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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Have you read anything about those dibold voting machines? they seem to be a mystery in the mainstream media...the only things i have read about them were from online articles and thats a few years ago now.

Well there you go! There's your answer.

Never believe anything you read on the internet.Ever!

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Well there you go! There's your answer.

Never believe anything you read on the internet.Ever!

I didnt read they were hardwired right into -washinton, just that there is no record and that there are mysteries about them. I have heard brief mentions about them on cable news and apparently they do block tens of thousands of folks who are now not allowed to vote. These machines were brought about by the republican party during the -bush presidency.

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Simply put, Barack Obama believes Americans should pay more taxes to pay for more liberal programs. Obama believes we should take more money from hard working Americans like you to pay for programs supported by the liberal left wing of his party.


How would you like me to post an offensive picture after everything you said?

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The Nazi salute? WTF is the matter with you. Apparently the words "camera" and "phone" don't exist in your world.

Anyone who Godwin's a thread needs help.

No, I do not own a phone, I own a computer called the IPhone, heard of it. I also never took a single pic with it. Well one, and its on Ratemyshit.com

Edited by Pb Derigable
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This is a picture of Obama's rally in St. Louis earlier today. 100,000 people showed up, but that's not the impressive thing. See that domed building way in the back? That's the Old Courthouse. 150 years ago, Dred Scott was denied his freedom in that building.

Ah, big deal. There's almost a 7% unemployment rate in St. Louis County. With a population around 1.1 million there are a lot of people that had nothing better to do.

Actually, what's more amazing than anything is in the second most dangerous city in America that 100,000 people actually could put aside their fear and meet in the park.

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That was in Kansas City, right? I heard 75,000 showed up there. I was fortunate to hear him speak when he came to North Carolina a few weeks ago and if he comes back, I'm going to see if my friend can come down from Richmond for that.

No, that's Philly with Independence Hall in the background.

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Simply put, Barack Obama believes Americans should pay more taxes to pay for more liberal programs. Obama believes we should take more money from hard working Americans like you to pay for programs supported by the liberal left wing of his party.


Simply put, the last eight years of non-leadership brought our state of tragedy to fruition.

How do YOU propose the billions of dollars the government has now borrowed to "bail us out" of an Economy that is trashed, go about paying this debt? You probably think they can just print more money. Obama's plan has been explained, and to my liking. IF i made over $250,000 a year, i would not pitch a fit if my taxes were to go up a bit. Since most Americans do not make this much money, most Americans will feel tax relief under Obama's plan. Since it's not likely you are out of junior high, let alone working for a good wage, i don't see how taxes are even a concern of yours. Correct me if i'm wrong...

YOU need to get some education. These links will help you (if you really CARE about what you spew around here). I watched this program last Sunday (CNN) and every American should have. These are interviews with Economic experts. They all seem to agree that McCain is a bad choice on the Economy (which is our biggest problem currently). Of course most of us know, McCain is a bad choice.





A small part of this interview that i felt should be printed. Take note of what qualities a "good" leader should possess (hint, being a tantrum throwing brat isn't one of them).



Economic Crisis Becoming Psychological Problem; Explaining the Crisis; George Soros Interview

Aired October 12, 2008 - 13:00 ET



A few thoughts before we get started.

If you've ever wondered what a full-blown panic looks like, these past few weeks have been it. We're not talking about economics anymore, but about deep psychology.

In the midst of this gloom, I remembered something Jeffrey Sachs, the noted economist, said to me a few months ago. He's on the program again today.

Sachs has been arguing that this crisis has to force us to get our fiscal house back in order.


JEFFREY SACHS, ECONOMIST: It's time to grow up again and understand that we're going to have to pay taxes - rich people first - and that from there, we're going to have to use those revenues for the things that count: health, education, infrastructure, energy.

This is not an invitation to ignore our future. It's an invitation to start thinking seriously about it again.


ZAKARIA: It's not just the federal government. Every household, every city, every county, every state in America has wanted things it was unwilling to pay for. And it made up the difference by borrowing in an era of cheap credit.

We wanted larger houses than we could afford, more TVs, more laptops - more of everything. And we did it all by racking up debt.

But the free lunch is over.

It's not just for America. Look around the world. Britain, Spain, Ireland, other over-leveraged societies have all faced the same problem. We've run our companies, countries, households on principles that just didn't make sense.

And we'll have to change, and it will mean deep and wrenching pain, probably a tough recession. But in the end, it will make for a more robust American economy and a stronger global system. The house of cards is collapsing. But there is an opportunity here to build a house of bricks instead.



ZAKARIA: Forty-six years ago this week, the world came as close as it ever has to nuclear war. On October 16, 1962, President John Kennedy convened an executive committee to advise him on what was later called the Cuban Missile Crisis.

On Sunday, October 28th, the crisis officially ended when President Khrushchev publicly agreed to withdraw Soviet missiles from Cuba. This fortnight of high drama was the climax of the Cold War, and tested American decision-making and leadership.

So, as we approach a presidential election, it is worth thinking about the kind of leadership we need to get through the challenges of the future.

That means recognizing how different today's world is from 1962. The Cold War is over. The Soviet Union is dead. America's military is larger than the next 22 countries put together.

The threat we face right now is in the world of geoeconomics, not geopolitics - how to get through this financial meltdown, how to handle the multiple economic challenges before us, how to steer America in a world where other countries are gaining power and resources and confidence.

Senator Kennedy was a young man, untested in any high office, and the first president who was not a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Yet he was the right man for the times.

Why? He had a calm temperament, he assembled a group of wise men to advise him - some of them Republicans - and he thought creatively about the problem. He found a way to preserve American interests in the Cuban Missile Crisis without provoking a Soviet military response.

Today's challenges are very different, but the kinds of qualities a good leader should have remain the same: intelligence, patience, creativity and calm.

That's it for this week.

Before I go, I want to thank you for all your e-mails. Last week I asked you who you thought was the least qualified vice president the United States has ever had. The results are in.

Spiro Agnew got a lot of votes. So did Dan Quayle. And Aaron Burr was a frontrunner, because, as one viewer pointed out, "He shot somebody."

But it was another vice president, who also shot somebody, who won our highly unscientific poll. Dick Cheney got the most votes.

Edit: to add additional piece of transcript

Edited by ~tangerine~
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Did anyone catch Sarah Palin on SNL earlier? Yeesh. I clearly wasn't expecting much, just the usual they do when they have a politician walk-on the show, but still. She's horrible, even at pretending to watch people make fun of her. It's almost like the joke continued to go over her head and what's worse....it went over her head right to her face.

Politicians do not belong on SNL, regardless of party. They just flat-out suck at it.

Edited by Electrophile
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Did anyone catch Sarah Palin on SNL earlier? Yeesh. I clearly wasn't expecting much, just the usual they do when they have a politician walk-on the show, but still. She's horrible, even at pretending to watch people make fun of her. It's almost like the joke continued to go over her head and what's worse....it went over her head right to her face.

Politicians do not belong on SNL, regardless of party. They just flat-out suck at it.

I disagree about all politicians being on SNL. I laughed quite a bit every time i have seen Joe Biden on Leno (been a few times). I think he would be great on SNL! I did see Palin and she was blah. She doesn't even have good taste in men (as evidenced by her husband, lol). William Baldwin, not Stephen, is the "hottie" out of the Baldwin brothers. She thought she was making a joke i guess. I could feel the repulsion Alex felt towards her, lol. He was a gentleman about it. My cousin's wife is friends with Alex and she is a devout Democrat like Alex.

Seeing Palin and Tina Fey together (i had to pause it since Tina ran past her so quickly, lol) Tina is definitely much prettier! I saw Tina on Letterman Friday night. She is clearly NOT a fan of Palin's, :) not that we didn't already know this.

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I disagree about all politicians being on SNL. I laughed quite a bit every time i have seen Joe Biden on Leno (been a few times). I think he would be great on SNL! I did see Palin and she was blah. She doesn't even have good taste in men (as evidenced by her husband, lol). William Baldwin, not Stephen, is the "hottie" out of the Baldwin brothers. She thought she was making a joke i guess. I could feel the repulsion Alex felt towards her, lol. He was a gentleman about it. My cousin's wife is friends with Alex and she is a devout Democrat like Alex.

Seeing Palin and Tina Fey together (i had to pause it since Tina ran past her so quickly, lol) Tina is definitely much prettier! I saw Tina on Letterman Friday night. She is clearly NOT a fan of Palin's, :) not that we didn't already know this.

"Alec" your ticket is still waiting at will call~ LAX :rolleyes:

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