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Pet Peeves


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I'm way too competetive on ebay, I always put in more just because I don't like to be outbid.

Same here, only I'm way more competitive than that. If I want to bid for something, but don't want to run the risk of being outbid long before the auction ends, I'll wait until there is like 3 or 4 minutes left and then I bid. With that little time left, unless the person who currently leads the bid is sitting there refreshing the screen, I can be guaranteed to win because they won't have time to outbid me.

It's evil, but I don't care.

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I do that too. I was bidding on a Jefferson Airplane Loves You pin, and I kept getting outbid, so I put in $20, and it's at $18 now. I don't want it that bad and now I feel bad because I'm going on a trip and need the money.

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I'll wait until there is like 3 or 4 minutes left and then I bid. With that little time left, unless the person who currently leads the bid is sitting there refreshing the screen, I can be guaranteed to win because they won't have time to outbid me.

I take it you haven't heard of auction sniper? It places your bid at literally the last second, They have a free trial.

Edited by Uncle Bill
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I am not that at all.. Dude , if you want to stick with a 50's mentality on this then go ahead. But i give men more credit than that. I don't think men should have all of that pressure on them.

You know how some dudes are all masculine and stuff? You know--all big and strong and manly, and such? Here's a newsflash for you--CHICKS DIG THAT. You may not like "traditional" gender identifiers, but they exist for reasons...genuine, biological, "survival of the species" type reasons.

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Let's take a vote. We pit Bonnie against Spats in a boxing match. Myself, I think Bonnie would kick the shit out of him.


I'm game.

I may only be 110 lbs, but I think I can do it. Of course, if I win, spats is never allowed to complain about anything ever again for the rest of his life! HA. :D

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You know how some dudes are all masculine and stuff? You know--all big and strong and manly, and such? Here's a newsflash for you--CHICKS DIG THAT. You may not like "traditional" gender identifiers, but they exist for reasons...genuine, biological, "survival of the species" type reasons.

Maybe he's the "Missing Link" :lol:


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You won't find a girl that doesn't like those things and that's why your in the single position right now bud

I don't.

Why should a freaking man stand between a robber with a gun and a woman? Why should he risk his life and she not risk hers???? Dude this stuff is not right at all.

Are you f**king kidding me? I, a 5 feet tall girl, should protect my man? How the hell could I do that? That's like having a yorkie for a watch-dog.

Jesus spats, you're really quite deranged.

And don't even get me started on how women should not have to pay for dinner on a date. Dude. :rolleyes:

A simple rule: you asked me out, you pay. Since men are often those who take the initiative, they are also those who pay.

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Being asked to cut a family members grass this morning.I go over there first there is no gas in the mower or in the gas can .So I go to the station pay $4.09 a gallon get thier 5 gallon can filled fill up the mower and find the battery is dead.Well I have still not started to cut the grass now I have to do it this afternoon have to bring a battery charger with Me.If that does not work I will either use the push mower which proably wont kill Me or they have to buy a battery.Could be worse I could have had a Led Zeppelin bumper sticker on thier riding mower and been searched by the cops .Should have stayed in bed but I couldnt get Spats girlfriend to sleep in.

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Men who do nothing but complain about women. Men who do nothing but whine about all the things women do that they don't like, men who do nothing but denigrate women, men who do nothing but bitch about how the things that make women different from men are the things they hate the most. Men who don't get that there are gender differences and that boys and girls will never be equal, because it's biologically impossible. Men who find it okay to make insensitive comments about women they see in the street or in other public forums, because they don't like how they look. Men who insist on things being their way and their way only, never yielding or making room for compromise. Men who think it's cute to treat women like shit in front of their friends, because their friends' opinions are more important than anything else. Men who can't think for themselves and rather take their cues from everyone else. Men who find no joy in anything other than bitching and whining about everything.

Sounds like someone is disgruntled! :boohoo:

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It's just that spats doesn't ever make the first move, the women has to do that. So she has top pay.

MY idea is whoever asks is whoever pays, unless it is otherwise stated.

I know he doesn't, he's been telling us for at least 2 and 1/2 years.

I completely agree with this idea. I think it's fair. There were many occasions when I wanted to pay but they just didn't let me. :rolleyes:

Men. *sigh*

Edited by Katuschka
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No spats, this is still not about worth. She is not "more important", rather the man is expected to simply do so since he is (almost every time) the stronger of the two. He can defend them whereas the woman probably will not be able to do so.

Thats simply wrong spats, I don't think women are better than men :rolleyes:

I simply accept that we are different. Men are stronger of the two and in most cases dominant. We take care of the women, they take care of the kids. You refuse to accept this. You think men are better than women.

How is a guy supposed to defend a woman from a robber with a gun?? :o he can't stop bullets. The guy should not have to give up his life for a woman. It's not right. Her life is not more important than his and whether you believe it or not that is what you are saying.

I am not taking care of any woman. It's not right that the man is expected to do that and yet there is no one to protect him from anything.

And i am never having kids so any woman i am with won't be having to protect any.

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Fear that your buddies would drop you if they knew that you would rather be hanging with them than hanging with a woman most likely....maybe a few of them are open minded enough to understand though. ;)

They know that already and they understand why. because i have more in common with them, i don't have to put up with games with them, i can be myself with them more than i can with women, they are more easygoing and they don't try to change me and they accpet me for how i am even if they don't always agree with it. They are not the same way because they would hook up with any woman that moves. I am a lot more selective than they are.

A couple days ago i got chatted up by a girl at harbourfront. That was cool. Nice girl. But nobody special, no one to right home about and then i went back to hanging out with my buddies.

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You know how some dudes are all masculine and stuff? You know--all big and strong and manly, and such? Here's a newsflash for you--CHICKS DIG THAT. You may not like "traditional" gender identifiers, but they exist for reasons...genuine, biological, "survival of the species" type reasons.

Then why am i called shallow for wanting a hottie for a girlfriend. With a pretty face and a hot body? How is that different than a woman wanting a big strong manly man?

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