorded at Musicland Studios in the basement of the Arabella Hotel in Munich between November 9th - 26th 1975. So

my position that his well ran dry at that time actually does include his stunning guitar

compositions on the Presence album. ITTOD is a good album, not a great one IMHO.

I'll have to look into the link betwen 24/6/69 and the Deathwish II soundtrack. Sounds


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