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What are you washing in the laundry?

Del Zeppnile

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Why in the world was this thread reaurrected?! It is really messed up. There were certainly some.... interesting members on this forum. Every time I read posts by "Scratch" in these old threads, he says something extremely odd. He seems like a weird guy. :blink:

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People with multiple personalitiy disorders (Dissociative identity disorder / DID) are almost never schizophrenic... even if some of "them" blame the "others" of being nuts. :huh:

I wasn't referring to them as one, but thank you for the pysch101 review nonetheless. What I am saying is...how long until you, and your current slew of different names you are back under, are banned again Del? I was hoping you had received some help since your and Nick's personal attack on Knebby and her family, but obviously you haven't based on your typically predictable narcacistic responses.

Back on topic: what's in the wash currently...beach attire, getting ready to hit the waves this weekend as temps begin to hit 90!

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