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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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On 3/17/2023 at 12:09 PM, redrum said:

My hometown. Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair. 


I was at job sites all day in the city. Man, that place is not doing well. To say the least. Hope your pinched nerve is better and I hope to hear some new music and creations from you soon. 

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On 3/17/2023 at 8:39 PM, cryingbluerain said:

The 2008 bank bailouts happened under Bush not Obama.  

Yes, part of the reason for the current bank failures is because of terrible "woke" bank management.  But also because the Fed started raising interest rates to fight the Biden induced inflation too late and too quickly.  If they had begun raising them gradually in 2021 at the first signs of inflation that would have more than likely helped contain the bank problems. They said it was "transitory", what a friggin' joke. Also the Fed and bank regulators were asleep at the wheel and seemed more busy with ESG woke issues than properly monitoring what was going on with the financial institutions.  And all this was happening under the clown Biden administration's watch.    
Now if you'll excuse me I must be on my way.

Well Sir, I will politely disagree with you. Having my wife in the industry, we certainly agree that it originated under Bush. But it actually started under Clinton. However, Trump made several decisions and choices that are directly connected to what we are dealing with. I will post the facts and findings. I just have a feeling you won’t want to hear and or read them. It is as if everyone forgot who Covid started under and or during their admin. It is as if we all forgot what Trump declared and the choices he did and didn’t make. We can blame Biden. I’m okay with that. History will just prove that to be a false narrative. I will wait until the dust settles and we can then start posting actual facts from each administration. I’m not saying that I think Biden is crushing it. But I will wait to post the actual facts of the timeline. 

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On 3/12/2023 at 11:28 PM, slave to zep said:

Each to their own, but it's a NO from me.

I can appreciate that. I would suggest watching some of her live in concert, or live in studio singing. If you don’t have the time. I understand. But that also means you don’t get to judge and or pass judgment on her. Unless you have actually checked into her live performances, you can’t really form an opinion. However, if you simply don’t like her, then that would be different. But that means you can’t have an opinion and or argument against her. That would mean you don’t have time and or the want to give her a chance which is fine. I have plenty of talented people I don’t care to listen to. 

Be well Slave. I hope you and yours are safe and prosperous. 

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On 3/17/2023 at 4:20 AM, hummingbird69 said:

Look dope, I will not read any more of your rude ass stupid screeds. Keep on keepin on with your bad self.

Tah! tool.

Finally, no actual response, nothing but hot air. By the way, you are by far the most rude inconsiderate asshole on this thread. I have no idea what the hell you meant by Tah! tool. Nor did anyone else. So shut the fuck up and pay attention to yourself. As I said, don’t post after me again. You are w spineless wimp! A shit bag that trashed others and spews your nonsense and expects no one else to challenge you. Except you are a dumb old man who is locked in your little bubble. You know nothing about anything except what you read on your headline that you follow. You don’t have an original thought in your Zika virus head. So you keep on keeping on. Wear your helmet, and make sure to wear your mouth piece! I don’t want you to get hurt.


Keep on Keeping on with your dumb self. 

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1 hour ago, hummingbird69 said:

It's just like this!



Why did Michael Cohen go to prison? Do he go because he wanted too. I am not saying that he didn’t act on his own or decide to do things in his best/worst interest. It is really easy to read and or know what he went to prison for. It wasn’t just because he was a scumbag like you. He was acting at the behest of someone. It’s amazing to me that he went and served prison time, and yet the person he went to prison for and because of gets a free pass. Just shows what an absolute tool and cult follower you are. I don’t think he should have went to prison for what he did, I also don’t think Trump should go to prison for fucking a porn star and paying hush money for it. But to deny that he went to prison for that exact reason is idiotic. Which you are. Just stop posting politics in general. You are brain dead and do not know anything about anything. Seriously, stick to music, or what show you like, or what beer you want to drink. Other than that you are just plain ignorant! Shut up already. You are like a kid whistling in the dark. Get a clue. 

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7 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Why did Michael Cohen go to prison? Do he go because he wanted too. I am not saying that he didn’t act on his own or decide to do things in his best/worst interest. It is really easy to read and or know what he went to prison for. It wasn’t just because he was a scumbag like you. He was acting at the behest of someone. It’s amazing to me that he went and served prison time, and yet the person he went to prison for and because of gets a free pass. Just shows what an absolute tool and cult follower you are. I don’t think he should have went to prison for what he did, I also don’t think Trump should go to prison for fucking a porn star and paying hush money for it. But to deny that he went to prison for that exact reason is idiotic. Which you are. Just stop posting politics in general. You are brain dead and do not know anything about anything. Seriously, stick to music, or what show you like, or what beer you want to drink. Other than that you are just plain ignorant! Shut up already. You are like a kid whistling in the dark. Get a clue. 

   Read your own posts and then follow you own advice.  you sanctimonious clod. 




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1 hour ago, paul carruthers said:

Like King George III  once said "Nothing important happened today." Which leads to my usual refrain of "Why am I not surprised?"



well, when a person is doing their very best to find something to charge another person on when they have no crime to begin with it usually turns out that way.

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15 hours ago, Plant77 said:

I was at job sites all day in the city. Man, that place is not doing well. To say the least. Hope your pinched nerve is better and I hope to hear some new music and creations from you soon. 

I have a nephew living there, but doubt I could ever go back. Seeing a doctor on Thursday. Hope he can do something as it's been constant pain for a long time. I'll let you know. 

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On 3/21/2023 at 4:32 AM, hummingbird69 said:

   Read your own posts and then follow you own advice.  you sanctimonious clod. 




Hummer, look at all of your shit political posts! You spout your dumb opinions. You and a few others. You throw it out there and then sit back. You are a troll. What I’m saying to you is that not everyone agrees with you! As not everyone would agree with me. The difference is, you are the one who posts your scumbag dipshit thoughts. I absolutely know my opinion and or thoughts are not correct. You on the other hand can’t admit to being wrong because you are as I said a spineless wimp. If you had any courage you would say “ look this is my opinion and I could be wrong because I don’t know how everyone feels”. Those are your shit thoughts that you like to troll this and a couple other threads. I am here to tell you to stay in your lane, know that you are a fucking idiot like we all are. 

You can have your little dinner parties, with your little circle that all have the same ideas and thoughts. That means you are a stunted mental midget who can’t see anything except your idiotic side. Really man, stop trying to keep up. You are getting your ass whipped on every response and or post. Just keep it to your favorite team, beer, song, band, concert, and stuff like that. Also, pay attention to what other people have experienced. My parents were at the most legendary concerts ever, with guys like Red, and Strider. At the Forum, at the Warfield, and the Filmore West, Day on the Green. I hope you were also. You should actually start asking people about their experiences rather than posting your awful pro trump and or shitbag conservative thoughts. And I was raised by Republicans, religious conservatives. I’m good with all their values and ideas. You on the other hand are a person who lacks empathy, a know it all know nothing dumb fuck. Look, be real for once in your life on this forum and say, “ I’m sorry, these are just my stupid thoughts and ideas”! Or don’t, keep talking you stupid shit, and I’ll continue to beat you like a drum! Like John Bonham playing Moby Dick!


You are a frustrating hack! If you are truly conservative, and have empathy, and have compassion then you would post more thoughts and ideas about it. All you post is your absolute jackass ideas about the people who don’t agree and think like you do. Seriously, take a moment and think about that. Or don’t, and post some other stupid thoughts behind me and I’ll continue to show you what an arrogant asshole you are. Or, don’t ever post behind me again! I can freely admit that I am just a person trying to figure out life and be good to others. Ask yourself who are you? On this forum you are an opinionated asshole. Say something else. Really you should never say anything about anything. 

Right on Troll. “ keep on keeping on”!

Edited by Plant77
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On 3/21/2023 at 11:59 AM, redrum said:

I have a nephew living there, but doubt I could ever go back. Seeing a doctor on Thursday. Hope he can do something as it's been constant pain for a long time. I'll let you know. 

Yes Sir. I hope you get it figured out and can get some relief and comfort Red. Getting old can suck for sure. Hope you and yours are well. I also hope to hear more of your art. I dig it brother! Be well. 

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8 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Hummer, look at all of your shit political posts! You spout your dumb opinions. You and a few others. You throw it out there and then sit back. You are a troll. What I’m saying to you is that not everyone agrees with you! As not everyone would agree with me. The difference is, you are the one who posts your scumbag dipshit thoughts. I absolutely know my opinion and or thoughts are not correct. You on the other hand can’t admit to being wrong because you are as I said a spineless wimp. If you had any courage you would say “ look this is my opinion and I could be wrong because I don’t know how everyone feels”. Those are your shit thoughts that you like to troll this and a couple other threads. I am here to tell you to stay in your lane, know that you are a fucking idiot like we all are. 

You can have your little dinner parties, with your little circle that all have the same ideas and thoughts. That means you are a stunted mental midget who can’t see anything except your idiotic side. Really man, stop trying to keep up. You are getting your ass whipped on every response and or post. Just keep it to your favorite team, beer, song, band, concert, and stuff like that. Also, pay attention to what other people have experienced. My parents were at the most legendary concerts ever, with guys like Red, and Strider. At the Forum, at the Warfield, and the Filmore West, Day on the Green. I hope you were also. You should actually start asking people about their experiences rather than posting your awful pro trump and or shitbag conservative thoughts. And I was raised by Republicans, religious conservatives. I’m good with all their values and ideas. You on the other hand are a person who lacks empathy, a know it all know nothing dumb fuck. Look, be real for once in your life on this forum and say, “ I’m sorry, these are just my stupid thoughts and ideas”! Or don’t, keep talking you stupid shit, and I’ll continue to beat you like a drum! Like John Bonham playing Moby Dick!


You are a frustrating hack! If you are truly conservative, and have empathy, and have compassion then you would post more thoughts and ideas about it. All you post is your absolute jackass ideas about the people who don’t agree and think like you do. Seriously, take a moment and think about that. Or don’t, and post some other stupid thoughts behind me and I’ll continue to show you what an arrogant asshole you are. Or, don’t ever post behind me again! I can freely admit that I am just a person trying to figure out life and be good to others. Ask yourself who are you? On this forum you are an opinionated asshole. Say something else. Really you should never say anything about anything. 

Right on Troll. “ keep on keeping on”!

Now you're just embarrassing yourself.  

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22 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Enough foreplay, just ask him out already. 

As you once told me, I’ll ride him like a motorcycle! However, I would get a room with this little simpleton. My hair in a ponytail whipping him is his stupid face. I would love it. The funny thing is, he hasn’t had any experience, he is just a rude jackass. As my favorite comedian said. “He doesn’t know dick about cock”!

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15 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

Now you're just embarrassing yourself.  

I’m not embarrassed at all. I know that you are for sure. Spouting your rude stupid thoughts on Covid and or any other topic. Mr. I give everyone Hummers. You are a child, a brainless child. I do know that you wouldn’t ever get tough with anyone, you wouldn’t challenge anyone. It’s easy to talk your stupid thoughts on this Forum and or Thread or other threads. But aside from a  few people, we all know you are just the scumbag who says some provocative stuff. You don’t even know what it means. I’ll gladly pay for your plane ticket to my area, meat you for a beer, and then let you know what an absolute cry 😢 baby you are. Literally, I’ll pay for your plane ticket, come and see me, talk your talk, and see how that ends up. I promise I’ll be really nice to you Sir. Pay for you to fly to the Bay Area, and then fly home. I would love to meet you and see your attitude change. But absolutely I will promise you that I will pay for you to come visit and have a good time with me, and then pay for your ride home. I think we can become friends after this. If you don’t I appreciate that and apologize. But 100% I’ll pay for you to come out to Santa Cruz, and then I’ll pay for you to fly to whatever fly over state you live in. I really mean that in the kindest way possible. After this post, I will forever forward be a nice gentlemen to you. 

Mr. I have given everyone hummers, please forgive me for my ignorance, actions, and posts. I apologize. But also please reach out to me as I would love to have you as a guest. If not, I’m sorry for embarrassing you and showing you everyone what a simple child you are. Again, I could be wrong? If I am, I’ll be the first to tell you in person that I am sorry Hummer. 

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