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I don't know who the people are, I just know that some have questioned whether he was lip synching or not. I never got the impression that the poster here thought that, they were merely asking since they had seen it mentioned elsewhere (just as I have).

Since you named Seger I figured you were just naming someone with similar a "heartland" sound such as Dylan, Springsteen or Mellencamp. As for "caliber", even Seger isn't selling as many records as Petty these days so, in the sense of sales, they're not on an even keel there.

No, Seger isn't, and he's not as popular either. But the guy can write songs, and is to me, the epitome of American Rock n' Roll.

The Dallas morning news is reporting that due to Petty's, lung movement, and his mouth behind the mic, that he was lip synching...

Mouth behind the mic? I guess there is some revolutionary new technique when micing vocals?

Bunch of idiots in Texas.

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It's not just Texas. As I've tried to state many times now, this story has been reported by several sites today. I think the people asking here are only curious about the opinion of others and are not actually accusing of him of lip-synching. At least that's the impression I get.


Tom Petty in Superbowl lip-synch controversy

Did the rocker mime during his half time show appearance?

Controversy around Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers' performance at the Superbowl half-time show yesterday (January 3) has risen, with Petty being accused of miming his performance.

Petty and his band played four songs during their set, but according to the Dallas Morning News, many signs of the show being mimed were present.

Petty’s vocals seemed too pristine for a live show, his lungs did not seem to be expanding as much as they should, and his mouth was placed behind a large fuzzy microphone.

Lip-synching is not thought to be new to Superbowl half-time shows.

Janet Jackson was accused of the same during her performance in 2004, although her now infamous "wardrobe malfunction" drew the headlines, while it was also suspected that Sir Paul McCartney mimed his 2005 set.

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Are you kidding me? The puppy dog show? Petty put on a very good show. I wonder how many people were watching the puppy dog show besides you? I could probably count them on one hand. Ive seen everything now!

Sorry to say my mother watched it.I stopped by after the game and it was on.Even if you are into dogs I think you could find it pretty boring after a few minutes.

No offense Rowina,I'm not dog/puppie bashing.just thought it was rather lame.would rather watch the Westminister show if I was going to watch a dog thing.

Edited by xmas
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I was never a BIG Petty fan ,but I liked him.The man has put out his share of good songs lots of hits over the years.All the songs were great on the halftime show.looked like the stadium crowd was really into it.After seeing that I thought to myself I would like to see his concert.I never saw him back in the day.

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hey....the puppies were verrrrrry cute....

....don't you like puppies?

my congratulations on having seen everything.

how so very lucky you are...most people cannot say that.

...oh......and kudos on being able to count on one hand....equally amazing.


How blonde of you! Do I like puppies? Love all animals. Dogs, cats, birds, etc. But you seem like one twisted sister. so you hate sports and football. So does have the female population of this country. Ever heard of a football widow? But to put down tom Petty when you didnt even watch it is absurd. I suffered through Prince that one year. I cant stand him or is it her? Cant tell,

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Okay here is the version of Free Fallin' from last night:


Now, here is the version of Free Fallin' from the music video:


You make the call. Personally, I hear differences in the vocal. I don't think he did it. He's too cool for that.

And I'm one to accept if someone lip syncs. I'm one of the biggest ZZ Top fans ever, but even I know that they've been lip syncing Legs for years.

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You are not into sports, well thats fine. But I assure you that this game was not boring. far from it. And Petty was damn good.

I was referring to the Super Bore in general, not this year's particular game. As for sports, I do like some of them but they tend to be of the extreme variety such as skateboarding, snowboarding, etc. As for Petty being "damn good", I don't recall ever commenting on his performance, especially since I didn't see it. I do know that his voice has a tendency to grate on my last fuckin' nerve though. That said, I love me some Bob Dylan.

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I was referring to the Super Bore in general, not this year's particular game. As for sports, I do like some of them but they tend to be of the extreme variety such as skateboarding, snowboarding, etc. As for Petty being "damn good", I don't recall ever commenting on his performance, especially since I didn't see it. I do know that his voice has a tendency to grate on my last fuckin' nerve though. That said, I love me some Bob Dylan.

If you get a chance and want to catch a minute or two its on youtube. I know I dont ever want to see snowmobile racing again. I was in the hospital after my surgery two weeks ago and the guy next to me, who was so morphined out he didnt know what planet he was on, had the fucking tv on full blast at 3 am-snowmobile racing! they were crashing into each other and kept me up all night.

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Thought Petty was weak

I don't agree. In fact, I thought it was a great performance...so much so, that I got floor seats this morning to his Madison Sq Garden show in June. I think Petty is an American music legend.

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There will always be haters and those who think somebody else is lame. They just don't have anything else to do.

Then there are those that offer up an honest opinion. Personally, I've just never been a big Tom Petty fan, that doesn't mean I hate him. The same goes for lots of artists. If we all liked the exact same thing boards like this would be incredibly boring.

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Then there are those that offer up an honest opinion. Personally, I've just never been a big Tom Petty fan, that doesn't mean I hate him. The same goes for lots of artists. If we all liked the exact same thing boards like this would be incredibly boring.

Nothing like a good old fashioned thread war. I was never a big Tom petty fan either. But I always liked some of his songs. I think Im a little more of a fan after yesterday. Thought he did a nice job. And especially knowing that he will be playing to a crowd that is very mixed in musical taste.

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Then there are those that offer up an honest opinion. Personally, I've just never been a big Tom Petty fan, that doesn't mean I hate him. The same goes for lots of artists. If we all liked the exact same thing boards like this would be incredibly boring.

I totally agree, i like and respect petty, its just not my thing, but the suggestion that it was lip synced is the most ludicrous thing i've ever heard.

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Sorry, but no. I just watched it on youtube again. He isn't lip-synching shit. Why the hell would you come to this board and post this shit?

Or maybe you, like an idiot thought he was lip-synching. He's Tom "fucking" Petty. He's been doing this for 30+ years.

What a charming soul you are. :blink:

If you actually read my short post before writing that vitriol you'll see that I haven't actually seen it, I'm just reporting that others, elsewhere, have stated that they thought he could be miming. I believe it was first reported by the Dallas Morning News: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...n2.4531d76.html

I, personally, am not accusing Petty of anything. I'm not a huge fan but that said I have no reason to doubt his integrity at all - he's always seemed like a decent guy to me.

Edit: I've just watched some of the footage and cannot think why the Dallas Morning News would come to that conclusion - great performance.

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I thought he was fab and looked GREAT in the superbowl ;)

Ill leave the looks part to you women. But as for the performance-best at a Super Bowl in years. Perhaps ever. Having had to suffer through Janet jackson and Prince-man! And old Willie wasnt bad either. (anyone see Willie Neslson in the pregame act?)

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