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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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Sitting at home and I hear someone banging on a drum. I look down the driveway and see people marching and figured it was a bunch of pro-hamas dinks. Then I see horses and a lot of riders wearing sombreros. Guessing it was some kind of Christmas/religious parade. Twas very peaceful. 

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2 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

I assume the "copyright demon" has been in full effect on Youtube taking down videos of The Three Stooges, but how could they get Sing a Song of Six Pants taken down when that film has been in the public domain for years???



Another reason to dump/boycott them. 

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Nikki Haley shouldn't even be running as she does not have the business acuity or acumen to run a country. Yesterday she says that chaos follows trump right or wrong it follows him.  I hate to tell you but the democrats created all that chaos in order to screw his administration over again and again and you have drank the kool aid.  Trump is the only candidate that can handle china russia and iran and set this country straight again.  All you and the other dopes running against him will do is syphon votes away from him and give the democrats a win. Each and every one of you should step out and let him run unopposed and watch how he handles things and makes this country great again. Then in the next election you can all trip over each other to be the nominee.   But then what will you do? 

All of you get out of the race and understand that it is trump and only trumps time or all you will do is keep those who want to kill this country in power.

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Everyday it just gets worse and more worse.


Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.

The country literally belongs to the people and NOT TO THE JUDITIARY. For them to rule that way just shows they have no intention of honoring democracy AT ALL!!! They should be removed from office PEROID and by force if necessary. These people have no business being in that position.

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12 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

Everyday it just gets worse and more worse.


Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.

The country literally belongs to the people and NOT TO THE JUDITIARY. For them to rule that way just shows they have no intention of honoring democracy AT ALL!!! They should be removed from office PEROID and by force if necessary. These people have no business being in that position.

7 democrats

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20 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

It's funny the democrats are literally screwing each other in the ass right there in the Hearing Room like it's no big deal but you better watch out for trump cause he's the devil. 

Do you hear what I hear? 😄

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3 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

One more news report on Matthew Perry and I'm jumping out the window. FFS, enough is enough.

I just had to suffer through ‘Maestro’ with Bradley Cooper. Can Hollyweird lighten up with the gay theme? 

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23 hours ago, redrum said:

I just had to suffer through ‘Maestro’ with Bradley Cooper. Can Hollyweird lighten up with the gay theme? 

I'm proud to say I'd be hard pressed to name three films released in the past ten years, and I don't think I could name a single actor or actress under the age of 40. Last night I watched Mississippi Burning, starring Gene Hackman, and it was a stark reminder this country was once capable of producing films that were not a complete insult to viewer's intelligence. It's the great paradox of our time -- all of this marvelous technology now at our disposal and yet the pop cultural landscape is nearly completely devoid of anyone with anything meaningful to present. Not only that, but now all of this AI generated image horseshit is polluting the internet. The people producing it are acting like teenage boys who just discovered masterbation. The world doesn't need 300 images of any celebrity leading a team of reindeer, at least not within 12 hours or less. It's all bullshit.     

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5 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

Only one day to go before the end to the endless, brain washing, relentless Christmas ads. Que Sales and Shit Holidays to Spain ads.

You're spending too much time in shops or too much time watching tv, haha. I've been blessedly free of ads this Christmas.

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7 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

Only one day to go before the end to the endless, brain washing, relentless Christmas ads. Que Sales and Shit Holidays to Spain ads.

Don’t forget the after Christmas sales. Consume! Consume! Consume! 😄

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