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I'm thinking about what the terrorists did in Chechnya at that school where hundreds were killed along with the children. There's a special place in hell for those scumbags. I kinda think I would boycott the meet because of the chance of a terror attack and the way the Russians treat the gays and Pussy Riot.

Fuck 'em.


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Thank you both for your succinct and thoughtful responses.

I couldn't agree more with you!

Edited for:

I was 13 in 1980 and my family was stationed at Ft Sam Houston. My mother was a horse trainer and had been selected to participate in the Pentathlon.

The Olympics that summer were to be held in MOSCOW..

Edited by planted
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I wouldn't go to Russia because of their anti gay laws.

Putin's last minute pardons on some human right's activists is merely a desperate and pathetic attempt to try and improve Russia's image and investments in the Sochi olympics before the games start.

However, Putin won't budge on Russia's anti-gay legislation. So while visiting Russia, tourists, olympic spectators and athletes could and by law, should be fined, detained, jailed and deported if they are found to be gay, because they are breaking the law.

I have nothing but anger and contempt for this country, as a result of this archaic, fascist and inhumane law. So if these radical, crazy suicide bombers would confine their attacks solely to Russian political leaders, I would feel no great sorrow for the losses. I'm sorry if that offends anyone.

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^^didnt know about the anti gay laws in Russia, I appreciate the education.

My line of questioning had to do more with the United States (because that's where I am from) deciding to attend or boycott the Olympics in the face of these suicide bombings.

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The show must go on and I'm confident there are sufficient security measures in place. I support the United States participation in these Olympic Games.

Personally, I'm sick and tired of the LGBT agenda being THE modern day litmus test for everything under the sun...I'm sick of all special interest groups.

Thanks for chiming in, always a pleasure!

Hmm, I was quite surprised to hear you say the US should go to Sochi.

Sufficient security measures? Not sure about that.

I wouldn't go.

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^^didnt know about the anti gay laws in Russia, I appreciate the education.

My line of questioning had to do more with the United States (because that's where I am from) deciding to attend or boycott the Olympics in the face of these suicide bombings.

I realise your thread is more about the terrible attacks recently in Russia, which affects all countries of the world and in turn their athletes and spectators going to Russia's winter olympic games. My thoughts on their anti gay laws are strong in my mind though and my anger couldn't help but spill out.

There has been talk here in Australia recently by our Prime Minister of boycotting and banning our athletes from attending, but at this stage, they have just updated travel warnings to the country, because they can't force a boycott.

Hopefully Russia will increase their security before the games, but I honestly don't think i'd be comfortable and feel secure with their level of security. So as far as the games go, I wouldn't go myself, nor want any member of my family to attend, even if they were an athlete.

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I'd go to Russia anytime, any day. The Western media just exaggerates and paints a biased picture of the land and its people, who are always kind and welcoming of strangers. Of course I wouldn't go to Sochi this time of year, these type of events tend to inflate the prices of just everything: accommodation, food, etcetera, I'd rather go some other time when the crowds recede.. There were also attacks during the Atlanta Olympics, and I didn't see people revising their travel plans, it was an attitude of "we'll prevail over the terrorists", so why can't mother Russia prevail over these people whoever they are?

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The show must go on and I'm confident there are sufficient security measures in place. I support the United States participation in these Olympic Games.

Personally, I'm sick and tired of the LGBT agenda being THE modern day litmus test for everything under the sun...I'm sick of all special interest groups.

I agree with planted, I'm also surprised you think the level of security will be sufficient.

I'm not however surprised at your views on the LGBT agenda.

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I agree with planted, I'm also surprised you think the level of security will be sufficient.

I'm not however surprised at your views on the LGBT agenda.

Whoopie, I don't mean to get in the middle here, but SAJ ended his comment with his being sick of all special interest groups.

Not that that has ANYTHING to do with my intention for this thread....;-)

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As for security, the Russians have planned to beef it up around Sochi on January 7th. 30,000 in security to seal off Sochi in protection of the city.

I'd hope the athletes of all the countries go and hold their heads high. Let the best of our best shine on. Most have trained so hard all of their lives. The terrorists are naturally trying to cause terror. Why let terrorists win? The world should stand united in defiance against these acts.

Attacks can happen anywhere anytime. New York City, Atlanta, London, Bali. Anytime you go anywhere, you're risking it.

Fortune favors the bold. I'd love to go see the Olympics and cheer on the athletes, wherever.

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What I would be concerned about is the terrorist

plans to disrupt the games as soon as it was announced the games were to be held in Sochi.

The two recent attacks were to gain attention and give a warning. I would not go because even the

attack on a soft target would be a disaster for the victims and the games in general.

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Obama selected a bunch of openly gay individuals to represent the the US at the Olympics . big names from the administration will not be going . so he is sending a message there regarding russia's anti gay laws.

security in the olympics area should be ok . the problem is more for those who may want to go out and visit some other areas .

russia is a very fascinating country and i would go if i had the chance. i actually don't have much interest in going to the games. but just want to see the country itself.

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Obama selected a bunch of openly gay individuals to represent the the US at the Olympics . big names from the administration will not be going . so he is sending a message there regarding russia's anti gay laws.

Not sure what you are saying here....these sentences really don't make any sense.

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I'm, sorry, I vowed to myself not to bring up the anti gay topic in this thread again (in honour of planted, who created this topic) and I know Steve won't be reading this as i'm on his banned/ignore list ......................

but ........... after SAJ's last 4 posts, I am sucking it in, shutting my mouth, holding my tongue and appalled beyond belief, let alone absolutely disgusted at Steve's homophobic posts and comments, which are also aligned with political bullshit.

I didn't know people like this existed anymore. I'm walking away. I feel dirty just by association.

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Oh you sneaky Canadians! :thumbsup:



All right, this is good stuff. Behold the helmet of Canadian skeletoner Sarah Reid. It's one of the high-concept helmets for four members of the Canadian skeleton contingent, and you'll see plenty of them next month in Sochi.

"I had been wanting to get my helmet painted for quite a while, and originally wanted an image that I found off the Internet of a girls face that was half normal, half skull," Reid told Canada's official Olympic website, thereby assuring that she will be metalheads' favorite Olympian. When an artist informed her that a symmetrical look would be better, she went with a "Day of the Dead" approach.


Here's fellow skeletoner Eric Neilson:

His explanation for his helmet is equally straightforward: "The story behind mine was pretty much that I wanted a very bad ass helmet. I know you cant put that in a write up, but thats what I wanted. Its pretty much a 'Demon Head' helmet that is on fire and is breathing fire out of the mouth that are skulls." Again, awesome.


Mellissa Hollingsworth, who won Canada's first-ever medal in skeleton, a bronze at Turin in 2006.


John Fairbairn, with the neon brain

Edited by apantherfrommd
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  • 1 month later...

So as not to derail another thread dedicated to the Winter Olympics, how about we use this one for all other things 'Sochi'?

I just love saying that word...Sochi.

I was watching a news segment in Brian Williams showing you how quickly electronic devices are hacked into when entering Russia. It was like a minute or less...!!!?!?

The people conducting this news story advised those attending the Olympics not to even bring phones, iPads, etc...

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So as not to derail another thread dedicated to the Winter Olympics, how about we use this one for all other things 'Sochi'?

I just love saying that word...Sochi.

I was watching a news segment in Brian Williams showing you how quickly electronic devices are hacked into when entering Russia. It took like a minute or less for hackers to steal all the data on a computer they set up for the purpose of demonstration..!!!?!?

The people conducting this news story advised those attending the Olympics not to even bring phones, iPads, etc...

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How about Bob Costas' eye after sleeping on one of those clean, new pillows?!? :blink:

The stories that are gonna come out after these Olympics, associated with the deplorable accommodations, is gonna be something! Not to mention all of the theft, etc. That country is the mob on steroids!

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How about Bob Costas' eye after sleeping on one of those clean, new pillows?!? :blink:

The stories that are gonna come out after these Olympics, associated with the deplorable accommodations, is gonna be something! Not to mention all of the theft, etc. That country is the mob on steroids!

And I hear its costing more than the last 5 winter games combined!!!

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