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The Real News Story on Election Night Live Free or Die

Charles J. White

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4 hours ago, Charles J. White said:

This is the real news story of election night 2016, the organic natural plant that grows all over the planet was the real winner:


Except in AZ

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5 hours ago, IpMan said:

Except in AZ

Yeah...Guess we are not ready yet, maybe next time it will pass. Disappointing. Luckily we still have medical marijuana here. I think it's a joke how easy it is to get a card. I am going to apply for one. I've had neuropathy from diabetes for years, though not painful to me. Should be enough to get me a card though, and it's better than getting it any other way when possession of any amount is still a fricking felony out here. Sheesh.

edited to add

Edited by luvlz2
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6 hours ago, luvlz2 said:

Yeah...Guess we are not ready yet, maybe next time it will pass. Disappointing. Luckily we still have medical marijuana here. I think it's a joke how easy it is to get a card. I am going to apply for one. I've had neuropathy from diabetes for years, though not painful to me. Should be enough to get me a card though, and it's better than getting it any other way when possession of any amount is still a fricking felony out here. Sheesh.

edited to add

I go in tomorrow for my renewal. The woman making my appointment asked me if I had my med records (I do), but I asked what I would need to do if I did not. She told me, not to worry, they have a chiropractor on staff and he will give the authorization, just tell him about your chronic back pain (I do not have chronic back pain), but I got the gist of what she was saying. So, when you go in with your records you need to let them know about the chronic pain you are suffering from the neuropathy otherwise they may deny. You wanna get into the speakeasy, you have to know the password and the password is: PAIN !!!.

The only difference between recreational and med marijuana is the $250 a year fee the state makes you pay for to have your card. As always, just a game.

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On 11/9/2016 at 1:13 PM, Charles J. White said:

This is the real news story of election night 2016, the organic natural plant that grows all over the planet was the real winner:


Great news.  Mass is the closest to NY.  When the hell is NY going to join?  Anyway we may need the weed to calm our nerves from the election results.  Terrible IMO

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On 11/14/2016 at 3:21 PM, LedZeppfan1977 said:

Great news.  Mass is the closest to NY.  When the hell is NY going to join?  Anyway we may need the weed to calm our nerves from the election results.  Terrible IMO

I hear heroin is really cheap now thats what the news said. Small doses might be manageble but I would be very scared of that. The woman who lives down the hall is a pot head and she got robbed buying her stuff in bad part of down. the guy who hit her broke a bone in her face and so she got some heroin for the pain that is what somebody else said. I dont think heroin should be legal but a lot of people are taking it. I just wonder if it is true that pot leads to heroin?

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11 hours ago, kipper said:

I hear heroin is really cheap now thats what the news said. Small doses might be manageble but I would be very scared of that. The woman who lives down the hall is a pot head and she got robbed buying her stuff in bad part of down. the guy who hit her broke a bone in her face and so she got some heroin for the pain that is what somebody else said. I dont think heroin should be legal but a lot of people are taking it. I just wonder if it is true that pot leads to heroin?

NO    NO    NO   IT DOES NOT!!!!!!!!!!   I smoked it for years, every day.  I used Coke, and tried other things but NEVER would I touch Smack.  I knew guys that were free basing and it ruined them financially.  I was turned on it once in my life.  That stuff is instant addiction unlike Marijuana.  Weed is the safest.  Stay clear of Heroine

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13 hours ago, kipper said:

I hear heroin is really cheap now thats what the news said. Small doses might be manageble but I would be very scared of that. The woman who lives down the hall is a pot head and she got robbed buying her stuff in bad part of down. the guy who hit her broke a bone in her face and so she got some heroin for the pain that is what somebody else said. I dont think heroin should be legal but a lot of people are taking it. I just wonder if it is true that pot leads to heroin?

It's an addictive personality which leads to addiction of any kind. There are people who smoke or toot heroin on a recreational basis without ever getting addicted, just like some people can drink some hootch once in a while whereas others take one drink and that is all she wrote. There is no drug made which will instantly addict anyone, even heroin takes a good couple weeks of chronic, daily use to form a physical addiction. Of course if you try something like smack or crack or Molly, or whatever and you feel like you are communing with the gods while in a state of non-stop full on earth shaking orgasm, you will either back away and run like hell from the stuff or become addicted. I remember smoking some top notch ice once (ultra-pure meth) with a woman I knew and that was the best damn high I ever had, and...bonus, had some of the best sex as well and had no negative effects once the drug wore off (unlike coke). Believe me, I chose right then and there to never touch that stuff again as I knew I would get addicted to that. Once and done, no regrets.

Some things are just too damn good for ones own good and should be left alone, that Ice was mine, someone else may be Horse, some may be coke. I am lucky that I do not have an addictive personality otherwise I would likely be dead right now, but if someone does, its best not to tempt fate.

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My worry is that the new administration might let the federal 'police' crack down on these State laws.  The outgoing admins had the feds 'lay off', but I'm not so sure about these new dudes.  I still wouldn't invest in that volatility.  The new guys, at least the head dude, has said he's for state's rights....but usually that only pertains to the laws they agree with.  Otherwise they crack down.

Event the State's that have been legal for a period now are endangered.  Just like so many of the other implementations of things like protecting the environmental, health and social issues.  We may see regression.

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35 minutes ago, Josemanno said:

My worry is that the new administration might let the federal 'police' crack down on these State laws.  The outgoing admins had the feds 'lay off', but I'm not so sure about these new dudes.  I still wouldn't invest in that volatility.  The new guys, at least the head dude, has said he's for state's rights....but usually that only pertains to the laws they agree with.  Otherwise they crack down.

Event the State's that have been legal for a period now are endangered.  Just like so many of the other implementations of things like protecting the environmental, health and social issues.  We may see regression.

Agreed, I would not be surprised if the Fed, once Trumps and Co. are in office, begins to once again enforce the federal prohibition on marijuana INCLUDING medical marijuana. This of course would cause an explosion of criminal activity related to the drug trade, which would allow the Fed to crack down again on the "war on drugs" and stock our for-profit prison system with non-violent minorities and poor white folks guilty of simply possessing a dime bag of herb.

And once again the wheel turns

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On 11/18/2016 at 8:52 AM, LedZeppfan1977 said:

NO    NO    NO   IT DOES NOT!!!!!!!!!!   I smoked it for years, every day.  I used Coke, and tried other things but NEVER would I touch Smack.  I knew guys that were free basing and it ruined them financially.  I was turned on it once in my life.  That stuff is instant addiction unlike Marijuana.  Weed is the safest.  Stay clear of Heroine

But don't most people you use heroin smoke pot too, at least that is what they have always said.  I dont really care either way, i just hate seeing people need things to get through their day. I like red wine and sometimes I will have a mimosa at my friends house on new years day. I get drunk really fast so i would probably do terrible with pot too. plus it just smells so awful like body odor or dirty socks.

what happens with these new laws wont people get fired when they do drug tests for jobs?

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7 hours ago, kipper said:

But don't most people you use heroin smoke pot too, at least that is what they have always said.  I dont really care either way, i just hate seeing people need things to get through their day. I like red wine and sometimes I will have a mimosa at my friends house on new years day. I get drunk really fast so i would probably do terrible with pot too. plus it just smells so awful like body odor or dirty socks.

what happens with these new laws wont people get fired when they do drug tests for jobs?

Most people who use heroin also drink coffee.........so relating one drug to another is a fallacy.

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11 hours ago, kipper said:

But don't most people you use heroin smoke pot too, at least that is what they have always said.  I dont really care either way, i just hate seeing people need things to get through their day. I like red wine and sometimes I will have a mimosa at my friends house on new years day. I get drunk really fast so i would probably do terrible with pot too. plus it just smells so awful like body odor or dirty socks.

what happens with these new laws wont people get fired when they do drug tests for jobs?

Two totally different animals are Heroin and Pot  Smack addicts are going to use their last nickel getting their next fix and could care less about buying a bag of weed.  once you are hooked on heroine, life is over as you once knew it.  I will never try the crap.  Never.   Weed, as soon as its at the corner store I may return to using it once my Dr writes it. He is for it.  But I have to get his OK and written script because otherwise a urine screen could be used to hang my ass our to dry.   The only thing I do not miss is the pounding of my lungs.  

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13 hours ago, kipper said:

But don't most people you use heroin smoke pot too, at least that is what they have always said.  I dont really care either way, i just hate seeing people need things to get through their day. I like red wine and sometimes I will have a mimosa at my friends house on new years day. I get drunk really fast so i would probably do terrible with pot too. plus it just smells so awful like body odor or dirty socks.

what happens with these new laws wont people get fired when they do drug tests for jobs?

The number one "gateway" drug is nicotine, ala cigarettes.

If you want to attempt to veer the young away from drugs, it's best to start with tobacco inaccessiblity.

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What LedZeppfan1977 says........Exactly my thought........I've known heroin addicts, most of them are still hooked, they will lie, steal, do anything to get a fix as soon as their craving calls for it (and if they won't give in to that craving the withdrawal symptoms are immense). As far as weed goes, there are no withdrawal symptoms, no cold turkey whatsoever.

This branch is still hanging in my kitchen (I grow exactly one plant a year as a "Dutch hobby"), so my guests can smoke whatever they want of it. As you may see there is still plenty left and my kitchen insn't plundered by "weed addicts".




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 11/20/2016 at 4:16 PM, cryingbluerain said:

Let's see here then....


Nicotine and the other ingredients added to tobacco for cigarettes are addicting too.  Some say smoking cigarettes doesn't affect one's judgement or work but just take those ciggies away and watch the wrath, violence, unsavory, radical action one acts with WITHOUT their smokes.


SO...if a state like Colorado, that has LEGAL marijuana, has businesses and such that won't hire, or they fire, an employee for Pot usage...it's legal.  Shouldn't they also be able to not hire or fire a legal, smoking nicotine addicted person ?  It goes both ways.  One can't come in and say but cigarettes are legal, so no comparison.  Wrong marijuana is legal too there.   And don't tell me nicotine and such doesn't remain in one's system after they flick their butt as garbage all over the sidewalk etc....

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  • 4 weeks later...

As a business owner (partner), it is none of my business what my partners do just as long as it does not affect the practice. Who am I to dictate what someone else can do in their private time, I am no ones moral superior. Just as long as no one is snorting lines of coke or whatnot while on the job, or such activities are affecting ones performance and judgement, it is none of my concern.

 Arizona has a bill which just passed the senate and will likely pass the house which will expand arrest and seizure to those who protest. A direct violation of the 1st amendment which is a result of Trump's assault against such amendment.

This is insanity

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