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Led Zep "DVD"


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Why would you have to ask "Why?" DVD is film footage. LA Forum? Dallas? MSG? Cleveland? The answer has nothing to do with tragedy. Film footage from the 1977 U.S tour is limited.

SteveAJones would know for certain, but I believe there is plenty of filmed documentation of most of the 1977 shows. Hell, if youtube has some , surely some pro-shot film has to exist.

Hey Steve, weren't Zep trying to put a 1977 Tour documentary together before Robert's tragedy?

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In other words, guy's a bullshit artist and any effort invested in this thread is wasted.

...hhmmm, sounds like the ol' fox and the grapes; comin' from an Intellect like you Steve, I'm shocked. Wasn't it you who gave us the fine "Black Dog in the Mirror" example of Zep's metaphysical hi-jinx?

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SteveAJones would know for certain, but I believe there is plenty of filmed documentation of most of the 1977 shows. Hell, if youtube has some , surely some pro-shot film has to exist.

Hey Steve, weren't Zep trying to put a 1977 Tour documentary together before Robert's tragedy?

Isn't the Seattle show pro-shot?

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...hhmmm, sounds like the ol' fox and the grapes; comin' from an Intellect like you Steve, I'm shocked. Wasn't it you who gave us the fine "Black Dog in the Mirror" example of Zep's metaphysical hi-jinx?

You posted a challenge to the forum, then that someone solved it, then chose not to share the solution. My alleged intellect is down to it's last nerve with this thread.

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Isn't the Seattle show pro-shot?

Yes, it was. Many of the '77 shows were. However due to uneven playing and various mishaps they were never documented and released as whole shows.

My point is that there were certainly "pieces" of that vaious footage that could have been released in the DVD package. Seattle for sure. But they chose not to include it - maybe a future release as a 1977 Zeppelin Documentary for PBS or something.

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Isn't the Seattle show pro-shot?

Seattle, Houston, Pontiac. Quite a few '77 shows were filmed professionally for the

big screens within the venue. But there was never any plan to release them as a

documentary or otherwise. So far as I know, they're all over at Jimmy's, unless one

or two cannisters are in the estate of Peter Grant.

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I'm extremely intrigued by this... I have ITTOD version E as a vinyl as well so maybe that can help me. However, if you have the answer, I would appreciate you sending it to me rather than making me do the work. I invested quite a bit of time deciphering Jimmy's symbol. The whole gold, mercury, and saturn thing. I actually don't think this is bull shit at all.

It's good to meet you Nirvana.

Does this picture help me at all... it shows the East and West Mittens with some other formation in the middle.


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You posted a challenge to the forum, then that someone solved it, then chose not to share the solution. My alleged intellect is down to it's last nerve with this thread.

I can't believe that Steve, you're too good, too stout o' heart to let this little thread break ya!

C'mon man! Hang wit it!

Push - Push!!

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Either say what the answer is or ask for the thread to be deleted or something. This is silly. This smacks of when you're a kid and you walk up to another kid and go "I know something you don't know" and then stick your tongue out and walk away.

This better be earth-shatteringly important or cool, because otherwise this was a colossal waste of bandwith.

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I can't believe that Steve, you're too good, too stout o' heart to let this little thread break ya!

C'mon man! Hang wit it!

Push - Push!!

The ass-whipping Apollo Creed gave Rocky at The Spectrum in '76 is nothing compared

to what these people will do if the "solution" is withheld indefinately from this thread.

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The ass-whipping Apollo Creed gave Rocky at The Spectrum in '76 is nothing compared

to what these people will do if the "solution" is withheld indefinately from this thread.

Steve, as a serious Zep fan, what good would it do to give the answer just like that?

If that were the case, Jimmy would have spilled the beans on the meaning of ZOSO, the Old man, the Object, etc. a long time ago!

The whole frickin' point here is to make people think, work, discover, journey...I cannot believe people who are Zep fans cannot understand that whole theory!

Why do you listen to Zep in the first place?

Robert once said that Houses of the Holy was filled with "secrets" - but did he ever blab the whole thing to whomever...NO!!

I personally don't give a crap what people want. This age of info doesn't apply here. People want instant answers to everything - and easy ones too!

Sorry people - not here - not by me. I've given you every clue, some have come real close and with a little more effort they will get it.

If you or anyone else doesn't like that - go the F somewhere else, some other thread.

Work people - remember that?

Believe it or not the person who did solve it MAY be the youngest person on the board. They did the work, investigated, asked all the questions, delved into it - and in the end it paid off. They have the answer to the DVD.

I'm not giving in on this - if I could delete this thread I would. ANyone who has serious inquiries please pm me and we'll give it a go.

As for the rest - don't call yourselves Zeppelin fans if you can't go the extra mile - they did and they did it for all of us. And it wasn't EASY!

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Why do you listen to Zep in the first place?

Because the music is good. Why the hell else listen to ANY band? There is no answer to a DVD, there is no nothing. Just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo people who were bored one night decided to read too far into. It's a DVD. With a picture. And some words. Means nothing. If you convince yourself enough that it has meaning, it suddenly will. Doesn't mean it was there to begin with. It's psychosomatic. Just like the people who insist if you play STH backwards, you hear Satanic messages. I very sincerely doubt whoever was responsible for the DVD packaging intentionally put some coded message into it for all the magical mystical people to cream their pants over.

No one is more of a fan or less of fan or not a "real", "true" or "complete" fan. We're all fans, that's why we're here. I call myself a Zeppelin fan because I love the band and I love their music. That's all it should take to call oneself a Zeppelin fan.

Edited by Electrophile
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I'm extremely intrigued by this... I have ITTOD version E as a vinyl as well so maybe that can help me. However, if you have the answer, I would appreciate you sending it to me rather than making me do the work. I invested quite a bit of time deciphering Jimmy's symbol. The whole gold, mercury, and saturn thing. I actually don't think this is bull shit at all.

It's good to meet you Nirvana.

Does this picture help me at all... it shows the East and West Mittens with some other formation in the middle.


Thanks for the positive feedback tang...yes, the pic does help. It has to do with the Mittens and the numerological title of the Led Zeppelin DVD.

Please read the other posts here for responses or research the Monument Valley sites for the background. Numerology is a must . Good job and don't give up.

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Because the music is good. Why the hell else listen to ANY band? Quit trying to pigeon-hole and define fans based on whether or not they buy into this mystical, magical crap. No one is more of a fan or less of fan or not a "real", "true" or "complete" fan. We're all fans, that's why we're here.

For God's sake.

Isn't it time you moved on from this thread Lady of the Pagettes? You've been a downer on MY thread since you've slid into it.

Give others a chance to be "mystical and magical" if they want. Freedom in my country is what we die for. If I consider Zep material to be more than music that's MY choice and if you don't like it - move your ass along to another thread.

I tried to be nice to you, and I've read your criticisms on other threads too, you are annoying, spoiled, and probably very selfish. Leave us alone and start your own thread.

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you are annoying, spoiled, and probably very selfish.

HAHAHAHA!!! You couldn't be more wrong if wrong came up and bit you on the backside. You don't know me from a hole in the wall, so save your erroneous assertions about my personality for someone else.

HAHA....this was funny. I need to show my sister this one.

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HAHAHAHA!!! You couldn't be more wrong if wrong came up and bit you on the backside. You don't know me from a hole in the wall, so save your erroneous assertions about my personality for someone else.

HAHA....this was funny. I need to show my sister this one.

Arguing makes for better love-making...no?

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Still befuddled by this puzzle. So much so that I put the DVD under my pillow last night to give it some, uh, extra thought. Nothing.

All I can think of now is, "Like Shangri-La beneath the summer moon, I will return again." Kashmir's in the tuning of DADGAD and is 8:28 in length. It's in either 3/4 or 4/4 time, depending on what instrument you're playing. Still don't know how to get DADGAD to DVD.

And nothing from '77 on the DVD (that I'm aware of).

Do the wave patterns of sand in front of the mittens mean anything? Hidden image perhaps?

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I'm going to take a random stab at this and guess it has something to do with the coming nuclear robot wars against the Martians in 2012.

Jesus was a Martian. The Motherhip is an ark which will come down and escort 144,000 people back to Mars. These 144,000 people represent the 12 tribes of Israel (see Stairway To Heaven backwards masking thread). Then, the nuclear-tipped Martian mega-robots (4 stories high) will descend upon Earth and annihilate it. The Zep are the four horsemen of the Apocalypse (previously thought to be The Beatles), trampling over the Earth and playing their back catalogue through the most awesome nuclear-powered super-amplifiers ever created.

Manson was clued into all of this but then the The Beatles (who are Martian, btw) tricked him and threw him off the scent with all the fake clues in their music, kinda like they did when Orson Welles figured it out in 1936 and then they (the Martians) tricked him into saying it was all a hoax. Not so conicidentally, that was the same year as the Hindenburg disaster, which was supposed to be a trial run but it went haywire (hence the Led Zeppelin name and the album cover).

Now, all of this is just a pet theory and should only be taken at face value.

But you must become a member of The Church Of Scientology by 2012 to be escorted back to the home planet or else you will be zapped like tiny ants under a magnifying glass and your puny planet vaporized into cosmic dust.


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Isn't the bootleg-clip of tsrts under the promo-menu from '77? (21st of June La Forum)

I read some navajo-legends... west has to do with action/doing...east for thinking, south for planning and north for evaluating. 4 is considered some kind of magical number in the creationlegend. And we are today int the 5th world.

I'm not getting the numerology part...

DVD = 545 5 is for action & restlessness, 4 is for creation...

5+4+5 = 14

1+4=5 action

V could also be 22 which also leads to 5 (5 + 22 + 5 =32 >>3+2 = 5)

can't seem to find anything more written about the mittens...

has the king on the throne anything to do with it? Is astrology important?

There are actually four mountains on the cover: West mitten, king on throne, and two more on back of the case that just look like one...

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Going to take another stab at this...

The mittens mean The gods will return = Zep returns in 2007

Led Zeppelin = 11 letters

DVD in Numerology are three 4's which = 12

so put it together

11 - 12 - 2007 = Zep's Mothership has landed

Am I right? Am I .. Am I????? Did I solve the mystery of the quotient

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Going to take another stab at this...

The mittens mean The gods will return = Zep returns in 2007

Led Zeppelin = 11 letters

DVD in Numerology are three 4's which = 12

so put it together

11 - 12 - 2007 = Zep's Mothership has landed

Am I right? Am I .. Am I????? Did I solve the mystery of the quotient

What more can I say....fantastic job!

Call off the Dogs...

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