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NBA season 2012


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The Lakers will be loaded to say the least. Dwight Howard, Kobe, Gasol and Steve Nash on the same team is just scary. If it had happened three or four years ago, I do not see any way to beat them. But Kobe and Nash are at the end of their careers. How will Howard get along with his new teamates? Its a hell of a starting lineup for sure. I believe in the West the Clippers will be their main rivals. I believe San Antonio is too old. In the East the Heat who are the defending champs will be very tough to beat. But not unbeatable, especially by the Lakers or maybe even Clippers. I saw a review of the Atlantic where one writer picks Boston and says the next three willl have basically the same records, all winning records but not great. Personally i pick the Philadelphia 76ers to win that division and to be the second best team in the East.

Well I know there is not a ton of interest here but at least we have a thread to discuss it on if need be. The NBA thread I created last year is no longer appropriate. I am going to cheer for the Clippers and Chris Paul, Blake and co. But I know the Lakers and Heat will most likely be the final. Another team I like a bit are the T Wolves because i like Kevin Love.

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The Lakers are definitely loaded, but how will all that talent mest together? A real question mark for me and that's why I think the Oklahoma City Thunder are still the favorites in the West. In the East, the question is will Lebron still be hungry now that he's got the monkey off his back and won a championship. I think he will be and the Heat will be back in the Finals.

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I do (unfortunately) think that the Lakers will gel. Most of those guys have been around for a long time and have had to learn how to adapt to new teammates. However, there is always the potential for injuries to key players and aging ones. I like the Thunder to do well again. Miami too. Mr. James did himself a huge favor in playing in the Olympics. I like him a little bit again.

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The Lakers are definitely loaded, but how will all that talent mest together? A real question mark for me and that's why I think the Oklahoma City Thunder are still the favorites in the West. In the East, the question is will Lebron still be hungry now that he's got the monkey off his back and won a championship. I think he will be and the Heat will be back in the Finals.

I cannot argue that there is nobody as good as the Heat in the East. But my sleeper team are the 76ers, In the West I like the Clippers better than OKC. If Chaucey Billups is back healthy, they have a rock solid team. Blake, C Paul, Jordan, and have now added Crawford and Hill. Odom can help their defense down low. Dangerous dangerous bunch the Clippers are Another sleeper is the Golden State Warriors. Another team I liked as a kid growing up with Rick Barry. Rick Barry and Jerry West are my two all time favorite players. Right now I love Chris Paul. I like Love too from the T Wolves who are a very good team getting points.

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Raps are tops in the division (yes it's pre-season. Let me enjoy it while it lasts LOL)

Finally a promising young core - Jonas, TRoss, DD, Bargs, and a legit point guard in Lowry. Is THIS the year we make the playoffs?

I'm going to NYC and have to choose between a Knicks or Nets game. Can't make up my mind...

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^ Which teams are Knicks/Nets playing while you're there, perhaps that would sway you?

Well, jb, neither team's playing an awesome opponent (though that may change once the season starts - you never know which team will get hot, but it's not like the Lakeshow or the Heat are in town...). So it's basically a choice between experiencing the aging mecca of bball or the sexy new Barclay Center in Brooklyn.

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Hmm, you may have a point. Although I'v heard many disparaging comments about MSG, it's hard to pass up the experience. I'll visit Barclay's anyway just because use of space interests me and I like the new construction in the context of Brooklyn's aesthetic and environment.

I live here, yes. I used to be a Celtics fan back in the Bird days, but now that Toronto has a team (and Bird's retired), I cheer for the Raptors. You?

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I'm watching them lose at the moment to the Knicks. I still follow the Leprechauns :P It's a vet team. Rondo's such a pleasure to watch. Hopefully they peak at the right time in the playoffs and beat the Heat.

Lakers have yet to win in pre-season hmm... I know it doesn't count, but it's interesting. I doubt they get far with Brown as their coach.

Anyway, good luck this year - except when you play us :D

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Patrycja, I went to MSG for the first time last year. Can't believe in hundred of times I've been to NYC, I'd never been. And although I'm not a huge basketball fan, I am so glad I went. The building itself is kind of meh, but when you go inside the seating bowl, it's surprising how well it works. We may be taking in another game sometime this winter.

I'm interested in going to the Barclay Center, too, but figure I have time...

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Good to know, ebk, thanks. I have a feeling I'll end up going to MSG just for the history. I'll see both eventually, it's just the time I happen to be in NYC and can catch a game the teams are playing on the same day. Like you said, there's time yet for Barclay's. Cheers :beer:

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I look for the 76ers to take the division from the Celtics who I cant stand. Do not worry about the Lakers not winning a pre season game. I do not know if Howard played his first yet (was supposed to last night) but my guess is he wont play big minutes . Wait until they have Howard, Gasol, Kobe, Nash on the court. Yikes. I am cheering for the Clippers. The old Buffalo franchise and they will have their best team in their history suited up no doubt. Can they beat this Lakers lineup? I dont know. I know one thing, there bench will be better than the Lakers. I say if healthy the Clippers can be the second best on paper in the West. Golden St who I have always like also, because I am a huge Rick Barry fan, is going to be an improved team also.

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Still waiting for your take on this upcoming season Strider. I even made my Avatar that of the LA Clippers just to fuck with you. Ha. Actually, they are what is left of the old Buffalo Braves and I will declare them my favorite team presently. I also like Golden State, 76ers and T Wolves and do not have the strong allegiance that I do in the other three major sports. I do like the Clippers team alot this year. Certaiinly nobody can match the Lakers starting 5 but after that, their bench is so suspect I believe their coach is the key. He must rest his players in a very smart manner. Keep two or three of the big boys out there at all times. Or else. Like I had said previously, if they had this team four years ago, put out the lights. But Kobe, and Nash are getting old. Both still damn good, but not what they were four years back. Howard makes up for that as the man is nuts. But look at the depth of the Clippers who to me are better than OKC and Dallas. I await your take on this. There is no hockey and my football team has me so disgusted I cant wait until spring training for the Birds. So Ill count on the NBA to ease some of my pain.

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Celtics/Heat is the marquee matchup tomorrow night. Can't wait to see how Lebron & company will defend their title. You putting any money down on this game Rick?


No. Hate both teams. I am cheering for the Clippers this year for sure. They used to be the Buffalo Braves so I have reason. I say they are the second best team in the West. Now that OKC has traded Harden, Chris Paul and co will be a force to be reckoned with. The Lakers have a starting lineup that three to five years ago would have been unbeatable. How much does Nash and Kobe have left? Probably enough to have a real big shot but the bench sucks. The Clippers have a bench. Beware the Clippers. I like to bet the T Wolves getting points and say they make the playoffs as a lower seed just like Golden /St who I also like because I was a huge Rick Barry fan. I do like Steve Nash alot so a Lakers title would not piss me off. I am onboard with the Clippers though. And the 76ers I like too. Good team and my pick to beat out Boston for the East. Eastern final prediction, Miami vs Phila 76ers, Western final, Lakers vs Clippers.

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Rick, Clippers are going to be brought back down to earth what with the new flopping rule in effect (provided it gets called consistently). Two of the game's biggest floppers - Paul and Griffin - are on that team.

Also, Atlantic division predictions need to be reshuffled - Amare is now out at least 6 weeks with a knee injury.

And there's no way Philly makes it to the east finals. No. Way. If for no other reason (though there are others) than Bynum is a headcase.

And the Clippers will get past San Antonio? OKC? Spurs have a vastly superior coach, and a vet team but one that knows how to play together in a system perfectly designed for the players they have on the team. OKC also have a better coach, and are stacked with talent. They are last year's finalists, don't forget. No Clippers in this year's Western finals.

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Rick, Clippers are going to be brought back down to earth what with the new flopping rule in effect (provided it gets called consistently). Two of the game's biggest floppers - Paul and Griffin - are on that team.

Also, Atlantic division predictions need to be reshuffled - Amare is now out at least 6 weeks with a knee injury.

And there's no way Philly makes it to the east finals. No. Way. If for no other reason (though there are others) than Bynum is a headcase.

And the Clippers will get past San Antonio? OKC? Spurs have a vastly superior coach, and a vet team but one that knows how to play together in a system perfectly designed for the players they have on the team. OKC also have a better coach, and are stacked with talent. They are last year's finalists, don't forget. No Clippers in this year's Western finals.

I am not saying the Clippers can beat the fab five of Nash, Dwight Howard, World Peace, Kobe and Gasol. That is as good a starting five maybe in NBA history barring the age problems for Nash and Kobe. But the Clippers can beat OKC and San Anton. Yes they can baby.

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Didn't mean to take so long, Rick...lots on my mind lately.

I'm an old school guy. I don't believe in paper tigers…championships won on paper. To me, you are the champion until someone beats you.

So I don't care what acquisitions the Lakers made in the offseason; until they show it on the court, the Miami Heat are the NBA champions and a clear favourite to make it back. Two straight Finals appearances makes them legit.

Boston is old. Philly might have promise but they're reliant on a space cadet, Andrew Bynum, finally getting his act together and delivering on his potential. Then there's Chicago and the D. Rose question.

I think Miami breezes thru the East.

Out West, it's still the Oklahoma City Thunder that is the team to beat, in my opinion. They won the Conference last year and we shall see if they are a legit perennial contender like Miami is and Boston and the Lakers were previously...or if they are a one year wonder like Dallas.

The Harden trade was a surprise...but it may turn out to be that rare trade that helps both teams. One thing that scares me is that OKC received a bunch of future draft picks...picks that will help them add firepower and depth and youth to their roster. All the while their rivals get more ancient.

San Antonio will be San Antonio...but the clock is just about out on the Tim Duncan era.

The Clippers are everybody's darlings it seems but they live to break your heart. I just can't put my trust in them until they show me otherwise. I've witnessed their pratfalls in L.A. for nearly 30 years. If you want to bet them, Rick, be my guest. Don't blame me if they cause you a heart attack.

I'm sure somebody somewhere is enthused about the prospects for Utah, Houston, Memphis, Golden State, Dallas...but not me. These teams are nothing more than first-round fodder...second-round if they catch a break.

So that brings me to the Los Angeles Lakers...the team I bleed purple-and-gold for and who won championships in the same Fabulous Forum that I saw so many memorable concerts by the likes of Led Zeppelin, Queen, Van Halen, Neil Young, Bob Dylan and more. The team whose fortunes affect my mood more than any other sports team...more than the Raiders, more than the Angels, more than the Kings, more than USC.

What do I think of the Lakers?

I think they are old...older than Boston. I think they are an injury from it all falling apart. Will Dwight's back hold up? Will Kelly Leak...ooops, I mean Steve Nash last the season at age 38 running around trying to keep up with all the younger, faster guards? After several years of multiple injuries and surgeries, how much does Kobe have left and will he realize that it's more productive to have the guys who shoot better than 50%(Nash, Gasol, Howard) take more shots than for him to dribble around and flail up a fall-away jumper?

Even if, miracle of miracles, all five starters make it through the season intact, what about the bench? Hill, Meeks and Jamison have got to produce or the starters are going to be in tatters by season's end. I've pretry much given up on Blake...I never thought I'd say this but "Bring back Sascha".

The bench is a huge question mark/liability and this leads to a huge conundrum facing the Lakers in their approach to the season.

1) With the Lakers advanced age, the Phil Jackson approach would probably be to ease into the season, play the bench often in order to save the starters for the playoffs. This would mean sacrificing wins and a high seeding in exchange for having the starters fresh for the playoffs.

But do these Lakers believe they can win the West without having home court advantage? Do they think they could beat Miami without home court? If not, and they decide to push for the #1 seed, then that means more minutes for the starters in the regular sason. More minutes equals more chances of getting injured and tired legs for the playoffs.

2.) I do not like Mike Brown as a coach. Last year the Lakers had their worst scoring average since the 1950s Minneapolis Lakers. So now that he has an awesome pick-and-roll artist and penetrator like Steve Nash, he has decided to bring in the 'Princeton offense'. Oh boy. Oh joy. :rolleyes:

When are these geniuses going to realize that certain college concepts do not translate to the professional game? Whether you are talking about football or basketball, it never works.

The Princeton offense gets the purists' dicks hard and their mouths frothy because it involves lots and lots of passing ending in a backdoor cut. It's also a great way for a team with little talent to hang with a more talented team, because it shortens the game by limiting offensive possessions(all that passing back-and-forth), and placing a premium on high-percentage field goals and free throws.

This works in the college game because the shot clock is 40 seconds...it worked even better in the days of no shot clock, just as Dean Smith's tedious 'Four Corners offense' did; i.e. Villanova's upset of Georgetown in 1985. If the NCAA had had a shot clock in '85, Georgetown would have destroyed Villanova.

Anyway, back to the the Lakers and Mike Brown wanting to use the Princeton offense...I say "NUTS!" to that. Passing the ball around and waiting for the defense to get tired and lose focus on a backdoor cut doesn't work in the NBA where the shot clock is only 24 seconds.

Also, like I said, free throw accuracy is important. Has anyone seen Dwight Howard's FT percentage? It's awful...he's a liability. Which means come the 4th quarter you either can't risk throwing the ball to him or you can't play him at all.

I could go on like this for hours. For every positive I see with the addition of Nash and Howard, I also see two or three negatives. I also remember the last time the Lakers did this and everyone jumped on the bandwagon and annointed them champions before a game had been played. It was the 2003-04 season and the Lakers had Kobe, Shaq, Karl Malone and Gary Payton.

How did that work out for them?

So forgive me if I don't buy into the 'invincible Lakers' hype this year. I just watched them set the Lakers all-time futility preseason record of 0-8.

Didn't see the opening game tonight but I'm not shocked they lost to Dallas.

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I have to disagree with you Strider on LA using their bench. Their bench is their apparent weakness. They must keep two or three of those fab five on the court at all times. No excuse losing the opener at home to Dallas but Dallas is a damn good team and nobody seems to mention them.? Best coach in the league in Carlyle. No Dirk and they beat the Lakers. Shocking in a way, but their lineup is no joke. To me Dallas is a top four western team for sure. The Clippers are a hell of a good team. And will be better when Chancey Billups returns later in the month. I say they can win games without him though. They have to. Chris Paul can carry a team. Right now he is better than Kobe due to age. Getting Steve Nash was big. Huge. And Dwight. If they play as a unit I do not know if anyone can beat them. Maybe the Clippers. Maybe Dallas. I say the Clippers are better than OKC. And Dallas too. With Dirk. Golden State should make the playoffs as a low seed. I hope the T Wolves get in too. I like that team. I look at the 76ers in the East and now I am a bit perplexed with the trade they made? Why? They were doing great? I have to see them before I know. With their new boy from the Lakers. That may not be for a bit. Go Clippers!!! (the old Buffalo Braves)

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