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Whats your favorite ice cold beer?


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For me it's easier to list the crap beers I would never be caught dead drinking:

Coors Light

Miller Genuine Draft

Pabst Blue Ribbon




Bud Light

Lowenbrau (the American version)

Most overated Imported beer - Heineken

Most underated domestic American beer - Coors original Banquet

The old Coors maybe. Every beer you listed is skunk piss. Are you kidding me? Well I should say Bud and Corona are respected beers that I do not like and Bud is a quality brewery, but Pabst is one of the worst beers ever made. Its like Utica Club, or Black Label, pure crap. Coors light and miller are both pure piss water.

You read my post wrong; it was a negative list. But the fact that you agree that they are all "skunk piss" means you know something about that NOT TO DRINK just like me. And your nod to the original Coors Banquet Beer means you understand what I'm saying (see my most underated American domestic beer).

Today Pabst beer has become some bizarre trend that the under 25 hipster dufus set likes to drink. For the rest of us, Pabst was always a low end budget beer that some retired auto worker uncle used to buy because he was a cheapskate and a drunk, Nothing that you would actually enjoy drinking.

And don't get me started about Corona. Back in the day Corona was the cheapest Mexican import you could only get at some ma and pop liquor stores in the worst part of town. Corona didn't even come in six packs; they were all individual bottles that only cost about 25 cents each. And the glass bottles were so beat up and scratched that most of the time the painted labels were worn off.

Best Mexican beers

Bohemia (brewed in the German tradition)

Negra Modelo

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There are loads to choose from but not many if any American beers would be in my top 10.

If you like beer. You can find it in America. I've got a wharehouse style store by me that sells almost anything you want. When my wife gave me a tour of he world for Christmas. I took a hankering to 12 horse ale from Belgium. I went to the store and they had cases in stock. Don't be such a a snob that you don't think any of your top 10 beers could be found state side.

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You read my post wrong; it was a negative list. But the fact that you agree that they are all "skunk piss" means you know something about that NOT TO DRINK just like me. And your nod to the original Coors Banquet Beer means you understand what I'm saying (see my most underated American domestic beer).

Today Pabst beer has become some bizarre trend that the under 25 hipster dufus set likes to drink. For the rest of us, Pabst was always a low end budget beer that some retired auto worker uncle used to buy because he was a cheapskate and a drunk, Nothing that you would actually enjoy drinking.

And don't get me started about Corona. Back in the day Corona was the cheapest Mexican import you could only get at some ma and pop liquor stores in the worst part of town. Corona didn't even come in six packs; they were all individual bottles that only cost about 25 cents each. And the glass bottles were so beat up and scratched that most of the time the painted labels were worn off.

Best Mexican beers

Bohemia (brewed in the German tradition)

Negra Modelo

They always used to say to buy beers in bottles that are dark to prevent sunlight from doing harm to them? I was given an assortment of beers in two six packs from my wife's niece and boyfriend. Young punks that do not have a clue. There is a mexican beer in there other than Corona and I have to go down to the basement to look up the name. Even a chinese beer in there. There is two bottles of Blue Moon and a couple others worth drinking.

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From '85 - '94 it was Molson Golden

'95- '04 it was HARP

'05 - today its Shinner Bock

From 94 - '07

I ordered by number on the chalkboard.

The thread suggest cold beer but the stouts were kept at a higher temp.

Here's the link to my favorite watering hole back in the day. And yes it was in stumbling distance.


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^ " The thread suggest cold beer but the stouts were kept at a higher temp."

I didnt list any stouts for the same reason, Guinness is my choice of stout,

I also went through a period in the early 90's where Brooklyn Brown Ale was my first choice.

I love the Brooklyn brown ale. Is that from McSorely's. I spent time in there when we ran the Wagner invite in college. That was best time I've ever had and remember it. I don't know why I recall it so vividly. I pounded those ales like a Roofer nails shingles. Incrediblely smooth for an American ale. I think only anchor steam compares.

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I love the Brooklyn brown ale. Is that from McSorely's. I spent time in there when we ran the Wagner invite in college. That was best time I've ever had and remember it. I don't know why I recall it so vividly. I pounded those ales like a Roofer nails shingles. Incrediblely smooth for an American ale. I think only anchor steam compares.

Im sure McSorely's has it on tap, Ive only been there a few times , most of the time when on the lower east side, we would start the night at Vazac's Horseshoe bar.......

Now that Im thinking about that place, (vazac's), I would consume vast amounts of New Amsterdam Amber, they had that on tap.

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