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2013-14 NHL SEASON


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Yea.....Im transplanted down in Texas. Tickets are so expensive at the garden,I probably wouldn't have gone if I still lived up there.

Rangers got to score on this power play.

Well the only real bad news is the sport of hockey will not gain any new fans with this quick series.

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The Rangers shot 32 times and Quick stopped all 32...and he wears uniform #32. With the Kings taking a commanding 3 games to none lead, not even Mark Messier stepping through those locker room doors can save the Rangers now, in my opinion.

With the West as strong as it was, the Rangers probably would have had trouble with whatever team came out of the West: Chicago, Anaheim, San Jose...but I didn't expect the Kings to be up 3-0 at this point. No way.

Rick, if those first two overtime games didn't help recruit new fans, then I don't know what will. You couldn't ask for more thrilling hockey.

Did you ever think you would live to see the day the Kings were better than the Lakers for 3 years in a row?

Now that the game is over, I'll answer this with more thought. What the Kings are achieving is what most teams that find a brain-trust and a system that works and stick with it achieve. Think of the Dallas Cowboys of Gil Brandt and Tom Landry, the Lakers of Jerry West and Pat Riley and Jerry West/Mitch Kupchak and Phil Jackson, the Patriots of Robert Kraft and Bill Belichick.

Yes, the Kings have good players but it's Coach Sutter and GM Dean Lombardi who have gone out and found the pieces and put them together in ways that they mesh beautifully. Before they came along, the Kings would often be a mess in the front office. Now there is stability.

But make no mistake...even with this recent success, the Kings are still low on the totem pole. You don't see Kings flags flying on cars like you do Lakers flags during their playoff runs. In L.A., it's still Lakers, Dodgers, and Clippers 1-2-3 ahead of the Kings in the ratings, sports page column inches, talk radio, and the average sports fan's hearts.

None of my friends or family are hockey fans, so I am left alone in watching the Kings. I even went to the game alone the other night.

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The Rangers shot 32 times and Quick stopped all 32...and he wears uniform #32. With the Kings taking a commanding 3 games to none lead, not even Mark Messier stepping through those locker room doors can save the Rangers now, in my opinion.

With the West as strong as it was, the Rangers probably would have had trouble with whatever team came out of the West: Chicago, Anaheim, San Jose...but I didn't expect the Kings to be up 3-0 at this point. No way.

Rick, if those first two overtime games didn't help recruit new fans, then I don't know what will. You couldn't ask for more thrilling hockey.

Now that the game is over, I'll answer this with more thought. What the Kings are achieving is what most teams that find a brain-trust and a system that works and stick with it achieve. Think of the Dallas Cowboys of Gil Brandt and Tom Landry, the Lakers of Jerry West and Pat Riley and Jerry West/Mitch Kupchak and Phil Jackson, the Patriots of Robert Kraft and Bill Belichick.

Yes, the Kings have good players but it's Coach Sutter and GM Dean Lombardi who have gone out and found the pieces and put them together in ways that they mesh beautifully. Before they came along, the Kings would often be a mess in the front office. Now there is stability.

But make no mistake...even with this recent success, the Kings are still low on the totem pole. You don't see Kings flags flying on cars like you do Lakers flags during their playoff runs. In L.A., it's still Lakers, Dodgers, and Clippers 1-2-3 ahead of the Kings in the ratings, sports page column inches, talk radio, and the average sports fan's hearts.

None of my friends or family are hockey fans, so I am left alone in watching the Kings. I even went to the game alone the other night.

Strider, you do not live in a hockey town like I do. The support for the Sabres is tenfold and monstrous compared to the Kings. They have more fans on the road than the Kings. I am delighted the Kings are a success. For so many years far before I knew you I liked the Kings. Marcel Dionne and those days when they wore the preferred Gold and Purple. If the series was a battle, 2-2 it would draw far more fans so that is unfortunate in that sense but the West is far better now as you said. Chicago would have beaten them. Had it been San Jose we would have had a battle. But as I said warm weather cities like LA and Miami are not hockey towns. They are basketball towns first. And baseball and football. The Kings have their following And some in high places like Al Micheal's who is also a huge horse racing fan. But the mainstream are more into the Lakers and always will be. The Kings and Blues are the only two teams I could have walked away with winning and feeling good about it. Well I like Vancouver and the Wild I can tolerate also but they had no chance.

Now that its a forgone conclusion, I say it would be better for the Kings to win it at home. I wonder if they will have that in the back of their minds in the next game. A ho hum approach vs a desperate team would mean a Rangers win and then the Kings could win it at home. I think the Kings need to win it at home to boost the sport there and wake up some of those Lakers fans. MAYBE even Jack Nicholson would show?

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Hey the Kings should tank tomorrow so they can win it at home. I wonder if it has crossed their minds. Of course no coach would ever admit it. But some players would probably rather win it at home. Its just not the same hoisting the Stanley Cup on the road. The place will empty out except for those true loyal fans of the game, and NY is not the place for that. If it was in Buffalo or Toronto or any Canadian City they would show respect and stay.

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Hey the Kings should tank tomorrow so they can win it at home. I wonder if it has crossed their minds.

That would be crazy thinking in my opinion. Never take your foot (skate) off the throat of the opponent. The Kings have played so many minutes, I'm sure they want to win tonight.

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Man....Im pretty nervous. If the blue shirts come back and make a series of this it could be their greatest cup ever....but I have a bad feeling I'll be asking Strider what size tee shirt,probably mid way thru the 2nd.

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Rick I know you had to be joking with that question. As a Buffalo Bill fan, you of all people should know you don't waste an opportunity for a championship, for you never know when you'll get another chance. "Keep the pedal to the metal" I always say. The Kings came back from 0-3...who's to say the Rangers cannot do the same?

Sure it would be nice to win the Cup on home ice...but it would also be sweet to get a sweep! Don't give the Rangers any hope, any life. You never know when momentum can shift.

With Jack White playing downtown tonight, the E3 gaming convention across from Staples Center, and all the Kings fans watching the game, downtown LA is a zoo tonight!

Ready for the puck to drop...got my lucky Matt Greene #2 sweater on. GO KINGS GO!!!


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Great win by your Blueshirts, zepscoda! Lundqvist was incredible under that bombardment. The Kings played their best two games of the Finals in New York...they seem to play better on the road.

Now I'm off to the airport to welcome them back to L.A..

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Whole Lotta Love playing on the tv now...it's that Dior Homme fragrance ad, haha!

Or as Walter Jr. calls it....Die Or Homey! We crank that commercial up everytime it comes on. :)

Strider, was that a "playoff beard" I saw in your earlier post? ;)

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Aye Walter, that be me 'playoff beard', and I don't mind telling you that with the heat of summer I cannot wait to shave it off. Hope the Kings ice it Friday night.

But I'm a bundle of nerves right now...got a million game scenarios running through my head and not all of them positive. Quick hasn't been impenetrable like he was in 2012 and has had some rough nights in these playoffs. Game 3 was more the exception than the rule.

To top it off, and a major reason why I wanted the Kings to sweep, is that I have to work Friday until 7 and there's a concert scheduled afterwards. If I watch the game live, it'll be over in time for me to still make the show. I'll just miss half the game. If I want to see the entire game, I'll have to watch it via Tivo and probably blow off the concert.

Either way, because I have to work, there's no way I can be down at Staples Center to join in the celebration should the Kings win.

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Thanks zepscoda!

Little by little I can breathe again...those overtime games take a lot out of you. I thought we were headed towards a third overtime and possible defeat the way things were going. I lost count of all the near-misses off the posts.

Even though the series was short, and TV may gripe, three of the five games went into overtime, twice into double-OT. It was a thrilling hotly contested battle, no matter what the game score was. The Rangers have nothing to be ashamed about.

One thing's for sure...Ranger fans can't fault Lundqvist. Once again, he was an absolute beast in goal.

Two Stanley Cups in three years, when before 2012 I thought I would never see a Cup win in my lifetime. Somebody pinch me. This was definitely the more satisfying and surprising of the two.

To think when the Kings were down 3 games to none to the Sharks in the first round that they would end up winning the Cup? Incredible.

Dustin Brown, pride of Ithaca, NY (anywhere near you Rick?), becomes the first American-born Captain to hoist the Cup twice! Doughty! Quick! Kopitar! Williams! Martinez! Richards! Carter! Stoll! Toffoli! Pearson! Greene! Even Regehr...hey Rick, what were your feelings seeing ex-Sabre Regehr lift the Cup?

Victory Parade is on Monday and I'm off work...so I'll be there! What about the Funky Phantom? ;)

Edited by Strider
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About 45 minute drive to Ithaca Strider. Home of Ithaca college and my 12 gauge shotgun is an Ithaca. I never doubted the real finals were played vs Chicago who would have also beaten the Rags. The tough part is staring down the barrel of a 3 0 deficit. Great year for Kings

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About 45 minute drive to Ithaca Strider. Home of Ithaca college and my 12 gauge shotgun is an Ithaca. I never doubted the real finals were played vs Chicago who would have also beaten the Rags. The tough part is staring down the barrel of a 3 0 deficit. Great year for Kings

A great and fabulous year indeed, Rick! Let's hope your Sabres do something with those picks they've accrued and get back to being a competitive team again. No city as devoted to hockey as Buffalo is should have to suffer a season like 2013-14 again.

When Dustin Brown brings the Cup back to Ithaca will you make the drive to see it?

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Ithica is not far from where I grew up, Strider. Ithica College is a GREAT party school (along with Potsdam - it's sister school). ;):)

I thoroughly enjoyed the Stanley Cup Finals this year and was very sad to see it end this morning (had to dvr the 2nd OT). Do they go to a 3rd OT and not a shootout? Anyway, the Rangers' goalie played so well, which such little offensive help, that I wanted to see more of him. Tough way to lose it - but total respect to the Kings. They were definitely the better overall team. Congrats to LA and Strider! Hope the celebration is a good one out there!

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