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2013 Baseball Thread...

paul carruthers

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Well, once again Matt Harvey is pitching a hell of a game, but the Mets can only squeeze out 1 run so far, although the starter from the Marlins they were facing is no slouch himself, could be yet another "No Decision" for Harvey. :mellow:

Yeah Shemp, I KNOW!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:

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Well, after 20 long innings, the Muts lose to the fish again! WTF, how do these jabronis keep losing to the damn Marlins, then they'll probably come back & beat the Cards 2 out of 3, or not. What is a poor Mets fan to do?


God I hate that fucking team!!

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I don't pretend to know how Matt Harvey thinks or feels, but I know if I was in his position, I would be frustrated as hell with the lack of run support he gets every start. A 5-0 record ain't bad, but how many "no decisions" are in there with that record. The kid should have at least 4 more wins than he has. That kind of shit has to wear on you during the course of a season. Maybe I'm more pissed off about it than Matt. Oh well.... <_<

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Good start. 2-0 O's. Need to get back on track and smoke these fuckers. Chen cannot return fast enough. That kid from AA got smoked again. Cannot have this. We need guy pitching. We are in this race and must stay in it. When Chen comes back that is one answer. But I think we must dump Garcia. I do not know the status on Bundy. Maybe I am just wishing for something that is not going to happen this year?

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Tomorrow lets see how giddy you are when you go to Tampa for a 3 set. Good luck. we get the Angels, but we are sending that fucking dinosaur Garcia to the mound and that worries me for sure. Is Arrieta that bad? He must be in Norfolk. Chen cannot get back soon enough. His absence is costing us big time.Now its 10-5 so they are going to make me sweat a bit. One more hit and Buck better get this fucktard out of there

Tommy Hunter throws smoke. I would use him more than any damn reliever. Oday is ok. Matusz has to have his timing right or its out of the park. We are right in this damn race as bad as things have gone on starting pitching. When Chen is back we make a big move. 2 outs since I typed this. Time for me to text my friend who is a big Phillies fan and living in Carolina. They are gettiing shelled. What a pathetic bunch they are.

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Things are really getting interesting in Tampa now, Buck just made the call to the pen for Jim Johnson. Mets get fucking swept by the Marlins, again. I tell you what, if the Heat lose tonight, I'm really going to be down in the dumps.


Edited by paul carruthers
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Orioles won. King Felix did his job but just like the Mets give Harvey no run support, Seattle gives the King none. I am disgusted. We are going to have to beat the damn Yankees ourselves and the Red Sox and Tampa also may want to beat them. Lets get this winning run in Colorado

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Red Sox at the Rays, and the Yanks go to Oakland starting Tuesday, so a chance for Baltimore to possibly climb back into this division race, provided they can take care of the scuffling Angels. I see Freddy Garcia is on the bump for the O's tonight, I'm sure that inspires a load of confidence in Rick.

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Red Sox doubling up the Rays so far, Angels/Orioles knotted up at 2. The fact that Freddy Garcia has only given up 2 runs is quite an accomplishment...

4-2 Orioles and still batting in the 6th with one out and one on. Its getting bad so I expect them to stop this game soon

That is it. Rain delay is on. The tarp comes out and the game is official. The forcast is for rain until 1 am

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Of course they will....pussies! ;)

That is just stupid. Bring those bitches on. We lead the fucking majors in so many categories in hitting its a joke. More home runs than anyone. Bring those wimps on. Hey Boston nation, having fun in Tampa? Its no fucking picnic is it? While your team has been playing jive ass teams we have been playing them

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This crazy ass ump resumed a game in KC last week at 3 am. YeAH. 3 Fucking AM!!!! I wonder what they were giving the fans? Free beer or hot dogs? So do not think he is going to hand us anything. We are up and Garcia is finished. So we can bring our pen in and finish them off. Hunter can throw smoke. And dont forget, we can hit the fucking baseball also Walter. Go see the stats on Adam Jones, Chris Davis, Hardy, Wieters and then come back and call us pussies. We have the best offense in baseball. Period

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They will resume in Baltimore around 11. They have resumed in Chicago where I have some cabbage down on the Blue Jays

OMG. Dickey hits the batter and then serves up a 3 run shot to deep right. Sack of shit

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