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How many Albums/CD's/Vinyl etc. do you own?

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Both my vinyl and CD collections are most likely well in excess of 1,000 copies each but then again, I've never tallied them up. It isn't part of the question but I also have a good stash of cassettes, most of them being of the homemade mixtape variety.

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i have thousands of recordings. that includes cds tapes and mp3s. some are radio broadcasts and talk shows.i threw all my vinyl away recently and a lot of cassette tapes too when i was facing homelessness. i downloaded the tapes and lps as mp3s to save space. most of my good lps got plundered by friends when i got locked up for a year for vandalism.

my other friend borrowed all my 8 tracks to impress a girl he wanted to fuck and never returned them a couple years back.

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I used to have almost 200 CD's, but then my crackhead brother-in-law and his girlfriend stole about 20 of them and sold them for drugs.

They were the good ones too, like Jagged Little Pill, Live Through This, White Album, and The Wall.

My father owns 500+ vinyl.

I'm more of a DVD collector now.

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  • 2 years later...


Well, starting with my own collection, I currently own :

1. 100 CDs

2. 28 horrid cassettes (all the shit I collected during my pre-teens and teens. Mostly pop, diva shit and boy bands :bagoverhead:)

Now for my dad's collection. He owns :

1. 98 CDs

2. 200 cassettes (this collection includes a 36 year old cassette! It is "Let It Bleed" by The Rolling Stones. My dad bought it during his first voyage as a Marine Engineer at the port of Manchester (NW England). Believe it or not, that tape STILL works even today! :lol:)

So, that brings us to a grand total of 198 CDs and 200 cassettes (I'm not counting those 28 horrid ones).

As far as the vinyl / LP department is concerned, my collection is worse than pathetic! :lol: Somehow, I've never been into collecting LPs! My dad used to have a few but I am not quite sure what he did with those! :huh:

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Too many of each to count. Especially the CDs.....back before I got an iPod many moons ago, I made custom-mix CDs and I probably bought close to a 1,000 blank CDs over the course of 5-6 years. That's of course not counting the CDs I actually physically bought in stores. I don't know where half of them are anyway. :unsure:

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I don't know and I'm not counting them :lol: If I had to guess, my husband and I have probably 200 CDs; 100 vinyl albums (but they are not playable; we just can't bear to part with them); and a couple hundred cassette tapes (those are in boxes in the garage; haven't been played in years and we should really toss them). Together we've downloaded at least 100 songs.

Then if you add in the kids; triple the number of CDs and multiply by 10 the number of downloads. I just listen to the same stuff over and over; or I listen online via Pandora. I haven't bought much new stuff in recent years.

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I probably won't, but I've been toying with the idea of selling my LP's. I do listen to them occasionally. For the amount of room they take up, it's almost not worth it.

Many years ago I started cutting out music related newspaper articles, obits, concert and record reviews and inserting them into an appropriate LP for safekeeping. How many out there can say they have the newspaper obit of Ronnie Lane? I need to get a life, maybe I'll join the Steve Hoffman music forum.

Edited by JethroTull
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About 60 CDs and 10 DVDs bought by me (some of them are not so great but I usually buy what's cheaper). My dad has many vinyls but I've just went through them once and that was it. After all, I've got 60 GB of mp3's for no money at all + youtube... :D

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