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2018 NHL Season


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On 9/10/2018 at 11:40 AM, Remi said:

Hi guys, are you interested by the pre-season?

Personally not really, but i love ice hockey so i watch ...


Nawww...don't care for preseason in any sport. It's just something to endure until the real games begin.

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On 9/27/2018 at 5:37 PM, Remi said:

its for travel costs? Yeah i suppose.

After four defeats, NJD continue at Winnipeg.

And for this season, no NHL broadcast in France, but thanks god we have alternative.

You  can get the NHL app.  You can stream it to your TV.  Do you have Apple TV there?  I am about to dump Direct TV and get Apple TV  .I must be able to get my Sabres one way or another.  I will be finding out this week which apps I can get and which I must buy?  Like this Hulu app.  We are going to beat your Devils this year.  And plenty more teams

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On 9/27/2018 at 2:37 PM, Remi said:

And for this season, no NHL broadcast in France, but thanks god we have alternative.

Sacré bleu! They take away hockey but give them the Ryder Cup? I didn't even know they had a golf course in France. 😮

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I dont have these things, i watch rarely the TV,  praticty  all the sport is paying  here (only Tennis, olympic games and world championship athletism)  . 

Im not interesting by golf,  its a sport? haha. We have a lot of golf course here.

The hockey games I can watch early are always the same of course (thanks NESN) . Tomorrow Nasvhilla/Carolina and St Louis vs Washington Capitals,  not my jam but its ok :)

In two days NYJ/Berne (Swiss Club) the seats was so expensive 250$ minimum for a preseason game.. The seats were sold in one day.

leddzeppfan i stop your hopes the preseason is not representative of the season :D  and thats what i like in NHL its a lot of suspense, you cant tell exactly who will the stanley cup, its not like in football with PSG haha



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2 hours ago, Remi said:

I dont have these things, i watch rarely the TV,  praticty  all the sport is paying  here (only Tennis, olympic games and world championship athletism)  . 

Im not interesting by golf,  its a sport? haha. We have a lot of golf course here.

The hockey games I can watch early are always the same of course (thanks NESN) . Tomorrow Nasvhilla/Carolina and St Louis vs Washington Capitals,  not my jam but its ok :)

In two days NYJ/Berne (Swiss Club) the seats was so expensive 250$ minimum for a preseason game.. The seats were sold in one day.

leddzeppfan i stop your hopes the preseason is not representative of the season :D  and thats what i like in NHL its a lot of suspense, you cant tell exactly who will the stanley cup, its not like in football with PSG haha



I know pre season means nothing but to get guys ready.  I like our talent pool very much right now.  We just need some time to develope these young guys.  

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On 10/1/2018 at 2:56 PM, Remi said:

Yes ! With four games, my predictions

Montreal - Toronto,

Boston - Washington 

Calgary - Vancouver 

Anaheim - San Jose

victory for Toronto, Boston, Calgary and SJ. 🏒

Agree with all except the Boston pick.  Toss up though.  I think the Leafs will drub Montreal.  Opening night in the NHL.   NHL Center Ice will be free for about a week on Direct TV, Spectrum and all providers.  

My new look Buffalo Sabres open tomorrow vs Boston.  Tough opener.  It might take a few games but I think we will get it going early.  WE go out West early for a West coast swing.  Go Sabres and go Blues

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On 10/1/2018 at 1:11 PM, LedZeppfan1977 said:

Well Zepcoda, hockey starts this week.  GO SABRES!!!!!🏒:nhl:

Got my Messier jersey packed and ready to go... LETS GO RANGERS ! My buddy from back home had an extra ticket to opening night. Was planning on going up for the Slash concert anyway, so I'm leaving a day early to consume massive quantities of beer in the Garden.

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6 hours ago, ebk said:

Stanley Caps baby!!!!!  For real this time :)


(I'll probably never be able to say that again and have it be true - not that I'll never say it again)

Are you going to the banner-raising game?

Kings don't start season until Friday against the hated Sharks. Already the injuries are piling up...Dustin Brown joins the ranks of the wounded. Drats.

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