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What do you like about Robert?


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Of course I do not know him but he seems like such a kind person,the pics with his kids and his dogs and a few of a few differant animals that have been posted. I wonder if he knows how adored he is or ever coimes to this led Zepplin site and reads any of this? I would do anyhting to just have a meet and great with him!!!

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Until now we have never met someone here who claimed to be one of the members, so we do not know if they visit this site or not.

Imo the members of Zeppelin know how adored they are, since they met fans/groupies for over 40 years by now.

What I like bout the man:

His voice and his eclectic taste in music.

His sense of humor.

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His charm, wit, humor, very smart and doesn't come across as "dumb" or "stoned" like you would expect from a lot os rock stars..umm..sexy as hell plus he has an "earthyness" about him...I mean an approachable thing about him, like you can have a few pints and a good banter with him at the pub.

I'd like to think that he's a kinda guy that you could go rambling with in an old English city or somewhere historic, taking photos and then off for a few jars!

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I think all of this has already been said, but I'll say it again. :) Besides the obvious, I like Robert because he has a good sense of humor, is intelligent/witty, doesn't take himself too seriously and seems to be relatively humble, even though he has millions of fans and is talented beyond belief. I also appreciate that Robert seems very comfortable in his own skin and has chosen to age naturally, rather than opt for the face altering procedures many rock stars and celebs scramble to do (Steven Tyler anyone?). Robert has also written/co-written a lot of songs that have inspired me in my life. One such song outside of Led Zeppelin is titled "I Believe " from his album "Fate of Nations." If you have never heard it before, I recommend you listen to it. That song has gotten me through many tough times; it is very touching. If I ever get a chance to meet Robert, I will tell him so!

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IMO there has never been anyone else in the history of popular music who could sing like Plant did in the Zeppelin era...I also like his wit, and the imagery in some of his lyrics, which allow the listener to use his/her imagination and are suggestive of other lands and times...

In truth there are some things I don't like about Plant that I won't post here...I think I alluded to them in another discussion.

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I think all of this has already been said, but I'll say it again. :) Besides the obvious, I like Robert because he has a good sense of humor, is intelligent/witty, doesn't take himself too seriously and seems to be relatively humble, even though he has millions of fans and is talented beyond belief. I also appreciate that Robert seems very comfortable in his own skin and has chosen to age naturally, rather than opt for the face altering procedures many rock stars and celebs scramble to do (Steven Tyler anyone?). Robert has also written/co-written a lot of songs that have inspired me in my life. One such song outside of Led Zeppelin is titled "I Believe " from his album "Fate of Nations." If you have never heard it before, I recommend you listen to it. That song has gotten me through many tough times; it is very touching. If I ever get a chance to meet Robert, I will tell him so!

Hear! Hear! "I Believe' is on heavy rotation on my playlist - such a beautiful song. As well as his rendition of "Polly Come Home" with Alison Krauss. Urgh. Gives me chills.

And I don't want to sound like a broken record, but everything everyone has posted already about Robert, I feel the same way too.

P.S: He's a man who is not afraid to tell of his insecurities, which humanizes him even more. That despite all the fame, fortune, accolades, worship, praise etc. etc. he still worries about his performances. Or as he puts it - he's still 'sensitive' to criticism. *lol*

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I love the guy.


It's because of so many moments he and I have shared (that he has no idea about, but I think he may have an inclination).....It could be the Sunday morning coffee while listening to him sing the lyrics to Going to California, or, hearing those beautiful images of Kashmir coming out loud from my truck speakers on a pitch black night......and everything in between..

He and I have spent many times together just as he has with a lot of folks around this forum. He's like an old longtime friend.

Edited by fishhead
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One thing I like is how he enthusiastically embraces other cultures, music and ways of living, but also still keeps his 'Englishness' (his accent, sense of humour, trying to save the pub in Bath etc). Unlike some stars who become famous overseas and then change quite a bit (Joss Stone and her disappearing Devon accent for example!?)...

Someone touched on this above, but I also like his passion and interest in subjects like English/Welsh history, countryside, Tolkien etc and how he used these ideas in his lyrics. I think his unique voice combined with those kinds of lyrics is at times quite a magical thing.

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I will have to go look up those songs,thank you!

I think all of this has already been said, but I'll say it again. :) Besides the obvious, I like Robert because he has a good sense of humor, is intelligent/witty, doesn't take himself too seriously and seems to be relatively humble, even though he has millions of fans and is talented beyond belief. I also appreciate that Robert seems very comfortable in his own skin and has chosen to age naturally, rather than opt for the face altering procedures many rock stars and celebs scramble to do (Steven Tyler anyone?). Robert has also written/co-written a lot of songs that have inspired me in my life. One such song outside of Led Zeppelin is titled "I Believe " from his album "Fate of Nations." If you have never heard it before, I recommend you listen to it. That song has gotten me through many tough times; it is very touching. If I ever get a chance to meet Robert, I will tell him so!

I think all of this has already been said, but I'll say it again. :) Besides the obvious, I like Robert because he has a good sense of humor, is intelligent/witty, doesn't take himself too seriously and seems to be relatively humble, even though he has millions of fans and is talented beyond belief. I also appreciate that Robert seems very comfortable in his own skin and has chosen to age naturally, rather than opt for the face altering procedures many rock stars and celebs scramble to do (Steven Tyler anyone?). Robert has also written/co-written a lot of songs that have inspired me in my life. One such song outside of Led Zeppelin is titled "I Believe " from his album "Fate of Nations." If you have never heard it before, I recommend you listen to it. That song has gotten me through many tough times; it is very touching. If I ever get a chance to meet Robert, I will tell him so!

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I think his interest in all those subjects is very neat,I could see him as a Viking hundreds of years ago too

One thing I like is how he enthusiastically embraces other cultures, music and ways of living, but also still keeps his 'Englishness' (his accent, sense of humour, trying to save the pub in Bath etc). Unlike some stars who become famous overseas and then change quite a bit (Joss Stone and her disappearing Devon accent for example!?)...

Someone touched on this above, but I also like his passion and interest in subjects like English/Welsh history, countryside, Tolkien etc and how he used these ideas in his lyrics. I think his unique voice combined with those kinds of lyrics is at times quite a magical thing.

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oh wow,and I do love him!!!!!

About the "insecurities" he still has about performing, I once read that he does the ironing before he goes onto the stage to calm his nerves! I'm not joking! You gotta love the guy

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Ok so we have him covered in topics such as shopping, ironing, what else??? Can't think but I'd reckon he'd be the perfect househusband. I could be a lady of leisure and have him running around doing chores...bliss! lol

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You would have to give him a few breaks so you could...........

Ok so we have him covered in topics such as shopping, ironing, what else??? Can't think but I'd reckon he'd be the perfect househusband. I could be a lady of leisure and have him running around doing chores...bliss! lol

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Ladies! Ladies, calm down. Do I have to hose down this thread too?? It's bad enough that we've molested the 'Hot Pictures of Robert' thread, let's keep this as X-Rated...eh I mean as PG-rated as possible.

Behave yourselves! *goes back to squeezing lemons innocently*

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A great front man, a great singer, and a very good song writer when working with others to act as a counterbalance to his off the deeep end instincts sometimes. Had a shit life with what happened to his son, no father or mother deserves that, and he deserves credit for how he has carried himself in the face of that. His refusal to record with Zeppelin again is his biggest drawback for me from an artistic point of view because I believe on that issue he is a chicken which I admire because it shows he is not the cocky fellow people think he is

Edited by Charles J. White
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Ladies! Ladies, calm down. Do I have to hose down this thread too?? It's bad enough that we've molested the 'Hot Pictures of Robert' thread, let's keep this as X-Rated...eh I mean as PG-rated as possible.

Behave yourselves! *goes back to squeezing lemons innocently*

Oh percy,I am on this new robert kick and I swear he is all I think about,help!!!!!!!

Ladies! Ladies, calm down. Do I have to hose down this thread too?? It's bad enough that we've molested the 'Hot Pictures of Robert' thread, let's keep this as X-Rated...eh I mean as PG-rated as possible.

Behave yourselves! *goes back to squeezing lemons innocently*

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He has a charm about him. No matter how you might feel about the things he says, you never hate him for them. Well, for me that's how it is. I like the fact that he seems to be the jokester of them. He's very witty. But most of all, I like him for how honest he is. He's never appeared to be a liar, or a phony. He's real. It's something I have always liked about Robert.

Oh, and just listen to the vocal performance on any song he's ever been in. Espeically in his Led Zeppelin days. That right there should be enough for everyone. :stereo:

Edited by BlackDog71
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The fact that he seems to be just a regular guy who doesn't flaunt himself off as being somebody overly special . I could say that about all of them really

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