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DEEP thought here:

In college, when my mind was at its prime, we thought possibly all of the UFO activity and sightings were actually humans capable of time travel. Maybe the pyramids were built by humans thousands of years from now that decided to go back in time far enough to the point where they wouldn't be fucking up the internet and catching all of the books on fire by helping ancient Egypt build that shit.

Hey, maybe these "space men" are actually super evolved humans going back in time just checking things out. I mean, UFO sightings increased with the A Bomb tests and space travel. I would have loved 10,000 years from now to see us harness the power of the stars and see ancient civilization plaster the American southwest with nuke tests and humanity going to space for the first time.

Anyways, I look at life now and fall back on the old Bible cause there is so much more out there in this universe cause to me there is more to this life than we know. I mean, having a child is very deep.

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they can't be human

Why not? What will we look like in the future? Small mouths, big eyes, and little ears tells me telepathic communication, good hearing, and excellent vision including extra rods and cones to allow us dominion over the night. Just throwing it out there.

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How so?

It is a possibility that WE are the aliens. Our minds are so powerful and thousands of years from now we could be coming back to check things out. Maybe future humans didn't come back and kill Hitler for a reason. Future humans may have come back to build ancient Egypt for good times, since Mesopatamia had what was needed to make civilization. The Parthenon could have had a contributor from future humans.

I do question visitation from other points of the universe, but maybe we are getting visited by ourselves later on.

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  • 10 years later...
7 hours ago, kipper said:

sometimes I wonder who among us are from someplace else.

Oh yeah!


Well, I'm a believer. 

And wht not? There's so many  other stars, galaxies  out there...... that we know of!

Could be we live in a multiverse or there could be parallel realities.

Open your minds.

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3 hours ago, IpMan said:

I am originally from Chicago. 


But I'll admit, I have had this thought as well when I see someone who is just so vastly unique shall we say. More along the lines of...

what fucked up planet is that nutter from???

Edited by rm2551
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Consider this (especially the end part) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6duevT5XQjI

So the 5 elements that are found most in us are found most in stars. So we are - as Carl Sagan says - this: The universe somehow found a way to give itself consciousness.

Which is incredible to think about. And considering the expanse of the universe, practically impossible to believe we are a "one off" when exploding stars are commonplace throughout the universe.

Also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ro9aebFZhM

Just wow. Imagine THOSE Aliens!!!!

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7 hours ago, rm2551 said:

Consider this (especially the end part) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6duevT5XQjI

So the 5 elements that are found most in us are found most in stars. So we are - as Carl Sagan says - this: The universe somehow found a way to give itself consciousness.

Which is incredible to think about. And considering the expanse of the universe, practically impossible to believe we are a "one off" when exploding stars are commonplace throughout the universe.

Also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ro9aebFZhM

Just wow. Imagine THOSE Aliens!!!!

I believe, as you say, the universe is conscious and that consciousness is us. We are born, we learn, we die and are born again until we gain what the Universal Mind or "godhead" considers the necessary knowledge and experience. At that point our consciousness returns to the godhead. Eventually all souls learn what they need to learn and will return to the godhead. Once this happens, the universe as we know it will end and evolve into something else, beginning the whole process over again. So, human, alien, whatever, we are all part of the same macro-organism if you will.

I figure I have as much a chance as anyone else to be right...right?

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12 hours ago, slave to zep said:

Oh yeah!


Well, I'm a believer. 

And wht not? There's so many  other stars, galaxies  out there...... that we know of!

Could be we live in a multiverse or there could be parallel realities.

Open your minds.

I agree, I'm just not sure if the others are from other galaxies or other dimensions inside our world. I believe we all go someplace else when we die, I just don't know if that means everyone leaves?  When will "all be revealed" as the song goes interests me.

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4 hours ago, IpMan said:

I figure I have as much a chance as anyone else to be right...right?

exactly. If only everyone else had this view in place of the "I have the answers" view. (I am looking at YOU organised religion!:watchingyou:)

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1 hour ago, kipper said:

I used to feel that way too but not anymore. Not all are the same. It is just people who mess stuff up.

They are all the same.

They claim to have the answers to everything.

That is a most dangerous and FALSE premise to build anything on.

They control in that you must subscribe to any given cult (religious movement) and remain within it's teachings, usually carrying out or participating in it's many rituals or behaviors it demands.


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4 hours ago, slave to zep said:

Religion was an ingenious invention to control.


Exactly, talk about a PR & mechanism of control boon. Just imagine the first guy to come up with it:

"Hey Ugg, I have an idea to keep the tribe in line. We say there is an invisible being who knows everything and created everything. Then we tell everyone we know how to make him happy so the crops don't die, so the sun keeps rising, and they don't go to some horrible, awful place when they die. The real cool part is when shit does go wrong we can blame it on whoever we don't like and say its their fault because they do not believe hard enough. Win Win...we keep everyone in line, we are in charge, get all the Brontosaurus meat and all the ladies, and anyone who challenges our total bullshit we label a heathen and kill. Its PERFECT!!!!"

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Darwin didn't have the tools, but we now know the the single cell is way way more complex than Darwin could know.

Highly Complex things don't just evolve out of nothing.

Or, without any proof, you can just believe, by faith, that highly complex things did "somehow" evolve "out of nothing."

OTOH, I believe, by faith, that complex things, show, by their existence, that there must be a "designer" for the complex things designed.


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18 hours ago, The Rover said:

Darwin didn't have the tools, but we now know the the single cell is way way more complex than Darwin could know.

Highly Complex things don't just evolve out of nothing.

Or, without any proof, you can just believe, by faith, that highly complex things did "somehow" evolve "out of nothing."

OTOH, I believe, by faith, that complex things, show, by their existence, that there must be a "designer" for the complex things designed.


this sounds right to me too.  If we are related to apes why arent they getting smarter too I think somebody else said once.


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