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2013-14 NHL SEASON


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Great game..despite the outcome. This has all potential to be a chess game series.

Or a fast sweep. I thought the Rangers had to win game one to have any shot. Once the Kings turn on their A game, I think its lights out. The West has been better than the East for a few years now. And the only thing the Rangers can hang their hats on is goaltending and defense. Chicago was a far tougher opponent to defeat on paper. No doubt about it. The Kings may play better on the road than at home? The Rangers must get the split. They cannot come back on this team from 2-0

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Whew...victory hangover. Good thing I am off work today.

Did you stay til the end? Or beat the traffic? I had some doubts about this game. The Kings were able to focus and forget the Chicago series. Not an easy thing to do. It was a tough fought game.

Did I stay to the end? Are you kidding...of course I stayed to the end! How do you think I took that photo of the end-game celebration?

Here is something about me that I will share...I NEVER EVER EVER NEVER LEAVE EARLY!!! For anything.

It is never over until it's over. That is something I learned long ago when I was a little kid watching my first NFL game on TV: Jets @ Raiders in November 1968. The Raiders scored two touchdowns in a minute to win a crazy game.

If I go to a sporting event with someone, I always warn them that I ain't leaving until it's over...I don't care if it goes into triple-overtime or 20 innings. If they want to leave early, fine, I can find my own way home.

And "beat the traffic" is not an issue for me since I take the subway to the games...it stops right at Staples Center. That reminds me...what do you think was the first thing I saw when I got off the subway? THIS GUY!


But soon I was in a sea of Kings Jerseys...some old school purple and gold, most silver and black. Given all the ex-New Yorkers living in L.A., there was quite a contingent of Rangers gear, too. Ticket hawkers were getting thousands of dollars for tickets. Insane!

The statues at Staples Center were all in Kings gear...Kareem, Magic, West, De La Hoya, and Gretzky of course. TV reporters were all around...both the NHL Network and Fox Sports crews had special soundstages set up outside, plus all the usual fan festivities.

Here are some of the sights before the game last night.








Best shirt I saw all night:


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The game itself...


The teams take the ice for warmups.



Pregame show...not as spectacular as Montreal's, still the best in sports in my opinion. Wayne Gretzky came out for the Ceremonial Puck Drop.





Final period face-off.


2012 Stanley Cup banner.


NHL Network post-game show.


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The game itself...


The teams take the ice for warmups.



Pregame show...not as spectacular as Montreal's, still the best in sports in my opinion. Wayne Gretzky came out for the Ceremonial Puck Drop.





Final period face-off.


2012 Stanley Cup banner.


NHL Network post-game show.


Did you ever think you would live to see the day the Kings were better than the Lakers for 3 years in a row?

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Zepscoda, I think your Rangers will overcome their heartbreaking loss from the other night. I still see this series going 6 or 7 games, especially with the crazy scheduling by the NHL.

For instance, the first two games are in LA yet they were scheduled three days apart, Wednesday and Saturday. But for game three, where the series shifts across country to New York, instead of allowing for a travel day the NHL idiots schedule it for Monday.

Not sure which team will benefit from this wacky schedule but it can't be good for the quality of hockey.

Go Kings Go!

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You missed a hell of a finish, Walter!


Any more games like these and my hair will be completely white. Wonder what zepscoda is feeling like today?

Probably not good because his baseball team got bad news as well

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We were at Red Rocks during the game. I kept up with the score on the phone.... since I had my Callahan jersey on, I was being asked for score updates every 10 min.....LOL. ...it was a knife in the chest when I saw that 5 next to the Kings logo on the NHL game center! !

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Yeah, that was a gift for the Kings. But never look a gift horse in the mouth. ;)

I believe that the Kings will prevail but I think it will be very tough to beat the Rangers three games in a row. And they go to the mad house. Rangers have a good shot to cut it to 2-1 but I would not put the farm on it

What's up, Rick? Pony Express slow getting to Buffalo this time of year? The Cup Final reverted back to the 2-2-1-1-1 format this year instead of 2-3-2. Game 5 is in LA on Friday.

With an overtime game, followed by a double-OT game and then 4,000 miles of travel with no travel day off, I predict both teams will have some dead legs and tonight's game will probably be a sloppy affair. I think a little home-cooking helps New York regroup and get a win tonight.

Zepscoda, you score any tix to Game 3 or 4?


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