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2013-14 NFL Playoff Predictions thread....

paul carruthers

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Strider-man: I have never doubted your word and I don't now-

just a difference of opinion- it's just business.

My scores are so low because I don't want to go

over if that makes sense and besides I have no idea of

of what the hell I'm doing.

Hit it Peyton!!!

Relax, pottedplant. I'm easy-peasy. You don't have to agree with me or think the way I do. If there's one thing a lifetime of betting on sports has taught me it's that nobody knows anything, hahaha.

Actually, my first instinct for Super Bowl IV/XX was to pick Denver. But that's when my memory kicked in on those old failed bets of mine.

By the way, I had the Who Dats over the Colts in 2010 Super Bowl. When Brady won his Super Bowls, you'll also find that New England's defense was ranked very high, too. The last two Super Bowls he lost against the Giants, the defense wasn't as strong.

And, as Rick will gleefully note, the Patriots haven't won a championship since Spy-gate.

For all that I believe about defense winning championships and picking Seattle, I can see Denver thrashing Seattle as well. That's why they play the game...in sports, nothing is written.

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Relax, pottedplant. I'm easy-peasy. You don't have to agree with me or think the way I do. If there's one thing a lifetime of betting on sports has taught me it's that nobody knows anything, hahaha.

Actually, my first instinct for Super Bowl IV/XX was to pick Denver. But that's when my memory kicked in on those old failed bets of mine.

By the way, I had the Who Dats over the Colts in 2010 Super Bowl. When Brady won his Super Bowls, you'll also find that New England's defense was ranked very high, too. The last two Super Bowls he lost against the Giants, the defense wasn't as strong.

And, as Rick will gleefully note, the Patriots haven't won a championship since Spy-gate.

For all that I believe about defense winning championships and picking Seattle, I can see Denver thrashing Seattle as well. That's why they play the game...in sports, nothing is written.

Tsk-tsk we often don't agree on picks- when we don't I usually win- bootlegs:)

Bless your strider-man heart.

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Relax, pottedplant. I'm easy-peasy. You don't have to agree with me or think the way I do. If there's one thing a lifetime of betting on sports has taught me it's that nobody knows anything, hahaha.

Actually, my first instinct for Super Bowl IV/XX was to pick Denver. But that's when my memory kicked in on those old failed bets of mine.

By the way, I had the Who Dats over the Colts in 2010 Super Bowl. When Brady won his Super Bowls, you'll also find that New England's defense was ranked very high, too. The last two Super Bowls he lost against the Giants, the defense wasn't as strong.

And, as Rick will gleefully note, the Patriots haven't won a championship since Spy-gate.

For all that I believe about defense winning championships and picking Seattle, I can see Denver thrashing Seattle as well. That's why they play the game...in sports, nothing is written.

You and me and Walter are all on the same side in this game. Yikes. I felt pretty strong about Seattle coming up to this week. I still believe they are the better team. But Manning is no doubt the more experienced guy. They cannot let him just sit back there and dictate the game. They have to pressure him. I am hoping the real damage comes on the other side, when Seattle has the ball. Lynch should be able to pound them. But I would come out and test their secondary early. They will expect Lynch to be getting the ball and maybe Seattle can catch them napping in the secondary. My daughter lives 15 minutes from the venue. I will have to call her to see how crazy it is

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Bong-Man is on Team Seattle, too, I believe...Paul should have the particulars noted. We're still waiting on jb126's pick.

Rick, I feel confident that Seattle will pressure Manning. I wouldn't have picked them otherwise, and as I wrote in my first post yesterday, Super Bowl experience is often overrated, so the fact that Manning is a vet and Wilson a newbie shouldn't matter.

I know Seattle is going bonkers...my mom lives there and my sister lives in Bellingham.

It's Saturday before Super Bowl 4/20...and I made it through the entire two week wait without having to hear Skip Bayless or Stephen A. Smith open their yaps. Whew.

I'm actually looking forward to the National Anthem, as they got a real singer for a change, instead of some pop strumpet. Hooray Renée Fleming!

Got my wine and beer contributions ready for the Super Bowl bash...I'll be attending at a friend's party. Oh, and in line with the theme of this year's Super Bowl, there will be some primo ganja. Too bad Mr. and Mrs. CP can't make it. ;)

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Thanks Jabe!!! You will need a very big piece of Italian round bread.

Filling: salami, I like some browned up Canadian bacon, prosecutto ham, green olives,

Italian tomatoes and olive oil and mozzarella cheese.

Heat it up in the over until the cheese melts. One sandwich should be enough for two or three people.

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I just heard on the radio that someone ran the simulation through Madden, and I guess the simulation came out

Denver 31, Seattle 28 (Denver wins in OT)

How many hours before kickoff? Surely some network has started a Pre-game show starting shortly!!!

Some monkey picked Seattle and supposedly he's picked the last six Super Bowl winners.

I think the NFL channel has been in endless pre-game mode since the end of the conference championships.

WOW, ya'll, my points are so low. But, I will only be

playing against the other top contenders who have, so far, picked


But I would love to have ya'll stand tall and strong with me during the game!!!

Of course we'll be with you during the game! I'll be focused mainly on the game and my friends at hand, but I'll try to check on here when I can during the game.

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The women are in accord once again!!

jb126: I am assuming that you have picked


Unless I'm having trouble with the 'new math', I think the fact that jb126 has Denver scoring more points than Seattle means she's picking Denver. ;)

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