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2013 Baseball Thread...

paul carruthers

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Have the Tigers found a closer yet? That would be my only concern for them as far as making it back to the Series.

You make it sound like its going to be a cakewalk? Are you crazy? NO THEY HAVE NOT FOUND A CLOSER. Did you see what the Dodgers did to Toronto? Fucking buried them. The Dodgers are tearing the cover off the ball. I see no stopping them in the West. What a surge. Must give some credit to Seattle. 7 wins in a row. Rays and Orioles keep on winning. Yankees are in big trouble. Bad news on Jeter and A Rod to boot. But it makes you wonder if they simply would rather rest them up and save them the embarrassment of a bad year that cannot be fixed? Not saying they are so far back that they could not get back into it if they got hot. But how can they get hot with the lineup they have? They cannot even count on Sabathia any more. I am hoping Hammel does not fuck up- this streak. Him and Feldman both give me fits. I have great confidence in Chen, Gonzalez and even Tillman now. I think they have enough because their offense is just that good. So even if a starter gets hit, they have enough firepower to overcome and then depend on guys like O'Day and Hunter and Matusz and co to carry them the rest of the way. Johnson has had some issues and I hope he gets them ironed out. I am thinking it is possible to see a repeat of the 1966 World Series. O's and Dodgers. But alot of hills to climb obviously. I think the Dodgers can beat anyone right now the way they are playing. We need to kick KC's ass, get out of there with at least 3 W's and then the Red Sox come in on Friday.

Cabrera has a mild hip flexor. Day to day

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Never said it's going to be a cakewalk, I just think if the Tigers get their closer issue addressed, they are the most complete team in the AL, but anything can happen in the playoffs. Of course, whoever gets those 2 wild card spots will have to play in that one game playoff, which could be a bitch, so hoping for your sake Rick the O's take the division & can avoid that one-game playoff.

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Never said it's going to be a cakewalk, I just think if the Tigers get their closer issue addressed, they are the most complete team in the AL, but anything can happen in the playoffs. Of course, whoever gets those 2 wild card spots will have to play in that one game playoff, which could be a bitch, so hoping for your sake Rick the O's take the division & can avoid that one-game playoff.

I do not think Detroit has as good a lineup as we do. they have a great starting rotation, first 3 at least. Porcello is on and off. I believe we are deeper and Texas I know is also deeper. More balanced. Cabrera is great, but he is one man as is Davis. We have potentially 5 gold gloves. Can any other team say that? No. But Detroit will be a bitch to play, as will Texas assuming they make it. Right now they are out. We are in, and Tampa and Boston and Detroit and Oakland are in. It could all change. I think Texas and Oakland have a huge advantage and that is having Houston in their division. Seattle is no picnic any more to play so take them off the easy to beat list.

Must add, we caught a break by catching the Dodgers early in the year. ; Who wants any part of them now?

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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It's amazing to me to think we could have 2 divisions where 3 teams could make the playoffs; the NL Central and AL East.

As far as the Ryan Braun story goes, it sucks to think this could stain the whole sport. People are saying he should give his MVP award to Matt Kemp, but how do we know Kemp isn't juicing or my personal favorite player, Miguel Cabrera, the best hitter in the game. The cloud of suspicion seems to be hanging over everybody. Like I said before, hopefully a day will come when this shit is no longer a black eye on the game. Maybe it starts with tougher penalties of 1st-time offenders, send the message that this PED crap will no longer be tolerated.

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A-Rod may be after Braun as why he's still be kept out by the Yankees from playing in NY. Not sure if I believe that whole injury thing that he has. May be a front. If he returns to NY, the fans will really give it to him and it won't be pleasant!

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A-Rod may be after Braun as why he's still be kept out by the Yankees from playing in NY. Not sure if I believe that whole injury thing that he has. May be a front. If he returns to NY, the fans will really give it to him and it won't be pleasant!

A well respected announcer on the radio tonight believes A Rod will never play another game. Time will tell. Adam Jones hits one to the wall and scores the runner. All they have to do is get him home from third with no outs. Davis swings at balls in the fucking dirt AGAIN (NEEDS COACH TO START COACHING HIM), and Hardy hits one to the third baseman. We lose 3-2. Stupid fucking batting. I know you cant win every game. But at least fucking play smart. I guess we picked up a well know arm for the bullpen. We are deep and solid in the pen. So I think we are in the race til the end. Dodgers come back again hitting the laces off the ball. They are really something.

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Went to Fenway again tonight. Wish both teams coulda lost...

I think I'll do the tour tomorrow...if I get up in time.

We picked up a closer that has good numbers with a terrible team. Imagine what he may do for us? JJ better watch it or he is going to be out. Chris Davis has to start laying off the bad pitches. Which is all they are throwing him. He has to realize they know he is going to send it downtown, so they are going to try and get him to bite. So far he has bit too damn often. He needs to take walks. Last night, no excuse to lose that game. Jones at third after a brilliant triple and an RBI and he is on third with nobody out. You have to get him home. True Hardy and this new kid up from the minors had their chance, but Davis I blame for not hitting it in the outfield. We have to keep winning. We are good enough to do it. Buck knows it. Chen tonight. I say we pound the crap out of them

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The Pirates may be for real this year, I know everyone is waiting for the collapse, but Pittsburgh may be playing that wild-card game in October. This coming Friday's Cardinals/Braves series should be telling as far as how Atlanta might do in the postseason, still got my questions about the Braves.

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The Pirates may be for real this year, I know everyone is waiting for the collapse, but Pittsburgh may be playing that wild-card game in October. This coming Friday's Cardinals/Braves series should be telling as far as how Atlanta might do in the postseason, still got my questions about the Braves.

I honestly think the Dodgers would beat either of them easily right now. I think the Dodgers are a fucking freight train going at top speed. They look mighty good right now. Do they have the pitching? Probably not enough. But they can score, just like the Orioles. So offense can win sometimes. I expect Chen to get my boys back on track and set us up for that Boston series this weekend. Texas lost to the Yankees last night, a bit surprising. So that helped us out. Oakland has this dick schedule right now. Its pathetic. I think they lost too though. To Houston. Seattle has won 8 in a row. Man. Who saw that coming? Toronto looks like they have folded the tents. I see no more Toronto posts here. So what do you think of the Orioles getting K Rod as another reliever? A shut down closer. He can help.

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^^ You can never have too much pitching & K-Rod is a proven postseason commodity, so it can only help the O's. I think the Dodgers top three, Kershaw, Greinke and Ryu could compete with anyone's top three in a postseason series, should they get there.

They will win the NL West for fun. My boy Matt Wieters, whose jersey I have, just went deep to right and made it 2-1 Orioles!!!!! Now Chen can set them bitches down one by one!!!!! Go O's!!!!!!!!! :hurrah:

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The Tigers certainly don't need Miggy Cabrera to take care of the hapless White Sox. Still waiting for Detroit to run & hide with that division or will they continue to keep the Indians close?

Must be nice playing in that dick division. Fucking shit teams every night. We get the Yankees, Red Sox, Tampa. At least Houston comes in next week. We need to pay back these fucking little shits tonight. Chen pitched a great game. Once mistake and we get nicked. Buck is probably kicking himself for not bringing in Oday one man quicker. We had no business losing. Gonzo should kick Guthries ass tonight. Mismatch. O's will win. Then Boston comes in for a big 3. At least Texas lost too. Right now we are in. They are putting a new roof on my damn house. I will lose my dish and my feed to the Orioles tonight. Fuck

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Didn't Texas beat the Yanks 3-1 last night?

What about Tim Hudson being out for the rest of the season? Big blow to the Braves. Paul, looks like your prediction about them not doing much in the playoffs looks to be very possible without an arm and leader like him around their pitching staff.

Good luck with that roof, Rick!

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Didn't Texas beat the Yanks 3-1 last night?

What about Tim Hudson being out for the rest of the season? Big blow to the Braves. Paul, looks like your prediction about them not doing much in the playoffs looks to be very possible without an arm and leader like him around their pitching staff.

Good luck with that roof, Rick!

Thanks. Maybe I should get them drunk and Ill get my fuckiing dish hooked up in time for the Orioles game. Ha. Not happening. Ill have to follow on the computer. Unless they have a way to rehook the dish for the night? I am not going out there. The cats are under the couch. Fucking pounding all day.

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Dodger Blue continues to roll, although they have had the benefit of playing the Nats & Blue Jays. Let's see how they do with the Reds these next 4 games. Hope all goes well with your roof Rick & you get to follow the O's game.

Thanks. I like to follow on CBS spotsline. I like their format better than ESPN who has gamecenter. They are both good. Up to the minute. Pitch by pitch. KC sucked out last night. Chen deserved better. I expect our bats to rip them tonight. Gonzalez is far better than Guthrie. We had Guthrie as they got him from us. We cannot beat them bad enough.

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Thanks. I like to follow on CBS spotsline. I like their format better than ESPN who has gamecenter. They are both good. Up to the minute. Pitch by pitch. KC sucked out last night. Chen deserved better. I expect our bats to rip them tonight. Gonzalez is far better than Guthrie. We had Guthrie as they got him from us. We cannot beat them bad enough.

Do you ever use MLB Gameday? I like that one better than ESPN. Never check into the CBS one.

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Do you ever use MLB Gameday? I like that one better than ESPN. Never check into the CBS one.

I have never seen it Esther. ? Not familiar with it? MLB.com? I play that fantasy game. the streak. I bought the MLB package on Direct TV but they will not transfer it to the internet

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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I have never seen it Esther. ? Not familiar with it? MLB.com? I play that fantasy game. the streak. I bought the MLB package on Direct TV but they will not transfer it to the internet

It's like the Gamecenter thing on ESPN, but it's on MLB.com. Kinda like "watching" the game if you can't get it on TV... I'll keep in on at work when we have day games.

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It's like the Gamecenter thing on ESPN, but it's on MLB.com. Kinda like "watching" the game if you can't get it on TV... I'll keep in on at work when we have day games.

Thanks. Ill check it out. You should try the streak contest. You pick a player each day and he has to get a hit. Its fun.

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I just saw on ESPN the highlight of Tim Hudson getting his ankle stepped on, not for the faint of heart. Still think the Braves have more than enough to win the NL East, but beyond that, I don't know.

Well now they play St Louis so you can get a preview of a possibe playoff match. I say the Dodgers can beat anyone in the National League right now. I am glad my satellite was out. Worst game all year by the O's.

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